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Aaloborg Church Record Lookup
Fra : Mark Dobson

Dato : 09-07-03 19:50

Hello All,

First I would like to thank all the great folks who emailed me with
research tips !
I was able to find my great grnadmother's ( Karen Maria Christensen)
parents and grandparents via the census databases.
I think I will be add many braches to the family tree !
I also thought that maybe someone would be able to help me with the
marriage brick wall.
Karen emmigrated to the US in 1906 at the age of 27.
US Immigration records indicate she used the married name of
and traveled with her daughter Reghild ( age 4)
Her last place of residence was Aalborg. I would think that she was
probably married around 1900.
Mark Dobson

Vital Stats:
Karen Maria Christensen b. 4/15/79
Father: Christen Nielsen
Mother: Christine Christiansdatter

Mikkel Eide Eriksen (10-07-2003)
Fra : Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Dato : 10-07-03 16:27

mcdobson@adelphia.net (Mark Dobson) wrote in message news:<6689f98.0307091050.1b11c4a6@posting.google.com>...
> Hello All,
> First I would like to thank all the great folks who emailed me with
> research tips !
> I was able to find my great grnadmother's ( Karen Maria Christensen)
> parents and grandparents via the census databases.
> I think I will be add many braches to the family tree !
> I also thought that maybe someone would be able to help me with the
> marriage brick wall.
> Karen emmigrated to the US in 1906 at the age of 27.
> US Immigration records indicate she used the married name of
> Dalsgaard.
> and traveled with her daughter Reghild ( age 4)
> Her last place of residence was Aalborg. I would think that she was
> probably married around 1900.
> Regards,
> Mark Dobson
> mcdobson@adelphia.net
> Vital Stats:
> Karen Maria Christensen b. 4/15/79
> Father: Christen Nielsen
> Mother: Christine Christiansdatter

It is possible that the name Dalsgaard doesn't come from her husband,
I've seen cases where emigrants took names from the farms they left or
perhaps even farms that their parents used to have, etc.

In any case, my great grandfather was called Otto Kristensen Dalsgaard
(born christmas eve 1899, son of Kresten Dalsgaard). Probably a
coincidence, but I only know that this branch of Dalsgaards are
supposed to originate from a farm of that name in Skals sogn (close to
V. Bjerregrav).

I know that two of Otto's brothers, my grandmother says they were
called Magnus and Valdemar, emigrated from Denmark to Canada or
possibly USA in the late 1920s, but I have no solid info on that

Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Hugh Watkins (10-07-2003)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 10-07-03 21:50

"Mikkel Eide Eriksen" <carthagtuek@softhome.net> wrote in message news:d81ac143.0307100727.3df9095c@posting.google.com...
> mcdobson@adelphia.net (Mark Dobson) wrote in message news:<6689f98.0307091050.1b11c4a6@posting.google.com>...
> > Hello All,
> >
> > First I would like to thank all the great folks who emailed me with
> > research tips !
> > I was able to find my great grnadmother's ( Karen Maria Christensen)
> > parents and grandparents via the census databases.
> > I think I will be add many braches to the family tree !
> > I also thought that maybe someone would be able to help me with the
> > marriage brick wall.
> > Karen emmigrated to the US in 1906 at the age of 27.
> > US Immigration records indicate she used the married name of
> > Dalsgaard.
> > and traveled with her daughter Reghild ( age 4)
> > Her last place of residence was Aalborg. I would think that she was
> > probably married around 1900.
> > Regards,
> > Mark Dobson
> > mcdobson@adelphia.net
> >
> > Vital Stats:
> > Karen Maria Christensen b. 4/15/79
> > Father: Christen Nielsen
> > Mother: Christine Christiansdatter
> It is possible that the name Dalsgaard doesn't come from her husband,
> I've seen cases where emigrants took names from the farms they left or
> perhaps even farms that their parents used to have, etc.
> In any case, my great grandfather was called Otto Kristensen Dalsgaard
> (born christmas eve 1899, son of Kresten Dalsgaard). Probably a
> coincidence, but I only know that this branch of Dalsgaards are
> supposed to originate from a farm of that name in Skals sogn (close to
> V. Bjerregrav).
> I know that two of Otto's brothers, my grandmother says they were
> called Magnus and Valdemar, emigrated from Denmark to Canada or
> possibly USA in the late 1920s, but I have no solid info on that
> story...

see http://krabsen.dk

>> Resultat af søgning..
Stednavn Sogn Amt Kommune Herred Gammelt amt Bemærkning
Dalsgaard Asmild Viborg Nørlyng Viborg FT 1801
Dalsgaard Felsted Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S A M
Dalsgaard Hvilsager Århus Sønderhald Randers FT 1801
Dalsgaard Klovborg Vejle Vrads Skanderborg FT 1801
Dalsgaard Mammen Viborg Middelsom Viborg FT 1801
Dalsgaard Mygdal Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
Dalsgaard Rinkenæs Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S A M
Dalsgaard Svostrup Århus Hids Viborg FT 1801
Dalsgaard Vidstrup Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
Dalsgaard Vive Nordjyllands Hindsted Aalborg FT 1801
Hugh W

