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UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in ~
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 25-06-10 11:22

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in

Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
says Israel is commiting war crimes.

Michael Meidahl Jens~ (25-06-2010)
Fra : Michael Meidahl Jens~

Dato : 25-06-10 19:38

"Patruljen" skrev i en meddelelse

> UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
> Gaza.

> Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
> says Israel is commiting war crimes.

Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i

Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!

Nææ nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.

Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.

Hvorherre bevares!!

Venlig Hilsen
Michael Meidahl Jensen

Anders Peter Johnsen (25-06-2010)
Fra : Anders Peter Johnsen

Dato : 25-06-10 21:34

"Michael Meidahl Jensen" <mmj@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
> "Patruljen" skrev i en meddelelse
>> UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
>> Gaza.
>> Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
>> says Israel is commiting war crimes.
> Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i
> mellemøsten.
> Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!
> Nææ nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.
> Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
> udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
> Hvorherre bevares!!

Ja, der synes ligefrem at være tale om en regulær antisemitisk monomani hos
bemeldte skribent: Det er svært ikke at komme til tænke på nazitoppen under
Anden Verdenskrig med Hitler i spidsen, for hvem ALT tilsyneladende
ligeledes gik op i obskure "zionistiske verdenskonspirationer".

Vedkommende befinder sig i hvert fald ude på et overdrev hvor det bliver
alvorligt svært at kende forskel på Enhedslistens "antiimperialistiske"
PLO-sympatisører og uniformerede nynazister, hvad den sygelige besættelse
af - og det militante had til - jøder og staten Israel angår...

Man kunne måske håbe, der blot var tale om en troll (læg nu godt mærke til
de uhyrligt mange udenlandske grupper, der krydspostes til!), men på den
anden side
ER sådanne ekstreme holdninger jo desværre takket være '68'erne forlængst
blevet gjort stuerene langt ind i Socialdemokratiet, mens de har fundet nye
legekammerater i de militante islamister at stille sig solidariske med?

Anders Peter Johnsen

Patruljen (25-06-2010)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 25-06-10 14:47

On 25 Jun., 22:33, "Anders Peter Johnsen"
<anderspj@REMOVE_THISwebspeed.dk> wrote:
> "Michael Meidahl Jensen" <m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> skrev i meddelelsennews:4c24f783$0$56785$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
> > "Patruljen"  skrev i en meddelelse
> >>                          UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
> >> Gaza.
> >>                          Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
> >> says Israel is commiting war crimes.
> > Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i
> > mellem sten.
> > Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!
> > N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.
> > Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
> > udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
> > Hvorherre bevares!!
> Ja, der synes ligefrem at v re tale om en regul r antisemitisk monomani hos
> bemeldte skribent:

Ja, da. Hvis jeg ikke er enig med jer - muslimfobikere og de`herrer
racister i at den rabiate-højreorienterede israelske regering bare
skal myrde løs på "muslimerne", så må jeg da naturligvis være

Jeg har linket til 2 jøder, som udtaler præcist det samme. Og det er
så den smarteste modargumentation I kan komme i tanke om :)

Patruljen (25-06-2010)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 25-06-10 14:53

On 25 Jun., 20:37, "Michael Meidahl Jensen"
<m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> wrote:
> "Patruljen"  skrev i en meddelelse
> >                          UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
> > Gaza.
> >                          Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
> > says Israel is commiting war crimes.
> Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i
> mellem sten.

Jeg har aldrig anvendt en retorik, som ligner.

> Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!

Naturligvis er jeg ikke antisemit. Det er det sædvanlige tomgangs-
båtteri, der lyder fra tågehorn, der egentlig ikke har saglige
indvendinger eller modargumenter.

> N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.

Ikke _alle_ de andre. Når jeg skriver sådan så følger der en
forklaring og en påvisning med, og det gør der hver eneste gang.

Ariadne (25-06-2010)
Fra : Ariadne

Dato : 25-06-10 15:06

On 25 June, 19:37, "Michael Meidahl Jensen"
<m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> wrote:
> "Patruljen"  skrev i en meddelelse
> >                          UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
> > Gaza.
> >                          Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
> > says Israel is commiting war crimes.
> Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i
> mellem sten.
> Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!
> N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.
> Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
> udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
> Hvorherre bevares!!
> --
> Venlig Hilsen
> Michael Meidahl Jensen

Well said! All the antisemites love Kaufman the
unwarranted kapo.

N/A (26-06-2010)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 26-06-10 12:01

Patruljen (25-06-2010)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 25-06-10 15:29

On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25 June, 19:37, "Michael Meidahl Jensen"
> <m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> wrote:
> > "Patruljen"  skrev i en meddelelse
> > >                          UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
> > > Gaza.
> > >                          Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
> > > says Israel is commiting war crimes.
> > Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i
> > mellem sten.
> > Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!
> > N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.
> > Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
> > udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
> > Hvorherre bevares!!
> > --
> > Venlig Hilsen
> > Michael Meidahl Jensen
> Well said!  All the antisemites love Kaufman the
> unwarranted kapo

Self-petty and feeling sorry for yourself makes U Use the antisemtit
card. Everyone who oppose you is either a anti-semite or a nazi :)

Somtetimes I wonder - did the germans think the same thing; They must
be - anti-germans and racist if they dare to oppose us in killing

It`s a great laugh, my friend and only an expression of self-pity.
Pull yourself together - face the facts instead of this sorry-ass
rhetoric. I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
that is :)

N/A (26-06-2010)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 26-06-10 12:16

The Peeler (26-06-2010)
Fra : The Peeler

Dato : 26-06-10 12:16

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 04:04:38 -0700 (PDT), part insane
<xxarag@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>On Jun 25, 10:28 pm, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On 25 June, 19:37, "Michael Meidahl Jensen"
>> > <m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> wrote:
>> > > "Patruljen"  skrev i en meddelelse
>> > > >                          UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
>> > > > Gaza.
>> > > >                          Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
>> > > > says Israel is commiting war crimes.
>> > > Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor satan i
>> > > mellem sten.
>> > > Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er antisemit!
>> > > N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft generaliserer.
>> > > Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
>> > > udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
>> > > Hvorherre bevares!!
>> > > --
>> > > Venlig Hilsen
>> > > Michael Meidahl Jensen
>> > Well said!  All the antisemites love Kaufman the
>> > unwarranted kapo
>> Self-petty and feeling sorry for yourself makes U Use the antisemtit
>> card. Everyone who oppose you is either a anti-semite or a nazi :)
>> Somtetimes I wonder - did the germans think the same thing; They must
>> be - anti-germans and racist if they dare to oppose us in killing
>> civilians.
>> It`s a great laugh, my friend and only an expression of self-pity.
>> Pull yourself together - face the facts instead of this sorry-ass
>> rhetoric. I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
>> that is :)- Hide quoted text -


The Peeler (26-06-2010)
Fra : The Peeler

Dato : 26-06-10 13:54

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 19:15:33 +0800, The Retard, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, IMPERSONATING his master, The Peeler, wrote:


<BG> ...f'up to our resident psychopath's homegroup: alt.idiots!

Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The

Kim Larsen \(på AltB~ (26-06-2010)
Fra : Kim Larsen \(på AltB~

Dato : 26-06-10 19:42

"The Peeler" <peelingthe@invalid.admin> skrev i en meddelelse
> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 04:04:38 -0700 (PDT), part insane
> <xxarag@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Jun 25, 10:28 pm, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>>> On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 25 June, 19:37, "Michael Meidahl Jensen"
>>>> <m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> wrote:
>>>>> "Patruljen" skrev i en meddelelse
>>>>>> UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
>>>>>> Gaza.
>>>>>> Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
>>>>>> says Israel is commiting war crimes.
>>>>> Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor
>>>>> satan i mellem sten.
>>>>> Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er
>>>>> antisemit!
>>>>> N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft
>>>>> generaliserer.
>>>>> Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
>>>>> udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
>>>>> Hvorherre bevares!!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Venlig Hilsen
>>>>> Michael Meidahl Jensen
>>>> Well said! All the antisemites love Kaufman the
>>>> unwarranted kapo
>>> Self-petty and feeling sorry for yourself makes U Use the antisemtit
>>> card. Everyone who oppose you is either a anti-semite or a nazi :)
>>> Somtetimes I wonder - did the germans think the same thing; They
>>> must be - anti-germans and racist if they dare to oppose us in
>>> killing civilians.
>>> It`s a great laugh, my friend and only an expression of self-pity.
>>> Pull yourself together - face the facts instead of this sorry-ass
>>> rhetoric. I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
>>> that is :)- Hide quoted text -

I to kanaljer burde nok få lidt bedre styr på den engelske grammatik.

