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Something about cats
Fra : marianne hellemose

Dato : 04-01-03 07:57

Dette dukkede op på en af mine lister, meget sødt men
jeg tager det ikke "helt" alvorligt, selvom det forklarer
hvorfor et par af mine katte stadig er overvægtige på trods af 1½ år på
slankefoder ; )

Cats & You!
by Caroline Connor
Most people generally think that cats do nothing, are lazy and all they do
is eat and sleep. Not so! Did you know that cats have a specific job to
perform in your life? Did you ever wonder why so many people have cats
nowadays, more so than dogs?

Here's an unknown tip inside the secret life of cats. All cats are empowered
to remove accumulated negative energy from your body on a daily basis. While
you are sleeping, they absorb it from your body. If there is more than one
person in the family, and only one cat, it may accumulate an overload of
negativity from absorbing energy from so many people. When they sleep, a
cat's body releases the negativity that it removed from you. If you are
extremely stressed out, they may not have had enough time to release this
negative energy, therefore it is stored as fat until they can. Therefore,
they will become overweight - and you thought it was the food that you were
feeding them!

It is good to have more than one cat in the household so the burden is
shared among them. They also guard you at night so no unwanted spirits can
enter the room while you are asleep. That is why they like to sleep on your
bed. If they think you are doing fine, they will not sleep that night with
you. If there is something strange going on, they will all jump in bed with
you and surround you.

If a person comes in the house and they pick up they are there to harm your
auric field or are of the dark forces, they will surround you to protect
you. When my cat began doing to this me, I couldn't figure why they stayed
on top of me or at my feet at times. Through channeling, I was told they
were protecting me. So, my ears and eyes are more aware of what my cats are
doing when someone enters my house. If they run up to the person, smell them
and want to be petted, I know I can relax.

Pay Back Time

If you do not have a cat, and a stray comes along, it is because you have a
need for one in the home at that particular time. The stray has volunteered
to help you and has sought you out. Thank the cat for picking your household
for its work. If you have other cats and cannot take the stray in, find a
home for it. It is very inexpensive to put an ad in the paper. The cat came
to you for a reason, unknown to you on the physical level, but in the dream
state you can see it and the reason for their appearance at that time, if
you want to know it. Sometimes there is a karmic debt it must pay back to
you. It may have eaten you in another lifetime and must make it up to you by
protecting you in this lifetime. So, don't be so quick to shoo them away.
They will have to come back one way or another to fulfill this obligation.

Cats Heal You

In the days of Atlantis, the healers used crystals in their work. The
crystals were used as a transmitter for healing. When the healers visited
outlying villages, they could not use their crystals for the people were
very suspicious of them and thought they were using black magic. Since they
were not permitted to use the crystals, the healers would carry a cat with
them as it performed the same function as the crystal. The people were not
afraid of cats and they willing allowed them into their homes. So, the cat
has been used numerous times in the healing arts.


Hellemose Somali

Some people have lives, others have cats

Lene (04-01-2003)
Fra : Lene

Dato : 04-01-03 12:52

Ja, denne læsning minder mig om nogle "eksperimenter" der blev lavet for
ikke så lang tid siden.
Mennesket har vel altid undret sig over hvorfor katten spinder, og vi er
nået noget af vejen i forståelsen af det.
Efterhånden som vi er blevet klogere med hensyn til lydfrekvenser (altså, at
f.ex. celler har deres egne frekvenser eller lydbølger, og at man kan
helbrede ved hjælp af lydbølger) var der nogen som ville prøve teorien i
forhold til kattes spinden. De havde mange katte (lissom mig....) og ville
prøve om missespinderi også havde en helbredende side. Efter megen spinden
fra mange forskellige katte, fandt de ud af at en af kattenes spinden kunne
tage migræne. Det krævede at katten lå omkring mandens hoved en times tid,
men det virkede altså! Både katte og mennesker hygger sig ved denne
eksperimenteren, og de gør det vist endnu.
Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne henvise til artiklen, men jeg kan simpelthen ikke
huske hvor jeg så det. Men det gjorde stort indtryk på mig, da jeg selv har
oplevet noget lignende med Vol au Vent (Vulle) da hun var mindre.
Men det er en anden historie!
God søndag til alle fra Lene, Vulle, Molly og alle havnem(B)isserne

Niels Peter (04-01-2003)
Fra : Niels Peter

Dato : 04-01-03 13:08

"Lene" <lene@satzone.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hejsa!
> Ja, denne læsning minder mig om nogle "eksperimenter" der blev lavet
> ikke så lang tid siden.
> Mennesket har vel altid undret sig over hvorfor katten spinder, og vi
> nået noget af vejen i forståelsen af det.
> Efterhånden som vi er blevet klogere med hensyn til lydfrekvenser
(altså, at
> f.ex. celler har deres egne frekvenser eller lydbølger, og at man kan
> helbrede ved hjælp af lydbølger) var der nogen som ville prøve teorien
> forhold til kattes spinden. De havde mange katte (lissom mig....) og
> prøve om missespinderi også havde en helbredende side. Efter megen
> fra mange forskellige katte, fandt de ud af at en af kattenes spinden
> tage migræne. Det krævede at katten lå omkring mandens hoved en times
> men det virkede altså! Både katte og mennesker hygger sig ved denne
> eksperimenteren, og de gør det vist endnu.
> Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne henvise til artiklen, men jeg kan simpelthen
> huske hvor jeg så det. Men det gjorde stort indtryk på mig, da jeg
selv har
> oplevet noget lignende med Vol au Vent (Vulle) da hun var mindre.
> Men det er en anden historie!
> God søndag til alle fra Lene, Vulle, Molly og alle havnem(B)isserne

