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--==HELP needed from Australia!!!==--
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 25-10-04 20:30

Author: D. Demarkow Date: 12 Oct 2004 3:05 PM GMT Surnames: Jørgensen,
Møller, Gjelf, Sternou, Andersen

I'm living in Australia and find it hard to get information from here.

I need help with some look up and confirmation on my grand father: Kurt
Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf) and his family.
Pleas have a look at the details at the end.

I have also acquired an old photo from my Aunt with him as a child with
parents and an older lady
Would some be interested in having a look and tell me some more about it?




Dose any one have an idea where the name Sternou and Gjelf came from?
They don't seam particular Danish could some one give me a clue?

I believe that his father: Jacob Marius Jørgensen was a shoemaker and by
coincident found a link on DDD

Viser husstandSamtlige personer i husstanden kbhv, København (Staden),
Blegdamsvej (Lige numre), No. 114, Matrikel 92 B, , 1. Sal, 4, FT-1885
Der vises flg. felter:
Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested
Jacob Jørgensen, 43, Gift, Husfader, Skomagermester,
Hanssine Petrine Jørgensen, 43, Gift, Husmoder, ,
Jacobine Martine Jørgensen, 16, Ugift, Barn, ,
Frederik Christian Louis Jørgensen, 14, Ugift, Barn, ,
Eduard Emil Jørgensen, 11, Ugift, Barn, ,
Jacob Marius Jørgensen, 8, Ugift, Barn, ,
Anna Petrea Victoria Jørgensen, 5, Ugift, Barn, ,
Valther Paul Jørgensen, 3, Ugift, Barn, ,

Could some one confirm this in the archives or let me know the best way to
do this?

Could the old lady in the photo be Hanssine Petrine Jørgensen?

I know I have a lot of questions but I'm having little luck from here and
not many in my living family are interested in my hobby.

Any lead or information would be a great help.:)

D. Demarkow

Ancestors of Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf)

Generation No. 1

1. Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf), born 02 Jan 1903 in København, Vor Frue
Sogn, Sjælland, Denmark; died Abt. 1967. He was the son of 2. Jacob Marius
Jørgensen and 3. Augusta Vilhelmine Møller. He married (1) Elisabeth
Margrethe Kristine Andersen. She was born 06 Jan 1902 in Herlufmagle,
Herlufmagle Sogn Tybjerg Herred, Sjælland, Denmark, and died Abt. 1953. She
was the daughter of Fredrik Fredinan Andersen and Anna Jaokimmine ?. He
married (2) Ingeborg Kristensen 25 Apr 1945 in Københavns Magistrat. She was
born 05 Nov 1902 in Røgen, Røgen Sogen, Gjern Herred, Jylland, Denmark. She
was the daughter of Jens Henrik Kristensen and Ane Cathrine Jensen Lemming.

Notes for Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf):
Bought Sir name "Gjelf" from Holland
Remarried to Ingeborg

More About Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf):
Christening: 22 Nov 1903, Sct. Markus Kirke, Frederiksberg, Vor Frie Sogn,
København, Denmark

More About Ingeborg Kristensen:
Christening: 26 Dec 1902, Røgen Kirke, Røgen Sogen, Gjern Herred, Jylland

More About Kurt (Gjelf) and Ingeborg Kristensen:
Marriage: 25 Apr 1945, Københavns Magistrat

Generation No. 2

2. Jacob Marius Jørgensen, born Abt. 1877. He was the son of 4. Jacob
Jørgensen and 5. Hanssine Petrine ?. He married 3. Augusta Vilhelmine
3. Augusta Vilhelmine Møller She was the daughter of 6. ?.

