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Mohaa Console. Hvad kan bruges?
Fra : Colzen

Dato : 11-01-04 11:58

Er der en der ved hvilke kommandoer man kan bruge i console?

Jeg kender password og connect når man skal logge på en password protectet
server, men når man har password til serveren kan det så ikke lade sig gøre
at "styre" serveren derfra? Tænker på at kicke en teamkiller, skifte bane

Håber der er en eller flere der kan hjælpe mig.


Frank Pedersen (12-01-2004)
Fra : Frank Pedersen

Dato : 12-01-04 14:10

her er lidt..

Rcon Commands List! For Mohaa for new admins
Hey there, this is to help out all those new server admins who need a bit of
help with Rcon (as i did when i first got my server!) This list gives the
basic commands you may want to use to configure your server in all cases ***
is the rcon password:

rcon status : lists the client id's and ip's (use with clientkick if clients
have long names!!

rcon *** map obj/obj_team1 : changes the current map to the specified one

rcon *** set g_gametype4 : changes the gametype 1=DM 2=TDM 3=Rbased
4=objective (to change from dm to obj you must change the gametype first)

rcon *** nextmap obj_objteam4 : sets the next map

rcon *** sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 ......." : sets the order in which
the maps are played(remember quotation marks and leave a space between each
map name)

rcon *** set sv_privatePassword ???? : sets the password used on the private
slots on the server(capital P on password)

rcon *** set sv_privateClients 10 : this will set the number of private
slots on your server (in this case 10)

rcon *** set roundlimit 5 : sets the time of each round

rcon *** timelimit 25 : amount of time each map is played for

rcon *** fraglimit 0 : on rb and obj maps sets no rounds played on each map,
set to 0 = no limit. on dm or tdm this sets fraglimit per map

rcon *** g_teamdamage 1 : friendly fire 1=on / 0=off

rcon ***sv_pure 1 : controls checking of clients .pk3 files to check for
modifications (basically a cheating check) 1=on / 0=off

rcon *** set g_inactivity 180 : players moved to spectator after 3 mins

rcon *** set g_inactiveKick 300 : players kicked after 5 mins of being an
inactive spectator

rcon *** serverinfo : shows current server settings

rcon *** kick all : will kick all players including private

rcon *** clientkick 2 : kicks client 2 (find the client number using the
status command - useful for those tricky names!)

rcon *** sv_hostname "server name here" : changes the name of the server
that people see on gamespy etc - BE VERY CAREFUL CHANGING THIS IF YOU HAVE A
NAME - as per the terms and conditions laid out by jolt

rcon *** sv_maxping 250 : anyone with a ping greater than 250 wont be able
to connect to the server (i prefer to use a program called autokick by
crowking - it allows remote control of the server for kicking of high pings
and also some other variables - very useful! if u want a copy email me)

theres loads more commands but these really are the only ones you need -
hope this helps a lot of people out