Mark Dobson (11-07-2003)
Fra : Mark Dobson

Dato : 11-07-03 03:37

Hello Hugh,
Thanks for posting this information !
I am sorry to say, I do not understand very much danish.( But I'm
learning more each day)
Would you mind interpreting the info below ?
Karen Christensen Dalsgaard was born in 1879, so if FT 1801 means 1801
census, we are a bit early.
One thing I am learning is just when I think I am close, this takes me
on another adventure !
I thought I could track her daughter Ragnhild ( b. April 9, 1902). But
this takes me completely away from Dalsgaard, and leads me to the
surname Hansen.
Boy im getting confused !!!! I just wish the good folks at Ellis
Island had written down her hurband's name !


> see http://krabsen.dk
> >> Resultat af søgning..
> Stednavn Sogn Amt Kommune Herred Gammelt amt Bemærkning
> Dalsgaard Asmild Viborg Nørlyng Viborg FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Felsted Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S A M
> Dalsgaard Hvilsager Århus Sønderhald Randers FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Klovborg Vejle Vrads Skanderborg FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Mammen Viborg Middelsom Viborg FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Mygdal Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Rinkenæs Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S A M
> Dalsgaard Svostrup Århus Hids Viborg FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Vidstrup Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
> Dalsgaard Vive Nordjyllands Hindsted Aalborg FT 1801
> <<
> Hugh W

Jeannie Kristensen [~ (11-07-2003)
Fra : Jeannie Kristensen [~

Dato : 11-07-03 13:50

Mark Dobson wrote:
> Hello Hugh,
> Thanks for posting this information !
> I am sorry to say, I do not understand very much danish.( But I'm
> learning more each day)
> Would you mind interpreting the info below ?
> Karen Christensen Dalsgaard was born in 1879, so if FT 1801 means 1801
> census, we are a bit early.
> One thing I am learning is just when I think I am close, this takes me
> on another adventure !
> I thought I could track her daughter Ragnhild ( b. April 9, 1902). But
> this takes me completely away from Dalsgaard, and leads me to the
> surname Hansen.
> Boy im getting confused !!!! I just wish the good folks at Ellis
> Island had written down her hurband's name !
> Regards,
> Mark
>> see http://krabsen.dk
>>>> Resultat af søgning..
>> Stednavn Sogn Amt Kommune Herred Gammelt amt Bemærkning
>> Dalsgaard Asmild Viborg Nørlyng Viborg FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Felsted Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S
>> A M Dalsgaard Hvilsager Århus Sønderhald Randers FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Klovborg Vejle Vrads Skanderborg FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Mammen Viborg Middelsom Viborg FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Mygdal Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Rinkenæs Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S
>> A M Dalsgaard Svostrup Århus Hids Viborg FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Vidstrup Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
>> Dalsgaard Vive Nordjyllands Hindsted Aalborg FT 1801
>> <<
>> Hugh W

Hi Mark!
Hugh found some places in Denmark called Dalsgaard.
If you follow this link, there is som information in english.


The year "1801" means that the placename was mentioned i the censues
from at least 1801.
Stednavn: Place name
Sogn: Parish
Amt: County (to day)
Kommune: municipality
Herred: District
Gammelt amt: Old county (1793-1970)
Bemærkning: Note/notes

Hilsen Jeannie Kristensen
Min slægt: http://home1.stofanet.dk/jeannie.kristensen/
(opdateret 25. maj 2003) Besøg også Sognetræf:

Mikkel Eide Eriksen (11-07-2003)
Fra : Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Dato : 11-07-03 14:21

mcdobson@adelphia.net (Mark Dobson) wrote in message news:<6689f98.0307101836.476f5555@posting.google.com>...
> Hello Hugh,
> Thanks for posting this information !
> I am sorry to say, I do not understand very much danish.( But I'm
> learning more each day)
> Would you mind interpreting the info below ?
> Karen Christensen Dalsgaard was born in 1879, so if FT 1801 means 1801
> census, we are a bit early.
> One thing I am learning is just when I think I am close, this takes me
> on another adventure !
> I thought I could track her daughter Ragnhild ( b. April 9, 1902). But
> this takes me completely away from Dalsgaard, and leads me to the
> surname Hansen.
> Boy im getting confused !!!! I just wish the good folks at Ellis
> Island had written down her hurband's name !
> Regards,
> Mark
> > see http://krabsen.dk
> >
> > >> Resultat af søgning..
> > Stednavn Sogn Amt Kommune Herred Gammelt amt Bemærkning
> > Dalsgaard Asmild Viborg Nørlyng Viborg FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Felsted Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S A M
> > Dalsgaard Hvilsager Århus Sønderhald Randers FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Klovborg Vejle Vrads Skanderborg FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Mammen Viborg Middelsom Viborg FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Mygdal Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Rinkenæs Sønderjylland Lundtoft Aabenraa manuelt/ S A M
> > Dalsgaard Svostrup Århus Hids Viborg FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Vidstrup Nordjyllands Vennebjerg Hjørring FT 1801
> > Dalsgaard Vive Nordjyllands Hindsted Aalborg FT 1801
> > <<
> > Hugh W

