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(part 12) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 25-01-11 16:31

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Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American"
(Part Twelve) ('Being able to defend yourself, "is a threat" to
Criminal Minds')

6 January 2007
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi12-V1.3.1-C}

(part issue 12 *
on 28 Sept 2007)

(Version 1.3.1
on 2 Oct 2007)

(considerable editing
for clarity,
on 25 Jan 2011)

(Full Series
Contents List
added 25 Jan 2011)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)

(View Summary
by skipping some
of the indentation)


(Part 12. of the 'Introduction to Journalism Course' {IJC})


People are people - and one can be 'FOR people'
or one can be 'AGAINST people,' meaning:

'FOR LIFE' or 'AGAINST LIFE.' *(0)(25)


WITHOUT Putin and without Hu Jintao,

without the individuals Putin and Hu Jintao running
Russian and Chinese affairs,

WE WOULD have been able to use the United Nations
Organization as it is intended, and



My condolences go out now (20071001) to the Russian

hypnotized (and with their stupefying custom, of
forcing each other to drink vodka "as a sign of
bondage, friendship or hospitality," also thereby)

not to face Evil and Ugliness, which their own past
as a Russian nation is sordidly soaked with, but

the Russian people are worshiping the qualities (of Evil,
of Ugliness and of Treachery) in Putin, in Vladimir Putin

- or Vladolf Putin, as I will call this proven
serial killer and Stalinist, a rude enemy
of the Russian people -

ESPECIALLY to be so addressed and
recognized, when he is yet again a
Russian head of state

- who, to my personal knowledge, is a Satanist
as well -

he should be called and seen and treated
as he actually is, of course:

THAT is being respectful,

(respect) being correctly defined
as 'actually seeing, how someone
is, and acting accordingly,'

and thus,

my condolences go out to the rest of Earth as well, for
the fact, that the Russians - hypnotized and spiritually
blinded as they are by him - have today (20071001) voted
enthusiastically to keep Putin on, as 'Second' Head of
State of the Federation of Russian States, from next year

an event which made and makes me feel sick to the
stomach indeed - and not only me, of course.



As another present note, *(a) you BETTER be able to shoot
down Russia's intercontinental rockets destined for
bombing your non-Russian cities,

and only a very severely Criminal Mind (Putin's),
or any very hypnotized Mind, would object to that
ability to defend yourself and your cities,

and only a severely hypnotized Mind would see that
as "a threat to Russia:"


Putin himself knows very well, that such
can not possibly be a threat to Russia,

order that he then can extort things
from you.


You note, that he also has refused
to explain "WHAT is threatening,"

and THE journalists,

the hypnotized puppies of
the German magazine 'Der
Spiegel,' even,

ALSO refuse(d) to say what it is

that Putin claims "to object to."


'Poland being able to DEFEND itself
against bombs thrown at it and at
its allies, by Russia,'

is "threatening" Russia?



To the mind of a Criminal,
anyone who can defend
himself against the attacks
of the Criminal Mind, IS a

Only a severe Criminal would say
so, and that is indeed what Putin


How insane can you be MADE by Putin? Extremely
Insane, obviously:

"It is a 'threat to Russia's population'"

"to be able to defend your people against
a Russian Criminal, Vladimir Putin, be-
ing capable of destroying your cities
with Russian bombs??"

If he, Putin, ('Vlad' Putin for Vladimir, or 'Vladolf'
Putin, if you like to tease him - if he, Putin) is not
going to use these bombs against you, which he claims not
to, how can he then OBJECT to your defending yourself
against these?


Do you see, now, how totally Insane he, Putin, has
made you, regarding him:

that you have been MADE Insane - with THE
journalists strongly assisting it?

You would have to be a journalist - of the AFP, *(a)
or even more Insane - to see and report (in the
current example) 'your ability to shoot down rockets
coming at you'

as a "threat to Russia;" or generally to represent
it as a "threat" to anyone,

if 'you are able to defend yourself against, and
shoot down Russian or any intercontinental rockets
when these are launched to bomb your cities...'





When Criminal Minds are brewing evil - meaning: destruction of
free people and of free governments and of free countries - then
OF COURSE you have to

handle it BEFORE the destruction happens. *(b)

Any five-year-old knows this.

