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(rev 2.0.1) Life Energy Fluctuation Meter ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 22-01-09 09:34

Life Energy Fluctuation Meter (explained, and) - Minimum Sensitivity
Upgrade Required for the 1999 "E-meter" (**) circuit

20 January 2009
{FPP 20090120-V2.0.1}

(Version 2.0.1
on 22 Jan 2009)

(view Summary
by skipping

(suitable for foreign
language students)


This starts with some technical data,
and then goes on to explain the meter,
its origin, and some philosophy behind it.

So I hope you can read through all the
resistors and all the voltages,
for that matter.


The upgrade is about the initial stage, that measures the electrical
resistance to a (microAmpere) current which is passed through the
hands of the body,

by means of tin (or gold-plated) 'soup cans' held in the hands,
or with 'two halves,' meaning two separate 'soup cans' held
in only one hand.

The resulting voltage, that is occurring over the
resistance of the body part(s), is passed onto an
amplifier that handles the DC voltage and also the
fluctuations in it. (**)


If the actual signal - the very tiny fluctuation of the electrical
resistance in the body part(s) - is not properly picked up, then
you can amplify all you want,

but it is then without getting the necessary quality or depth of

- all thoughts, intentions, memories, feelings, etc., are
transmitted by, recorded in and contained in Life Energy

resulting in a fluctuation of electrical resistance
of body parts, a vital signal -

that you need FOR DETECTING those particular Life Energy
Particles, that are connected to WHAT IS OR WAS GOING ON,

- connected to whatever (memory or intention, etc.)
you are specifically looking at or searching for -

and that result in Life Energy Fluctuations in the body.

You know it also from photography:

You can make a photo of anything, but you need to
collect enough light, in order to make those details
visible that you are interested in.


THE SENSITIVITY or quality of signal acquisition in the OLD CIRCUIT

- meaning basically the inventor Volney Mathieson's' "E-meter"

which was - as is the habit of vampires and demons -
stolen by the demon and vampire (the now dis-incarnate)
l. ron hubbard, *(1) who, kicking out the inventor
Mathieson after befriending him, made it his current
'Scientology' "E-meter" -


that has however to be found out and has to be looked at

to restore your ability to see - to return to you (to repair) your
normal, and of course vital ability to (non-photon) see. *(a)



Now I have changed the input section

instead of my designing a wholly new, completely
different and proper circuit, which I will also do
as time permits or even demands

(which however should not keep you from doing
so, yourself)

but for now, I have only changed the input-section,

from the old (1999 schematics, which I gave you,
then), and I left the (actually quite insane or
antique) mechanical principle in place. (**)

I mean, in your car, you would also not
operate the valves of the combustion engine,
by hand, would you, but

you would, and do of course, let the motor
itself operate the opening and closing of the
valves, and very precisely at that.

But the, for us now old "E-meter" circuit,
lets you do all that by hand,

and this is connected also, by the
demonic *(1) creature l. ron hubbard,
to all kind of strange lore, called
"Auditing" etc. by him, indeed

- intended very specifically by him, so

that you really should look at
and that you should know about
yourself and about others, and

about history ...truth being absolute,
and all that,

to see what is intended to REMAIN HIDDEN FOREVER by the very typical
method of the Criminal Mind:

Letting you "learn and find out for yourself," that "YOU HAVE

which is appealing to you because it gives a very
comfortable certainty, a feeling of wholeness, of
completeness - a morbid feeling of peace, even.




Why do I write this ONLY NOW? You do know the answer yourself: I have
had to look at, to acquire and to write down in understandable form,

the understanding required to establish and maintain some form of
relatively undisturbed, peaceful life on Earth,

and to myself stay alive in the process as well, publishing the
Human Rights Issues.

The formulation and publication of that, has now, in crude form at
least, been completed to a reasonable extent, and rather irrevocably,
quite indestructably now,

or, as they said once in German advertising, "unkaputbar,"

it has been published by me, made available to you for free.


Now I found, that I have to look in detail at certain past events,
and present conditions, to maintain also my own well-being in the
constant onslaught of highly toxic Evil and most violently attacks
from that Evil

- of course, and indeed on Earth -

on the formulation and publication and on the author of such
great Beauty and such immense Love and such far reaching Truth

as I look at, and formulate and publish,

attacked by the "Underworld" of demonic creatures that are
living 'Forbes-hailed' and undetected on Earth, living as
millionaires or as heads of state or as scientists or as
medical doctors; regardless of race, gender, education,
nationality, etc..


