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(rev 3.8) Refusing to Respect, that China'~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 12-03-09 07:00

Refusing to Respect, that China's sociopath Hu Jintao is Evil only,
fully Evil, and nothing but Evil to China

7 July 2008
{HRI 20080707-V3.8}

(Version 3.8
on 12 Mar 2009)

(Journalism course)

(view Summary
by skipping

(suits foreign
language readers)


The term 'Respect' comes from the Latin word for 'Looking at someone
very precisely' - and a person IS a soul.

Truth is absolute, you know... no matter what you think
about it.


China's sociopath Hu Jintao, is Evil only, fully Evil, and nothing but
Evil. Treating him as anything else than that, does mortally offend
the Chinese people, and all other people as well.

Respect means looking at a person as to WHO HE ACTUALLY IS, and
treating him accordingly.



Evil does not "happen," but IT IS CAUSED BY EVIL INDIVIDUALS, ONLY.

Removing these individuals from a position of authority, does
create - not instability, but - stability, of course.

However, Criminal Minds (sociopaths) have everything in
reverse. Thus, what would THESE tell any government and
to the press?

"Removing Evil heads of state, will cause instability."

And that's what they will say - and is, as you know, what
they did say indeed, recently about (and to not remove)
North Korea's Kim, Myanmar's generals, Zimbabwe's Mugabe
and Sudan's Beshir.



Hu Jintao has no other intention than to destroy the people of China,
and as many people as he can, globally

- for which he of course has to do the necessary things to
maintain a position from which to do so; and in order not to
be kicked out, he has to pretend.

THAT IS THE NATURE of Hu Jintao, it always has been, and always will

- and George "Washington" Bush is once again hiding and denying
that nature,

much like he, Bush, is continuing to hide and deny the nature
of Russia's Putin (a sociopath) and of America's Henry
Kissinger (a sociopath).


And of course, Russia's long time Foreign Minister,
Lavrov, whom current Russian president Medvedev has
opposed in words but not in deeds, Lavrov is also a
well-known Criminal Mind or sociopath.

Putin and Lavrov will not allow Medvedev to destroy the
Evil that Putin and Lavrov have built up over the years
and that they wish to continue.



But journalists* will not report that either. Instead,
they write

- excuse me, they writhe their little quills, as
parrots do - they work hard to find the words

NOT in order to report it, but to "explain" it.

For example as 'it is not a commercially viable decision
by Russia,'

(it is destructive to Russia, for Russia to support
Evil dictators - but the "journalists" do NOT say
that, but they DO say, they "explain to you," by
making Evil seem right, they say

'it does not get them more money')

'so it must be "politically" motivated.'

It - their (Russia's Putin and Lavrov's) current
support for the sociopath Mugabe of Zimbabwe (the
country formerly Rhodesia) supporting an intensely
Evil dictator has however nothing at all to do with
'politics FOR Russia,'

but, with Criminal Minds - Russia's Putin, and
Lavrov - because these ENJOY TO DESTROY LIFE -
they ENJOY to be Criminal to anyone,

including to Russians, of course, too,

and they needs REASONS, or journalists, to
"explain" how their Evil "is not just plain
Evil," but "necessary" or "understandable."


And now (20080715) some "expert" 'clarifies' for the
willing journalist, what simply is Evil and Evil only:

"The Russians" - by refusing their support for kicking out
the Criminal Mugabe - "are creating a bargaining chip,"

(the expert means extortion, but "being an expert,"
he does not say that, that it is simple extortion)

that "Russia can then exchange, for wanting the West to
give in to something" Evil "that Russia wants."


Reminds me of 'The Black Prince' - in the
Middle Ages in Europe: He went out to burn
villages and farms and murder peasants, just
because he enjoyed to be Evil and could do so,

and then some "historian" comes along
and gives the "explanation," that

"he did that 'to show the king of the country,
in France I think it was, that the king could
not defend his own citizens'."

It is not different in modern times.


And it is the task of THE journalist, to parrot the words
and not to provide the understanding - hence the term
'Associated Parrots.'

But all there is to report on, is the INTENTION AND
NATURE OF THE CRIMINAL MIND - of Russia's Putin and
Lavrov, and of the deputy of Lavrov - "in their
'governing' of Russia."

Which is: to desire and to enjoy to do Evil, and to
maintain a position from which to do so unhindered,
and supported by state finances and institutions,

that are however not intended for Evil.