Kim Larsen (kun på en af udbyderne: AltBinaries.com eller Datemas.de)
Socialist, republikaner, atomkraftmodstander og EU-modstander
Tag et kig på: http://dokusiden.itgo.com/ground69.htm
Genstart Danmark, stem socialistisk. E-mail: kl2607@gmail.com

S.A.Thomsen (26-06-2010)
Fra : S.A.Thomsen

Dato : 26-06-10 19:53

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 20:42:02 +0200, Kim Larsen (på AltBinaries.com eller
Datemas.de) wrote:

> I to kanaljer burde nok få lidt bedre styr på den engelske grammatik.

Det er vist ikke gramatikken der er deres største problem.

The Peeler (26-06-2010)
Fra : The Peeler

Dato : 26-06-10 20:22

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 20:42:02 +0200, "Kim Larsen \(på AltBinaries.com
eller Datemas.de\)" <kl2607@gmail.com> wrote:

>"The Peeler" <peelingthe@invalid.admin> skrev i en meddelelse
>> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 04:04:38 -0700 (PDT), part insane
>> <xxarag@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On Jun 25, 10:28 pm, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>>>> On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 25 June, 19:37, "Michael Meidahl Jensen"
>>>>> <m...@FJERNDETTEtidsfaktoren.dk> wrote:
>>>>>> "Patruljen" skrev i en meddelelse
>>>>>>> UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
>>>>>>> Gaza.
>>>>>>> Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
>>>>>>> says Israel is commiting war crimes.
>>>>>> Du har godt nok travlt med at fremstille Israel som den stor
>>>>>> satan i mellem sten.
>>>>>> Og det alt imens du vidt og bredt proklamerer at du ikke er
>>>>>> antisemit!
>>>>>> N nej alle de _andre_ er racister og idioter der groft
>>>>>> generaliserer.
>>>>>> Du mener alle _andre_ defamerer alt imens du selv vidt og bredt
>>>>>> udgyder den ene modbydelighed efter den anden.
>>>>>> Hvorherre bevares!!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Venlig Hilsen
>>>>>> Michael Meidahl Jensen
>>>>> Well said! All the antisemites love Kaufman the
>>>>> unwarranted kapo
>>>> Self-petty and feeling sorry for yourself makes U Use the antisemtit
>>>> card. Everyone who oppose you is either a anti-semite or a nazi :)
>>>> Somtetimes I wonder - did the germans think the same thing; They
>>>> must be - anti-germans and racist if they dare to oppose us in
>>>> killing civilians.
>>>> It`s a great laugh, my friend and only an expression of self-pity.
>>>> Pull yourself together - face the facts instead of this sorry-ass
>>>> rhetoric. I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
>>>> that is :)- Hide quoted text -
>I to kanaljer burde nok få lidt bedre styr på den engelske grammatik.


The Peeler (26-06-2010)
Fra : The Peeler

Dato : 26-06-10 23:06

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 03:22:26 +0800, The Retard, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, IMPERSONATING his master, The Peeler, wrote:

>>> DANMARK!!!
>>I to kanaljer burde nok få lidt bedre styr på den engelske grammatik.

Seems your "fame" is spreading to the Danish ngs now too, poor miserable
psychopath! By now you must be the most famous village idiot of the entire
Usenet! You really can be proud of yourself! HAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The

Patruljen (25-06-2010)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 25-06-10 15:41

On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:

Pull your self together.!!! The Holocaust is over. You must rise from
the ashes.

Burg's answer is that recognition and sympathy for the victims and
survivors of the Holocaust are indeed essential components of "any
kind of progress from the departure point of trauma to the final
destination of trust". On the other hand "what I criticise in the
Eichmann trial and the entire Shoah industry is the contempt, the
cheapening attititude of the public system;

"Everything is Shoah."


docremington (26-06-2010)
Fra : docremington

Dato : 26-06-10 04:45

Patruljen wrote:
> Pull your self together.!!!

Palisimians *are* pulling their "selves", together and apart,
habitually, of course.

Wikking (26-06-2010)
Fra : Wikking

Dato : 26-06-10 12:01

docremington wrote:
> Patruljen wrote:
>> Pull your self together.!!!
> Palisimians *are* pulling their "selves", together and apart,
> habitually, of course.

That would probably be similar to what happened in the Warsaw Ghetto
though wouldn't it? Some Jews became Nazi officials, and later in the
camps, some became camp police and basically they also tore themselves
apart. The same stresses and strains applied.

Don't see the parallel? That would be because you're a racist,
ethnocentric moron.


I believe in the US Constitution, Democracy and the rule of law.
It is clear that the "Birthers", "Teabaggers", politicians and media
hosts or pundits that purvey messages of resistance, insurrection and
don't want their kids to go to school to hear the words of the POTUS
have become the dupes and stooges of foreign intelligence services
that wish to see the US destabilized by a bunch of fools - they must
be laughing their heads off at these wingnuts who are so ready to be
their pawns...

bit-sus (26-06-2010)
Fra : bit-sus

Dato : 26-06-10 14:01

"docremington" <docremington@safe-mail.net> wrote in message
> Patruljen wrote:
>> Pull your self together.!!!
> Palisimians *are* pulling their "selves", together and apart,
> habitually, of course.

The last apartheid state that uses extreme cruelty, murder and torture of
citizens and kiling of it's citizens for no more reason than to impose this
apartheid, we should no more condone and encourage participants in this
disgusting practice than we did with our kith and kin christians, jews and
non jews in South Africa.
We stopped fellow Europeans to stop those evil practices so dont see why we
cannot ask our resident jews to do the same with their israeli brethren. As
it is only jews as christians are being illtreated along with all other

And we certainly woud not encourage and associate uncaringly with nazi
guards even though they did not go as far as israeli forces do every day
today, and despite the fact that post war teams of pathologists and doctors
have proved at every camp as it was released that not one person found died
of gassing in nazi camps.

The Alternative Tour of Auschwitz: An Independent Investigation of the
2- http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8424408632716421689#


By bringing the israelis to recognise their responsibilities as we did with
South Africans, we would also remove the necessity for resident jews to go
to the extremes of persecuting and attacking fellow Americans to keep from
their false claims against the nazis exposed.




Historian Mark Weber reveals for the first time aerial photographs of
Treblinka taken between May and November 1944. These photographs clearly
show that Treblinka was a transit camp and not an extermination camp
(Ukrainian-born American auto worker John Demjanjuk was found guilty of
helping to kill 850,000 Jews at Treblinka). Weber also exhibits aerial
photographs of Auschwitz-Birkenau (first made public by the CIA in 1979)
that clearly show an absence of corroboration of the Holocaust extermination


The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that for the third time in as many
appearances, Holocaust skeptic Ernst Zündel, his defense attorney, and a
legal assistant are attacked on the steps of a Canadian courthouse (!) by 25
blood-seeking JDL thugs while the police and media stand by. Later, four
members of the JDL mob are charged with disturbing the peace (not assault or
attempted murder), charges which are subsequently dropped.


Simon Wiesenthal, in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review,
claims to have proof of the existence of Nazi gas chambers that will win him
$50,000, and proof of the authenticity of the Anne Frank "diary" that will
win him $25,000. Unfortunately, Wiesenthal subsequently failed to provide
this proof, and had to forego the prize money.


The Chicago Jewish Sentinel reports that there is now a Survivors'
Registry for those former concentration camp inmates "who are prepared to
disclose their personal stories to serious media artists working on
Holocaust themes." There's no business like Shoah business.


According to the Toronto Globe and Mail, Arnold Friedman swore under
oath that he had seen "fourteen foot flames" shooting out of the chimneys of
crematorium at Auschwitz, and that he was able to tell whether the Nazis
were burning fat Jewish Hungarians or skinny Jewish Poles by looking at the
different colors of the smoke and flames coming out of the crematorium. On
cross-examination, however, Mr. Friedman reversed himself upon being
presented with details of crematorium operation, and was forced to agree
that perhaps Jews were not being burned in crematoria buildings. Mr.
Friedman then made the startling confession that his entire testimony was
based on what he had been told by others.


Maria Bohuslawsky of the Toronto Sun reports on a cross-examination
that took place the day before, in which self-proclaimed Holocaust "expert"
and author Raul Hilberg admitted under oath that after 36 years of studying
the Holocaust, 1) he knew of no documentary (printed) evidence that the
Nazis murdered or planned to murder Jews in gas chambers, 2) he had
identified large parts of the key "confession" of Kurt Gerstein as to the
"gassings" as "pure nonsense" and "totally false," 3) when presenting the
Gerstein "confession" as proof of Nazi misdeeds he had edited out
inconvenient sections in order to make his point, 4) he knew of no autopsies
that showed death by gassing, 5) he billed himself as a Holocaust expert for
18 years before even visiting Auschwitz (he then spent only one day there),
6) he was not familiar with many books on the subject of which he was
alleged to be the expert, and 7) he knew of no scientific proof that even
one Jew had been gassed. (see also the article on the same date by Kirk
Makin in the Globe and Mail, and the Sault Star of 1/18/85.) Understandably,
when called upon to testify again in a later trial, Hilberg begged off.


