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Fashion Show - Designer Bian Variani
Fra : Bian Variani

Dato : 26-12-02 12:24

Experience acclaimed fashion designer Bian Variani http: //www.bianvariani.com

(Fashion Design Council of Canada) as he introduces the catwalk as never
seen before.

High energy entertainment featuring 2003 collection of Urban, Couture and
Lingerie. Reciently back from Milan, Bian Variani, introduces Euro-Fashion
for trendsetters & stylists.

Special guest appearance by Kiara Hunter http://www.kiarahunter.com returning
from her highly successful 22 city UK promotional tour with Virgin's "Atomic

A must see for fashion enthusiasts in both the local and the international

Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. (Tickets available at Au Bar)

Show Details:

Where: Au Bar - 674 Seymour (At Georgia), Vancouver
When: Friday, January 17, 2003
Time: 8:00 PM
Age: 19 and over
Dress Code: Formal
Scene: Euro, Fashion, Hipster/Stylish
Music: Hip Hop , Pop/Top 40

Spørgsmål : 177620
Tips : 31970
Nyheder : 719565
Indlæg : 6409360
Brugere : 218890

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