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"Tøyhuus Compmpagnie No. 162" , hvad hedde~
Fra : Finn Holbek

Dato : 26-02-08 02:10

Jfr. sub.; gode forslag efterlyses...

Mvh. Finn

baskholm (26-02-2008)
Fra : baskholm

Dato : 26-02-08 02:34

On 26 Feb., 02:10, "Finn Holbek" <fholbek(@)tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
> Jfr. sub.; gode forslag efterlyses...
> Mvh. Finn

Ifølge goe gamle Vinterberg heddet tøjhus armoury eller arsenal. Er
det en hjælp?


Finn Holbek (26-02-2008)
Fra : Finn Holbek

Dato : 26-02-08 11:07

"baskholm" <baskholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
On 26 Feb., 02:10, "Finn Holbek" <fholbek(@)tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
> Jfr. sub.; gode forslag efterlyses...
> Mvh. Finn

Ifølge goe gamle Vinterberg heddet tøjhus armoury eller arsenal. Er
det en hjælp?


Ja bestemt, mange tak.

mvh. Finn

Hugh Watkins (26-02-2008)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 26-02-08 13:48

Finn Holbek wrote:
> "baskholm" <baskholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:dc280ae1-03ff-4bb0-ae3e-14185d732b1e@64g2000hsw.googlegroups.com...
> On 26 Feb., 02:10, "Finn Holbek" <fholbek(@)tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
>> Jfr. sub.; gode forslag efterlyses...
>> Mvh. Finn
> Ifølge goe gamle Vinterberg heddet tøjhus armoury eller arsenal. Er
> det en hjælp?
> Børge
> Ja bestemt, mange tak.


the job of adjusting the sights on a rifle is done by an armourer

ar·se·nal (är'sə-nəl) pronunciation

1. A governmental establishment for the storing, development,
manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war
2. A stock of weapons.
3. A store or supply: an arsenal of retorts.

[Italian arsenale, from obsolete arzanale, darsena, from Arabic aṣ
ṣinā‘a, manufacture, industry, and dār-aṣ-ṣinā‘a, place of manufacture :
dār, house (from dāra, to turn, revolve) + al-, the + ṣinā‘a,
manufacture (from ṣana‘a, to make).]

in US spelling

ar·mor·y (är'mə-rē) pronunciation
n., pl. -ies.

1. A storehouse for arms; an arsenal.
2. A building for storing arms and military equipment,
especially one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.
2. An arms factory.

personally I think is is wrong to translate the danish names of streets
places or military units

BUT on http://daisy.sa.dk/default.asp they use nudansk which makes life
difficult when working wqith original documents

1799   1813   Orlogsværftet   V. Søtøjhuskompagniets mandskab

Danish Royal Navy Arsenal staff or workers

age 14 lærling / apprentice armourer

Hugh W

For genealogy and help with family and local history in Bristol and
district http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Brycgstow/

http://snaps4.blogspot.com/ photographs and walks

GENEALOGE http://hughw36.blogspot.com/ MAIN BLOG

Finn Holbek (26-02-2008)
Fra : Finn Holbek

Dato : 26-02-08 15:45

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh.watkins@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Finn Holbek wrote:
>> "baskholm" <baskholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:dc280ae1-03ff-4bb0-ae3e-14185d732b1e@64g2000hsw.googlegroups.com...
>> On 26 Feb., 02:10, "Finn Holbek" <fholbek(@)tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
>>> Jfr. sub.; gode forslag efterlyses...
>>> Mvh. Finn
>> Ifølge goe gamle Vinterberg heddet tøjhus armoury eller arsenal. Er
>> det en hjælp?
>> Børge
>> Ja bestemt, mange tak.
> from
> http://finnholbek.dk/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I7279&tree=2
> the job of adjusting the sights on a rifle is done by an armourer
> see
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armorer
> ar·se·nal (är's?-n?l) pronunciation
> n.
> 1. A governmental establishment for the storing, development,
> manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war
> materiel.
> 2. A stock of weapons.
> 3. A store or supply: an arsenal of retorts.
> [Italian arsenale, from obsolete arzanale, darsena, from Arabic as? s?ina'a,
> manufacture, industry, and dar-as?-s?ina'a, place of manufacture : dar,
> house (from dara, to turn, revolve) + al-, the + s?ina'a, manufacture
> (from s?ana'a, to make).]
> in US spelling
> ar·mor·y (är'm?-re) pronunciation
> n., pl. -ies.
> 1.
> 1. A storehouse for arms; an arsenal.
> 2. A building for storing arms and military equipment, especially
> one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.
> 2. An arms factory.
> personally I think is is wrong to translate the danish names of streets
> places or military units
> BUT on http://daisy.sa.dk/default.asp they use nudansk which makes life
> difficult when working wqith original documents
> 1799 1813 Orlogsværftet V. Søtøjhuskompagniets mandskab
> Danish Royal Navy Arsenal staff or workers
> age 14 lærling / apprentice armourer
> Hugh W
> --
> For genealogy and help with family and local history in Bristol and
> district http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Brycgstow/
> http://snaps4.blogspot.com/ photographs and walks
> GENEALOGE http://hughw36.blogspot.com/ MAIN BLOG