When aggression and the spreading of evil (as
currently and CONSTANTLY preached by Iran's,
very intensely evil "Islamic" "government")
- when aggression

is in the making by such an evil "government,"
when that is foreseen,

and by now, you might have become
convinced by their OWN words (also now,
20070925) to the global public, that,

they - the violently evil "government" of
Iran (Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, that is) -
will not stop destroying the Middle East,

they ARE very busy destroying the Middle East,


That IS the nature of Criminal Minds,

but THE journalists know nothing about
history, that's why they are hired, to
"inform" you "impartially,"

to "report without being burdened" by
any education,

("not biased," they prefer to call

by any previous knowledge, nor by any
applicable understanding of Life itself
(of politics and its history, that is)

- they, THE journalists,
professionally define
'politics' as:

"Who will be the one who
dominates the others" -

THEY know NOT or they vehemently
deny and refuse to state, the very
well-known and simple truth, that

(the known dictators, and) any who
are Criminal Souls, DO work to
destroy EVERYONE,

and that these, Criminal
Minds, do work ALSO to
destroy their own friends
and their own family and
their OWN country

- YOU know that, but THE
journalist, professionally
does NOT know this -

in other words:

THE journalists ARE very intensely

so I do repeat, to counter
them, that

the violently evil "government" of Iran
(Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, plus Syria's Bashar)
will NOT stop destroying the Middle East,

including their OWN country, and
including their OWN people,

REGARDLESS of their OWN country, and
regardless of their OWN people.

So, you of course have actively to PREVENT it

- always best with a timely pre-emptive
strike, and by the imposition of other
penalties against the SOURCE OF THE

as any POLICE officer or any child
of five years old, knows with full


Of course you detect and prevent a disaster, a terrorist
attack, for instance, BEFORE it occurs,

you detect and incapacitate the Criminal Minds, and take
their weapons away, BEFORE they strike at people;

OF COURSE it works exactly the same in international
relations as well,

and that is indeed something, that the Criminal
Souls and their mental slaves will scream and shout
against, *(6)(7)

such as the well-known Criminal Dictators, who
would have been deposed by means of the First
International Law *(8)

BECAUSE they destroy people and
countries; and they 'scream' at you,
they throw their vicious lies at you,

the lies of Putin and of Hu
Jintao, the vicious screaming by
Ahmadinejad and Chavez and Castro,

"dutifully" and very "accurately"
relayed to you without comment or

handed to you by THE

(destructively stupid, in
fact war-mongering)

journalists, who are - "very accu-
rately" - relaying the vicious
'screaming' by Iran's or by
Venezuela's or by Sudan's Criminal
Heads of State,

when such Criminal Minds are being PREVENTED
by you from creating the disasters they intend
and organize and cause to be inflicted on you
and on Mankind;

and Criminal Minds can always count on
the 'Peace Activist' to support their
evil and hidden Crimes,

"do not oppose Crime, do not remove
Criminal Minds, is the hidden motto and
action of 'THE Peace Activist';"


nevertheless, there ARE people, who do prefer
NOT to be raped and murdered, and who DO like
also to protect others from that;

which is not too difficult a task,'



because the sores of evil are spreading (emanating)
from Criminal Souls ONLY,

such as currently Russia's Putin and China's
Hu Jintao, being now the most dangerous sores
continuously working to spread and consolidate
(to feed and maintain) evil wherever they can
establish it, or find it present or in the

THEY - Putin and Hu Jintao, with earlier
Germany's Schroeder and France's Chirac -

and are using the United Nations
Organization for that, too, for

holding in place the lesser sores of
evil, like Iran's and Syria's and
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)'s and Sudan's and
Myanmar (Burma)'s and Laos's and
Vietnam's and North Korea's and Cuba's
and Venezuela's and Bolivia's evil,



and THE journalists, who are
trying to 'sell' that to you,
as "being normal" (!)

in total opposition to any original idea
and purpose of the United Nations

but nowadays its 'Secretaries
General' do 'consider it their

- really, that's not a joke,
though it is hilarious enough,
for its very own "leader," the
Secretary General of the UN -

to DESTROY the United Nations
Organization's MAIN function and
idea, which is:

to get all nations to help all people in any nation

in opposing evil and in removing evil and in protecting people

THAT is the purpose of the
United Nations Organization,

and you know it 'damned

and so does everyone else.