Could you make a 'Parrot' understand that?
I have not succeeded, so far, though it was
not through lack of effort, clarity and
repetition. (*)

But some politicians, in Africa *(6)
even, have gotten the message.

Parrots however, by scientific definition,
have 'bird brains.'


Nevertheless, the case lies different than one would
assume, here:

The Parrots (Associated or otherwise) are
'HYPNOTIZED' (mentally compelled) to assume,
that "ONLY WORDS - with sound or visual - DO

they* have allowed themselves to be degraded into 'being
dictating machines,'

little soul-less robots without sense of right or
wrong and true or false, other than

"Was it spoken or written by someone?"


I guess they must all have studied
"modern physics" - Albert Einstein
and Stephen Hawking, that is,

or else they must have graduated
from Medical College,

where such lies "about life" (that
"life is composed of atoms and
photons" - that such violent lies)
are taught AND believed...

You have been made and are kept so
inconceivably Insane, so cowardly Insane
and so destructively Insane... *(3)


Why do I say this? Because if you don't
look at it, you won't change it.

And you are not aware of it, so someone
- best I, because you trust me - someone
has to point it out to you.


I teach you such basic things of
life, comparable to

how to recognize boiling water,
and then I teach you why not to
put your foot into it.

If you then do not act on it, and
if you then do not explain it to
others, either,

then I point out to you,
that you are inconceivably
Insane, destructively Insane
and cowardly Insane.

That's why I say this. *(4)



Journalists* of the Associated Parrots, and the like,
ARE REFUSING to respect (the condition and intentions and
lies of) sociopaths:

Journalists of the Associated Parrots and the like, are
refusing to have a conscience, actually,

and thereby they oppose the intelligence that
springs from using that conscience.


Having a conscience, so they claim, is "taking
sides," and

- while CONSCIENCE IS 'taking the side of
good, of life, of decency,'

AND of true reporting, mind you -

but, so these journalists claim,

"that is being partial."


That is the lie (one of the many lies) that
Criminal Minds have invented and that these
do inflict on you,

(most pronouncedly, in the lies of
Hinduism and of Buddhism, "about life")

to lame your sense of (and to PREVENT the
resulting acts of) care and decency - of
your CONSCIENCE - to follow which is,

what most of you became journalists
for, in the first place.


You see how little it takes, to make you lame and
to make you follow what are actually the commands

(that are inflicted on you or on others, as
"your" or as "their," "own" feelings, "own"
ideas, "own" compelling forces, "own" social

that are not your or their own, at all, but)

of Criminal Minds.


A typical example of that is Mao Zedong making
the majority of Chinese WANT TO DESTROY THEIR

even making them WANT to destroy their own
food producing activities so they - a large
part of the population of China - died of

...really. Talk about HYPNOTISM!


Thereby you make yourself (you allow yourself to be
made)- and your friends too - nauseatingly Ugly.


by denying or suspending your actual,
own sense of decency, your own

CRIMINAL MIND, (in the above
example to worship the very
Extremely Criminal Mind
Mao Zedong of China) and so

to not see and to not oppose
Criminal Minds or Sociopaths -

you do create a tremendous amount of
Ugliness, of repulsiveness,

and the journalists are no exception.



They* follow the Associated Press's CEO, Tom
Curley (who is) that far out of his 'right

(Mind-guru Silva - amongst other New Age
gurus - teaches you, that "one has a
'right and left' brain"

- he means Mind, *(5) which has
no left, nor right, at all,
because it consists entirely of
Life Energy Particles; and also
those of the body - which show
as meridians, known for instance
in acupuncture - these develop
and exist in the exact center,
on the top of the head; but

Silva and other New Age gurus do
refer to the fleshy part, to the
brain; which can be, like your
hands, left or right -

so he, the head of the Associated Press,
Tom Curley, could also have been right
out of his left brain, or left out of
his right brain,

if you want to follow Silva's
Extra Sensory Perception on it:

Guru Silva, like any other guru
too, does NOT want you to know
what perception is, else he, Jose
Silva, would have told you.) *(5)


In any case, he - the AP's Tom Curley that
is - is soon going to give us an Associated
Press tally (counting) of

'how many AMERICAN soldiers died,
in freeing the EUROPEAN people of
the Nazi terror regime (in 1945),'

so as to compare it with his
daily tally of "the nightmare"
of American soldiers defending
freedom by going to and putting
back together the people and
their country, of Iraq.

