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Half Life 2 problem?
Fra : Vega

Dato : 03-06-06 13:07


Får en fejl 1334:

The file hl2.ico1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in
cabinet file hl24.cab. This could indicate a network error, an error reading
the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

Hvad gør jeg her?
Håber en kan hjælpe.

Mvh. Vega.

Benny (03-06-2006)
Fra : Benny

Dato : 03-06-06 14:48

Får en fejl 1334:
The file hl2.ico1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in
cabinet file hl24.cab. This could indicate a network error, an error reading
the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

Hvad gør jeg her?
Håber en kan hjælpe.

Hvis det er sket under installation af spillet, så slet det og geninstallere

Vega (03-06-2006)
Fra : Vega

Dato : 03-06-06 15:04

"Benny" <benny31@fjerndetteord.mail.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Får en fejl 1334:
> The file hl2.ico1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in
> cabinet file hl24.cab. This could indicate a network error, an error
> reading
> the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
> Hvad gør jeg her?
> Håber en kan hjælpe.
> Hvis det er sket under installation af spillet, så slet det og
> geninstallere det.

Det er det, den når slet ikke at installere spillet færdig. Hjælper ikke at
genstarte. :(

Mvh. Vega.

Peter Lykkegaard (03-06-2006)
Fra : Peter Lykkegaard

Dato : 03-06-06 18:00

Vega wrote:

> The file hl2.ico1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be
> found in cabinet file hl24.cab. This could indicate a network error,
> an error reading the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
Det er en kendt fejl
Jeg vil gætte på at du har fravalgt CS:S?

> Hvad gør jeg her?

Problem: If during the initial installation process the option to install
"Counter-strike: Source" is NOT selected, an error may occur during
installation. The message will be: cabinet file error, fatal disk error, or
something similar.

Solution: Cancel the current installation process and reinstall the game
from the beginning, starting with Disk #1. Make certain to select the option
to install both Half-Life 2 and Counter-strike: Source.

Note: If you prefer not to retain the Counter-strike: Source program on your
system AFTER INSTALLATION, you can remove it using the following procedure:

After HL2 has been successfully installed, open up the Steam client.
Select the Play Games list
RIGHT click on Counter-strike: Source and select Properties
Select "Delete Local Content."

> Håber en kan hjælpe.
Håber det hjalp :)

- Peter
Hi! I'm a .signature *virus*!
Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Vega (03-06-2006)
Fra : Vega

Dato : 03-06-06 18:51

"Peter Lykkegaard" <plykkegaard@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Vega wrote:
>> The file hl2.ico1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be
>> found in cabinet file hl24.cab. This could indicate a network error,
>> an error reading the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
> Det er en kendt fejl
> Jeg vil gætte på at du har fravalgt CS:S?
>> Hvad gør jeg her?
> Problem: If during the initial installation process the option to install
> "Counter-strike: Source" is NOT selected, an error may occur during
> installation. The message will be: cabinet file error, fatal disk error,
> or something similar.
> Solution: Cancel the current installation process and reinstall the game
> from the beginning, starting with Disk #1. Make certain to select the
> option to install both Half-Life 2 and Counter-strike: Source.
> Note: If you prefer not to retain the Counter-strike: Source program on
> your system AFTER INSTALLATION, you can remove it using the following
> procedure:
> After HL2 has been successfully installed, open up the Steam client.
> Select the Play Games list
> RIGHT click on Counter-strike: Source and select Properties
> Select "Delete Local Content."
>> Håber en kan hjælpe.
> Håber det hjalp :)

Takker, gjorde det før du skriv, men tak alligevel. Sjovt at begge dele skal
installeres for at den kan finde ud af det.

Mvh. Vega.

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