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Simpsons The Movie?? WTF?
Fra : Mathias Enevoldsen

Dato : 22-11-01 12:49

Jeg var lige ved at få min øl galt i halsen da jeg så ZULU her den anden
dag - I raketfart sagde den kære Vigga blandt andet at en "Simpsons, the
Movie" var under produktion...

Det har der været rygter om utallige gange, men jeg mener at de hver gang er
blevet droppet. Hvor har hun de oplysninger fra??

Jeg ved heller ikke hvor troværdig det program er... Hun sagde ligeledes at
James Cameroun skulle stå for Terminator III, det passer da heller ikke
efter hvad jeg har hørt...

Kan nogen af/be-kræfte denne simpsons-påstand??


nikolaj borg (22-11-2001)
Fra : nikolaj borg

Dato : 22-11-01 14:05

"Mathias Enevoldsen" <enevoldsen@runbox.com> wrote in message
> Jeg var lige ved at få min øl galt i halsen da jeg så ZULU her den anden
> dag - I raketfart sagde den kære Vigga blandt andet at en "Simpsons, the
> Movie" var under produktion...
> Det har der været rygter om utallige gange, men jeg mener at de hver gang
> blevet droppet. Hvor har hun de oplysninger fra??

Jeg formoder, at hun er løbet med en halv (eller mindre) vind. corona
anfører filmen til at være i "development hell", og det eneste indlæg siden
marts lyder:

September 19, 2001... Recently, IGN FilmForce's Ken Plume interviewed
Simpsons producer Al Jean, who talked briefly about the possible plans for a
future Simpsons movie.
"This is just me - this is not the official policy of the show - it may be
smart to do the series, then wait a couple of years, like Star Trek, and
then have a movie come out," Jean told FilmForce. "I think the anticipation
would be tremendous. But, if we had a great script, we'd be shooting it
tomorrow - but we're already producing 444 minutes a year, so we're not."

> Jeg ved heller ikke hvor troværdig det program er... Hun sagde ligeledes
> James Cameroun skulle stå for Terminator III, det passer da heller ikke
> efter hvad jeg har hørt...

Ja, det er vist i strid med de fleste andre rygter / nyheder om T3.


Andreas N Rasmussen (22-11-2001)
Fra : Andreas N Rasmussen

Dato : 22-11-01 14:10

Mathias Enevoldsen <enevoldsen@runbox.com> wrote:

> Jeg var lige ved at få min øl galt i halsen da jeg så ZULU her den anden
> dag - I raketfart sagde den kære Vigga blandt andet at en "Simpsons, the
> Movie" var under produktion...
> Det har der været rygter om utallige gange, men jeg mener at de hver gang er
> blevet droppet. Hvor har hun de oplysninger fra??
> Kan nogen af/be-kræfte denne simpsons-påstand??

Jeg kan ihvertfald skrive at den amerikanske simpsons-nyhedsgruppe, som
enhver fan følger, for ikke længe siden lavede nar med spørgsmålet - det
er blevet nævnt mange gange - og vil blive ved det.

Se evt. <20010930192834.24932.00001214@mb-mb.aol.com>

Jeg tror nu også jeg ville løbe skrigende væk, hvis de fik den ide. Se
bare Flintstones.


"Donuts - is there anything they can't do?"
-Homer Simpson

Mathias Enevoldsen (22-11-2001)
Fra : Mathias Enevoldsen

Dato : 22-11-01 14:16

"Andreas N Rasmussen" <anrNOTPART@OFMAILmac.com> wrote in message

> Jeg kan ihvertfald skrive at den amerikanske simpsons-nyhedsgruppe, som
> enhver fan følger, for ikke længe siden lavede nar med spørgsmålet - det
> er blevet nævnt mange gange - og vil blive ved det.

Jeg følger skam også med på alt.tv.simpsons og der har jeg ikke hørt et kluk
om det - og det var da også derfor at jeg blev en anelse harm over at den
kække Vigga bare ævler løs om ting som hun ikke aner en skid om....
(undskyld mit ordbrug)..

> Jeg tror nu også jeg ville løbe skrigende væk, hvis de fik den ide. Se
> bare Flintstones.

Jeg ville da helt klart se den, men holder den standarden fra de sidste 3-4
sæsoner så bliver det sgu nok et ret stort flop...


Peter Tønnesen (23-11-2001)
Fra : Peter Tønnesen

Dato : 23-11-01 01:46

> Jeg ville da helt klart se den, men holder den standarden fra de sidste
> sæsoner så bliver det sgu nok et ret stort flop...

Hey, hvad fejler de sidste sæsoner? JEg synes generelt at Simpsons bliver
bedre og bedre med tiden? Jo nyere jo bedre. JEg bryder mig ikke så meget om
de første sæsoner. Humoren er fed, men streg og lyd stinker.