That's really "a nightmare,"
isn't it - for a Criminal
Mind THAT is a "nightmare."

Criminal Minds have
everything in reverse.

Obama calls it a "nightmare."



A person is a soul, and not a brain, as you know,

not a bird brain, not a human brain, and not
the brain of a whale either - but you are a

However, by judging their lack of conscience,
their stiffled or suffocated desire of feeling
for and with truth,

this does apparently not apply to Parrots

- whether these Parrots are Associated, or
Agence France, or Reuters, McClatchy or


Furthermore, Truth is 'that what happened PLUS who
caused it PLUS what intentions were present or

I add for THE journalists:

Truth is NOT defined as "what was said, and
shown to be perceived."

I repeat for THE journalists:

Truth IS defined as 'that what happened
PLUS who caused it PLUS with what
intentions it was caused or intended
by which person(s).




Former US president Ronald Reagan FALSELY believed, that "there is
good in every person." Evil persons, however, can only PRETEND to be

People are not born equal at all - people are born as souls,
as who they are...

And one percent of people born, is entirely, viciously and
maliciously evil only, BY THE NATURE OF THEIR SOUL, their

It is their JOY - and that is their ONLY joy - to be evil
to others.

And they of course might get away with it, and be
supported by you,

when they are "fighting evil" with THEIR evil

- but this NEVER WORKS, as any historian should be
able to tell you, in case you forgot it yourself.

First people supported Napoleon Bonaparte, and
then they had to get rid of him,

BECAUSE his nature and joy is to
dominate and destroy life.

Same with Saddam Hussein whose Evil "opposed
the Evil of Iran."

Evil "fighting Evil" - fighting Evil with Evil -


You have to get up and do the work yourselves, and
that is - if you want to talk about religions etc. -
you have to do the work of facing Evil, yourself,

REGARDLESS of any and all prophets, who are,
all of them, interested in being prophets
and making prophecies,

rather than in handling the Evil that they
claim and pretend to oppose:

NONE of them are telling you or have
told you the nature of Evil (of evil
conditions), nor have ANY of them
provided an understanding of the nature
of Evil individuals, let alone how to
predict and remedy their inflictions.

So all these prophets are in fact
not prophetizing at all in such
a way that Evil can be understood
and prevented.


So I - appalled by the way these gurus and prophets
etc. brushed off, what DID happen during World War
Two - I started to look at and understand and to
provide you with the necessary understanding.

So please don't give me a big mouth about
ANY prophets anymore, whether current or
past or future:

They have not prevented the atrocities of
World War Two, have they. And that is because
they have quite different purposes than they
claim to have, in fact they are opposed to
the very things they promote the loudest...

Now you again.





In order "not to upset the population of China," it was its own
"government" that refused to relay the accurate predictions for
the recent, biggest earthquake China has seen. *(14)

Some people got the early warning anyway, one hour
beforehand, and evacuated their school building,
saving all students from certain and highly unpleasant
death, and their parents from untold grief. *(14)

This happy incident was then again "purged" from
the news and web sites, in order "not to upset the
rest of the population" for having been denied
the early warning.

And this wants to hold the 2008 Olympic Games...


Just now, China's Hu Jintao spent one billion dollars to bribe
Satellite TV provider Eutelsat,

into STOPPING TO INFORM THE CHINESE people of what is going on
in China and globally.

And part of the bribe was - as Criminals do - to hide (Hu Jintao
being) the source of and (to hide his) reason for the blocking
of Chinese INDEPENDENT TV station New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV)
from Eutelsat (satellite, nation-wide broadcast, which was
criminally blocked by China's "government," and he was)

hiding the cause, saying "it was 'for technical reasons,'
because of overload of the responders (of the satellite's
broadcasting antennas)." *(1)


So he, Hu Jintao spent just now one billion of the money of the
Chinese people, TO PREVENT the Chinese from being informed about
their own life conditions and circumstances.

And generally, he spends trillions of dollars of the
money of the Chinese people, for that same purpose, by
means of other activities,

and to feed the evil of his 'Public Security Bureau' (the
Chinese 'GESTAPO').



China's sociopath Hu Jintao, is Evil only, fully Evil, and nothing but
Evil. Treating him as anything else than that, does not only mortally
offend the Chinese people, but SEVERELY ENDANGERS WORLD PEACE.




