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Bob Dylan Feature Film
Fra : pamcd428

Dato : 11-04-02 07:49

"The Dylan Project"
(Working Title)
Creative and Tactical Overview
Prepared by Pat Corbitt

Late 1979 James Damiano met Mike Harris of CBS Records. Mikie
introduced James to John Hammond Sr. In the eleven years that
followed CBS used songs and lyrics for international recording artist,
Bob Dylan. This is a story of music industry corruption and intrigue,
of the "little guy's" daunting struggle against big business
and a legal system that not only failed to work for justice and fair play,
but also allowed itself to be manipulated for unprecedented vengeance.

In an unbelievable, but true story, we live Damiano's seductive times with
top music industry artists and agents, and then suffer with him at their
malicious indifference and arrogant abuse. Finally we rise with him to fight
back in a court system covertly manipulated by powerfully sinister forces.
But will he triumph in the end? To find out we're driven right to the edge
in a climax that makes Rocky look like a walk in the park.

There are two major components to "The Dylan Project": a music CD and a
feature film:
1.   There is little question about the importance of a commercially viable
sound track in a story about the music industry. While integral to the
movie, this track is being designed to "stand alone" as a compelling musical
work. Accordingly, the producers have contracted Ben Elliot, Grammy Award
winning music producer/engineer for Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, etc., as a
"hands on" manager of all the project's musical elements. The music will be
manufactured to commercial standards for international CD and/or
audiocassette release.
2.   The producers have contracted digital HDTV producer/director, Pat
to manage and assemble the team of professionals to write and execute the
screenplay for the movie component. Corbitt's award-winning team of industry
luminaries will include colleagues with decades of deep experience in both
the music and dramatic genre. The digital HD master, which results from
their work, will allow for:
a.   24fps-to-35mm film transfer for traditional theatrical projection
b.   A digital clone master for HD theatrical projection
c.   Down-sampling to pristine NTSC and PAL television formats and flawless
DVD/home video products.

This story is about deceit and theft at the highest corporate level. It
involves Bob Dylan, an artist with extensive global appeal among a wide
demographic range. The stars who will be offered the lead and supporting
roles will be selected not only for their on-screen talent, but also for the
depth of their international following.

In all aspects, from the music CD to the movie, this project is targeted at
significant domestic audience, while maintaining all those artistic and
tactical elements necessary for success as an international release.

A movie in this genre is visually stunning when shot, edited and released in
digital High Definition (HDTV). The producers have contracted production and
post-production facilities that are pioneers in these 21st Century
production tools.

For this phase of "The Dylan Project" the producers are requesting $150,000
to produce the music through to commercial master, as well as to conduct
feature film development through screenplay, budget, schedule, and talent
attachment phases of pre-production.

The timing requirements to fund this project are immediate. The music CD
must be produced within the Ben Elliot's window of opportunity: a period
from the present to the first of June when his duties will require him to
begin work on the Rolling Stones 40th Anniversary project. The sceenplay,
budgeting and scheduling for the feature film must begin commensurate with
the music CD production if the necessary fall/winter shoot is to be
completed so the movie can be released in the summer of 2003 as planned.

The producers have formed a sole-purpose limited liability company, "11th Year
Productions, LLC", to conduct all business and manage all productions
associated with the project. Parties interested in participating in this
project should contact the producers at Pamcd428@aol.com

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