Dette skal ikke misforståes, jeg er stor stor simpsons fan, men selvfølgelig
med mine egne meninger (og egen første sæson på DVD

Venlig hilsen Peter Tønnesen

Mathias Enevoldsen (23-11-2001)
Fra : Mathias Enevoldsen

Dato : 23-11-01 07:42

"Peter Tønnesen" <dali909@direkte.org> wrote in message
> > Jeg ville da helt klart se den, men holder den standarden fra de sidste
> 3-4
> > sæsoner så bliver det sgu nok et ret stort flop...
> Hey, hvad fejler de sidste sæsoner? JEg synes generelt at Simpsons bliver
> bedre og bedre med tiden? Jo nyere jo bedre. JEg bryder mig ikke så meget
> de første sæsoner. Humoren er fed, men streg og lyd stinker.

Det er jo selvfølgelig smag og behag hvilken stil af Simpsons man kan li'.
Men der er vist ikke tvivl om at serien har ændret stil igennem hele dens
eksistens. Jeg er enig med dig i at de første par sæsoner eller 3 ikke var
helt i top. Det kan man undskylde med at de lige skulle finde sig til rette,
både hvad angår animation, stemmetildeling og selve måden at fortælle
historien på.

De 6-7 efterfølgende sæsoner står for mig som de "rigtige" Simpsons-sæsoner.
Det var der hvor Homer endnu ikke var blevet alt for dum og ligeglad med
hans familie, og det var der serien i ikke så høj grad var baseret på
"slap-stick" humor, men på at tage fat på morale og samfundsmæssige
problemer og behandle dem med en sarkasme og intelligent humor

De sidste sæsoner har i min mening været sjove - misforstå mig ikke - men
det der gjorde at Simpsons var noget helt enestående efter min mening var
netop at den skilte sig ud fra andre komedie serier ved at være intelligent
og sætte spørgsmålstegn ved systemet (omend meget små i det patriotiske
USA). Der har ikke været meget intelligent over de sidste 3-4 sæsoner, det
har ikke været andet en at Homer er blevet ekstremt dum og der er INGEN
hiostorie - bare en række muligheder for at lade Homer være meget dum...
(hvilket jo også kan være ret morsomt, men....)

Endnu en gang: Smag og behag kan ikke diskuteres... Det er bare min

> Dette skal ikke misforståes, jeg er stor stor simpsons fan, men
> med mine egne meninger (og egen første sæson på DVD

Fair nok - den står også på min hylde (DVD'en og ikke dine meninger ) -
men jeg glæder mig til sæson 3-9 - så kommer det rigtige guf!


Jacob (22-11-2001)
Fra : Jacob

Dato : 22-11-01 14:20

"Mathias Enevoldsen" <enevoldsen@runbox.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Jeg var lige ved at få min øl galt i halsen da jeg så ZULU her den anden
> dag - I raketfart sagde den kære Vigga blandt andet at en "Simpsons, the
> Movie" var under produktion...
> Det har der været rygter om utallige gange, men jeg mener at de hver gang
> blevet droppet. Hvor har hun de oplysninger fra??
> Jeg ved heller ikke hvor troværdig det program er... Hun sagde ligeledes
> James Cameroun skulle stå for Terminator III, det passer da heller ikke
> efter hvad jeg har hørt...
> Kan nogen af/be-kræfte denne simpsons-påstand??
> --
> /mathias

Kort fortalt er der tale om rygter, men det kan ikke afvises at der en gang
i fremtiden kommer en film.

Jeg fandt nedstående "Simpsons Movie Rumors" på news:alt.tv.simpsons som
også kan findes her http://www.snpp.com/news/movie.html

Hvis du er Simpsons fan kan jeg henvise til news:dk.medier.tv den 18. nov.
hvor JSMadsen har startet en tråd omkring en god artikel i NY Times



Maintained by Jouni Paakkinen <jouni@snpp.com>

Also available at http://www.snpp.com/news/movie.html
(with several links to full source documents)

If you have ever browsed through alt.tv.simpsons or been subscribed to the
Simpsons-L mailing list, you must have come across rumors of making a
full-length Simpsons feature film. You may have heard stories about the
Simpsons movie being listed on a mysterious DTS disc, or how James
Cameron's digital graphics team was supposedly producing a movie to be
released by the Christmas 1999 or summer 2000, depending on the source.
Someone may even have pointed out to you that the domain
www.simpsonsmovie.com has been reserved by Fox.