I quote from

'George W. Bush, the Chamberlain to Hu Jintao (as in 1938, Munich,
Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain to Hitler)' - {HRI 20060423-V4.1}
(Version 4.1 on 1 Jan 2008) *(2)


You can compare this with an earlier time, with

the lie: "'Germany' wanted more territory, to expand into,
and wanted more people to be 'governed' by 'Germany'."

'Germany' meaning the "democratically elected"
head of state, then, who was called Adolf,
head of the state of Germany, and

'Germany' meaning those he had hypnotized into
also "being very great individuals doing great
deeds and having great powers over others."

From the Definition of Sanity *(8), you
would conclude, that it is beneficial
to study the nature of hypnotism and
hypnotists, and of stage magic and of
stage magicians, *(10)

so that you will more easily look
through the deceptions and tricks of
Criminal Minds. *(11)


Germany did not at all want more territory, they
wanted to commit more Crimes,

of course, remember, the head of state
and his aides, forming that government,
are Criminal by nature, so they ENJOY to
and they WANT to commit Crimes

and they wanted to do THAT in a wider area and
on more people

- indeed, their Crimes were not remedied by
their having more territory; quite (and very
much) to the contrary, it doubled and
tripled their Crimes -

because Germany WAS governed by Criminal Minds, and
was headed by one Criminal Mind - who was intending
to dominate all people


a fact that he carefully kept secret from
his followers and from the public

UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE because now he HAD
ATTACKED already and now "The German
People had to 'defend themselves'" -

really, HE was attacking others, but he
sold that to his public

- he controlled all of what you would now
call the Internet communications, but
then it was 'Volks-empfaenger' (radio

and the Germans were FORBIDDEN to listen
to other stations as listening to other
information would be "treason against
Germany and its people, against one's
own people" - selling it

as 'the German people have to defend
themselves' -

with Germany expanding fast and being prosperous and
with a vast military build-up,

and HE INTENDED (and then proceeded) to
destroy all and everything that he acquired
and controlled,

which nobody believed, because "people are
not that crazy that they want to destroy their
own country and their own people and their own

you saw many heads of state do exactly
that - in Russia, in China, in Japan,
in Cambodia, in North Korea, in Cuba,
in Vietnam, in Laos, etc. etc. - but

"a head of state is not that crazy,"

as to ENJOY to destroy his own people
and his own country, and to work very
hard to completely deceive everyone
in the country about it (or put them
away and locked up), and to make them
do what he wants,

for which he had to FIRST 'acquire' the territory
of his own country (by becoming head of state), and
to gain control of the people first,

isn't it... you 'Dumm-koepfe.'




It is not at all 'the desire to have more land or more
possessions,' and not at all, 'to govern more Germans,'

or, 'China wants more oil,' and 'wants to expand
its geographical area of control.'


BUT, those ideas are used to hide Criminal Minds, very
successfully to hide THEIR intentions to harm, to enslave,
to dominate or to destroy, even to torture others

- these are not at all YOUR intentions when you want
to buy fuel oil, or when you desire a piece of
land, isn't it -

but the lie, "wanting possessions makes people evil," does
HIDE the true intentions of the thief,

and also hides the true intentions of the communist
dictator "who owns all and dominates everyone,"

by telling others, in the words of the Criminal
Minds Karl Marx or Lenin or Mao Zedong, that

"YOU owning things, is (making you) evil," and

you must give all that you possess, your work, yes,
even the Energy of your dreams, "to the One Party,"

to THEM, that is, to the Communist Cadre, to
the Party Bosses -

"THEY will tell you, what is good or evil for
you and for others,"

and then they inflict their deceptions,
and do their atrocious lying and their
blocking and vilifying of truth,

their hiding Crimes that are taking
place at all levels of the society,
and in all professions, including in
the Medical Trade, too, of course

(We have seen it all in World War
II, which you promised me, you
don't want to happen again,

So you will have to get people to
study the Human Rights Issues,

which teach you, for the first
time, also the Nature of War, and
thus how to ACTUALLY avoid it.)

because Criminal Minds CAMOUFLAGE their actual
Hate for life, their Contempt for people, as



"an understandable or acceptable, seemingly truth,"
clever, forcefully intelligent lies