Again: I have to look in detail at certain past events, and present
conditions, to maintain also my own well-being - and I took that

plus the occasion of an 'untimely death' of my old meter after
ten years of unrelenting service to maintaining my health,

the meter's demise was, I presume, due to its proximity to
a running vacuum cleaner that was sucking sandy dust
through its plastic tubing (thus producing mega-volts of
static electricity), resulting in

a common semiconductor mishap, a breakdown of the
Integrated Circuit,

which thus caused the necessity to build another meter,

and - while rebuilding the meter - the opportunity to face the
Energies (thoughts and intentions) connected to it:

facing the Darkness and 'Dumbification' that the mentioned demon
l. ron hubbard, and his hypnotized and willing cohorts of
'Scientologists,' have shrouded

not only him in, but also

that simple electronic device in. *(b)

(If you want to be real technical, with Fine Particle
Physics: They created and they maintain Energy to BLOCK
understanding, thus to block improvement of the device.)


So I was wading through all that Dumbing Energy of theirs,
while rebuilding that meter circuit of 1999: (**)

That circuit is not at all designed originally, to detect what
you have to find out, but

it is built as a sort of supporting device to find what
inventor Mathieson called the "Tone,"

the level, and also the general, overall increase
or decrease in electrical resistance in the body,
which is caused by

the density (or less density) of Life Energy Particles
acting in and on the body.

So, they - inventor Mathieson, that is - established a 'range'
between 5000 Ohm and 12,500 Ohm, as "normal" range, and the
"patient" had to be brought back into that range,

in particular after giving him 'charged' things to think
about, that would increase that resistance,

and making him look at that 'charged subject' till the
resistance decreased again and returned to the "normal"

And then they started to use the meter to find, by looking at
the very small fluctuations shown, 'charged subjects' or
'charged questions,' which they then would ask of the patient,

who would "run" the question "till the 'charge' disappeared,"

and posing that question and maintaining the patient's interest
in it, and having him exhaust that particular 'charged' question
or subject, "till the charge was gone," was

now called "running a process" on the patient.

Back to the physical part of Mathieson's invention, the meter,

which he developed from showing the overall resistance and
general increase and decrease of it in the body,

to becoming an instrument that ALSO could detect "charged
subjects" or "charged questions"

that then could be "run as a process" on the
patient, "to improve his Tone" (to bring his body's
resistance to read as between 5000 and 12,500 Ohm):


So the smaller fluctuations occurring, were slightly amplified
as well, and the inventor, Volney Mathieson, then added

to the knob (the potentiometer or variable resistor) for
adjusting to and thus showing the range of the general
resistance measured in the body - he added then

also a dial with a needle, and peculiar 'needle motions' were
seen and catalogued,

which are - quite erroneously - elaborated ad
nauseam in 'Scientology' by its founding demon *(1)

somewhat comparable to New Age people who claim
- with not less error and arrogance - to know what
the (aura) colors of Life Energy Particles mean.


Thus the inventor added the visibility of tiny fluctuations as
well, in the overall measurement of the electrical resistance
of the body

which should, according to Volney Mathieson, the inventor,
by means of therapeutic questions, be (brought to) within
the range of 5000 to 12,500 Ohms resistance,

measured with a tiny, that is, about 30 microAmpere DC current
through the hands of the patient,

and he, the inventor, proceeded to do so, until the demon
befriended him and then kicked him out and took over his
invention - stole it also by claiming it to be "his, the
demon l. ron hubbard's invention and work."


So it was and still is the Mathieson E-meter - which the
'Scientology' demon l. ron hubbard then stole and forced
others - his followers - to believe "he invented,"

and that these 'believers' use and sell at a profit
of two thousand (!) percent or such, in their
"non-profit" and "well-intended" organizations and

by trying to enforce a monopoly of "only their meter
can work properly" - while in fact, as this FPP
properly AT ALL, but dangerously and intentionally
PREVENTS its actual function - of course, because
they exist to make the demon l. ron hubbard NOT
LOOKED AT, not found out, not perceived.



