![](/App_Themes/Normal/images/Window/Backgrounds/news.gif) | Error: GET method Fra : Hindborg |
Dato : 07-04-04 20:33 |
Hvad betyder det?
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.642 / Virus Database: 410 - Release Date: 24-03-2004
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Lars Hoffmann (07-04-2004)
![](/App_Themes/Normal/images/Window/Backgrounds/news.gif) | Kommentar Fra : Lars Hoffmann |
Dato : 07-04-04 20:52 |
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Lars Raaby (08-04-2004)
![](/App_Themes/Normal/images/Window/Backgrounds/news.gif) | Kommentar Fra : Lars Raaby |
Dato : 08-04-04 09:19 |
Hindborg skrev bl.a.:
> Hvad betyder det?
At du har stillet det samme spørgsmål i forskellige nyhedsgrupper
på samme tid.
Med venlig hilsen / Lars Raaby
Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows
(also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)
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