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Tragiske velmenere i England, hvad skal de~
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 28-12-08 18:08

Typiske velmenere opererer også i England, - her er et arketypisk eksempel
på deres forsøg på at kaste blår i øjnene på borgerne: CRL vil blive grøn
af misundelse:

Don't deny campus radicalisation
June Edmunds' research doesn't tell the real story: radical Islam is alive
and well in UK universities
Rashad Ali

guardian.co.uk, Saturday 6 December 2008 11.00 GMT


On Wednesday, newspapers gave wide coverage to a report produced by
researchers at Cambridge University which found that "British universities
are not hotbeds of Islamic radicalism" and that "most young British Muslims
are opposed to political Islam". The report, principally authored by Dr June
Edmunds, was promptly – and deservedly – trashed by Professor Anthony Glees
for its methodology (it was based on just 26 interviews at three
universities, out of a total Muslim student population of 89,000).

I spent several years in Hizb ut-Tahrir and sat on its national leadership
committee. During this time I regularly visited and spoke at least a dozen
universities promoting Islamist thought. I can assure Edmunds that Islamist
radicalism remains a problem at these and other universities – partly thanks
to my recruitment activities. Let's look at the three universities where
Edmunds conducted her research.


Take Bradford, where I often spoke about the need for Muslims to reject
democracy. Until recently, Bradford University's Islamic Society (ISOC) was
run by Hizb ut-Tahrir (it is now run by Deobandis instead). The website of
Bradford's ISOC shows how these same members prepared themselves for
Edmunds' October 31 2007 focus group, warning each other to "be careful what
you say". No wonder her focus groups produced little of value or interest.
In 2007 four Bradford university students were put on trial for terrorism
offences. Although they were acquitted in 2008, their possession of vast
libraries of pro-jihadist material was not disputed.

Or take the London School of Economics. A regular speaker at LSE's ISOC is
Hizb ut-Tahrir's Reza Pankhurst, previously convicted in Egypt of seeking to
overthrow the government. Other speakers favoured by the LSE ISOC include
Kemal Helbawy, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who is not allowed to enter the
US. Radicalised alumni include Omar Sheikh who brutally killed reporter
Daniel Pearl in 2001.

Or take Cambridge University, where Edmunds herself is based. Currently,
Bilal Abdulla is on trial for attempted to carrying out bombings in central
London and Glasgow, targeting a nightclub and an airport respectively. His
friends have testified that he was largely radicalised through his contacts
with Hizb ut-Tahrir members from Cambridge University.


Other universities overlooked by Dr Edmunds are Middlesex, Bristol and
Nottingham Trent, where Hizb ut-Tahrir and other radical groups control
ISOCs and seek to impose their agenda and ideologies not only on other
Muslim students but on the entire student body. Other London universities
such as Imperial, City, and Queen Mary regularly host extreme Wahhabite
speakers. Another example of Islamist influence is Manchester University,
where Islamists in 2006 gained control over the student newspaper and
promptly removed the paper's dating column – to the ire of other students.


Naivistiske velmenere skyr ingen midler for at bortforklare problemerne med
den stigende islamisme, - deres akademiske troværdighed smider de villigt i
skraldespanden, bare de kan fuppe den almindelige befolkning.
Det er rystende.


Og fra et interview med islamforskeren Gilles Kepel:

Both narratives stumbled over the issue of Iraq and, as a result, have now
failed. The issue now becomes how we can function together with Muslim
majority countries.

To answer this, we can learn from the experiences of Europe. The book is a
comparative study of the policies of integration and multiculturalism of
certain countries in Europe, using recent events as analysers: 7/7, the
stabbing of Theo Van Gogh, the cartoons controversy in Denmark, the Pope’s
remarks at Regensburg, the Muslim riots in Paris.

The book argues that multiculturalism, as put into practice in Britain and
the Netherlands, has created enclaves in the shadow of which terrorist
events were able to take place.


Q & A
You say within your book that multiculturalism in Britain was built upon the
credibility of English-speaking Muslim elites, which was then shattered by
‘the doctors’ plot’. Could you expand?

- The politics of multiculturalism in the UK has led to the strengthening of
identity differences. The UK also gives asylum to people from all around the
world, considering it ok to host the most radical ideologues. This
functioned as political insurance: radicals were more interested in staying
in London and so would not do anything on the domestic front.
- Some citizens have maintained conservative Islamic tradition, whilst
working as professionals in the UK. In order for them to function
professionally, the government felt that they had to give them religious
rights. That people who were supposedly symbols of socio-economic
integration were able to take part in the Glasgow Bombing, symbolically
throws into question the whole issue of multiculturalism.


Han er imod den med at bruge islamister til at forsøge at forhindre militant
radikalisering, det er i allerhøjeste grad tåbeligt, - og desværre også
noget vi bruger i Danmark. Det giver islamisterne prestige og "power" så de
kan få mange flere unge over på deres side.

Men det er den med: "Vis ham døden, og han vil være tilfreds med feber" -
som jeg før har nævnt vil blive brugt igen og igen i årene fremover.

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