Tak Hugh

Ja det var netop i forbindelse med den person.

hele mailen lød forresten sådan (se også Vickys danske oversættelse):

Dear Finn,
I found your family tree online. ( I am not sure if you speak english, so I
have attempted to translate this email below in Danish.)

I see you have posted the information listed below for your family. I was
wondering if you have been able to determine the meaning of the occupation
for Johan Tolbioren Pouelsen ...... do you know what "Toyhuus" means?
Thank you for your help.
Vicky Greig
michigan, USA

Family Carl Wilhelm Waldorff, b. 19 Dec 1793
Married 09 Oct 1820 Holmens Sogn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Children > 1. Vilhelm Edvard Waldorff, b. 11 Jan 1821, Holmens Kirke,
Holmens Sogn, København, Denmark
2. Marie Wilhelmine Waldorff, b. 30 Sep 1822
3. Carl Peter Waldorff, b. 15 Apr 1824, Holmens Kirke, Holmens
Sogn, København, Denmark
> 4. Christian Fredrich Waldorff, b. 09 Dec 1827

Family ID F3809 Group Sheet

a.. Notes a.. Navn: Evat Sophie Pouelsendatter Køn: K Alder: 5 Civilstand:
Kilde: FT-1801 Amt: København Herred: København (Staden) Sogn: Hof &
Militæretaten Stednavn: Hof- & Militæretaten
Matr.nr/adresse: Svanegaden 4 Husstands-/familienr: 3007
Indtastningsnr: A5020 Løbenr.: 11544
Kommentarer: Far P.Larsen [1]
b.. Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv:
Pouel Larsen 45 Gift Huusbonde Under Officeer i Compagnie No. 7
Mette Mortendatter 44 Gift hans Kone
Friderich Carl Pouelsen 17 Ugift deres Søn Opløber i 3 Division 5
Compagnie No. 75
Johan Tolbiøren Pouelsen 14 Ugift deres Søn i Tøyhuus Compmpagnie
No. 162
Evat Sophie Pouelsendatter 5 (født ca 1796) Ugift deres Datter
Chalotte Amalia Pouelsendatter 1 Ugift deres Datter

Allerkærest Finn ,
JEG oprette jeres slægt træ online.

Ja så du har sendt den information listet nedenstående nemlig jeres slægt.
Jeg var gad vide selv om du har blevet købedygtig afgøre den meget sigende i
den livsstilling nemlig Johan Tolbioren Pouelsen. lave jo hvad Toyhuus "

Hugh Watkins (26-02-2008)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 26-02-08 23:36