You detect and oppose and remove Criminal Minds, as
I explained very, very clearly to you in
'The First International Law' (FIL), *(8)

and when you have stopped those WHO INTEND AND BRING ABOUT
evil and destruction and domination and disaster *(9)

- you stop them basically by PUBLICLY stating who
and what these Criminals are, and what they do,

you remove of course their picture from
China's most famous square and from China's
bank notes,

you remove of course the Criminal face from
Cuba's and Venezuela's buildings, and you

THAT THESE ARE completely lying, and LYING TO

you expose their lies PUBLICLY

- you open your public mouth big -


a public statement given with authority, helps, to BREAK the

and therefore, helps to END the support that
the Criminal otherwise would continue to get
from normal people but that - once exposed -
he would lose,

and publicly stating it, also lets Criminal
Minds know, that they ARE being understood

as regards their TRUE intentions, and
their ACTUAL thoughts,

AND it lets them know, that they ARE being
stopped by you and by others - and

when you are well on your way to stop these, or have
stopped these,

THEN you can talk about the weather, and about the
shelter and the food and protection and education, that
many people are lacking still in various ways:


Doing it in reverse or not doing it at all - not
exposing and not removing Heads of State who are the
Criminal Minds (Criminal Souls) - *(8)

- doing it WITHOUT removing or without even
mentioning who is (are) the source of the
disasters, in the first place -

gives you, and gives Mankind, the endless "no help"
or "some help AFTER most has been destroyed, and
AFTER suffering has been inflicted,"

the kind of "help," that various International
Organizations are delivering under the flag
and banner of "care" and "being humanitarian:"


ALWAYS diverting you (with the purpose of preventing
you) from looking at and from handling and remedying
the source of Evil,

Criminal Minds, *(19) who are, and who always
were, and who always will be,

the CAUSE of the disasters. *(9)(10)(11)




Supposing - not without reason - that you are in dire need of the
definition of truth, I will give it to you, here, again:

Truth is DEFINED as 'that what happened, caused by whom with
what actual intentions.'


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

1 Kings 10:24

Based on quotes from:

'Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0} *(0)


(a) 'Thu Sep 27, 8:31 PM ET, WASHINGTON (AFP)
"Interceptor missiles deployed in Poland as part of a US missile
defense shield would be fast enough to target Russian
intercontinental missiles, contrary to US assurances, a US
researcher said Thursday."

"Ted Postol," [obviously a Criminal Mind, and] "a professor at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a long time critic
of the US missile defense system, said the US Missile Defense
Agency (MDA) is understating the speed of the interceptor and
overstating the speed of Russian long range missiles."

"MDA spokesman Rick Lehner said Postol had no access to missile
test data and his assertions were 'totally false'."

(b) A definition of War: 'When Criminal Minds are brewing evil - the
destruction of free people and of free governments and of free
countries.' {definition}
I could not use the term 'war,' itself, so I had to describe it
for you, as given here. (See also, HRI 'The Nature of War.'*(9))

The reason I could not use it (here, without a context to
introduce the term) is, that Criminal Minds have perverted, and
even did REVERSE the meaning of the term 'war' itself - as in
"You must not make war,"

where they FALSELY define 'war' as "the use of physical force"
(an idiotic definition, promoted by the Criminal Minds) by which
they MEAN,

"Do not use physical force to stop their Crimes, nor the Crimes
of others against people," or,

"Create a 'lawless zone' for the Criminals in Columbia, as these
demand it, which they claim to be 'in order to cooperate with
you'," or,

"Do not Invade Saddam Hussein's Iraq," etc., etc..

(See: HRI 'Definition of Peace,' HRI 'Refusal to Invade Iraq.'

Full Series Contents List:

(part of the 'Introduction to Journalism Course' {IJC} )

(*) [Contents List of the Series 'Too Far ABOVE Journalists']

'(Part One) Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi1-V1.1}

'(Part Two) Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi2-V1.1}

'(Part Three) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi3-V1.1}

'(Part Four) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi4-V3.1}

'(Part Five) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi5-V1.1}

'(Part Six) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Buddhism, The Buddha, Milarepa)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}

'(Part Seven) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi7-V1.2.1}

'(Part Eight) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi8-V2.1}

'(Part Nine) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi9-V1.1}

'(Part Ten) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi10-V3.0}

'(Part Eleven) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi11-V1.1}

'(Part Twelve) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (My Condolences to Russia and to Earth)
(Putin and Hu Jintao destroying the United Nations Organization)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi12-V1.3.1}

'(Part Thirteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ("You Must Agree to Dominate and to Deceive, and
to Be Dominated and Be Deceived" as the Criminal's society)'
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi13-V1.1}

'(Part Fourteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American"'(The Global Fight) {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi14-V1.1}

'(Part Fifteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Criminals Dominating Decent People, "Brings
Stability and Prosperity," "Advice of Global Think Tanks")
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi15-V2.2}

'(Part Sixteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Tracing Back Domination, Finds the Criminal
Minds) {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi16-V3.1}