Yitzhak Shamir is quoted in the Los Angeles Times (page 12) as saying:
"One of the angers I have against these people of the intifada is that they
make us sometimes kill people we don't want to kill."


The Alberta Report magazine quotes Holocaust survivor Eva Brewster as
remembering how the bodies of Jews gassed at Auschwitz would be dropped
through trap doors to the crematoria. Left out of the article are the facts
that 1) no one else has ever "remembered" these trap doors, 2) no one else
"remembers" that the "gas chambers" were above the crematoria, and 3) that
there is no trace of these trap doors, either in blueprints, photographs, or
in any other way.


Claims that modern day German medical students are still using "body
parts from Nazi (Holocaust) victims ... for medical experiments" are
dismissed as being another baseless horror story, in an article by Daniel
Johnson appearing in the London Daily Telegraph.


Holocaust heavyweight Rudolf Vrba, under cross-examination in a
Canadian courtroom, states under oath that 150,000 French Jews were gassed
at Auschwitz, in spite of the fact that the entire number of Jews deported
from France were only 75,721. Vrba claims he arrived at his count
"scientifically" by having listened to the language spoken by the inmates at
Auschwitz and examining their luggage (!). The author of "I Cannot Forgive"
next confessed that his book was "an artistic picture ... not a document for
a court," in spite of the fact that Vrba's testimony was crucial to both the
War Refugee Board and the Auschwitz Trials in West Germany. Vrba further
admitted that his written and pictorial descriptions of Auschwitz crematoria
were a result of guessing, based on "what I heard it might look like." Oops!


West German police storm the home of Otto Ernst Remer to seize a copy
of a videotape that challenges the myth of the Holocaust ... an obvious


SS Gruppenfuehrer Gerhard Klopfer, who served as state secretary in
the Party Chancellery under Martin Bormann and was the last surviving member
of the Wannsee Conference (at which it was alleged that details were worked
out for the "final solution") dies in Heilbronn, West Germany. Klopfer was
charged with war crimes at Nuernberg, but the case was dropped for lack of
evidence, and in fact Klopfer was permitted to resume practicing law in
1956. This lends credence to the proposition that the Wannsee Conference had
nothing to with with an extermination program.


When the "confession" of Kurt Gerstein is offered as evidence at the
war crimes trials at Nuernberg, it is judged to be so obviously phony that
it is rejected, and not permitted to be read before the court. Even kangaroo
courts have standards to maintain! In later trials, this same document is
admitted as evidence by judges and prosecutors desperate for anything that
will help them hang their virtually defenseless victims.


Telford Taylor, Chief Prosecutor at the NMT Nuremberg Trials, reveals
during a book review that despite his own role in wartime Army Intelligence,
"I had no awareness of the 'Final Solution' until after the War, and inquiry
among my associates of those times -- not a few of them Jewish -- has
disclosed very few who were more sensitive or perceptive than I in this
respect It was known that many of the atrocity stories of World War I,
especially those involving the German occupation of Belgium, had proved
unfounded and were either deliberate fabrications or the natural product of
the wartime rumor mill. There was a general awareness that propaganda was a
weapon of war, and this spread a skepticism, in large part justified, that
robbed official accounts of much of their credibility."


Gary Hughes in the Adelaide Advertiser recounts the story of a brother
and sister, reunited after 39 years, who had each thought the other to have
been murdered in Nazi "gas chambers."


Colorado teacher Dorothy Groteluschen wins a court battle against the
Aurora School District to receive back pay after being demoted on December
15, 1987 for acknowledging there were two sides to the Holocaust myth.
(Rocky Mountain News, March 12; Denver Post, March 17)


Attorney Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law School, who has taken upon
himself the role of revisionist-basher, declines an invitation to engage in
an organized public exchange with Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical


PBS airs the British film, Kitty: Return to Auschwitz, in which
Holocaust "survivor" Kitty Hart so fails to be convincing that even her own
son can manage no more than a faintly bemused expression while listening to
her delusional ramblings.


Opening day for Miami Beach's new Holocaust memorial ... a 72 foot
tall outstretched hand, crawling with miniature human figures. It is
uncertain whether the sculpture is to memorialize Jews who were allegedly
murdered by the Nazis during WWII, or if it is designed to memorialize
Werner Nachmann, the defunct head of West German Jewry, who stole close to
$16 million of the "war reparations" fraudulently wrung from German


Outside a Canadian courthouse, a throng of armed JDL thugs (led by
Marvin Weinstein ... alias Meir Halevi) awaits the arrival of Holocaust
doubter Ernst Zündel as they did two months earlier. This time, however,
Zündel is able to make it to and from the courthouse without incident.
Furious at being denied the opportunity to attack and beat a defenseless
person, the JDL crowd then sets upon the news reporters and cameramen they
had invited to record the occasion.


As reported in the Toronto Sun, Robert Faurisson testifies under oath
that there were never any gas chambers, mass murders, or other atrocities
against Jews or anyone else during WWII. Dr. Faurisson is a professor in
France, where he received his PhD from the Sorbonne. (see also the Canadian
Jewish News, February 14, 1985)


The Illustrated Sunday Herald publishes a full-page article by Winston
Churchill' entitled, "Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of
the Jewish people."


The Ukrainian Catholic Daily lashes out at the US Justice Department's
Office of Special Investigations for using Soviet-supplied evidence,
collaborating with the KGB, and using the mass media to attack Eastern
European ethnic communities.


Wendy Darrocn, writing in the Toronto Star, recounts the sworn
testimony of Russell William Barton, who was a medical student volunteer
with the British Red Cross on May 2, 1945, when he entered the concentration
camp at Bergen-Belsen. According to Barton, there was no evidence of
intentional starvation of the inmates, which has been the charge against
Bergen-Belsen since the dropping of the original charge that Bergen-Belsen
had homicidal gas chambers.


The following piece on memory by Philip Ziegler (New York Times Book
Review) appeared in Forbes. "Between 1936 and 1945 an ingenious
anthropologist called Tom Harrison set up a network of observers to record
the views of the Briton-in-the-street on a wide range of issues. The fruit
of his labors, the Mass Observation Archive, contains many first-hand
accounts of incidents that occurred during the wartime blitz, which were
written immediately after the event and can therefore reasonably be accepted
as accurate. Some 30 years later, a number of the surviving 'mass observers'
were asked to revive their memories. In every case, the relationship between
the original and the revised version was so remote as to be almost
coincidental. Yet, but for the original written evidence, their oral
testimony would have been accepted as eminently reliable."


The New York Post reports that during a chance encounter between New
York city Mayor Ed Koch and Long Beach businessman and professional
Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein, Mermelstein informed the Mayor that "I
was part of the special detail which hauled the bodies from the gas chamber
and took them to the crematorium." He apparently also told Koch that he had
seen Dr. Mengele directing traffic to the gas chambers. Interestingly
enough, in Mermelstein's memoir Not by Bread Alone (1979) he says nothing
about either one of these allegations. When deposed in connection with a
court suit in 1981, he denied that had had done any physical work at all at
the camp, and forgot to mention his eyewitness account of Dr. Mengele. Also
during the deposition, he denied seeing the gas chambers at any time other
than May 22, 1944, when his mother and two sisters were "gassed."
Mermelstein's memory, like some wines, seems to be improving with age.


The automobile of German historian Ernst Nolte was set ablaze,
apparently as a reminder that neither anti-communism nor scholarship are
universally appreciated. Nolte, whose 1987 book The European Civil War,
1917-1945: National Socialism and Bolshevism expresses pusillanimous support
for examining the Holocaust myth more carefully, is nonetheless considered a
radical among the establishment German historians. Nolte's transgressions
began in June 1986, when he published a cautiously dissident essay in the
West German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Battling Nolte are Marxist
academics such as Jurgen Habermas, who oppose any neutral discussion of the
National Socialist (Nazi) era.


The Israeli Supreme Court agrees to reopen the case against American
auto worker John Demjanjuk to consider new evidence supporting Demjanjuk's


Mark Weber addresses a seniors' honors class at Mission Viejo high
school (Orange County, CA). The students expressed skepticism but were
cordial and appreciative of Mr. Weber's viewpoint.


American Red Cross president Elizabeth Dole announces that the public
will be given greater access to German wartime documents that were seized by
Allied forces at the end of WWII. The detailed records include transport
lists and death registry volumes from German concentration camps. It is
estimated that all of the German records seized at the end of the war
together carry the names of between 300,000 and 500,000 internees. This
decision marks a reversal of the 10/11/90 announcement by American Red
Cross' Diane Paul.


