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nn-6.6.0 kan nu fås
Fra : Peter Alfredsen

Dato : 19-09-01 23:26

For de inkarnerede brugere af NN, er der lige blevet udgivet en ny
version. Den er ikke længere i Beta. Se nedenstående.

|Newsgroups: news.software.nn
|Subject: nn-6.6.0 now available
|From: Michael T Pins <mtpins@nndev.org>
|Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 18:00:02 GMT
|Message-ID: <C25q7.24559$x84.6956339@ruti.visi.com>
|Yes, at long last, nn-6.6.0 has finally been released.
|It it now the current version of nn, and is what everyone should be running.
|As ever, the latest version can be found at ftp://ftp.nndev.org
|Major new features:
|NNTP AUTH works. nn can now talk to NNTP servers that require a
|username and password.
|Multiple nntp-server/nn-directory/newsrc files are now supported via
|command-line switches. It looks something like this:
| % nn nntp-server=news.bignews.net nn-directory=.nn.bn newsrc=.newsrc.bn
|You should probably alias or script this.
|nn now posts directly and no longer requires inews. In fact, if NNTP is
|defined, the aux script isn't called at all. Everything has been
|internalized. As a useful side-effect, nn finally deals with long
|References lines correctly.
|There is a new command- "E" that saves only the headers.
|For people who've been using the betas, you'll note that "T" is now "E".
|This was changed to make it consistent with S, O, and W, where the
|upper-case works at the menu, and both upper- and lower-case work inside
|the message.
|* Michael T Pins | mtpins@nndev.org *
|* keeper of the nn sources | mtpins@visi.com *
|* ftp://ftp.nndev.org/pub | #include <std.disclaimer> *
Peter Alfredsen (peteralf@fabel.dk)
Stop typing, stop reading, stop thinking, and just listen to the silence.
There are thousands of voices missing today.
11-9/2001 - a day that will live in infamy.

Martin Moller Peders~ (20-09-2001)
Fra : Martin Moller Peders~

Dato : 20-09-01 15:33

In <37c963f89ff02dccd2338043734b0b57@peter.alfredsen.dq> Peter Alfredsen <20010920002550.dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news@peteralf.clara.co.uk> writes:

>For de inkarnerede brugere af NN, er der lige blevet udgivet en ny
>version. Den er ikke længere i Beta. Se nedenstående.

Hurra !


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