'(Part Seventeen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (No Evil Customs To Be Tolerated as Import
From Primitive Islamic Societies) {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi17-V1.2}

'(Part Eighteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Found a sane journalist)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi18-V2.1}

'(Part Nineteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Refusal to understand evil people,
Security-Council-Assisted Suicide, and Putin showing his
JOY OF BEING EVIL) {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi19-V4.2.1}

'(Part Twenty) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' ("The West" as 'Vladolf' Putin's "Enemy")
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi20-V1.1} (IJC pi20-V5.4.1)

'(Part Twenty-One) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (False "Government" Systems) (Putin's and Hu
Jintao's Bipolar World, Their Road to Global War)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi21-V5.4.1} (IJC pi21-V5.4.1)

'(Part Twenty-Two) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" (Promising a Corrected Universal Declaration of
Human Rights)' {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi22-V1.0.1} (IJC pi22-V5.4.1)

[Series Contents List - end]


(0) 'Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0}
(6 January 2007 - Version 3.0 on 3 Sept 2007)

(1a) 'Definition of Peace'
{HRI 20070520-V2.1.1}
(20 May 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 28 May 2007)

(2a) 'REFUSING to Invade Iraq, Constitutes SEVERE Crimes against
Humanity, by the Sociopaths Putin, Schroeder, Chirac, Jiang
Zemin, Zapatero, etc. (Attachments not included)
{HRI 20060702-V3.3.2.1-NA} (No Attachments)
(2 July 2006 - Version 3.3.2 on 10 Sept 2006)

(5) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

(6) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.2 on 9 Sep 2006)
(Version 3.2 (or 3.2.2) published on 17 (or 18) May 2007)
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2.1} (published on 18 May 2007)

(7) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030509-V4.2.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 4.2.1 on 30 Sept 2006)

(8) 'The First International Law' (FIL)
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.2 on 10 Aug 2007)

(9) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

(10) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

(11) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(17M)' 'Do you make a good journalist?' Multiple choice aptitude test
- (Humor)'
{HRI 20070212}
(12 February 2007)

(25) 'YOUR Role on Earth - A Very Simple Observation'
{HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.2}
(2 July 2007 - Version 3.2 on 1 Aug 2007)


(see also those given as 'Footnotes,' above)

'What I Told You Already Two Thousand Years Ago...
Plato's Republic'
{HRI 20070821-V1.0.1}
(21 August 2007 - Version 1.0.1 on 21 Aug 2007)

'Definition of Justice'
{HRI 20070817-V1.1}
(17 August 2007 - Version 1.1 on 20 August 2007)

'Koos Nolst Trenite - 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
(Introduction to 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
{HRI 20021018-V2.1} )
(12 Aug 2007)

'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
{HRI 20021018-V2.1}
(18 October 2002 - V2.1 on 12 Aug 2007)

'Discovery of Life Energy - History in 1784'
(13 October 2003 quote from 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind,'
from {HRI 20021018-V2.0})

'American Constitution - Destroyed By Benjamin Franklin In 1787,
How' - Quote from {HRI 20021018-V2.0} 'The Mafia Code Against
(10 October 2003 quote, of Version 2.0 on 10 October 2003)

'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.3}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.3 on 2 Apr 2005)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7} also {HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102-V3.1}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1 on 14 July 2007)

'An Argument For Studying History - And For Teaching History'
(Quote from {HRI 20030102} 'Living In The Present - Definition')
(6 January 2003)

'The Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.2.1 on 9 Aug 2007)

'You Prefer To Feel The Pleasant, Caring MASK Of Criminal Minds'
(27 July 2005 - Quoted from {HRI 20040920-V2.4} )

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

'Quote (2) 'Einstein and Freud opposed to Leonardo'
from Version 3.2 of 'Leonardo Da Vinci
- About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's
Past And Future {HRI 20040829-V3.2}'
(27 April 2005 quote from Version 3.2 of 26 Apr 2005)

'My Decision From Finding That Criminal Minds Do Not Change No
Matter How Much Love And Care And Attention You Give Them'
(10 June 2004)
.... /group/alt.religion.christian.lutheran/msg/e1cfe5ddcf370fc5

'Medical Profession Fails To Destroy Man's Awareness - Being
Awake And Staying Awake - versus - Being Told "You Need Sleep!"'
{HRI note 20060907-V2.0}
(7 September 2006 - Version 2.0 on 10 Oct 2006)

'Un-confusing Christianity - What is Monotheism'
{HRI 20070914} - Quoted from {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}
(14 Sept 2007)



Copyright 2007, 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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