Omtrent en måned siden dukkede der hos mig et problem op med forkerte
farvetoner på min monitor. Problemet består stadigvæl, Hvis nogen
her i gruppen kan sige noget om, hvordan jeg skal løse problemet, vil
jeg være meget glad for det. Jeg beskrev problemet i nedenstående
email til avisen Bangkok Post's onsdagstillæg om computers, men
brevkassen har ikke svaret.
Min display adapter er en SiS 5598-6325. Mit mainboard er vist nok en
Matsonic MS 8127C. Men min PC er ikke en Dell.
Skal jeg disable eller uninstall display adapteren? Jeg er ikke kendt
med dansk computerterminologio, men nok med engelsk.
"Dear Database,
I use Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and many updates.
A few days ago when I started my computer something strange happened.
The colours on the desktop monitor changed. The Windows top bar is
green to the left end to the right and bluish or pink in the middle.
The menus became blurred and more difficult to read. When watching VCD
movies the colours are not quite right on some parts of the screen..
The bottom bar is green in the middle and reddish to both sides. The
vertical scrolling bar to the right is pink.
I didn'nt know what the cause of this annoying problem was until today
when I read the article
in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. It describes a problem that
has recently occurred in Denmark where the colour rendition of mainly
Dell computers certainly has been reduced due to a faulty Windows
update. Though I have not knowingly downloaded Windows updates, I now
believe the same thing has happened to my computer.
The article in the Danish newspaper describes how to solve the problem.
Danish computer terminology differs somewhat from English, but I think
the article tells you to do the following to make the problem
(1) Rightclick on My Computer and select Properties.
(2) Select the leaf Hardware.
(3) Click on Device Manager (I am not quite certain here.)
(4) Click on the plus sign at Display Adapter. The name of the graphics
card is indicated underneath "Display Adapter".
(5) Rightclick the name of the graphics card.
(7) Click on "remove".
(8) Restart your computer.
Before I do anything disastrous, could you kindly confirm that this
procedure is the correct one to follow to make the coloutr problem go
Bent Jensen"