Finn Holbek wrote:
> "Hugh Watkins" <hugh.watkins@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:62ig3tF23h6m6U1@mid.individual.net...
>> Finn Holbek wrote:
>>> "baskholm" <baskholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
>>> news:dc280ae1-03ff-4bb0-ae3e-14185d732b1e@64g2000hsw.googlegroups.com...
>>> On 26 Feb., 02:10, "Finn Holbek" <fholbek(@)tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
>>>> Jfr. sub.; gode forslag efterlyses...
>>>> Mvh. Finn
>>> Ifølge goe gamle Vinterberg heddet tøjhus armoury eller arsenal. Er
>>> det en hjælp?
>>> Børge
>>> Ja bestemt, mange tak.
>> from
>> http://finnholbek.dk/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I7279&tree=2
>> the job of adjusting the sights on a rifle is done by an armourer
>> see
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armorer
>> ar·se·nal (är's?-n?l) pronunciation
>> n.
>> 1. A governmental establishment for the storing, development,
>> manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war
>> materiel.
>> 2. A stock of weapons.
>> 3. A store or supply: an arsenal of retorts.
>> [Italian arsenale, from obsolete arzanale, darsena, from Arabic as? s?ina'a,
>> manufacture, industry, and dar-as?-s?ina'a, place of manufacture : dar,
>> house (from dara, to turn, revolve) + al-, the + s?ina'a, manufacture
>> (from s?ana'a, to make).]
>> in US spelling
>> ar·mor·y (är'm?-re) pronunciation
>> n., pl. -ies.
>> 1.
>> 1. A storehouse for arms; an arsenal.
>> 2. A building for storing arms and military equipment, especially
>> one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.
>> 2. An arms factory.
>> personally I think is is wrong to translate the danish names of streets
>> places or military units
>> BUT on http://daisy.sa.dk/default.asp they use nudansk which makes life
>> difficult when working wqith original documents
>> 1799 1813 Orlogsværftet V. Søtøjhuskompagniets mandskab
>> Danish Royal Navy Arsenal staff or workers
>> age 14 lærling / apprentice armourer
> Tak Hugh
> Ja det var netop i forbindelse med den person.
> hele mailen lød forresten sådan (se også Vickys danske oversættelse):
> Dear Finn,
> I found your family tree online. ( I am not sure if you speak english, so I
> have attempted to translate this email below in Danish.)
> I see you have posted the information listed below for your family. I was
> wondering if you have been able to determine the meaning of the occupation
> (stilling)
> for Johan Tolbioren Pouelsen ...... do you know what "Toyhuus" means?
> Thank you for your help.
> Vicky Greig
> michigan, USA
> Family Carl Wilhelm Waldorff, b. 19 Dec 1793
> Married 09 Oct 1820 Holmens Sogn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark
> Children > 1. Vilhelm Edvard Waldorff, b. 11 Jan 1821, Holmens Kirke,
> Holmens Sogn, København, Denmark
> 2. Marie Wilhelmine Waldorff, b. 30 Sep 1822
> 3. Carl Peter Waldorff, b. 15 Apr 1824, Holmens Kirke, Holmens
> Sogn, København, Denmark
> > 4. Christian Fredrich Waldorff, b. 09 Dec 1827
> Family ID F3809 Group Sheet
> a.. Notes a.. Navn: Evat Sophie Pouelsendatter Køn: K Alder: 5 Civilstand:
> Ugift
> Kilde: FT-1801 Amt: København Herred: København (Staden) Sogn: Hof &
> Militæretaten Stednavn: Hof- & Militæretaten
> Matr.nr/adresse: Svanegaden 4 Husstands-/familienr: 3007
> Indtastningsnr: A5020 Løbenr.: 11544
> Kommentarer: Far P.Larsen [1]
> b.. Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv:
> Fødested:
> Pouel Larsen 45 Gift Huusbonde Under Officeer i Compagnie No. 7
> Mette Mortendatter 44 Gift hans Kone
> Friderich Carl Pouelsen 17 Ugift deres Søn Opløber i 3 Division 5
> Compagnie No. 75
> Johan Tolbiøren Pouelsen 14 Ugift deres Søn i Tøyhuus Compmpagnie
> No. 162
> Evat Sophie Pouelsendatter 5 (født ca 1796) Ugift deres Datter
> Chalotte Amalia Pouelsendatter 1 Ugift deres Datter
> Allerkærest Finn ,
> JEG oprette jeres slægt træ online.
> Ja så du har sendt den information listet nedenstående nemlig jeres slægt.
> Jeg var gad vide selv om du har blevet købedygtig afgøre den meget sigende i
> den livsstilling nemlig Johan Tolbioren Pouelsen. lave jo hvad Toyhuus "
> betyder?

After I posted it I realised I made a grammatical mistake - in english

Danish Royal Naval Arsenal is better

in US a navy yard or an armory without the "u"

The football team Arsenal is from Woolwich where they used to make guns
for the Royal Artillery in the Woolwich Arsenal


these days like Kødbyen i Københavcn

"The Armory Show, The International Fair of New Art, is the world's
leading art fair devoted exclusively to contemporary art. In its tenth
annual exhibition, The Armory Show 2008 will celebrate the spirit of
contemporary art. The exhibition includes many of the most important
contemporary dealers showcasing new art from around the world."

was 69th Regiment Armory building in New York City



Hugh W

For genealogy and help with family and local history in Bristol and
district http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Brycgstow/

http://snaps4.blogspot.com/ photographs and walks

GENEALOGE http://hughw36.blogspot.com/ MAIN BLOG

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