Don't believe the hype. The Cameron rumor died out in lack of further
evidence, nobody knows what exactly that alleged DTS disc contained, and
simpsonsmovie.com is just one of over 200 domains reserved by the Fox
corporation. Even the fact that the Internet Movie Database once listed
"The Simpsons Movie" due in 2002 cannot be considered evidence, because
anybody can submit information to the database (the entry is now gone).
The British tabloids have misinterpreted words of Matt
Groening and David Mirkin. And so on.

So far, there is no official information backing up the theory that a
full-length Simpsons movie is currently in production. However, judging
from the following excerpts, it is likely that a movie will be made some
day. Variety revealed in May 2001 that the deal with the voice cast for
seasons 13-15 included options on two feature films. Nevertheless, all
the producers have repeatedly stressed that the movie cannot be made
before the end of the series.

This document lists quotes (including article excerpts) from various staff
and cast members regarding the possibility of a Simpsons movie. The quotes
are in a reversed chronological order. Read what they have said and then
judge for yourself: Will there be a Simpsons movie, and if, when?

Additions are welcomed. Please include the direct quote, the source and the
date and send it to jouni@snpp.com . If the interview is online somewhere,
also include the URL. Thanks!
Harry Shearer
Moviehole.net (10/31/01)

We got talking about the rumoured film version of the show, in which he
tells me "Yes" it will happen. But he doesn't see it happening yet. "I
doubt it will happen until after the show goes off the air". Shearer
says he loves doing Mr Burns, so a movie is never out of the question.
Nancy Cartwright
Lecture @ Ohio University (10/27/01)

Clint Haller: After the potential 15th season, she confirmed that they
have signed contracts to do three full-length feature films.
Al Jean
Total Movie (#5, October/November 2001)

Also written into the most recent contracts were options for up to three
Simpsons feature films, a tantalizing prospect that has continued to pop
up in discussions about the show's future for years. Should the right
idea materialize, Homer and his brood could easily make the leap to the
big screen. Until then, their reign on the small screen seems far from
over, which at this point is perhaps the only aspect of the Simpsons
that continues to surprise Jean.
Al Jean
IGN FilmForce (09/19/01)

IGNFF: As far as the potential for theatrical films - you'd like that
to happen as well?

Al Jean: This is just me - this is not the official policy of the show
- it may be smart to do the series, then wait a couple of years, like
Star Trek, and then have a movie come out. I think the anticipation
would be tremendous. But, if we had a great script, we'd be shooting it
tomorrow - but we're already producing 444 minutes a year, so we're not.

IGNFF: Is anyone concentrating on writing the theatrical script at this

Al Jean: We've talked about it very, very tentatively. It's very
premature to say almost anything - that's the way I would put it.
Al Jean
Cinescape (08/13/01)

Al Jean: "There's more information than there had been [about a movie]."

"When the actors re-signed earlier this year the contracts called for
them to do three movies. The price is fixed as to what they'll get paid,
but we don't have a script. We obviously want it to be a really good
script, so it involves us getting enough time to develop something that
we really want to do. It's so much in the planning stages [at this

"This is just my opinion, but it might be good to wait, like Star Trek,
until after the show is done. I think it's going to happen but I could
not tell you when."
Matt Groening
My Generation (May-June 2001)

Matt Groening: "There's talk of a 'Simpsons' spin-off and a 'Simpsons'
movie, too."
David Mirkin
IGN FilmForce (03/30/01)

IGNFF: Is there anything happening with a Simpsons feature film?

David Mirkin: Because we're all writing [the series] now and because The
Simpsons is six months of the year where we're working on two seasons at
once, we never have a down time. It takes a year and a half to do one
year of the show. Once the show has run its course, I think a movie will
come because there's money to be made.

Any time there is dime, you can depend on Fox. I'm sure it'll happen.
David Mirkin
Cinescape Online (03/20/01)

....series big shot David Mirkin revealed that should the series go to the
big screen, he'd like to see Bart Simpson lose his virginity in the film,
adding, "I see lots of Simpson sex."

More seriously, though, Mirken talks about when a film version of the
popular series might actually happen, saying, "There is money to be made
with a movie, but we're waiting for the show to end for the movie to
Nancy Cartwright
Daily Trojan (02/27/01)

For one, Cartwright said a feature film of "The Simpsons" will "most
definitely" happen, but not until the show goes off the air. "We don't
have the manpower right now for this large of a project," she said.
"But when it happens, I expect there to be lots of celebrity guest stars
and surprises."
Mike Reiss
Lecture @ University of Wyoming (02/19/01)

Jonathan Rhoades: According to Reiss, there is a movie deal to make a
simpsons movie. However, the deal states that the script has to be
written by Matt Groening, so a movie isn't likely in the near future.
Nancy Cartwright
The Nancy News (Vol. 5 No. 2, November 2000)

"...with eleven seasons under our belt, The Simpsons is kicking off
season #12 on November 5th! It looks like there just may be more in
store AND a feature film in the not-too-distant future!"
Mike Scully
USA Today (11/03/00)

"The future may hold a theatrical movie, but that's not likely until
after the pop-culture icon finishes its prime-time run. With solid
ratings and strong merchandise sales, that may not happen for a while.
Acting and studio deals remain to be worked out, but Scully expects at
least one more season after this one."
Matt Groening
Newsweek (10/27/00)

Ana Figueroa: Will there be feature-length "Simpsons" movies any time in
the future?

