On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 00:56:45 +0200, "Dan \"748\" Dethlefsen"
<748@dethlefsensOST.dk> wrote:
>Spændende projekt, også er Garry MaCoy på nuværende tidspunkt kun 3,8
>sek efter hurtigste mand som er Stoner, meget pænt i mine øjne når man
>tager i betragtning at Stoner`s cykel er en 990 ccm Honda mod Ilmors 800
Der skal man nok lige huske på de testtider de nye 800cc fra de andre
kørte sidst efter Motegi, og set i det perspektiv er 3,8 sek. nærmest
._Men_ når det er sagt så er jeg iøvrigt enig, det er altid
spændende at se nye projekter og specielt i MotoGP, det er stadigvæk
kun en shake-down og som sådan er det helt forventeligt at de vil ha'
en masse småting der skal fikses...
"The brand new Ilmor SRT team made a solid, if unspectacular, MotoGP
debut at Estoril on Friday - its brand new 800cc X3 outpacing one of
the regular 990cc machines as rider Garry McCoy found 1.3secs between
the morning and afternoon sessions.
Despite a few minor electrical issues during the morning session,
former 500GP winner McCoy completed 47 Friday laps on the 2007-spec
X3. The Australian was 19th out of 20 riders in FP1, lapping 4.026secs
behind fastest man Valentino Rossi, then repeated that position on the
overall Friday timesheets after the conclusion of FP2 - but had cut
1.32secs from his previous best to sit 3.878secs from Friday pace
setter Casey Stoner.
"I wasn't too happy after the first session," confessed Ilmor owner
Mario Illien. "We had a few small issues with one of the bikes which
seemed to have a minor electrical problem. Fortunately we managed fix
this in between sessions. I think we have made reasonable progress
today but I would really like to see the lap time come down - there is
definite room for improvement but on the whole the team is working
well and I think we are making a good start."
McCoy outpaced Tech 3 Yamaha's James Ellison in this morning's
session, then Pramac d'Antin Ducati's Jose Luis Cardoso this afternoon
and overall - an impressive feat considering that the X3 has a near 20
per cent engine capacity disadvantage, resulting in a top speed some
21.1km/h slower than Stoner, although only 2.7km/h behind Cardoso's
Dunlop shod machine.
"It was great, everything went the way I hoped it would and I feel
very comfortable on the bike," said McCoy. "Obviously there were a
couple of little problems to be ironed out initially but that's normal
and you would expect that with any team. We made real progress today
and I'm sure we will continue to do so over the weekend."
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