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Vampirism by sociopaths, on your body's Li~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 03-01-11 07:20

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Vampirism by sociopaths, on your body's Life Energies - facing
Vampirism made easier by LEF meter use (Life Energy Fluctuation
electronic measurement)

1 January 2011
{FPP 20110101-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 2 Jan 2011)

(suits foreign
language readers)



Introduction, References

Definition: Your body is an organism that consists of a
collection of molecules, RUN BY LIFE ENERGY.

Your body is an organism, of LIFE ENERGY
RUNNING a collection of molecules.


Do you get it?

You bunch of uncivilized, "scientific" barbarians...

How could you possibly inflict so much Evil* on people,
by forcing your harmful Stupidity* on others AND letting
them pay for it too?


Once again: Medical doctors ARE dangerous, stupid quacks. *

With their INTENSE Stupidity,* they are DAILY driving millons
of people Insane,*

and are keeping them (you, your children) sick unnecessarily,

in order to maintain their extremely harmful Stupidity,
and their (thus obligatory) Arrogance,*

to sell their "services:" drugs, and surgery, and

to "sell" their - really very Criminal* - Stupidity, and
your suffering, to you... *



Now what ENORMOUS, INTENSE Evil* the medical doctors are constituting,
spreading, maintaining and strengthening - by ALSO

HIDING the Evil called 'Life Energy Vampirism' (see the definition of
'your body,' above, to get an idea, of what it is):

You are (letting others be kept) so INCONCEIVABLY Insane,* so
unhappy, so suffering and so sick!


Very much opposed to and contrary to THEM, I AM ACTUALLY wishing you
healthy (and with that, also happy) New Years to come!


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(*) See below, under 'Primary References' and 'References,'
for the real-life definitions - as defined correctly in the
Human Rights Issues - defined as they should be, BY looking
at your soul, and at life in general.


Let's have the Medical Profession itself, speak:

" In fear of losing his medical license and/or malpractice
" insurance.


Let's have an experienced medical doctor who desires to look through
these things, talk about

- THE mainstream, allopathic medical profession as taught in

- THE Universities, and for which

- THE Medical Insurance pays all the (drug and surgery and
radiation) costs:


A caring Medical doctor (replies to a sociopath who attacks - as
sociopaths do attack, oppose and prevent - the introduction of
actual cures, to him this medical doctor replies, in real-life

" Obviously, you know nothing about reality in general, and
" practicing medicine in particular. I retired as an MD seven
" years ago, and all doctors must practice "consensus" medicine.
" Even if something new comes along that works (which these
" 'Healing Codes' probably do), no doctor could ever practice it
" INSURANCE. [emphasis added]
" Over the years, I was aware of hundreds of inexpensive cures
" for many diseases - including cancer and heart disease - but
" was unable to use any of them because corporations and drug
" companies control the system totally.
" It is comments like this previous poster makes, that remind me,
" how dumbed-down the public is regarding the total control,
" [that] greedy corporations have over medicine, and probably
" [over] everything else.
" Doctors prescribe drugs and practice surgery, PERIOD. Nothing
" else is permitted, and never will be, as long as people keep
" thinking like the idiot below.
" PS: None of the dozens of doctors that I keep in contact with,
" would ever do for themselves, what they prescribe for their
" patients - especially chemotherapy."


From: SuperDoc <vc1132666@aol.com>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.e-book.technical
Subject: Re: The Healing Codes by Alex Loyd SCAM ALERT
Don't buy the book. Bill_Baloney = Dumbass.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 18:43:24 -0700

[in response to the sociopath referred to as
'this previous poster,' who wrote under pseudonym]
Bill_Baloney@BooSheet.Com on 24 Nov 2010 16:43:10 -0500:

> Seriously though. If this rubbish were true, EVERY
> doctor and hospital in the country would be using them
> [i.e. 'The Healing Codes' by Alex Loyd].


Primary References:

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

'How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed
and Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of
Truth' (JVDT)
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.5}
(26 October 2008 - Version 2.9.5 on 2 Nov 2008)

'Long Summary of 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force
Undermining World Health and also Undermining the United Nations
Organizations ...' (incl. Real-life definitions of
'Living Organism' (your body), 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010
- Summary V3.1 on 5 Jul 2010)

'Cause and Mechanism of Sleep - (Fine Particle Physics)
(incl. Definition of Intelligence and Stupidity)' (CMS)
(plus preamble (20100505 rev. 20100607)
{FPP 20100404-I-V1.2.2}
(4 April 2010 - Version 1.2.2 on 8 Jun 2010)

'Restoring Vital Perception: Proper use of Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (Vital Perception Aid), intensely hated by
Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20100209-V4.2}{FPP 20100209-V4.2}
(9 February 2010 - Version 4.2 on 17 Feb 2010)




'Sources of your Psychopathy - Hippocrates:
"Spirits (you) 'do not exist'," "Only your brain thinks and
feels," etc.
{FPP note 20101212-V1.0.1}
(12 December 2010)

'Your psychopathy PREVENTS your talking about Life ITSELF
- Removal of your Life Energy (which consists of PARTICLES)
{FPP note 20101210-V2.0}
(10 December 2010 - Version 2.0 also on 10 Dec 2010)

