Hej alle
Jeg deltager i en engelsksproget gruppe om engelsk. Der bliver
diskuteret mange ting, og der ses med overbærenhed på
diskussioner der løber ud ad en tangent.
I en tråd om håndbremser var der en der spurgte om en
lovbestemmelse, og der blev bragt følgende citat fra en
californisk lov:
22502. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a
vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there are
adjacent curbs shall be stopped or parked with the right-hand
wheels of the vehicle parallel with and within 18 inches of
the right-hand curb, except that a motorcycle shall be parked
with at least one wheel or fender touching the right-hand
curb. Where no curbs or barriers bound a two-way roadway,
right-hand parallel parking is required unless otherwise
22509. Local authorities within the reasonable exercise of their
police powers may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or
resolution providing that no person driving, or in control of,
or in charge of, a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand on
any highway unattended when upon any grade exceeding 3 percent
within any business or residence district without blocking the
wheels of the vehicle by turning them against the curb or by
other means.
Jeg var overrasket over hvor detaljeret bestemmelsen var.
http://bertel.lundhansen.dk/ http://fiduso.dk/