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1 week free site w/charts, tools, advisori~
Fra : Cassiecasa

Dato : 15-04-02 20:49

FREE! Starting Friday, April 12th for one
week only, the full Vestec site will be open
for everyone's inspection to view, explore
and marvel. This is what is available to you:
CHARTING: 3 types of charts: Java:
(interactive!) Historical data for the life
of the contract, ability to smooth indicators
and studies, ability to change indicators and
studies, tick, intraday, daily, weekly and
monthly data etc. Web Charts: Web-based with
the ability to change studies, indicators, time
frames, etc. PDF: A downloadable/printable
extensive chart service. You have the ability
to retrieve and print daily, weekly and monthly
data to an entire 'chartbook' for any particular
market. Very similar to paper charts, but
available right on your computer! INCOMPARABLE
TOOLS: Everything from delayed futures quotes,
futures selectors, "My Quotes", Trendsetter,
Commitment of Traders report, news service
and more!
ADVISORIES: Daily and weekly advisories including
an extensive option research and volatility report
and classroom. Our featured authors: Dr. GO
(Coaches Corner); Glen Ring (Major Breakouts);
Andy Chambers (Daily Reflections); Bill Frost
(Frosty Futures); and Jeff Reich (Daily Classroom
and Classic Indicators).
EXTRA'S: Coaches Corner Live - A monthly telecon-
ference with Dr. GO that is interactive which will
focus on Mental Mastery (tm) . Also to be added
at a later date will be Sim Trade as well as
additional tools and advisories.
PACKAGES: We have two package plans available -
Package A ($29.99) or Package B ($39.99) and we
have terms of 3, 6,or 12 months. The choice of
a 12 month term under A or B will also include a
free audio/visual package valued at $400.00!
Choose Package B and you will also receive a
$500.00 voucher good towards a TTU education!
But there is more, CHECK THIS OUT: 20 winners
if you enroll between now and Wednesday
(extended) April 17th at 5:00p.m. Eastern Time,
we will be randomly drawing names for a one-on-one
half-hour session with Dr. GO - you all know the
value of that! This is absolutely an incredible
value for a web site of this magnitude! And you
can register right now on the Vestec web site -
www.Vestec.com - click on the "Benefits Package"
on the home page. REMEMBER! The current benefits
package and price WILL expire at the end of this
month, so do it now!

Link to the home page: http://www.Vestec.com

Spørgsmål : 177620
Tips : 31970
Nyheder : 719565
Indlæg : 6409360
Brugere : 218890

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