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Mere mad og medicin til det blokaderamte G~
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 11-07-10 08:57

Israel har bedt FN om at forhindre et libysk skib med forsyninger til
Gaza i at bryde Israels blokade af Gaza, rapporterer israelske

Israels FN-ambassadør, Gabriela Shalev, har sendt et brev til FN's
generalsekretær, Ban Ki-moon, og bedt om, at det internationale
samfund griber ind for at forhindre skibet i at nærme sig Gaza,
rapporterer avisen Haaretz.

I brevet advarer Shalev om, at »Israel forbeholder sig retten til
ifølge folkeretten at forhindre dette skib i at krænke den
eksisterende flådeblokade af Gaza«.

Skibet er fyldt med mad og medicin.
En velgørenhedsorganisation, der ledes af den libyske leder, Muammar
Gaddafis søn sagde fredag, at det vil sende et skib med forsyninger
fra Grækenland til Gaza.

Ifølge velgørenhedsorganisationen er skibet lastet med »omkring 2.000
ton humanitær hjælp i form af mad og medicin«.

Om bord på skibet befinder der sig også »et antal tilhængere, der er
ivrige efter at vise solidaritet med det palæstinensiske folk«.

Skib med nødhjælp med angrebet i maj.
31. maj stormede israelske kommandosoldater en frihedsflåde bestående
af seks skibe med forsyninger til Gaza om bord. Ved angrebet blev ni
tyrkiske aktivister dræbt.

Israel indførte blokaden mod Gaza i juni 2006.

Efter begivenhederne 31. maj har Israel lempet blokaden mod Gaza.


We, at Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation,
believe that the efforts to break the blockade, flotilla and ships of
humanitarian aid is not the appropriate solution to end this unjust
and oppressive blockade and may not substitute for enabling the
Palestinians to have their human rights. This effort which is entirely
based on pure humanitarian considerations is an expression of
solidarity, as well as a reflection of international public opinion in
rejection of the practices of the occupation, and policies of imposing
starvation on humans and disrespect of international humanitarian law,
all human values, and it is a practice of aggression and violation of
human rights.
The vessel ( HOPE ) will sail from the Greek port of LAVRIO loaded
with food stuffs and medications amounting to two thousand tons of
cargo and will be on its way to Gaza, with a number of supporters on
board who decided to participate in display of their support and
solidarity with the people of Gaza and their plight under siege.
Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation, while aware
of the tragic situation in which the people of the Palestinians Gaza
and the surrounding areas live since the imposition of the Israeli
unjust siege is also aware that the situation has deteriorated after
the aggression, and since the Foundation estimates the hard conditions
the residents of Gaza strip are living under after they lost their
homes due to the destruction of Gaza by the occupation forces which
still insist on preventing so many kind of materials, in particular
cement and iron for construction.
Living and health conditions of the people of Gaza are deteriorating,
especially during winter, and because the efforts to convince the
occupation authorities to allow the building materials to enter to
Gaza failed to achieve any result, but instead the occupation
authorities attacked the ships of the FREEDOM flotilla. This indicates
that the situation will see more dangerous and more tragic
developments. Therefore,
the situation there is an urgent need to intervene in a humanitarian
way to reduce the suffering of the people of Gaza. In this respect,
the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation, fully
realizes s the dimensions of this tragedy and the size of the existing
human challenge and the possibility to deteriorate .Given our
responsibilities we announce our initiative to fund and make available
prefabricated houses for the Palestinians families living without
shelter that maintains human dignity.
The Foundation launches this initiative and announces that it will
provide what it can for the realization of this initiative, reaffirms
that these houses can not replace the reconstruction of Gaza, and it
hopes the international community and the humanitarian organizations
will respond and mobilize resources and capacities in order to realize
the initiative practically and to bring as much as housing units to
Gaza in order to reduce the human suffering.
We hope that the international community will move at all its levels
to take the morale and human responsibilities in a collective
coordinated work that will respond to the existing human needs, before
the situation escalates and reaches the level of a human catastrophe
during the coming winter.
We call upon the international community to adopt, support and
participate in this initiative which can contribute and can face the
existing challenge in a time the concerned parties will find no excuse
to reject it what ever the reasons are.
The Foundation is conducting all relevant contacts in order to launch
the initiative practically and wishes that countries and humanitarian
organizations will join it in an effort that reflects human solidarity
and the embodiment of the shared values.


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