The Montreal Gazette reports that Dr. William Bryan Lindsey, who has a
doctorate in chemistry from the University of Indiana at Bloomington, and
who for 33 years has been employed as a research chemist, gives sworn
testimony that it would have been physically impossible for the Nazis to
exterminate millions of Jews with Zyklon B in the large, unsealed rooms that
are being presented to the gullible as "gas chambers."


The Weekend Australian quotes Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon
Wiesenthal Center as saying that the Institute for Historical Review has
"disintegrated." Either this is another blatant lie, or Rabbi Hier is
unaware that the SWC has 20 paid subscriptions to the Journal of Historical
Review, which is published by the IHR, or that the SWC continues to order
books from the IHR from time to time.


Journalist Robin Ludlow of the Southam News, commenting on Canada's
continuing ban in the import of certain books in the Hamilton, Ontario
Spectator, notes "there are some patterns to what is prohibited and what
isn't. Customs seems to clamp down harder on criticism of Jews, Zionists,
Communists, and blacks than it does on criticism of Germans, Nazis, Arabs,
right-wing groups, and fundamentalist Christians." As of December 1987,
there were over 500 titles on the Canadian Customs list of prohibited "hate
material," including a tape of the Phil Donahue show, the Tomorrow show, and
a Larry King radio program.


Assistant professor of history Donald D. Hiner of Indiana
University-Purdue University at Indianapolis is suspended for advocating a
critical examination of various components of the exterminationist Holocaust
position. Hiner is later fired on March 1.


German member of parliament Heinrich Lummer calls for an open and
truthful treatment of the Holocaust myth in the prestigious daily
Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.


Seventh International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, CA.


In an interview on WNET with professor of Jewish History Dr. Yosef
Yerushalmi, Bill Moyers asks Yerushalmi to clarify his statement that the
image of the Holocaust is being shaped not on the historian's anvil but in
the novelist's crucible. Yerushalmi replies that because the historical
research has now all been done (!), the door is wide open for an infinite
number of fictional refrains on this, the central event of all history.
Translation: Let the brainwashing begin.


Recycling the old "gas chambers" propaganda that first surfaced in WWI
and then again in WWII, the Brooklyn Jewish Press claims that "Iraqis have
gas chambers for all Jews" in an enormous front-page headline. According to
the accompanying story, Saddam Hussein has built gas chambers for
exterminating Jews everywhere in the world. You can't keep a good lie down.
(see also Response, Spring 1991, page 2)


Mark Weber appears on KCAL's Cross Check half-hour public affairs TV
program. Also appearing is Rabbi Nachum Shifren, representing the radical
Kach movement. Rather than rebut Mr. Weber, Rabbi Shifren chooses to
denounce "anti-Semites" and "Arabs," and without any evidence whatsoever
called Mr. Weber a Nazi and accused the Institute for Historical Review
(IHR) of having links with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and
"neo-Nazi" groups.


Sixth International Revisionist Conference, Anaheim, CA.


The Canadian Jewish News reports that Jewish students at the
University of Toronto are attempting to have revisionist works reclassified
as fiction in order to have them shelved away from the "true" Holocaust


Ninth International Revisionist Conference, Southern California.


The Los Angeles Times reports that David Shimtob, once a Jewish
Defense League member, has been rearrested on various burglary, assault, and
homicide charges in connection with a vicious group of paramilitary thugs
that had been committing armed robberies of residences.


The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that the ADL is planning to ask the
Library of Congress reclassify revisionist books as fiction. Says the
League's executive director Alan Shefman, "We don't want this to be seen as
book-banning, because we're very much opposed to censorship." That is, he
wants the books banned, but he doesn't want it to appear as if they are
being banned.


The German weekly newspaper Die Zeit warns that historical revisionism
must be taken serious, lest an Orwellian situation come to pass as in the
novel 1984. Apparently, Die Zeit is unaware that in George Orwell's 1984 the
threat came from central powers controlling the thoughts of the individual,
not from individuals displaying unorthodox thinking. The paper does concede,
however, that a few of the better-known Holocaust stories may have been
without foundation after all, but that doesn't change a thing.


In Miami, Florida, Denis Rety, a Jewish businessman, is ordered to pay
$5.5 million to a man he falsely accused of being anti-Semitic. Mr. Rety had
earlier become involved in an argument with the man, a customer at Rety's
restaurant, and apparently figured that the only way to win the debate was
to libel his opponent.


Dr. Wojciech Gubala and Eng. J. Labedz from the Institute of Judicial
Expertise, Dept. of Legal Toxicology, Cracow, Poland, lead a team of
investigators to Auschwitz-Birkenau to conduct forensic tests of the alleged
"gas chambers." Their report, dated August 24, 1990, supports earlier
forensic tests by American expert Fred Leuchter: none of the so-called "gas
chambers" were ever used for that purpose.


The Great Holocaust Debate gets off to a slow start when
anti-revisionists Hal Lindsey (author), Glen Peglau (attorney), John
Montgomery (author), and Tom Anderson (attorney) fail to show up to debate
revisionists Mark Weber (author), Robert Faurisson (professor), Bradley
Smith (author), and Robert Countess (doctor).


Arthur Rosenblatt, director of the United States Holocaust Museum, is
quoted in the Washington Post as calling for everything and anything
relating to the Holocaust myth, including "photographs, diaries, original
letters and notes to families from the camp (sic)." Apparently, eyewitness
accounts of new extermination camp (sic) arrivals being immediately marched,
naked, from the trains to the waiting doors of the gas chambers have
heretofore left out the fact that the condemned were allowed great latitude
in their actions for the last few moments of their lives.


The Toledo Blade cites Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig as claiming that soap
was made from human fat at Buchenwald, and was an example of the
"inconceivable" behavior of Germans during WWII.


High school teacher Giovanni Pinto of Montville, New Jersey, is
suspended by school authorities for challenging the historicity of the
Holocaust. Thought crimes must not go unpunished.


Fred Leuchter and his team leaves for Poland, where they will obtain
samples of suspected "gas chambers" at Auschwitz and Birkenau, the heart of
the alleged Nazi Holocaust machine. The results of the test conclusively
show that none of the so-called "gas chambers" in either facility was ever
used for such a purpose. Subsequent testing by others confirm Leuchter's
findings. Conclusion: the Holocaust never happened.


60 Minutes airs a segment on John Demjanjuk in which they uncover
witnesses who can positively state that Demjanjuk is not a war criminal.
These witnesses have been prevented from testifying, which is hardly
surprising considering the way Demjanjuk has been railroaded with false
eyewitnesses, forged documents, and questionable legal tactics on an
international scale.


The Jerry Williams Show on WFXT (Boston) breaks new ground by actually
finding an exterminationist willing to debate against the revisionist

Unfortunately for Williams and JDL representative Michael Slomich,
revisionist Brad Smith and American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter
absolutely and totally demolish every exterminationist claim in front of an
estimated audience of 100,000.


H. Hewett, assistant secretary for the British Ministry of Information
states in a letter that "(w)e cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our
best to save them - and ourselves - from the consequences of their acts. The
disclosures (of Soviet genocide) of the past quarter century will render
more denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract
public attention from the whole subject. Experience has shown that the best
distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy ... your
cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from
the doings of the Red Army by your whole-hearted support of various charges
against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into
circulation by the Ministry."


Professor Noam Chomsky sets for his support for the academic freedom
of Holocaust revisionist Professor Robert Faurisson in an article in the


Ellen Kachuck, of the B'nai B'rith of Toronto, is quoted in the
Toronto Globe and Mail as being far from pleased with the progress of the
ongoing trial against Ernst Zuendel, who claims the Holocaust never took
place. Says Kachuck, "I think it was a much messier affair than we expected
it to be in terms of things coming out we didn't want." Translation: the
truth can be so inconvenient when you are trying to disseminate the Big Lie.


U.S. Representative James A Traficant (D-Ohio) calls to our attention
further serious flaws in the case against retired American auto worker John


The Toronto Globe and Mail, in a truly gutsy move, prints a photo of
the swimming pool at Auschwitz taken by Swedish researcher Ditlieb Felderer,
who has taken some 30,000 photos of Nazi concentration camps and conducted
forensic tests on Holocaust-related artifacts. This is the first time this
photograph has been published. Earlier in the year, a judge had refused to
admit this photo (and others) as evidence because it did not fit his
preconceived notions about WWII concentration camps.


Assistant professor of history Donald D. Hiner of Indiana
University-Purdue University at Indianapolis is fired for advocating a
critical examination of various components of the exterminationist Holocaust
position. So much for the 1st Amendment.


Simon Wiesenthal renews his claim that Dr. Josef Mengele is still
alive, in spite of tests performed by six pathologists, including three
hired by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.