Children of Jacob Jørgensen and Augusta Møller are:
1 i. Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf), born 02 Jan 1903 in København, Vor Frue
Sogn, Sjælland, Denmark; died Abt. 1967; married (1) Elisabeth Margrethe
Kristine Andersen; married (2) Ingeborg Kristensen 25 Apr 1945 in Københavns
ii. Carlo Jørgensen, married ?.
iii. Eva Jørgensen, married Niels ?.
iv. Rosa Jørgensen

Generation No. 3

4. Jacob Jørgensen1, born Abt. 1842. He married 5. Hanssine Petrine ?.
5. Hanssine Petrine ?, born Abt. 1842.

More About Jacob Jørgensen:
Occupation: Skomagermester

Children of Jacob Jørgensen and Hanssine ? are:
i. Jacobine Petrine Jørgensen, born Abt. 1869.
ii. Frederik Christian Louis Jørgensen, born Abt. 1871.
iii. Eduard Emil Jørgensen, born Abt. 1874.
2 iv. Jacob Marius Jørgensen, born Abt. 1877; married Augusta Vilhelmine
v. Anna Petrea Victoria Jørgensen, born Abt. 1880.
vi. Valther Paul Jørgensen, born Abt. 1882.

6. ?

Child of ? is:
3 i. Augusta Vilhelmine Møller, married Jacob Marius Jørgensen.


Boards > Localities > Scandinavian and Baltic States > Denmark > Counties >
Kobenhavn [Copenhagen]


Hugh W

My Blogs

GENEALOGE http://hughw36.blogspot.com/

Exploring Rootsweb http://rootsweb.blogspot.com/
Exploring Ancestry dot com and co uk http://ancestry.blogspot.com/

Getting to know AOL http://aoldotcom.blogspot.com/

Viking http://jorvik.blogspot.com/
1805 http://1805ad.blogspot.com/

Memories http://biog.blogspot.com/
Hugh's Review of Reviews http://hror.blogspot.com/
Hugh's Bloog http://moc-topsgolb.blogspot.com/

begin 666 p.dat
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ST (30-10-2004)
Fra : ST

Dato : 30-10-04 20:48

I have a proposal:
In the danish telephonebook:
Susanne Sternou Gjelf
Kommenhaven 23. 1. tv.
2730 Herlev
Phone no.: 44 53 00 77 (I think + 0045 in the beginning)
Greetings Susanne ( not the same) who got help from Lesley Albertson from
Australia some years ago) Hope tht my information will help - if not -
please write.