- that also then journalists did relay, and
that also now they do and will continue to
report as "the reasons,"

or that they 'diplomaticly' hide, as being
the 'self-understood' "reasons" -

Associated Press still keeps reporting Hu
Jintao's lies, un-altered and un-commented
lies about "Taiwan being part of China," etc.,

and that you, also now again, did accept as

"the reason, explaining" what you witnessed recently and
which is the occasion of this Human Rights Issue,

the debilitating state reception with military honors,
etc., that was intended

- performed, acted out, done publicly by George W.
Bush to Hu Jintao, what they both did to you,
actually, not opposed but aided openly by George
W. Bush and caused directly by Hu Jintao -

to numb and confuse you by means of outrageous lies,



publicly enacted, shown as "fact of public
recognition of Hu Jintao" - which was the
only purpose of Hu Jintao for coming to America -

thus INTENDING, plotting, planning, preparing,
making "inevitable,"

"sanctioned now ALSO by the American people and
its president and by the American government"

as everyone - globally even - could clearly
see on Television and in all other media,

his ongoing activity of destroying the freedom of
(first the Chinese) people now and in the future,
and then of all people,

all business and government people in
particular, who will then "take care of the


while the military - people who are
SUPPOSED to defend your freedom - are
simply 'following orders' that are
entirely against the mission and mandate
and nature that they have, which is, to
PROTECT you from Criminal Minds, and
instead they are 'following orders' *(n)
of Criminal Minds or Destructive Cowards
[Military Ethics]
[Destructive Cowards]

WHILE ALL Criminal Minds know very well,
that they, Criminal Minds, are totally
finished, have no power, when the
military DOES (when you, being the

say 'No' to Criminal Minds, for which
you first have to detect them, of

and you must (and you must make others)

all of which they (or you) might NOT do,
and instead they (or you) tend to be
'afraid of losing THEIR OWN position, or
your own position,'

all because, and only because they
(and also you) are conditioned,
brought up, socially adapted, to

REFUSE to state who is a Criminal
Mind, and they are conditioned,
also by their education and their
up-bringing, they have agreed to

refuse to state, what intentions a
Criminal Mind has,
[Nature of War]

(in other words, they did
not study the Human Rights

and so (you yourself, to a large extent,
and) others also can be expected to be,
you can anticipate, that they will be


entirely and only following the impulse projected
BY Criminal Minds, that "if you do not please
them - Criminal Minds - if you stop pleasing these,
then 'something terrible will happen to you or to

- while in fact, THE VERY OPPOSITE IS TRUE.


This I have told you only ten thousand times,
so far - that 'Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse.'

So surely, you don't know that yet, and

besides, you can also not recognize
Criminal Minds, and

in fact - entirely complying with
Criminal Minds - you refuse to even
consider, that an individual you know,
or work with, CAN be a Criminal Mind:

"It can not be, that Criminal Minds

In this, you are of course in
good company, of the very many
people who also have been
compelled to believe, or rather,

who have been made to feel and
tell others, against better
knowledge, that

"Criminal Minds do not exist." *(n)
["Insane" "defined"]

That is a kind of very hard,
utterly life-destroying hypnotism,
that you have to push yourself out
and break free of - as I mentioned

Hypnotism that everyone
suffers from, and that you
(try to) break free of every
morning when you wake up.

Nobody ever told you this,
and nobody told me either,
so I had to work very hard
to find this out - but the
word hypnotism is CORRECTLY
derived from the Greek word
for 'sleep.'

I will go into that
extremely important
subject elsewhere, if

you give me some time,
by PLEASE doing YOUR
job, so I can do mine.


The medical "sciences" have
only five percent of the
necessary facts, and that
vacuum of ninety-five
percent is "filled" with and
hidden by means of arrogance
and the most vicious, the
most atrocious, mean lies,
that keep you sick and
suffering from "treatments"
at the hands of medical
"science." *(n) [Current]


Hypnotism, as you might know - or
should find out - is always hooked
onto, fastened onto, attached to
some truth, *(n) something that
you do naturally want:

"You want this person to be
nice to you and to like you,
and you want this person to
be Beautiful, isn't it?"

"From now on, everything that
person says and does, no
matter what it is, is nice
to you, and shows his or her
liking for you. He or she
looks very Beautiful to you,
as you are too."
'Oh, thank you, thank you -
you have made my deepest
wish come true! All the Hate
is gone!'

Really, now...

the hypnotist has merely
made his subject "create an
own reality to experience AS
IF true."

As you know it from a dream;
exactly that, IS hypnotism.