West German authorities kick down doors and ransack 2,000 homes in
search of ... books! Did these books urge violence? Did they contain state
secrets? Were they libelous or scandalous? No, they merely presented a
different view of the Holocaust myth, and for that reason had to be
confiscated. The source of the books, Canadian Ernst Zuendel, was charged
for dissemination of "hate propaganda." In August of 1982, the District
Court of Stuttgart ruled that Zuendel was completely innocent of the
accusations, and ordered the state treasury to pay all court costs.


At a community meeting to promote the Holocaust in Westlake Village,
CA, Renee Firestone and another Holocaust survivor tell whoppers about the
camps, including: 1) the Germans found a community of midgets (!),
transported them to Auschwitz, shot them (!) en masse, and then were forced
to let them sit in a pile for three days until the crematories could take
them, 2) the Germans piled death bodies three stories high at Bergen-Belson,
and 3) after the war, the Jews "never never" took retribution on their
jailers. The gullible public swallowed it whole.


Police raid a home near Brussels, Belgium, on behalf of West German
authorities, seeking to confiscate a videotape that challenges the Holocaust
myth ... another blow against free speech.


Associated Press dispatches from Vienna reveal a report by Austrian
engineer Walter Lueftl, which is yet another authoritative confirmation of
the findings of American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter. Lueftl writes,
"The mass murder with Zyklon B [which was allegedly used to kill Jews in
Auschwitz gas chambers] could not have taken place. Not only would this have
violated natural law, but the technical and organizational prerequisites for
it did not exist. On the basis of structural considerations, the crematories
could not have handled the number of victims. Corpses are not burning
materials. To burn them requires considerable time and energy."


Melvin Konner in the New York Times Book Review points out that poet
Avraham Stuzkever, claimed by Allen Ginsberg to have been killed in a ghetto
during WWII, is in fact alive and well and living in Tel Aviv.


In an unprecidented move, tenured professor Dr. Robert Faurisson is
deprived of his chair at the University of Lyon-2 by the French Minister of
Education, due to Faurisson's continuing role in questioning the Holocaust


The perpetrator of a campaign of virulent anti-Semitic graffiti,
harassment, and death threats in Geneva, Switzerland, turns out to be
23-year-old Jewish medical student Phlip Gotchel. We can only surmize that
Gotchel was unable to locate a suitable Nazi (American Jewish World).


FDR signs Executive Order No. 9012 establishing the War Relocation
Authority, which soon starts to operate the internment camps for American
citizens of Japanese descent, some of whom were born in America, even though
none of whom is charged with any crime. Note that in America, citizens were
being herded into camps based on race before the Nazis herded Jews (who were
not citizens of Germany and were in fact enemy aliens) into concentration
camps based on race alone. The U.S. Congress and Supreme Court uphold these


An article in the Baltimore Sun calls attention to the rising
incidence of impostors who tell grisly stories of wartime derring-do in
Vietnam, but who never served there, let alone saw combat. Psychologists and
counselors working with Vietnam veterans have identified one telltale sign
of these liars; a propensity to claim involvement in some atrocity, such as
massacring women and children. One is reminded of exterminationist Germaine
Tillion's thoughts on this issue back in July 1954, at which time she wrote
"Those persons (who gratuitously lie) are, to tell the truth, very much more
numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the
concentration camp world -- well designed, alas, to stimulate
sado-masochistic imaginations -- offered them an exceptional field of
action. ... There have been publishers to print some of their imaginings,
and more or less official compilations to use them, but publishers and
compilers are absolutely inexcusable since the most elementary inquiry would
have been enough to reveal the imposture."


The Leuchter Kongress is held in Munich for the purpose of examining
issues surrounding the Holocaust myth.


The headline story of the London Daily Express reads, Judea Declares
War on Germany. The article goes on to proclaim, "Jews of all the world
unit. Boycott of German goods. Mass demonstrations."


An AP wire service story in the Schenectady Gazette tells of a reunion
between two childhood friends, Lieba Wainer and Yacob Basner.
Coincidentally, Basner not only married another friend of Wainer's who
Wainer had presumed murdered by Nazis, but had been in the same
concentration camp with Wainer's husband between 1940 and 1945 (!), although
they never met.


West German police raid the house of Ernst Roemer in Hamburg in search
of a booklet challenging the Holocaust myth. Police were alerted to the
existence of the book by examining a bookstore's order for the book, which
was purchased before the book was banned. George Orwell was right.


The Christian News reports that theologian Hal Lindsey believes that
Satan started revisionist inquiry surrounding the Holocaust myth, and that
Satan is responsible for anti-Semitism.


In a series of articles, the Los Angeles Times describes the furor
created among Jewish organizations by the luncheon invitation extended to
Austrian President Kurt Waldheim by German Chancellor Hermut Kohl. Waldheim,
who has been accused of "war crimes" (but never tried nor convicted) has
been treated like a pariah even by the United States, where people are
supposedly innocent until proven guilty.


Joseph Brewda writing in New Solidarity cites a memorandum from the
International Caucus of Labor Committees (to Secretary of State Alexander
Haig) that accuses Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal of being a Nazi collaborator
during WWII.


The Los Angeles Times reports that Dr. George Ashley is transferred
from his teaching post at North Hollywood high school for answering a
student's question about the "other side" of the Holocaust. The ADL is
aghast that Ashley is not fired, and LA school board member Roberta
Weintraub laments the protection afforded Ashley by the First Amendment.


The New York Times Book Review runs a letter to the editor concerning
Martin Gilbert's book, The Holocaust, in which the correspondent quotes
Gilbert as writing, "... on Oct. 20, 1944, (Yitzhak) Sonenson's mother and
sister were killed ..." The letter writer then goes on to introduce herself
as Yitzhak Sonenson's sister, Yaffa Eliach. She continues, saying, "My
brother Yitzhak is quite aware of my existence. In frequent family reunions
on both sides of the Atlantic, we celebrate this great gift of life."


The Institute for Historical Review offers a $50,000 reward "to any
person who can prove that gas chambers existed at or in Auschwitz
Concentration Camp during World War II." Three people respond, none with
evidence that can meet the standards set forth in the Federal Rules of
Evidence of the United States. Among those not responding: Allan Ryan, Lily
Maier, Simon Wiesenthal, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the St. Louise Center
for Holocaust Studies, the Center for Holocaust Studies of Brooklyn, the Yad
Vashem Museum and Library, Dr. Gisella Perl, Nathan Perlmutter, Lucy
Dawidowicz, and Mel Mermelstein.


Isser Harel (Mossad, Shin Bet) and Arnold Forster (ADL) denounce Simon
Wiesenthal's claims to have aided in the capture of Adolf Eichmann, in the
Daily News Bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. (see March 3, 1989 for
related story)


Jack Wikoff gives a presentation on Holocaust revisionism at Wells
College in Aurora, NY. An Orthodox Rabbi (a Holocaust survivor and Nuernberg
participant) declines an invitation to appear before the all-woman audience
to provide rebuttal.


Police raid the home of retired judge Wilhelm Staeglich, searching for
prohibited materials (that is, those challenging the Holocaust myth). They
find nothing, but confiscate some other documents for good measure.


Maud S. Beelman in the Santa Monica Outlook reports that
"sophisticated genetic testing has confirmed that Josef Mengele, the Nazi
'Angel of Death,' died in Brazil in 1979." This news will no doubt come as
somewhat of a blow to Holocaust survivor Siegfried Halbreich, who claims to
have seen Dr. Mengele playing piano in a small combo at a Los Angeles area
restaurant in 1980. Said Halbreich at that time, "I could not be wrong in
recognizing Mengele."


The Jewish Journal confirms Simon Wiesenthal's dedication to freedom
of speech by noting that Wiesenthal has "urged that the US adopt legislation
against racial hatred."


Senator William Proxmire's weak-kneed screed against the IHR is
reported in the Congressional Record.


A Reuters story, dateline Bonn, reports that Rabbi Abraham Cooper of
the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles has urged Mayor Henning Yoscherau
of Hamburg, Germany, to block construction of a shopping mall on a former
Jewish cemetery after a German court gave the go-ahead to start building.
Wrote Rabbi Cooper, "Considering the trauma and tragedy inflicted on the
Jewish citizens of your city during the Holocaust, we would hope that the
leaders of today's Hamburg would take a stand on behalf of memory."


The Toronto Star recounts the story of Frank Walus, who was fingered
by Simon Wiesenthal first as a Gestapo collaborator, then later as a member
of the Gestapo. Twelve eyewitnesses swore Walus was a mass-murderer who had
stomped a pregnant Jew to death. Forty eyewitnesses placed Walus at the
concentration camp in Kielce, Poland, during the war. At the trial, however,
it was established that Walus was never at the camp, never a member of the
Gestapo, never a member of the SS, and that in fact all of Wiesenthal's
charges against Walus were fabrications. This prompted the US Justice
Department to drop all charges, issue an apology, and pay Walus $34,000 to
help offset his legal fees.