"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Author: D. Demarkow Date: 12 Oct 2004 3:05 PM GMT Surnames: Jørgensen,
> Møller, Gjelf, Sternou, Andersen
> I'm living in Australia and find it hard to get information from here.
> I need help with some look up and confirmation on my grand father: Kurt
> Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf) and his family.
> Pleas have a look at the details at the end.
> I have also acquired an old photo from my Aunt with him as a child with
> parents and an older lady
> Would some be interested in having a look and tell me some more about it?
> or
> Dose any one have an idea where the name Sternou and Gjelf came from?
> They don't seam particular Danish could some one give me a clue?
> I believe that his father: Jacob Marius Jørgensen was a shoemaker and by
> coincident found a link on DDD
> Viser husstandSamtlige personer i husstanden kbhv, København (Staden),
> Blegdamsvej (Lige numre), No. 114, Matrikel 92 B, , 1. Sal, 4, FT-1885
> Der vises flg. felter:
> Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested
> Jacob Jørgensen, 43, Gift, Husfader, Skomagermester,
> Hanssine Petrine Jørgensen, 43, Gift, Husmoder, ,
> Jacobine Martine Jørgensen, 16, Ugift, Barn, ,
> Frederik Christian Louis Jørgensen, 14, Ugift, Barn, ,
> Eduard Emil Jørgensen, 11, Ugift, Barn, ,
> Jacob Marius Jørgensen, 8, Ugift, Barn, ,
> Anna Petrea Victoria Jørgensen, 5, Ugift, Barn, ,
> Valther Paul Jørgensen, 3, Ugift, Barn, ,
> Could some one confirm this in the archives or let me know the best way to
> do this?
> Could the old lady in the photo be Hanssine Petrine Jørgensen?
> I know I have a lot of questions but I'm having little luck from here and
> not many in my living family are interested in my hobby.
> Any lead or information would be a great help.:)
> D. Demarkow
> Ancestors of Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf)
> Generation No. 1
> 1. Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf), born 02 Jan 1903 in København, Vor Frue
> Sogn, Sjælland, Denmark; died Abt. 1967. He was the son of 2. Jacob Marius
> Jørgensen and 3. Augusta Vilhelmine Møller. He married (1) Elisabeth
> Margrethe Kristine Andersen. She was born 06 Jan 1902 in Herlufmagle,
> Herlufmagle Sogn Tybjerg Herred, Sjælland, Denmark, and died Abt. 1953.
> was the daughter of Fredrik Fredinan Andersen and Anna Jaokimmine ?. He
> married (2) Ingeborg Kristensen 25 Apr 1945 in Københavns Magistrat. She
> born 05 Nov 1902 in Røgen, Røgen Sogen, Gjern Herred, Jylland, Denmark.
> was the daughter of Jens Henrik Kristensen and Ane Cathrine Jensen
> Notes for Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf):
> Bought Sir name "Gjelf" from Holland
> Remarried to Ingeborg
> More About Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf):
> Christening: 22 Nov 1903, Sct. Markus Kirke, Frederiksberg, Vor Frie Sogn,
> København, Denmark
> More About Ingeborg Kristensen:
> Christening: 26 Dec 1902, Røgen Kirke, Røgen Sogen, Gjern Herred, Jylland
> More About Kurt (Gjelf) and Ingeborg Kristensen:
> Marriage: 25 Apr 1945, Københavns Magistrat
> Generation No. 2
> 2. Jacob Marius Jørgensen, born Abt. 1877. He was the son of 4. Jacob
> Jørgensen and 5. Hanssine Petrine ?. He married 3. Augusta Vilhelmine
> Møller.
> 3. Augusta Vilhelmine Møller She was the daughter of 6. ?.
> Children of Jacob Jørgensen and Augusta Møller are:
> 1 i. Kurt Sternou Jørgensen (Gjelf), born 02 Jan 1903 in København, Vor
> Sogn, Sjælland, Denmark; died Abt. 1967; married (1) Elisabeth Margrethe
> Kristine Andersen; married (2) Ingeborg Kristensen 25 Apr 1945 in
> Magistrat.
> ii. Carlo Jørgensen, married ?.
> iii. Eva Jørgensen, married Niels ?.
> iv. Rosa Jørgensen
> Generation No. 3
> 4. Jacob Jørgensen1, born Abt. 1842. He married 5. Hanssine Petrine ?.
> 5. Hanssine Petrine ?, born Abt. 1842.
> More About Jacob Jørgensen:
> Occupation: Skomagermester
> Children of Jacob Jørgensen and Hanssine ? are:
> i. Jacobine Petrine Jørgensen, born Abt. 1869.
> ii. Frederik Christian Louis Jørgensen, born Abt. 1871.
> iii. Eduard Emil Jørgensen, born Abt. 1874.
> 2 iv. Jacob Marius Jørgensen, born Abt. 1877; married Augusta Vilhelmine
> Møller.
> v. Anna Petrea Victoria Jørgensen, born Abt. 1880.
> vi. Valther Paul Jørgensen, born Abt. 1882.
> 6. ?
> Child of ? is:
> 3 i. Augusta Vilhelmine Møller, married Jacob Marius Jørgensen.
> ==============================================
> fra
> Boards > Localities > Scandinavian and Baltic States > Denmark > Counties
> Kobenhavn [Copenhagen]
> mvh
> Hugh W
> --
> My Blogs
> GENEALOGE http://hughw36.blogspot.com/
> Exploring Rootsweb http://rootsweb.blogspot.com/
> Exploring Ancestry dot com and co uk http://ancestry.blogspot.com/
> Getting to know AOL http://aoldotcom.blogspot.com/
> Viking http://jorvik.blogspot.com/
> 1805 http://1805ad.blogspot.com/
> Memories http://biog.blogspot.com/
> Hugh's Review of Reviews http://hror.blogspot.com/
> Hugh's Bloog http://moc-topsgolb.blogspot.com/

Hugh Watkins (31-10-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 31-10-04 00:16

"ST" <cfs10802@vip.cybercity.dk> wrote in message
>I have a proposal:
> In the danish telephonebook:
> Susanne Sternou Gjelf
> Kommenhaven 23. 1. tv.
> 2730 Herlev
> Denmark
> Phone no.: 44 53 00 77 (I think + 0045 in the beginning)
> Greetings Susanne ( not the same) who got help from Lesley Albertson from
> Australia some years ago) Hope tht my information will help - if not -
> please write.


thanks Susanne


Hugh W

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