Such a hypnotized
person is of course
not a reliable friend,
not to you, nor to
himself, but he can in
fact be very dangerous
to you and to himself.


You get out of the morass of 'political sciences,' by applying
the Trinity of Science, *(9)

that is, by caring for people - if you truly care for people,
then you inevitably face Evil, and you will have to face the
sources of Evil and the methods and lies used, and then you
will name and expose and remove Criminal Minds

because you care about people.

Very simple, very respectful - very loving, very caring.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


[check for updates, and for new issues on subjects mentioned]

(*) 'Info on 'Introduction To Journalism' course (Nov 2007)'
(1 December 2007) (Version 1.0.1)

'Introduction To Journalism Course' (Nov 2007) (700KB unzipped)
(1 December 2007)

(1) Quote from

'NTDTV Calls On Eutelsat Not to Yield to CCP's Pressure'

By Li Xin, Epoch Times Staff Jul 01, 2008

[begin quote]

On June 16, 2008, the largest stockholder in Eutelsat's
Satellite W5 manufacturer, Alcatel, signed a US$1 billion
contract with the Chinese regime. A few hours later, NTDTV's
broadcast signal in Asia was suddenly terminated.

This is not the first time that Eutelsat has been pressured to
discontinue its contract with NTDTV. In 2005, the Wall Street
Journal revealed that Eutelsat had attempted to use the
termination of NTDTV's broadcast in Asia in exchange for
Beijing's enormous economic benefits.

Because of many appeals from individuals and strong condemnation
from the United States, members of the European Union, and
international media, Eutelsat resumed the contract with NTDTV
and committed to NTDTV's continued broadcast in Asia.

This time, according to the International Federation of
Journalists, the CCP used the termination of NTDTV programs, as
a condition for Eutelsat to broadcast during the Olympic period.

[end quote]

(2) 'George W. Bush, the Chamberlain to Hu Jintao (as in 1938 Munich,
Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain to Hitler)'
{HRI 20060423-V3.5.1} [plus parts of Version 4.1, which has not
yet been issued]
(23 April 2006 - Version 3.5.1 on 12 May 2006)
{HRI 20060423-V3.5-c} [version for Chinese Internet filters]

(3) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

(4) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2}
(27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

(5) 'Definition of Perception - Protecting against the Criminal Mind
- Fine Particle Physics on the main Poisonous Life Energy
{FPP-HRI 20080608-V3.4}
(8 June 2008 - Version 3.4 on 24 June 2008)

(6) "A criminal man cannot be a president of a member state of the
United Nations."

from: "The decision on this indictment is a victory for
humanity," said Suleiman Sandal of the Darfur rebel
Justice and Equality Movement. "Now this decision will
put Bashir in a corner and will help us now to overtake
this regime. A criminal man cannot be a president of a
member state of the United Nations."

By Emma Thomasson, Reuters, Mon Jul 14, 3:10 PM ET
THE HAGUE (Reuters)

'ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Sudan's Bashir'

'The International Criminal Court's (ICC) prosecutor
charged Sudan's president on Monday with masterminding a
campaign of genocide in Darfur, killing 35,000 people and
persecuting 2.5 million refugees.'

(7) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.2}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)

See also, on that subject:

'Buddhism is OPPOSED to Tibet and its people - Tibetan Lamaism
(Bon Po)'
{HRI 20051120-V5.2-q1-V2.1}
(20 November 2005 - Version 5.2 on 23 Aug 2006
- Quote Version 2.1 on 29 Mar 2008)

'Koos Nolst Trenite on the Essence of Buddhism' (EOB)
{HRI note 20071109-V2.2}
(9 November 2007 - Version 2.2 on 11 Apr 2008)

'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from 'Explaining the Scale of Sanity' {HRI 20040619}
(11 October 2007 - quoted)

(8) 'Special Definition of Sanity - Who Is A Leader - Justice'
{HRI 20060922-V2.2}
(22 September 2006 - Version 2.2 on 25 Sept 2006)

(9) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' (TOS)
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(10) 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.1.2 on 31 Dec 2007)

(11) (See also under (8), above)
'Definition Of Sanity' DOS
{HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
(10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

(12) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(13) 'The Nature of War' (NOW)
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

(14) 'New Evidence Unveiled That Chinese Regime Ignored Earthquake
(28 May 2008)
In Chinese:



Copyright 2008, 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific "agenda," but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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