Dr. Arthur Butz (author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century) and
William Lindsey, Ph.D. hold a seminar on key aspects of the Holocaust in


Daniel Goldhagen, writing in the New Republic, rails against
exterminationist author Arno Mayer, and his book Why Did the Heavens Not
Darken? The reason? Mayer announces his intention to treat what he calls
Judeocide according to the canons of historical scholarship rather than
following the elsewhere much vainted eyewitness system. Mayer admits that
"Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable."
Also, "Most of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials
and executions at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and
bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully, since it can be
influenced by subjective factors of great complexity." And another,
"Besides, from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall,
more Jews were killed by so-called 'natural' causes than by 'unnatural'
ones." Mayer also cites as a reference The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by
Arthur Butz, a key revisionist work.


Professor Robert Faurisson is convicted in France (that bastion of
free speech) of questioning the Holocaust myth.


WW II American airman Paul Stralka shares details of his stay at
Buchenwald for the Duluth News Tribune by recalling "long lines of prisoners
being led to the gas chambers, which were usually disguised as showers."
Unfortunately, Buchenwald is in Germany, and as we all know, "there were no
extermination camps on German soil" (Simon Wiesenthal, Books and Bookmen,
April, 1975).


Speaking at a conference on Group Defamation and the Freedom of
Speech, keynote guest Elie Wiesel urges that freedom of speech and inquiry
on the alleged Holocaust be proscribed. Wiesel called revisionists "the most
despicable of our enemies," and claimed that French revisionist scholar Dr.
Robert Faurrison was "haunting" and "persucuting" him. When Wiesel was asked
if his admonition to every Jew to maintain "a zone of hate --- healthy,
virile hate --- for what the German personifies and for what persists in the
German" might qualify as "group defamation," conference organizer Monroe
Freedman intervened to denounce the question as anti-Semitic.


After WWII, Max Glauben was told his two aunts had been sent to the
gas chambers at a German extermination camp. He assumed he was the only
surviving family member. Today, his aunts telephoned Glauben in Dallas from
Philadelphia after finding his name in a computer data bank maintained by
the National Register of Jewish Holocaust Survivors.


The New York Times records the Auschwitz memories of one Pearl
Herskovic, who says she saw her whole family go up in "billowing smoke" from
an crematorium chimney, and that her family's "ashes began to fall on my
arm." Apparently, scientific fact and technical impossibility cannot
withstand irrational "truths" that are drummed into people's heads through
endless repetition and suppression of contrary information.


The date SS officer Kurt Gerstein's first two (of at least six)
"confessions." Confession 1 is handwritten in French. Confession 2 is
typewritten in French, dated April 26, 1945 (also presented as Nuernberg
document PS-1553; rejected by the IMT but accepted by the AMT!). Confession
3 is typewritten in German and is dated May 4, 1945. Confession 4 is
handwritten in French, dated May 6, 1945. Confession 5 is typewritten in
French, dated May 6, 1945. And Confession 6 is typewritten in German, dated
May 6, 1945. Also, there are three distinct versions of Confession 5.


An article in the Los Angeles Times by staff writer Robert Gillette
reveals that enormous numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, Balts, Poles, and
others welcomed the German invaders as liberators from communism and from
the suffering they had endured during the 1920s and 1930s. One Red Army
general, Andrei Vlasov, even raised an army to fight alongside the Germans
in hopes of helping to bring down Stalin.


Elie Wiesel, writing in Jewish Week, states, "The Holocaust is our
strength. We have been shielded by it for a generation."


Israeli citizen Michael Wolffsohn, teacher at the official West German
War College, is quoted in the weekly Deutsche National-Zeitung as saying the
Jews need the Holocaust story and anti-Germanism to maintain Jewish
collective identity. Furthermore, according to Wolffsohn, "Whenever there
are day-to-day or historical-political differences of opinion between
Germany and foreign countries, the Holocaust has proven to be a suitable
instrument against Germany, and no one gives up an effective tool,
especially in politics." Wolffsohn's comments first appeared in a special
edition of Das Parlament.


The editorial page of the Los Angeles Times contains a piece by Rachel
Patron, who claims that as a Polish Jew she was shipped off to Siberia by
the Soviets during WWII (and you thought all Polish Jews were captured and
gassed by Nazis). Ms. Patron goes on to state that on later passing through
Ukraine on her return to Poland she found a shed full of soap made from
Jews. Isn't it interesting how these Holocaust survivors can remember seeing
things that never existed?


US Secretary of the Interior Donald P. Hodel informs a crowd of some
6,000 Holocaust survivors that Holocaust education is as important for
Americans as the history of their own nation. Apparently, Hodel is unaware
that the last thing the Holocaust lobby wants is more study of the facts and
claims surrounding the Holocaust story.


Cherry Hill, New Jersey, police arrest three men, including
18-year-old Jew Matthew Tannenbaum, for vandalizing the predominantly Jewish
Woodcrest Country Club on April 18.


Lord Shawcross, chief British prosecutor at the Nuernberg Tribunal of
1945-46, speaks out against the pending War Crimes law that was later pushed
through by Margaret Thatcher, John Majors, and extreme pressure from Zionist
groups (notibly those in Southern California). Fair trials in such "war
crimes" cases are almost impossible, Lord Shawcross explains, because
"witness identification, notoriously the frailest form of human testimony,"
is particularly unreliable after so many years. "Evidence of identification
is unsafe after four weeks and hopeless after forty years." As the cases of
Frank Walus and many others in the United States and elsewhere have shown,
such fears are well founded. British officials plan to use the new law to
prosecute three cases starting immediately upon passage. (New York Times)


The Institute of Historical Review presents official testimony to the
Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education subcommittee of the
Education and Labor Committee ofthe House of Representatives, urging that
Holocaust studies not exclude facts and research that might not be
consistent with orthodoxy. This effort to support the First Amendment is
repaid with an attack on the IHR in the Congressional Record by Rep. Jim
Saxton (R-NJ).


The Christian News devotes an issue exclusively to the revisionist
side of the Holocaust story.


The Visalia Times-Delta prints an article critical of the authenticity
of the Diary of Anne Frank. The ensuing hubbub on the opinion and letters
pages lasts for weeks.


Rudolf Hess flies to Great Britain as an ambassador of peace, is
captured, and is locked away in prison until the day he dies.


At the United Jewish Welfare Fund Toy Division dinner, a man named
Fred Kort was given the UJWF's Humanitarian of the Year award. Kort is
identified as a "survivor of the concentration camp at Treblinka." One
problem: on page 284 of the book The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary,
only 69 people are listed as surviving Treblinka, and Fred Kort's name is
not among them. (Los Angeles Jewish Community Bulletin)


A Washington Post story about a bus-load of 5th graders trapped in a
tunnel filled with diesel exhaust fails to ask why the 5th graders were able
to survive their ordeal for 40 minutes when the Nazis are alleged to have
used diesel exhaust to kill thousands (if not millions) of Jews and others
during WWII.


The home of revisionist Dr. George Ashley is damaged by a crude
explosive. The letters "JDL" are spray-painted on the sidewalk in front of
the home. This is the fourth time in three years that Dr. Ashley's home has
been attacked by thugs.


Deborah Lipstadt, a teacher of Modern Jewish History at UCLA,
publishes an elaborate rebuttal to the Jewish soap stories in the Los
Angeles Times. Having said that, however, Ms. Lipstadt then goes on to
repeat the lies that 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis during
WWII, and that the Nazis made lampshades from human skin. Proof, Ms.


A German court convicts 80-year-old Josef Schwammberger to life in
prison for "war crimes." Despite the crowing of various Jews and Jewish
groups over the verdict and sentence, it is generally assumed that this will
be the last major Nazi war crimes trial. (Santa Monica Outlook)


Canadian journalist Doug Collins (North Shore News, North Vancouver,
BC) becomes the first established journalist in North America to tell
readers that the Holocaust story just doesn't add up.


Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig, responding to questions from revisionist
Bradley Smith on West Bloomfield radio station WSPD-AM, admits that the
human-soap story is only a rumor. So what? Well, previously Rabbi Rosenzveig
had exhibited absolutely no compunctions about perpetrating the lie that
soap was made from human fat at Buchenwald, and was an example of the
"inconceivable" behavior of Germans during WWII (see the Toledo Blade,
February 24, 1985).


