Thomas Boelskifte <> wrote:
> Det lyder altså sært, jeg får MDJ og de er ikke beskyttede. Hvorfor skulle
> MWJ så være det?
> Jeg er ret sikker på du ikke har ret
.... og jeg er meget sikker på jeg har ret

)) så langt var jeg nået, og så kiggede jeg efter på MWJ's website.
Filerne er ganske rigtigt ikke beskyttet med Acrobat-beskyttelse - men
de _er_ signerede med en PGP-key:
> We believe strongly that until problems of digital security are
> solved, computer network technology will be of limited use in
> areas such as commerce and communications -- without assurances as
> to both the security and identity of transactions, those who
> accept online communications as bona fide are doing so at their
> own risk.
> To put our money where our mouth is, we have adopted a policy of
> digitally signing MWJ issues with GCSF, Incorporated's PGP key.
> Those readers with compatible versions of PGP software can verify
> the signature against our public key, ensuring that the issues
> they receive came from us and were not modified in transmission.
> Some think this is overkill on today's Internet, and they may be
> right, but we view digital security for issues the same way we
> view envelopes for US Mail. It's unlikely anyone would read mail
> that wasn't sealed in an envelope, but we'd rather not take the.
> chance.
> PDF versions of MWJ are delivered in a StuffIt archive containing
> the issue and a detached digital signature. Double-click on the
> digital signature file with PGP installed to verify the integrity
> of the issue file. However, you should note that if you have the
> full Acrobat package and modify the PDF issue in any way (by
> adding notes or links or other features), the digital signature
> becomes invalid.
> Early signed issues of MWJ were signed using our RSA key, but most
> back issues and all current issues are signed with our DH/DSS to
> interoperate more effectively with current versions of PGP
> freeware. Both keys are available on this Web site. Future PDF
> editions may be signed internally with Acrobat's own digital
> signature mechanism, but we have no plans to drop PGP for the
> setext version.
Og hvorom alt er, så gik det oprindelige spørgsmål på hvordan man kunne
printe en PDF-fil, som ikke lod sig udskrive ud fra Acrobaten.
Og netop dér er min konklusion: MWJ kan_ikke_udskrives fra Acrobat -
udskrivningen bliver hver evig eneste gang aborteret. Hvis jeg
derimod åbner det selvsamme dokument i Preview, udskrives det
komplet og uden problemer.
kh ka'l
Karl Antz
Albaniensgade 4,1th
2300 København S