So they have to generate, and they DID create and DO maintain,
a tremendous amount of harmful, dumbfounding Energies

- any of those who believe (in) the demon l. ron hubbard, do
that; they are immersed in and they amplify his 'moronifying'
Energies -

Energies to prevent an understanding of all that, what is VERY

and what I did explain above about the meter, in very
simple words, about a very simple device, BUT

about a device that HAS TO BE UNDERSTOOD and simply seen as it is,




I have replaced the beginning stage in the circuit, the
actual measuring stage, (see below *) of the public
domain circuit that I gave you in 1999. (**)

The upgrading or replacement stage, gives a very considerable increase
in its ability to determine, what you are thinking of or looking at,

an increase that is NECESSARY if you want to - or in my case,
have to - look at life and people in sufficient detail with a
measure of required clarity.

The basic idea behind the improvement was - and is:

It is not efficient enough, to measure changes in a
1 Mega Ohm and bigger resistance (of the body),

by keeping it (by having the body's resistance,
when you are looking at critical things, hooked up)

shunted parallel to an internal resistor of 22 Kilo Ohm.
See below for the data. (*)



I give this circuit to you now - out of my kind heart of course,
too - (I give it to you at this time) even though it is very raw
data, without various embellishments and without the adaptations
and refinements that would make it monkey proof,

but I give it, assuming it is meant for the highly interested
student, rather than for the polished consumer. (*)

And I intend to design a completely different circuit anyway,
that would actually use electronics, to do the work it needs to

- and I happen to know, by far better than anyone else,
WHAT work it must be capable of doing for you (and for
me too).

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) What you are really interested in, is the stuff that starts to
give a very, very tiny Read or reaction at high resistance and
and at maximum sensitivity,

and that, when you look at it, develops INSTANTLY into a very
big change.

Of course, it presupposes, that you still have some Energy
to do the looking with (all perception is done with
connection-type Life Energy Particles)

(by the way and to the so indoctrinated reader, this
'having enough Energy to look with,'

has nothing at all to do with having eaten 'enough,'

or having slept 'enough' which actually might rather
lessen your Energy for looking, at times

Energy that the mentioned demon *(1) calls
"Havingness" in order to prevent his believers
from having an understanding of what
perception is ...really)

and you can create Energy for looking - if it is lacking - by
having a walk or a ride and looking at people around you, at
their soul, at their Energies - feeling them, of course, which
IS the basic and main action of perception or looking.

The mentioned demons are constantly busy to hit at and
block and suck away also your Energy of (non-photon)
looking, of feeling life.

Also the medical "science" denies this, and does so in order
to increase the suffering of people - and their own income -

(b) You don't know about this, but the fact is that the demon-guided
'Scientologists' can not face their own 'E-meter:'

Their book "Understanding the E-meter," as directed
by the now dis-incarnate demon, l. ron hubbard,
precisely tells and shows them, with many elaborate
drawings, EXACTLY NOT how it works,

and it is thereby - with the standard trick employed
by Criminal Minds in "education," that "you are
taught all there is, by the experts" - their book is
most forcefully suggesting to the readers of it,
that "they now know 'all about the E-meter'," and
the same all their other "books about the E-meter,"
are doing,

and so these can not actually perceive or look at the
meter, spiritually to feel and thus to understand what
it is all about, because

"they know, now"

- and they are constantly inflicted with similar, very
strong INTENTIONS NOT TO LOOK at the meter itself, at
its workings,

because "you have studied very elaborately and done long
training drills and many courses, to understand and to
operate the device 'perfectly'," so "you know all about

They are now "experts" in their E-meter who know nothing
about it at all.

Test it if you like, ask them - they do not understand it,
while THINKING they know all. You can test this easily.
They are prevented EVEN from knowing its electronic
circuit. Such is the intention of their Source-demon, of
l. ron hubbard, inflicted on them.


(*) Circuit description, see below.

(**) Original 1999 version, complete circuit:
for instance, where I myself have put it for now, at

And I will make a separate page for it, in due course, for
instance on

Again, let this not keep you from creating your own web site
about it.

(1) 'Human Rights Order on the individual last known as
l. ron hubbard'
{HRO 20081017-V2.2}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.2 on 22 Oct 2008)

Circuit description

(The present, new circuit design, is for the
purpose of Usenet transmission and storage,
and thus kept in words only.)