'Your destructive psychopathy: LIKE A BLIND PERSON who
...demands, that "light does not exist" and, that "bullets
appear from nowhere" '
{FPP draft note 20101208}
(8 December 2010)



'Obedience, Compulsions, etc., installed by l. ron hubbard and
his crew with past life hypnotic torture - 'Implants' in the
{FPP note 20101124-V2.0}
(24 November 2010 - Version 2.0 on 30 Nov 2010)

'The Exhilarating JOY of NOT facing Intense Evil ("well-adjusted"
sociopaths, like dictators, and demons - deceased sociopaths -
like l. ron hubbard)'
{HRI 20101118-II-V3.1}
(18 November 2010, Issue II - Version 3.1 on 15 Dec 2010)


'Kenmerkend Symptoom van Sociopatie: Muggenzifterij
- Kinderen Beschermen Tegen Sociopaten - "De Maan Bestaat Niet"'
(Significant symptom of sociopathy is pettiness;
protecting children from sociopaths)
{HRI 20101114-II-NL-V1.1}
(14 November 2010 - Version 1.1 on 19 Nov 2010)

'De "Evolutie" van de Scheppende Kracht: 'Sub-lexia,'
'Autismopatie' en andere beklemmende Oogkleppen bij
"Wetenschappers" '
(Scientific Blindness leads to doctrine of "Evolution")
{HRI note 20101114-I-NL}
(14 November 2010)

'Sociopath "Prophet" imposes Death Penalty, on anyone who exposes
that HE IS a Sociopath'
{HRI Quotes 20101104-V1.1}
(4 November 2010 - Version 1.1 on 10 Nov 2010)

'NOT to know about Mind Control inflicted, DOES greatly affect
Health and Sanity and Science, on Earth'
{HRI 20101106-V2.1.1} {FPP 20101106-V2.1.1}
(6 November 2010 - Version 2.1.1 on 10 Nov 2010)



'Real-Life Definition of "Clear" (Scientology): 'Happy ABOUT
being Spiritually Blinded and Overwhelmed by l. ron hubbard
(a.k.a. Satan)'
{HRI 20101020-V2.2}
(20 October 2010 - Version 2.2 on 26 Oct 2010)

'Is the Koran (Qur'an) 'halal' (pure)? - Criminal Acts on Muslims
- WE end the Muslim war - (True science examines Religion)'
{HRI 20101014-V2.3}
(14 October 2010 - Version 2.3 on 20 Oct 2010)

'Bach Cantatas: Very un-Bach text with very anti-Life, period
"Christian" doctrine, to be REPLACED by actual poets, or
performed using non-text voice'
{HRI 20101012-V1.0.1}
(12 October 2010 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Oct 2010)



'Satan (l. ron hubbard): "Life is a Game of Overwhelming others"
- (Criminal Minds feel, that people "are objects" they need to
manipulate, in order to get Life Energy from them)' (LGOO)
{HRI 20101005-IV-V3.0}
(5 October 2010, Issue IV - Version 3.0 on 7 Oct 2010)

'A Simple Definition of Criminal Mind' (SDCM)
{HRI 20100928-V2.2}
(28 September 2010 - Version 2.2 on 3 Oct 2010)



'Saving nine-tenth of National Health Care Budget, and 99 percent
of Health Care Research Budgets' (SHC)
{HRI 20100913}
(13 September 2010)

' 'Sum Corpus' Syndrome - The Highly Destructive and Fiercely
Contagious Mental Illness, of Forcing Others to Believe, that
"They Are a Body Only" '
{HRI note 20100905-V1.1}
(5 September 2010 - Version 1.1 on 8 Sept 2010)

'Breaking the Apathy-"culture" about Sociopaths (incl. Definition
of Hypnotism) - about their Hate for Life and their Contempt for
{HRI 20100828-V4.2}
(28 August 2010 - Version 4.2 on 14 Oct 2010)



'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.2} (IWBA)
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.2 on 4 Dec 2010)

'The Spiritual 'Underworld:' l. ron hubbard a thousand times
more Evil,* than (his hand-picked director of 'Scientology')
David Miscavige'
{HRI note 20100729-I-V2.0}
(29 July 2010 - Version 2.0 on 4 Aug 2010)

'Definition of Satan (Shaitan, etc.): Mutilator of Life Energies,
and of Souls (people) into ENJOYING to inflict Evil
- premature death of Bruce Lee and of Mozart'
{HRI 20100711-V1.1}
(11 July 2010 - Version 1.1 on 12 Jul 2010)

'The fiercest purpose on Earth: To put and keep Criminal Minds in
charge of people and hide their nature and activities'
(Example: The Lesson of the Islamic Ship of Fools to Gaza,
June 2010, and your Inconceivable Stupidity about it, and
Islam being based on - and its prophet suffering from - LACK
of Civilization and LACK of Culture)
{HRI 20100604-V3.2}
(4 June 2010 - Version 3.2 on 7 Jun 2010)

'The Final FAQ's Answer about alt.religion.scientology - on
sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" ' (FF)
{HRI 20100402-V1.0}
(2 April 2010)



Examples of Medical Evil:

20100516 23:53
[medical evil exposed]

(from Newsweek magazine)

'... the chance of FDA approval for a newly discovered molecule, targeting a newly discovered disease mechanism, is a dismal 0.6 percent. Diseases are complicated, and nature fights every human attempt to mess with what she has wrought. But frustration is growing with how few seemingly promising discoveries in basic biomedical science lead to something that helps patients, especially in what is supposed to be a golden age of genetics, neuroscience, and biomedical research in general.

