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problemer med antivirus og mailscanner...
Fra : Thomas

Dato : 20-01-03 18:18


jeg ahr en del probs. efter at jeg ahr installeret antivirus og mailscanner:


jeg har fulgt denne guide, bortset fra at jeg også har installeret F-prot,
som jeg også har sat Amavis til at bruge.

mit problem er at jeg ikke kan sende/modtage post mere... det kommer
simpelthen ikke frem til servere, men bliver simpelthen stoppet.

hvordan kan jeg stoppe amavis for at se om det er det der laver problerne???
jeg kan ikke finde det nogensteder!

kan jeg have konfigurert min amavis.conf fil forkert? se kopi vedlagt..

Jeg håber at der er nogen der har nogle svar..eller alternativer til Amavis,
som er bedre!!!



KOPI af amavis.conf fil

; $Id: amavis.conf,v 1.24 2002/07/24 22:59:08 bengen Exp $

; Configuration file for amavis


;; Which MTA to use. Specify one.

; mail-transfer-agent = DebugMTA
; mail-transfer-agent = Exim
; mail-transfer-agent = EximPerl
; mail-transfer-agent = Postfix
; mail-transfer-agent = Sendmail
; mail-transfer-agent = SMTP
; mail-transfer-agent = Milter
mail-transfer-agent = Qmail

;; Which virus scanner to use. Use more than one if you desire
; virus-scanner = FSAV
; virus-scanner = AVP
; virus-scanner = FSP
; virus-scanner = hbEDV
; virus-scanner = Sophos
; virus-scanner = Sophie
; virus-scanner = Bitdefender
virus-scanner = FPROT
; virus-scanner = MKS
; virus-scanner = NAI
; virus-scanner = NVC
; virus-scanner = Panda
virus-scanner = CLAM
; virus-scanner = Trend
; virus-scanner = OpenAntiVirus

;; Extractor modules.
;; "Mail" should definitely be used, it is used for decoding MIME
;; attachments
extractors= Mail, Text, GZIP, BZIP2, LHA, ARC, Zip, Tar, ZOO, RAR

;; Who should be notified?
notifiers=Sender, Recipients, Admin

;; What should be inserted into the message's headers if it is let
;; through?
x-header = true
x-header-tag = X-Scanned-By
x-header-line = AMaViS powered

umask = 002


;; Where should mails be unpacked to?
unpack dir = /tmp/

;; Where should infected mail be stored? (Only the actual mail, not
;; the unpacked attachments)
quarantine dir = /var/spool/amavis/quarantine

;; If problems occur, put message into this directory
problem dir = /var/spool/amavis/problems

;; Should the unpacking directory be removed afterwards? Set to 'no'
;; only for debugging purposes
cleanup = yes


;; Use syslog? Facility (e.g. mail|info) or "no"
; syslog = mail|info
; syslog loglevel = 3

;; Log to which file? And atwhat level?
logfile = /var/log/amavis/amavis.log
logfile loglevel = 6


;; Which domains should be considered local? Recipients are notified
;; about mail that was stopped only if they are local. The domain name
;; is matches against this Perl regular expression.
local domain = .flashking.dk

;; What address will appear in the From:-header of warning messages
mail from = postmaster@flashking.dk

;; Who is the mail admin? Comma separated list if multiple admins
admin = postmaster@flashking.dk


;; Location and arguments of the binary
exim = /usr/sbin/exim
args = -oMr no-scan -i -f


;; Location and arguments of the binary
sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
args = -i -C /etc/mail/sendmail.cf.orig -f


;; Location and arguments of the binary
postfix = /usr/sbin/sendmail
args = -i -f


qmail-queue = /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue


; input address = localhost
input port = 10025
; output address = localhost
output port = 10026

;; SMTP session timeout.
;; unset: accept message immediately
;; =0: no timeout. Response is sent to client after processing
;; >0: timeout is set to n seconds. After n seconds, processing
;; is aborted if it has not been finished.

; session timeout = 240

pidfile = /var/run/amavis/amavisd.pid

;; Currently, an external C program amavis-milter is needed for Milter
;; support.

;; This is the socket AMaViS will listen on. amavis-milter will
;; connect to this socket if it wants a message to be checked.
amavis socket = /var/run/amavis/socket.amavis

;; This is the socket amavs-milter will listen on.
milter socket = /var/run/amavis/socket.milter

;; The path to amavis-milter
amavis-milter = /usr/sbin/amavis-milter

;; amavis-milter pid file
amavis-milter pidfile = /var/run/amavis/amavis-milter.pid

;; Debug options for amavis-milter (should not be needed in normal
;; operation)
; amavis-milter debug = 3
; amavis-milter logfile = /var/log/amavis/amavis-milter.log

;; The AMaViS pid file
pidfile = /var/run/amavis/amavisd.pid
daemon = yes

;; For sending out messages
sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
args = -i -f


input file = /dev/stdin
output file = /dev/stdout


arc = /usr/bin/arc
bzip2 = /usr/bin/bzip2
lha = /usr/bin/lha
unarj = /usr/bin/unarj
unrar = /usr/bin/unrar
zoo = /usr/bin/zoo


;; Resource limits for unpacking each message

;; How many levels of unpacking do we do?
maxlevels = 20
;; How many files do we want to write?
maxfiles = 1000
;; How much diskspace do we want to consume?
maxspace = 30M

;; If amavis is run as UID root, drop root privileges to uid, gid.
uid = mail
gid = mail


fsav = /usr/bin/fsav


avp = /usr/bin/avp


sweep = /usr/bin/sweep


antivir = /usr/bin/antivir


socket = /var/run/sophie


uvscan = /usr/bin/uvscan


nvc = /usr/bin/nvccmd


bitdefender = /usr/bin/bdc


panda = /usr/bin/pavcl


clamscan = /usr/bin/clamscan


fprot = /usr/bin/f-prot


vscan = /usr/bin/vscan


socket = localhost:8127


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