On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 07:44:00 +0200, "Bo Warming" <bwng@bwng.dk> wrote:
>Darwin var iøvrigt slet ikke den vigtigste forsker på evolutionsfeltet.
>Han stod på skuldrene af mange bl.a. Linnee, Cuvier, Buffon, de
>Beer,Goethe, Spencer, Wallace og Lamarque - er faktisk havde lidt ret i det
>som Lysenko fordrejede politisk. Miljø virker tilbage på genudvikling måske
>via RNA, bl.a. hos bakterier og måske giraffen udvikler eller udvælger
>særlig mange æg og sædceller med gener for lang hals, når den ofte strækker
>sig - der kan vare metafysik-mekanisme vi ikke evner at forske i.
Bruce Lipton, en af pionererne inden for stamcelleforskning, er gennem
sin snart 40 år lange forskning nået frem til den samme konklusion.
Han siger bl.a. under et interview:
"MAB: What part does evolution play in this?
BL: Well, as it turns out, Darwin was wrong. Current science overrides
Darwin's theories emphasizing competition and struggle, but this
information can take years to get into the textbooks. Cooperation and
community are actually the underlying principles of evolution, as well
as the underlying principles of cell biology. The human body
represents the cooperative effort of a community of fifty-trillion
single cells. A community, by definition, is an organization of
individuals committed to supporting a shared vision.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had it right fifty years before Darwin. In 1809,
Lamarck wrote the problems that will beset humanity will come from
separating ourselves from nature, and that will lead to the
dissolution of society. His understanding of evolution was that an
organism and its environment create a cooperative interaction. If you
want to understand the fate of an organism, you have to understand its
relationship to the environment. He recognized that separating
ourselves from our environment cuts us off from our source. He was
And when you understand the nature of epigenetics, you see his theory
is now substantiated. With no mechanism to make sense of his theory
before, and especially since we bought the concept of neo-Darwinian
biologists who said the human body was subject to genetic control,
Lamarck looked stupid. But guess what? New leading-edge science
reveals he was right, after all."
You are the salt of the earth. You can change your destiny!
You can give birth to a new civilization or you can create
Hell on earth. - Georges Ohsawa