From 1998 to 2003, the budget of the NIH - which supports such research at universities and medical centers as well as within its own labs in Bethesda, Md. - doubled, to $27 billion, and is now $31 billion.

There is very little downside, for a president or Congress, in appeasing patient-advocacy groups as well as voters, by supporting biomedical research.

But judging by the only criterion that matters to patients and taxpayers - not how many interesting discoveries about cells or genes or synapses have been made, but how many treatments for diseases the money has bought - the return on investment to the American taxpayer has been approximately as satisfying as the AIG bailout.

"Basic research is healthy in America," says John Adler, a Stanford University professor who invented the CyberKnife, a robotic device that treats cancer with precise, high doses of radiation. "But patients aren't benefiting. Our understanding of diseases is greater than ever. But academics think, 'We had three papers in Science or Nature, so that must have been [NIH] money well spent.'?"'

Why Don't More Medical Discoveries Become Cures? - Newsweek.com.html

Commment to it, posted By: Az.buster @ 05/16/2010 11:53:07 AM
'It's not profitable to the drug companies to cure people - it's all about money, and not [about] making patients healthy. I truly believe, that the focus is on maintaining [providing] people with drugs that don't cure you, but help keep you alive and [keep you] using that medication for a long period of time: And to drug companies that is a pot of gold.'

Comment to it, posted By: ledust @ 05/16/2010 10:54:14 AM
'My thought is, that firms don't have the incentive, to develop "cures" for dieseases. Because once a CURE is developed, those firms would no longer be in business. Drugs nowadays appear to focus on "treating" the disease instead of anything else [like CURING]. Merely TREATING the disease, would of course bring in recurring revenue for as long as the firm owns the rights to the underlying drug. This issue is akin to the lightbulb -- why hasn't there been technology created that would allow lightbulbs to last forever?'

Why Don't More Medical Discoveries Become Cures? Comments page - Newsweek.com.html



20100228 16:18
[medical evil exposed]

From: 12160.info 'Destroying the New World Order'

'An estimated 7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed each year, writes Gary Null, PhD., in "Death by Medicine."

Rather than reverse the problems [that] these purport to fix, these unwarranted procedures can often lead to greater health problems, and even [to] death.

A 1995 report by Milliman & Robertson Inc., concluded, that nearly 60 percent of all surgeries performed are medically unnecessary - in "Under The Influence of Modern Medicine," by Terry A. Rondberg.

Some of the most major and frequently performed, unnecessary surgeries include hysterectomies, Cesarean sections, and coronary artery bypass surgeries.'

Unnecessary surgery exposed! Why 60% of all surgeries are medically unjustified and how surgeons exploit patients to generate profits - 12160.org.html



20100304 05:22
[medical evil exposed]

From: Alumni of Columbia Pacific University (CPU) - altcpualumni.org

Wholistic Education - Debunking "Quackwatch": Why the Medical Establishment Attacks Columbia Pacific University
- by Paul Hartal, Ph.D.


Thus, Voltaire's remark about the nescience [Stupidity] of doctors, remains to be valid:

"Physicians pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into humans of which they know nothing".

Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.,a former professor of medicine at the University of Illinois and chairman of medical licensing committee of that state, says, that

doctors "continue to treat their patients with their own forms of unscientific quackery, which won't stand up to the test of controlled studies".

Despite the hard work and honest efforts of many medical doctors, to cure people of their ailments, the misguided medical training, the systemic [built-in, 'hard-wired'] flaws of allopathic [mainstream] medicine, [all do] predispose it, to fail in providing optimal health care.

Since without patients, medical doctors cannot make a living, allopathic [mainstream] medicine is inherently sickness-oriented.

It pays only a lip-service to [it only pretends, to be interested in] prevention, because it has no real interest in enduring [continued] health. The word 'doctor' connotes [implies being a] "teacher." Yet, doctors seldom teach people how to live in a healthy manner.

The vested interests of mainstream medicine, lie beyond the ideal of building up a high level of well being in people. Medicine is a huge business.

Through the institutionalized [offically agreed and officially supported] malpractice, of conventional [mainstream, allopathic, "Western"] medicine, doctors become drug-pushers for pharmaceutical companies that market their products NOT to promote health BUT to satisfy their shareholders.'

Debunking "Quackwatch":<br> Why the Medical Establishment Attacks Columbia Pacific University, by Paul Hartal, Ph.D..htm

Source: (article Excerpt was posted to)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
From: pautrey2 <rpautr...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 08:11:50 -0800 (PST)
Local: Wed, Mar 3 2010 5:11 pm



Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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