The Seattle Times reports an eyewitness account by 90-year-old
University of Washington professor emeritus Nikolai Poppe that charges the
Nazis with digging a hole 50 yards square near Nalchik, in the Soviet
Caucasus, and using it as a mass grave as they executed all the prisoners
from the Nalchik city jail. One week later, readers of the Seattle Times
were informed through a letter to the editor signed by David Knechtges and
30 other professors and staff members from the University that Poppe had
been misquoted, and that the massacre in question had been carried out not
by the Germans but by the Soviet NKVD. After attempts to portray the Germans
as executioners for other Soviet mass murders such as those at Lvov
(Lemberg) in 1941, Katyn in 1940, and Vynnytsia between 1937 and 1939, this
seems rather par for the course.


A court in Haifa, Israel sentences a Jew to three years in prison
after he confesses to desecrating more than 300 Jewish graves in the hope
that Arabs would be blamed. (New York Times)


The famed "ghetto boy" of Warsaw, photographed with his arms raised
over his head as he was allegedly being hustled off to join the other Jews
inside the gas ovens, has apparently surfaced in Rockland County, New York.
Dr. Tsvi C. Nussbaum claims the picture is of him as a young boy. Some
groups, who cherish the symbolism of the photo, refuse to believe Nussbaum's
claims. Of course, Nussbaum is not the first to claim himself as the subject
of this photo; in 1978 wealthy Londoner Israel Rondel came forward to
explain that the photo had been taken of Rondel after an arrest for theft,
although he was later released unharmed and returned to his mother.


After weeks of rabble-rousing in the Canadian Jewish News (and other
periodicals), an anti-German rally takes place at Allen Gardens (Canada).
During the rally, speaker after speaker publically denounce and slander a
Canadian citizen of German descent and others. The assembled multitude then
walk to the business of a local German-Canadian and attempt to break through
police lines to attack those inside. Neither the rally organizers, speakers,
or attendees are censured for these acts. (In contrast, imagine what would
have happened had Germans held a similar demonstration about Jews!)


A character in the comic strip Dondi vividly recalls (over 40 years
later) the "big red chimney and Zyklon B poison gas" ... at Dachau!
Considering that no one seriously puts forth the proposition that Dachau had
homicidal gas chambers, this is indicative of the future of the entire
Holocaust myth ... relegated to the make-believe world of the funny pages.


The U.S. Supreme Court rejects an appeal by Jewish groups to throw out
the case brought against them by the widow of revisionist David McCalden.
The suit charges that pressure and threats from the Jewish groups forced the
California Library Association to cancel his exhibit scheduled for a Los
Angeles hotel in December, 1984. (Santa Monica Outlook)


Defense attorney Yoram Sheftel demands that the Israeli Supreme Court
overturn the conviction of client John Demjanjuk.


The Israeli daily Ha'aretz reports on a study by the University of
Haifa that shows, once again, that the majority of Jewish children in Israel
see Arabs as "terrorists and murderers of children." It appears that
Israelis have learned the lessons of fascism well.


Four years after the jailing of John Demjanjuk as Ivan the Terrible,
new evidence has the prosecutor doubting the conviction, and a U.S. court is
re-examing the retired autoworker's extradition.


Massachusetts state officials set aside a criminal complaint against
execution hardware expert Fred Leuchter instead of proceding with the trial,
which had been set for June 24. The complaint arose after Leuchter published
his report on forensic tests of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps
and found no evidence that the facilities had ever been used in homicidal
gassings. Groups supporting the Holocaust myth forced the state to bring the
suit in an effort to discredit Leuchter, in light of their inability to
respond substantively to the report itself.


An Associated Press report out of London casually mentions that
included in the just-released documents of Rudolf Hess is a memo of Hess'
peace terms: Germany was to hold sway in a European sphere of influence,
while Britain was to keep its empire. Hess was found guilty of war crimes at
Nuernberg and sentenced to life in prison.


An editorial in the Washington Times reveals that enormous numbers of
Russians, Ukrainians, Balts, Poles, and others welcomed the German invaders
as liberators from communism and from the suffering they had endured during
the 1920s and 1930s. One Red Army general, Andrei Vlasov, even raised an
army to fight alongside the Germans in hopes of helping to bring down


The ADL issues a report on anti-Semitic incidents that includes such
unthinkable crimes as distributing pro-Arab literature and criticising the
policies of the state of Israel. (DC Observer)


The Deland (FL) Sun News publishes a commentary entitled Exactly what
is Holocaust Truth? The pieces centers on the disparity between the
dogmatic, ritualistic view of the Holocaust and the Western
historiographical tradition of objective inquiry into the past.


In an apparent attempt to smear American gas chamber expert Fred
Leuchter, the Washington Post grossly misrepresents the facts surrounding
the charges against Mr. Leuchter, as can easily be seen by comparing the
direct quotes in the article with the Post's commentary. Furthermore, the
Post reveals that the real reason behind Mr. Leuchter's persecution is the
efforts of Jewish organizations including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).


While questioning defendant Albert Speer at the Nuernberg trials, US
prosecutor Robert Jackson tells Speer that he has certain information that
the Nazis erected a small village just outside of Auschwitz, put
approximately 20,000 Jews in it, and by means of a newly invented weapon
eradicated these people almost instantaneously in such a way that there was
no trace left of them, and that the explosive used had developed
temperatures of from 400 to 500 degrees Centigrade. Jackson: "Do you know
about that experiment?" Speer: "No, and I consider it utterly improbable."
Jackson then dropped the matter, which is too bad because this story is much
more easily defended than the current "gas chamber" myth.


IHR headquarters in Torrance is bombed at 5 am. Claiming
responsibility for the bombing is a man who called the Associated Press and
identified himself as being a member of the Jewish Defenders, an arm of the
violence-prone Jewish Defense League headed locally by Mordecai Levy and
nationally by Irv Rubin.


Raul Hilberg, fresh from his appearance as a witness at the trial of
Canadian Ernst Zündel, is quoted in the Jerusalem Post as doubting the
veracity of key Holocaust witnesses, pointing up the severe shortcomings of
not only the magic 6,000,000 figure but exterminationist estimations of
Holocaust dead in general, and challenging survivor accounts. During
questioning by Zündel's lawyer Doug Christie, Hilberg was forced to concede
that although he cited SS officer Kurt Gerstein ten times in his book
(Destruction of the European Jews), he did so only after editing parts of
the Gerstein statements that were "pure nonsense" and "totally false."


The Chicago Tribune reports the reuniting of a family thought to have
been murdered by the Nazis during WWII. For 40 years, Lucia Miller "thought
her sister and an aunt were the only other members of her family to survive
the Holocaust. This weekend, she saw differently: About 130 cousins --- from
her generation to her grandchild's --- gathered in Chicago from around the
world for a Mintz family reunion." The story goes on to say that "family
members from Florida, California, Israel, France, and Brazil arrived to join
the celebration." Helene Pomeranc from Paris "thought it was just my father
and me." The reunion was the result of 30 years of effort by Harry Mintz,
who searched for relatives by advertising in Eurpean newspapers and looking
through thousands of telephone book pages. While reunions such as that of
the Mintz family are not every day occurences, they are by no means unusual.
Unfortunately, each family member often believes that all the other family
members were murdered, multiplying the death toll, while few make any
attempt to locating missing family members.


Rabbi Dr. Samuel A. Turk claims in the New York Jewish Press that
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he had blasphemed when he
said "Ich bin ein Berliner" in Berlin in 1963. Turk's remarks were part of
an open letter to President Ronald Reagan, in which the cleric expressed his
outrage that Reagan had publicly challenged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev
to tear down the Berlin Wall.


The Institute for Historical Review is attacked by arsonists and
burned to the ground in a vain attempt to silence the world's leading voice
for truth about the Holocaust myth. JDL activist Jerry Rubin proudly and
defiantly claims foreknowledge of the arson attack, and names Los Angeles
Police infiltrator/informant Larry Winston as the perpetrator. Local police
and the FBI investigate briefly, then lose interest in what has been called
the worst case of political terrorism in the history of the United States.


The London Independent claims that a complete copy of the diaries of
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, have been found in Russian
archives in Moscow.


Yossi Melman writes in the Jerusalem Ha'retz that Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir headed a special hit squad during his 10 years (1955 to 1964)
in Isreal's Mossad secret service. The article notes that Shamir was
recruited in part because he had "a lot of experience in murder,
assassinations, planting bombs, threats, and harassment."


An editorial in the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza rings down the curtain on
the debate raging in the Letters section about the Holocaust myth. What
started with one letter from a local reader protesting a $30,000
appropriation for Holocaust education expanded to many letters over a period
of several weeks. These letters (where were sent in by those on both sides
of the issue) in a newspaper of relatively small circulation are an
encouraging indication of the growing impact of Holocaust revisionism. A
debate of this depth and intensity would have been all but unthinkable just
a few years ago,


A Washington Times article about the opening of a mass grave in Poland
carries the headline, Mass Grave in Poland Dug up But Only Germans are
Found. Imagine the outcry if the racially-, ethnically-, and
religiously-sensitive Times (owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon) had run a
headline reading, Mass Grave in Poland Dug up But Only Jews are Found, or
Mass Grave in South Africa Dug up But Only Blacks are Found.