Potentiometer 500K, plus a refining potentiometer
of 100K, plus one of 10K, (instead of the one, the
old 20K potentiometer) - and a body shunt resistor
of about 736K (instead of the old 22K).


Central is a potentiometer (variable resistor) of 500 Kilo Ohm;

the top of it goes directly to the +5 Volt DC feed,

and the bottom of it goes, via a roughly 390 Kilo Ohm resistor
(practically, one of about 12K in series with one of about 380K)
to ground (to 0 Volt).

The final output signal of the measuring stage of the circuit, is
(by constantly adjusting the potentiometer) kept around + 1 Volt,

and that signal goes to the 'plus' input of the first Op Amp
(the Amplifier).

The 'minus' input of the Op Amp also gets + 1 Volt but from a
simple, constant DC feed,

so that at rest, there is nothing or practically nothing to amplify,
except the very tiny FLUCTUATIONS in resistance of the body.


Thus the Op Amp amplifies that fluctuation

- and you must keep the sensitivity (the amplification) at the very
maximum possible (that the read-out can handle)

(which may require then a second or more needle dials
cascading, and/or other indicating devices, to show what
happens at the same time at lower magnification [with less
amplification] and also to show various rates or speed
of change,

but I do not go into that here, not now at least).


In order to make the 500K potentiometer finer, you attach to its
middle- or slider-contact, another potentiometer of 100K,

and to make that one finer again, you attach to the slider of THAT
one, a 10K potentiometer.

So you have a changing voltage from that, adjusted by the three
knobs of the three potentiometers, each one finer, in sequence.

You can thus change it from giving the maximum of + 5 Volt, to
about half of that because you have the 390 Kilo Ohm resistor
under it to ground or zero volt.

We put all that at the left side of our circuit diagram.



This variable DC Voltage

we give it a symbol now, to later have a short name for it:
"point A" (the location of, and the voltage at, point A)

you are going to feed this through a series of two resistors, to
ground, and we draw these at the right side of our present circuit

The top one of that, is about 736 Kilo Ohm (practically 680K in
series with 56K), and the middle, the point where it connects
to the lower resistor (which is about 167K)

we give that another symbol:
"point B" (location of and voltage at point B).


The voltage of this point B is going to be constantly adjusted
- to be kept at + 1 Volt - by means of your sliding or turning
by hand, the potentiometers as described above,

in order to match the changing body resistance,

which is (meaning, with the "soup cans" held in your
hand(s),) the body's resistance is thus wired from the
body to make a connection exactly

between "point A" and "point B" of the circuit.

The body's resistance thus shunts that resistance of
736 Kilo Ohm and makes the overall resistance there less,
and makes the voltage at "point B" go up,

and you compensate it down again with the potentiometers,
by hand, back to becoming +1 Volt again.


Point B is connected via the second resistor to ground (to
0 Volt) again, and that resistor is about 167K (practically it
is a 120K resistor plus a 22K resistor PLUS 25K [from the
middle connector of a trim poti of 50K set to half of that
value] - all those in series, make up about 167K).

KNT hrp&p

References (very generally, now):

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)
'(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
- {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'

'Human Rights Order on the individual last known as
l. ron hubbard'
{HRO 20081017-V2.2}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.2 on 22 Oct 2008)

'The Anti-Normal'
{HRI 20071208-V1.0}
(8 December 2007)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' (IDCM)
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' (SOS)
{HRI 20040619-V4.1}
(19 June 2004 - Version 4.1 on 16 May 2007)

'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

'How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed
and Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of
Truth' (JVDT)
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.5}
(26 October 2008 - Version 2.9.5 on 2 Nov 2008)

'Questions to test the "experts" on 'Scientology' and on
'Scientology' front groups'
{HRI note 20090102}
(2 January 2009)

' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series:
"Awareness Levels, - Chart, - Scales" to PRETEND "Awareness" '
{HRI note 20081010-V2.1}
(10 October 2008 - Version 2.1 on 12 Oct 2008)

' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series:
Therapy into 'Drugged' spiritual death - "Pleasure Moment,
Key-out, End Phenomena, Release, Clear"
{HRI note 20081005-II-V1.0}
(5 October 2008, IInd issue - Version 1.0)

'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

(and further as applicable)



Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific "agenda," but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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