On Sat, 08 Dec 2001 17:55:14 GMT, jrnmeyer wrote:
>"Knud Berggreen" skrev d. 08-12-01 17:50 dette indlæg :
>> Davs alle!
>> Jeg har fået en forespørgsel omkring OS/2's historie. Er der nogen som
>> nogle data?
>> Et link til en argumentliste som beskriver hvorfor OS/2 er så godt vil
>> også være en hjælp-
>> På forhånd tak
>> Hilsen/Regards
>> Knud
>> Member of Team OS/2 Denmark
>> --
>> Scandinavian OS/2 Shareware Registration:
>> Team OS/2 Danmark: Links, tips, tilmelding p
>Lidt historie som jeg har oplevet den:
>OS/2 blev født i et udviklingmiljø, der var repræsenteret af såvel
>Microsoft-teams som IBM-teams
>hvor der ikke var tvivl om at det var IBM der stod for udviklingen.
>Som det sker, Mer vil have Mere.
>man kunne ikke blive enige om fordelingen af kagen og man måtte erkende
>et brud og her
>begyndte så en anden krig om markedet.
>OS/2 kernel, den programkode der så optimalt som nogen kode lå tæt på
>var helt og holdent IBM´s hvorimod Windows var Microsofts. En kort
>overgang fastholdt man et samarbejde hvor
>IBM måtte anvende Windows (shell) under OS/2.
>Efter det endelige brud har vi set at OS/2 ikke blev svagere men snarere
>et stabilt hurtigt
>Men selv ikke træer vokser ind i himmelen, og her som i så mange andre
>valget skal være og når nu "alle" har det så må det være godt, eller
>snarere billigt
>Microsoft har presset OS/2 hårdt på markedet og er mere allemandseje og
>kendt af alle
>hvorfor mange vælger det flertals anvendte for at sikre at der udvikles
>også i fremtiden.
>Jeg har fulgt og anvendt OS/2 fra starten til idag hvor vi er ved at
>udfase til fordel for noget andet.
>Årsag: Der er ikke nok med hår på brystet til at holde liv (supportere)
>i OS/2.
>Jeg vil anbefale at tage kontakt til IBM, der må være den bedste
>historiefortæller om udviklingen i OS/2´s historie.
Der er så de officielle og de uofficielle historier, hvoraf
ingen er 100% sandhed!
Fx på
http://www.os2bbs.com/os2news/OS2News.html er der en
udemærket indgang!
Har selv en på
MHT Grunde, så er der den gamle traver :
Hardware investment protection
OS/2 Warp exploits your hardware more effeciently than most
operating systems. Especially multiprocessor servers and
workstations, where it really rocks.
Crash protection
OS/2 Warp is designed to run each program in its own protected
space so that a problem with one program will not affect the
others. Of cause nothing is 100% proof...but believe me it is a
die hard operating system.
Multitasking and multithreading
OS/2 Warp enables you to run multiple programs for OS/2, DOS,
DOS/Windows and JAVA programs at the same time. Also it supports
multithreading (Hmmmmm..lets just call it internal multitasking
within a program). This combined with the multitasking, which I
haven't seen smoother anywhere, increases the injoyment and
Multimedia support
The built-in Multimedia Support which gives you a great way to
fun games while your computer also carries out other, more
businesslike tasks for you. It runs most DOS and Windows games
plus a whole new class of 32-bit games.
Object oriented
OS/2 is a true 100% Object Oriented system, in difference to
most other Operating Systems.
Easy access to the Internet
OS/2 Warp was the first PC operating system to deliver complete
access to the Internet. And of cause that has not changed.
Through applications such as, Netscape Navigator, IBM Gopher FTP
Browser, the HotJAVA Browser and WGet. You are able to navigate
through the mountains of information and downloadable software
on the internet.
Multiprocessor (SMP) support
Of cause OS/2 provides SMP support, for tasks needing extreme
processing power, like forecasting, modeling, simulation and
CAD. OS/2 Warp Server SMP, supports 16 x86 processors in a
single personal computer and the latest branch on the OS/2 tree
OS/2 Warp Server for E-business support as many as 64 x86
processors, though it is specially optimized for 8. Your
existing OS/2, DOS, DOS/Windows and JAVA programs can take
advantage of performance increases as processors are added.
Application development support
OS/2 Warp is the the ideal development environment with its open
industry standards, object technology, and single, consistent
programming interface across platforms. OS/2 uses a common code
base to deliver one API set and user interface across its family
of products. In contradiction to Microsoft Windows, which has at
least four different API's : Win16, Win32s, Win32 (NT only) and
Win32c (Windows 95 only). Which causes confusion and increases
the developers costs.
Plug and play support
Naturally OS/2 WARP supports Plug'n'play, which you are able to
disable. This means that you desides, when your OS/2 shall
search for new equipment, again this results in shorter loading
time of the system and less annoyment.
Share local resources
OS/2 Warp seamlessly links users to colleagues and the
information resources of their organization. It provides
peer-to-peer, local and remote network access in one package
with a streamlined installation. Using the OS/2 Warp Connect
requesters, you can access a local or remote IBM LAN Server,
Novell NetWare or Microsoft server, and use Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) capability for multivendor
Work together without being together
The BonusPak includes the IBM Person to Person for OS/2 (P2P)
software that lets people work together on the same document
from remote PCs over standard telephone lines or the office
network. You can use P2P to confer with as many as eight people.
Place your data, files and graphics into the shared chalkboard.
Then every participant can view your information simultaneously
and write or draw their comments.
The perfect JAVA-platform
OS/2 Warp 4 is the first commercial operating system solution to
have Sun Microsystems' Java technology incorporated. Java is a
new kind of machine code--one that is designed for networks, and
runs anywhere. It allows you to run Java applications natively
from the desktop without using a browser or configuring a
complex add-on. Java 1.1.8 has just been released for OS/2 and
once again the JVM is the fastest on the market, quite
Live long and prosper...
Peter Jespersen, member of Team OS/2 Denmark
On a clear disk you can seek forever