3000 Peter Perlsø <no_spam@invalid_email.com> wrote:
> ------- Begin Forwarded Message -------
> Subject: Re: Cool new 10.2.4 feature
> From: Craig Koller <cwkoller@mac.com>
> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 03:57:57 -0800
> In article <znu-9915CD.03160214022003@news.fu-berlin.de>, ZnU
> <znu@acedsl.com> wrote:
> > "PDF Services"
> >
> >
> That's extremely cool (just created the "PDF Services" folder in the
> /Library) and there it was. But how about adding the PDF options?
> (compressed, encrypted, etc.) Are these just Applescripts that use
> Adobe Distiller or are some of these functions available without extra
> software?
> -------- End Forwarded Message --------
Ja, ja Peter.....og hvordan får man det til at virke, når man - som jeg
- ikke ved noget om scripts og andre underlige sprog.....(ka´ kun

Hverken enten eller, blot både og....(ML)
Dit mod er blot din evne til at undertrykke din angst...(ML)