Det er i hvert fald dokumenteret, at spinden kan have en meget stærkt
beroligende og smertestillende virkning på den spindende kat selv.
Svært kvæstede eller meget syge katte vil ofte ligge og spinde for sig
Det samme gælder fødende hunkatte.

Niels Peter
Cats Are People, Too!

Camilla Baird (04-01-2003)
Fra : Camilla Baird

Dato : 04-01-03 14:52

On 04/01/2003 07:57, in article
3e1685cf$0$47414$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk, "marianne hellemose"
<hellemose.som@paradis.tdcadsl.dk> wrote:

> Dette dukkede op på en af mine lister, meget sødt men
> jeg tager det ikke "helt" alvorligt, selvom det forklarer
> hvorfor et par af mine katte stadig er overvægtige på trods af 1½ år på
> slankefoder ; )
> Cats & You!
> by Caroline Connor
> Most people generally think that cats do nothing, are lazy and all they do
> is eat and sleep. Not so! Did you know that cats have a specific job to
> perform in your life? Did you ever wonder why so many people have cats
> nowadays, more so than dogs?
> Here's an unknown tip inside the secret life of cats. All cats are empowered
> to remove accumulated negative energy from your body on a daily basis. While
> you are sleeping, they absorb it from your body. If there is more than one
> person in the family, and only one cat, it may accumulate an overload of
> negativity from absorbing energy from so many people. When they sleep, a
> cat's body releases the negativity that it removed from you. If you are
> extremely stressed out, they may not have had enough time to release this
> negative energy, therefore it is stored as fat until they can. Therefore,
> they will become overweight - and you thought it was the food that you were
> feeding them!
> It is good to have more than one cat in the household so the burden is
> shared among them. They also guard you at night so no unwanted spirits can
> enter the room while you are asleep. That is why they like to sleep on your
> bed. If they think you are doing fine, they will not sleep that night with
> you. If there is something strange going on, they will all jump in bed with
> you and surround you.
> If a person comes in the house and they pick up they are there to harm your
> auric field or are of the dark forces, they will surround you to protect
> you. When my cat began doing to this me, I couldn't figure why they stayed
> on top of me or at my feet at times. Through channeling, I was told they
> were protecting me. So, my ears and eyes are more aware of what my cats are
> doing when someone enters my house. If they run up to the person, smell them
> and want to be petted, I know I can relax.
> Pay Back Time
> If you do not have a cat, and a stray comes along, it is because you have a
> need for one in the home at that particular time. The stray has volunteered
> to help you and has sought you out. Thank the cat for picking your household
> for its work. If you have other cats and cannot take the stray in, find a
> home for it. It is very inexpensive to put an ad in the paper. The cat came
> to you for a reason, unknown to you on the physical level, but in the dream
> state you can see it and the reason for their appearance at that time, if
> you want to know it. Sometimes there is a karmic debt it must pay back to
> you. It may have eaten you in another lifetime and must make it up to you by
> protecting you in this lifetime. So, don't be so quick to shoo them away.
> They will have to come back one way or another to fulfill this obligation.
> Cats Heal You
> In the days of Atlantis, the healers used crystals in their work. The
> crystals were used as a transmitter for healing. When the healers visited
> outlying villages, they could not use their crystals for the people were
> very suspicious of them and thought they were using black magic. Since they
> were not permitted to use the crystals, the healers would carry a cat with
> them as it performed the same function as the crystal. The people were not
> afraid of cats and they willing allowed them into their homes. So, the cat
> has been used numerous times in the healing arts.
> Marianne

Bestemt morsom læsning En vældig god forklaring på, hvorfor nogle af
vores katte er så fede...
Camilla Baird
Primpraus Korater http://www.korat.dk

Pia J (04-01-2003)
Fra : Pia J

Dato : 04-01-03 18:51

Hmmm.... Jeg har netop taget en lur på sofaen, beæret af HKH Hannibal
ovenpå, og min hovedpine er værre end før. Hvor mange kg mon JEG har taget
på? Han ser ellers ikke ud til at have tabt sig i løbet af eftermiddagen,
hvilket han jo burde, hvis der var sket en omvendt energitransmission!

Jaja, jeg ved godt han skulle have ligget på mit hovede - men det bestemmer
han nu en gang selv.

:Pia & HKHH som i dag helt glemte at hvæse af Muddi da de så på hundesnefræs
fra vinduet.

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