cmdlist - list all console commands
meminfo - gives info about memory
echo - echoes text to the console
launchgamespy - launches gamespy
bind "key" "command" - bind command to a key
bindlist - list all key bindings
altbind "key" "command" - bind command to alt+key
ctrlbind "key" "command" - bind command to ctrl+key
altbindlist - list all alt+key bindings
ctrlbindlist - list all ctrl+key bindings
unbind "key" - unbind key
unaltbind "key" - unbind alt+key
unctrlbind "key" - unbind ctrl+key
unbindall - unbind all keys
say "message" - send message to all players in the game
sayteam "message" - send message to all players in your team
exec "file.cfg" - execute commands in file.cfg
kill - suicide
quit - exit moh
cvarlist - list all variables
name "myname" - sets your player name to myname
sensitivity "" - sets your mouse sensitivity (5-20)
m_filter "0 or 1" - set mouse filter off (0) or on (1)
fps "0 or 1" - toggle fps info display off (0) or on(1)
cheats "0 or 1" - sets cheats off (0) or on (1)
subtract "var" "amount" - subtract amount from var
toggle "var" - toggle var value to 0 or 1
add "var" "amount" - add amount to var
dir - list all files in current directory
cd "folder" - change current directory to folder
fdir "filter" - list all files in current directory, applying filter (ex.
fdir *.bsp)
set "var" "value" - sets var to value
maplist - list maps
append "var" "string" - append string to var
map "mymap" - change to map mymap
pause - pause/unpause game
serverinfo - echo server information to console
systeminfo - echo system information to console
path - echo current search path to console
scale "var" "amount" - multiply var by amount
savegame - save current game
autosavegame - save current game as autosave
kick "player" - kicks player
kick all - kicks all players
kick allbots - kicks all bots
reload - reload current weapon
status - echo status/player info to console
restart - restarts server
reset "var" - set var to its default
loadgame - load saved game
loadlastgame - load last saved game
gamemap "mymap" - change to map mymap
killserver - kills the server
connect "ip" - connects to server at ip
difficultyHard - sets difficulty to hard
difficultyMedium - sets difficulty to medium
difficultyEasy - sets difficulty to easy
clear - clear all text from the console
error - exits moh with error message
vid_restart - resets video settings
set rconpassword xxxx - where xxxx is the password
rcon status - gives list of playersid#, name, ip and ping
rcon kick playername - kicks player by name(spelling must be exact)
rcon clientkick userid# - kicks player by id number
rcon kick all - kicks all players from server
rcon say "xxxx xxx" - sends message in voice of console
rcon roundlimit # - sets round limit time in mins
rcon timelimit # - sets time limit for map in mins
rcon fraglimit # - changes the number of victories/frags needed to win
rcon dumpuser "xxx" - xxx is player name, gives skin player is using
rcon serverinfo shows current server settings
rcon restart - restarts current map
rcon map xxx - changes current map xxx is file name of map eg dm/mohdm1
rcon next map xxx - changes next map xxx is file name of map
rcon sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 ......." - sets the order in which the
maps are played, must include quotation marks and a space between each map
rcon sv_pure 1 - checks clients .pk3 files to look for modifications, cheat
rcon sv_pure 0 - cheat check off
rcon set sv_privatePassword xxxx - sets the password used on the private
slots on the server, where xxxx is the password
rcon set sv_privateClients # - this will set the number of private slots on
a server
rcon sv_hostname "xxxx" - changes server name, where "xxxx" is new name
rcon sv_maxping # - players with a ping over # will be unable to connect to
the server
rcon g_teamdammage 1 - switches on ff
rcon g_teamdammage 0 - switches off ff
rcon g_gametype # - 1-free for all, 2-team match, 3-round based, 4-objective
rcon set g_inactivity # - players moved to spectator after # seconds
rcon set g_inactiveKick # - players kicked after # seconds of inactive spec

First you have to turn on your CONSOLE ON .
To do this follow the steps below.

1) DOUBLE Click your MOHAA Icon."that will take you to the room with the

2) Then Click OPTIONS. "middle left side of page"

3) Then Click ADVANCED. "which is the top radio"

4) Then Click CONSOLE. "on right side of page"

5) Then Click APPLY. "Bottem center of page"

6) Then Click BACK.

7) Then Click QUIT.


Now your CONSOLE is turned on.

To go to your CONSOLE while in the game you click " ~ " its the KEY to
your left of your number 1 KEY.

To VOTE people out of room that are causing problems like Team Killing
this is what you do.

To call a vote to kick another player

Open up your console (using the ~ key) and type:
callvote kick "Player X"
Where Player X is the guy you wish booted. Please take care to spell his
name exactly as it appears on the screen - any spelling mistakes will just
result in you getting a "Player name is invalid" message. And also, do not
forget to type the name within the quotation marks, or again it will not

Assuming you do this correctly, the screen will display:
xxxxx called a vote: Kick Player X
where xxxxx is the name of the person who called the vote.

To agree with this vote, open the console and type:
vote yes
To disagree, open the console and type:
vote no

Once over 50% of the players on the server at the time the vote was called
agree and vote yes, then the vote is passed and the game kicks the player in


To call a vote to a map change

Open up your console (using the ~ key) and type:

Callvote map (then the maps name)

dm/mohdm1 = Southern France

dm/mohdm2 = Destroyed Village

dm/mohdm3 = Remagen

dm/mohdm4 = The Crossroads

dm/mohdm5 = Snowy Park

dm/mohdm6 = Stalingrad

dm/mohdm7 Algiers


To check your FRAME RATE while in game. You have to make sure that your
console is turned on. See above on how to turn on console.
To turn on your fps. " FRAMES PER SECOND " You hit your CONSOLE KEY. "
~ ". Once your CONSOLE is up you type in " fps ".
You do not type in [ " ] and make sure there is a space between the s and
the number 1.To turn it off You type in " fps 0 "


To see your LAGOMETER Type this in CONSOLE "cg_lagometer"

To resolve any gfx glitches in game type this "vid_restart"

To reconnect to the server without leaving the game type this "reconnect"

You do not type in [ " ]

"Colzen" <colzen@SLETcolzen.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Er der en der ved hvilke kommandoer man kan bruge i console?
> Jeg kender password og connect når man skal logge på en password protectet
> server, men når man har password til serveren kan det så ikke lade sig
> at "styre" serveren derfra? Tænker på at kicke en teamkiller, skifte bane
> osv.?
> Håber der er en eller flere der kan hjælpe mig.
> Mvh
> Colzen

Colzen (13-01-2004)
Fra : Colzen

Dato : 13-01-04 10:16

Mange tak for svaret.


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