Stednavn = Placename
Sogn = Parish
Amt = County
Kommune = Municipality
Herred = District
Gammelt amt = Old county (from before they were changed around)
Bemærkning = Comment (in this case, source)

It's a list of in which places the placename Dalsgaard shows up in the Censuses...

Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Mark Dobson (12-07-2003)
Fra : Mark Dobson

Dato : 12-07-03 02:41

Hello All,
Thank you very much for all the great resources !
I have spent many hgours pouring over them.
I still cant find any relavent Dalsgaard references.
I decided to look at this a little differently.
What I do know is Karen came to America with her daughter Ragnhild.
Ragnhild was born in Mejlby, Denmark April 9, 1902.
I was wondering if there is a searchable database which had birth
I am willing to bet if I get my hands on Ragnhilds birth certificate,
it would have her fathers name on it. Thus ending this mystery !
Anyone know if I can contact Aaborg for a copy, ar is it availible
online ?
I have searched all the LDS databases.
Mark Dobson

Jens M. Jensen (14-07-2003)
Fra : Jens M. Jensen

Dato : 14-07-03 00:53

Hi Mark,

I don't know if you already did this, but I just checked the Danish
Emmigrants Database and found both your g-grandmother Karen Marie and her
child Ragnhild:

Name: Dalsgaard, Karen Marie
Occupation: Wife
Age: 27 Destination: NY.
Contract no.: 521400
Registration date: 11/1/1906
Birth place: Mejlby
Birth Parish: Brorstrup
Last res. parish: Aalborg
Last res. county: Aalborg
Last residence: Aalborg
Destination country: USA
Destination city: New York City
Destination state: New York State
Name of ship: United States
Remarks: ANM: United States.
IDcode: D0507D0906

Name: Dalsgaard, Ragnhild
Occupation: Child
Age: 04
Destination: NY.
Contract no.: 521400
Registration date: 11/1/1906
Birth place: Mejlby
Birth Parish: Brorstrup
Last res. parish: Aalborg
Last res. county: Aalborg
Last residence: Aalborg
Destination country: USA
Destination city: New York City
Destination state: New York State
Name of ship: United States
Remarks: ANM: United States.
IDcode: D0507D0907

From this you can see that Ragnhild was born in Brorstrup parish, probably
in 1902 as she was 4 years old in November 1906. Given Karen Marie's age of
27 Ragnhild is likely to be her first child, indicating that she was married
not too long before 1902 - for a start I would assume somewhere around
1900-1902. Whats interesting is, that Ragnhild was born in Brorstrup Parish
which is then probably where Karen Marie and her husband were living at the
time of their marriage. So, looking for a marriage record I would dig into
the parish register of Brorstrup from 1900 to 1902. Unfortunately, the
registers of Brorstrup parish is not yet accessible via internet so I can't
help you any further there. I'm pretty sure though, that someone in the NG
would have the registers on micro film.
I checked the emmigration contract # as well, and there is no-one else on
that contract from Aalborg or the area of Aalborg. I would assume then that
Karen Marie and Ragnhild were traveling on their own. Brorstrup btw. is
appr. 35 km's south-south-west of Aalborg, zip 9610 Noerager. The parish has
a phone # +45 9856 9055

Best regards,
Jens Møller Jensen,
Toftlund, DK.

Mark Dobson <mcdobson@adelphia.net> skrev i en
> Hello All,
> First I would like to thank all the great folks who emailed me with
> research tips !
> I was able to find my great grnadmother's ( Karen Maria Christensen)
> parents and grandparents via the census databases.
> I think I will be add many braches to the family tree !
> I also thought that maybe someone would be able to help me with the
> marriage brick wall.
> Karen emmigrated to the US in 1906 at the age of 27.
> US Immigration records indicate she used the married name of
> Dalsgaard.
> and traveled with her daughter Reghild ( age 4)
> Her last place of residence was Aalborg. I would think that she was
> probably married around 1900.
> Regards,
> Mark Dobson
> mcdobson@adelphia.net
> Vital Stats:
> Karen Maria Christensen b. 4/15/79
> Father: Christen Nielsen
> Mother: Christine Christiansdatter

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