Lone Schmidt <maillone@netscape.net> wrote:
> Jens Rasmussen <no@way.dk> wrote:
> > Ååååååh nej - det var trist. Var ikke kommet dertil endnu, men vil da
> > savne det, indtil det bliver lavet...
> Det lyder som et link ,som jeg (og nok mange andre

, gerne vil have,
> så er vi endnu flere der venter utålmodigt på, at der kommer gang i
> iComic igen !

Der er et hack, eller hvad det hedder, på diskussionsforum på iComics
hjemmeside, men det er lidt langhåret:
To start, install Xtools if you haven't already, so you have the
"Property List Editor" application. Your life will be much simpler. You
can edit the plist files with a text editor, but it's a pain.
To get the application to launch without crashing under 10.3 ---
- navigate to "Library/Preferences" in your home directory
- double click on "com.mac.xmlguy.iComic.plist" to edit it with Property
List Editor
- click on the triangle next to "Root" to expand it
- click on "comicSequence" to highlight it, then click on the "Delete"
button to erase it
- save the changes and quit Property List Editor
- select "com.mac.xmlguy.iComic.plist" again then select "Get Info" from
the "File" menu
- put a check mark in the "Locked" box then close the info window
iComic should now launch reliably under 10.3.
To remove one of the built in plugins ---
- find your iComic application and control click on it
- select "Show Package Contents" from the resulting pop up menu
- navigate to "Contents/PlugIns" and double click "Inventory.plist" to
edit it
- burrow down through "Root" and "Comics" and delete whichever one you
Henrik Münster