Patrick Buchanan's column in the Washington Times defends rocket
scientist Arthur Rudolph of charges he was a Nazi.


The Washington Times runs an article by Krzysztof Leski and Ohad
Gozani (of the London Daily Telegraph) reporting that Poland has cut the
official Auschwitz death toll from 4 million to just over 1 million.
According to the article, "Israeli experts said evidence to support the
lower estimate had been mounting for some time," and "Shmuel Krakowsky, head
of research at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial for Jewish victims of the
Holocaust, said the new Polish figures were correct."


The home of Canadian James Keegstra is subject to an arson attack.
Keegstra, who denies the Holocaust took place, had recently successfully
appealed his conviction under Canada's obscurantist hate laws.


The Asbury Park Press reports that two Jewish teens will face charges
that they spray-painted swastikas and anti-Semitic remarks on a home and a
car. No doubt, the Holocaust made them do it.


The Spotlight announces that more than 100,000 copies of the German
language edition of its special Holocaust supplement, The Great Holocaust
Debate, has been circulated in the Federal Republic of Germany, even though
such distribution is illegal due to German laws against "denying" the

The Jerusalam Post reports claims by Israeli citizen Israel Carmi, who
served in the British Army's Jewish Bridage during WWII, of his role in the
kidnapping and murder of an unspecified number of Germans during the last
months of 1945 and 1946. One must wonder why this confessed murderer is
exempt from prosecution.


Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein settles a lawsuit
against the Institute for Historical Review out-of-court in exchange for
$90,000 and a simple apology. Mermelstein had sued the Institute for
Historical Review for $17 million for various causes, including mental
anguish, sleepless nights, and injurious denial of established historical
fact (a cause of action hitherto unused in American courts, but popular in
communist courts). It is estimated that the trial cost Mermelstein $150,000,
and his law firm claims to have donated $400,000 worth of legal work to this
one case.

After almost a year, no one steps forward to claim the $50,000 prize
offered by the IHR to anyone who can prove the Nazis used homicidal gas


Influential Australian Jewish academic Dr. Frank Knopfelmacher
condemns the ongoing campaign against alleged Nazi war criminals as an
ill-considered exercise motivated by revenge that fosters social strife, and
against The Simon Wiesenthal Center for helping to foment "ethnic hatred."
(The Australian)

Second International Revisionist Conference, Ontario, California.
Announced at this conference are two contests, each for $25,000 to anyone
who can either prove the diary of Anne Frank is genuine or that the Nazis
ever made soap from the bodies of

N/A (26-06-2010)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 26-06-10 12:01

Kayed Al-Kuffar (26-06-2010)
Fra : Kayed Al-Kuffar

Dato : 26-06-10 12:39

"Patruljen" <Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote in message
> UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in
> Gaza.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMGuYjt6CP8&feature=related
> Israeli Airforce Captain in a BBC interview
> says Israel is commiting war crimes.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNx1xa4lHtU&feature=related

Moshe Dayan, outlined the strategy for Israel: "Israel must be a like a mad
dog, too dangerous to bother."
USA must leach the mad dog before it bites his master!!!

docremington (26-06-2010)
Fra : docremington

Dato : 26-06-10 06:12

Wikking wrote:
> docremington wrote:
> > Patruljen wrote:
> >> Pull your self together.!!!
> >
> > Palisimians *are* pulling their "selves", together and apart,
> > habitually, of course.
> That would probably be similar to what happened in the Warsaw Ghetto
> though wouldn't it? Some Jews became Nazi officials, and later in the
> camps, some became camp police and basically they also tore themselves
> apart. The same stresses and strains applied.

Do we, really, have to turn palisimian masturbation antics into a
political issue?

> Don't see the parallel? That would be because you're a racist,
> ethnocentric moron.


docremington (26-06-2010)
Fra : docremington

Dato : 26-06-10 07:42

bit-sus wrote:
> "docremington":
> > Patruljen wrote:
> >> Pull your self together.!!!
> >
> > Palisimians *are* pulling their "selves", together and apart,
> > habitually, of course.
> The last apartheid state that uses extreme cruelty, murder and torture of
> citizens and kiling of it's citizens [drivel & garbage] ...

What "citizens"? Since when has palisimians become israeli "citizens"?
Get a life & a job.

bit-sus (27-06-2010)
Fra : bit-sus

Dato : 27-06-10 04:59

"docremington" <docremington@safe-mail.net> wrote in message
> bit-sus wrote:
>> "docremington":
>> > Patruljen wrote:
>> >> Pull your self together.!!!
>> >
>> > Palisimians *are* pulling their "selves", together and apart,
>> > habitually, of course.
>> The last apartheid state that uses extreme cruelty, murder and torture of
>> citizens and kiling of it's citizens


> What "citizens"? Since when has palisimians become israeli "citizens"?

> Get a life & a job.



The last apartheid state that uses extreme cruelty, murder and torture of
citizens and kiling of it's citizens for no more reason than to impose this
apartheid, we should no more condone and encourage participants in this
disgusting practice than we did with our kith and kin christians, jews and
non jews in South Africa.
We stopped fellow Europeans to stop those evil practices so dont see why we
cannot ask our resident jews to do the same with their israeli brethren. As
it is only jews as christians are being illtreated along with all other

And we certainly woud not encourage and associate uncaringly with nazi
guards even though they did not go as far as israeli forces do every day
today, and despite the fact that post war teams of pathologists and doctors
have proved at every camp as it was released that not one person found died
of gassing in nazi camps.

The Alternative Tour of Auschwitz: An Independent Investigation of the
2- http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8424408632716421689#


By bringing the israelis to recognise their responsibilities as we did with
South Africans, we would also remove the necessity for resident jews to go
to the extremes of persecuting and attacking fellow Americans to keep from
their false claims against the nazis exposed.



Ariadne (26-06-2010)
Fra : Ariadne

Dato : 26-06-10 07:52

On 25 June, 22:41, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pull your self together.!!!

_You_ are in need of the advice. Whom do you
supposed carried out the Shoah?

Everyone else knows it was those Nazis _you_
introduced here.

The Peeler (26-06-2010)
Fra : The Peeler

Dato : 26-06-10 14:58

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 06:51:42 -0700 (PDT), Ariadne
<ariadne.mac@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 25 June, 22:41, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Pull your self together.!!!
>_You_ are in need of the advice. Whom do you
>supposed carried out the Shoah?
>Everyone else knows it was those Nazis _you_
>introduced here.

Sounds like you managed to escape, jew cunt.

The Peeler (26-06-2010)
Fra : The Peeler

Dato : 26-06-10 15:06

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 21:58:08 +0800, The Retard, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj, IMPERSONATING his master, The Peeler, wrote:

> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 06:51:42 -0700 (PDT), Ariadne
> <ariadne.mac@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On 25 June, 22:41, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>>> On 25 Jun., 23:06, Ariadne <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Pull your self together.!!!
>>_You_ are in need of the advice. Whom do you
>>supposed carried out the Shoah?
>>Everyone else knows it was those Nazis _you_
>>introduced here.
> Sounds like you managed to escape, jew cunt.

YOU certainly won't escape YOUR fate, poor housebound sexual cripple, which
is: staying locked up in your dark stinking room ALL weekend, AGAIN,
compelled to make a complete ass of yourself online and let yourself get
fucked by really EVERYONE, around the clock! LOL

Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The

Ariadne (26-06-2010)
Fra : Ariadne

Dato : 26-06-10 07:53

On 25 June, 22:28, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:

> I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
> that is :)

Hence the abysmal quality of your poasts.

J. Nielsen (27-06-2010)
Fra : J. Nielsen

Dato : 27-06-10 06:38

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 06:52:44 -0700 (PDT), Ariadne
<ariadne.mac@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 25 June, 22:28, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
>> that is :)
>Hence the abysmal quality of your poasts.

Bear with him. He's striving for kook-hood, and likely to achieve it in
the near future.


Patruljen (27-06-2010)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-06-10 12:45

On 27 Jun., 07:38, J. Nielsen <mor...@post8.tele.dk> wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 06:52:44 -0700 (PDT), Ariadne
> <ariadne....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On 25 June, 22:28, Patruljen <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >> I don`t love this fellow - Kaufman. I don`t even know who
> >> that is :)
> >Hence the abysmal quality of your poasts.
> Bear with him. He's striving for kook-hood, and likely to achieve it in
> the near future.

Theese danish morons doesn`t really have anything to tell you. They
would like all muslims to be killed, bombed and raped and that`s about
their contribution to the world. If you dont agree in this - they will
curse, call you a nazi, a jewhater and so on. Thats about it -

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