Matt Groening: I think we want to start doing movies now, but also keep
the show alive. We've got to figure out what we can do that would justify
going into the theater. We probably could put out just about anything and
some people would come. But we want to honor the fans.
George Meyer
MSNBC (10/02/00)

George Meyer: We should not do a movie until after the series, maybe
a few years after the series.
Matt Groening
BBC Online (August 2000)

BBC: Will you do a feature film?

Matt Groening: The business answer is "no deals have been struck"! The
creative answer is only if we can figure out how to do something that is
not redundant, not the same as the TV show. Every TV episode is a
mini-feature. But in the long run, I have no doubt we'll do a movie
Matt Groening
Simpsons Mania Tour, London (08/17/00)

Matt Groening: No,no,no,no,no or at least not until we get cancelled
and I am sure no one wants that... next question.
Matt Groening
Daily Express (08/17/00)

Matt Groening: It's a little daunting coming up with a half-hour TV
episode, let alone a full-length feature. ... No deals have been struck,
but we will do one.
Matt Groening
Observer (08/06/00)

"...Groening leaves the daily reins of his flagship show to Scully,
busying himself with grander projects, such as a forthcoming Simpsons
feature film."
Matt Groening
San Diego ComicCon (07/24/00)

When asked about a Simpsons movie, Matt Groening said "Yeah, I'll do
Matt Groening
The Age (07/18/00)

Matt Groening: I think what could eventually kill it [The Simpsons] is
that it will get too expensive to be produced, but maybe we'll do movies
- we've been talking about that.
Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein
The Simpsons Sourcebook Chat (07/14/00)

billjosh: We actually have a top secret idea for a Simpsons film, but
they have to ask us to do it first. But the Simpsons film may be a great
mythological thing that is always talked about and never done. It
requires a lot of time!"
Harry Shearer
IGN FilmForce (04/19/00)

Kenneth Plume: Has there been any scuttlebutt about a feature film?

Harry Shearer: No.

Kenneth Plume: Would you be adverse to that?

Harry Shearer: No. Nobody's ever asked us. The process would basically be
a lot of wrangling at the top end of the pyramid that we'd hear about before
we saw any signs of the script. I don't know if there's actually reasoning
about it. At some point in time one would have thought it was, "Well, we
don't want to cannibalize the television audience." Certainly South Park
has proven you can put out a feature and not hurt your TV ratings. So I
have no idea.
Mike Scully
AT&T Chat (03/08/00)

smeagol88: Any plans for a Simpsons movie???

Mike Scully: We talk about it from time to time, but we have not even taken
step 1. The show takes up too much time right now to get involved in a
I don't think we'll do it until after the show goes off the air. We want to
do it right.
Matt Groening
New York Post (02/17/00)

Show creator Matt Groening, at least, can hardly wait. He told The Post
he's already mulling over film plots.

"I've got an idea for a movie," he said, during a recent interview.

"We've been talking about it, given the amount of attention the show has
received and will receive in the coming year," said Groening, who recently
received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Antonia Coffman
New York Post (02/17/00)

Fox sources say they'd love to do a "Simpsons" movie, but there's one
thing missing: a plot.

"Nobody has come up with an idea to sustain two hours, and we're not just
cashing in on the financial success," said "Simpsons" executive consultant
Antonia Coffman.
Mike Scully
New York Daily News (02/15/00)

"The sitcom's producers say they're ready to make the jump to the big
That's what the show's exec producer, Mike Scully, told Steve Martin, Martin
Short, Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo and Barry Levinson and the rest of the
crowd gathered to watch the first-ever live performance of the show starring
Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival on Thursday
night in Aspen."
Alf Clausen
The Simpsons Sourcebook Chat (02/06/00)

johnfiedler: Haha -- here`s a classic question that would be asked by
an alt.tv.simpson-er: Have you, perchance, been asked to write the score
for a Simpsons movie -- or do you know of any plans by Fox to do so?

alfclausen: LOL! I have not been asked, and I know of no plans for a
Simpsons movie at the present time. More news at 11?...
Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein
The Simpsons Sourcebook Chat (10/15/99)

tss_john: temetamara: Will there be a Simpsons movie that you will
participate in?

GUEST_BILLandJOSH: Who knows? We haven't been approached about it. But
there could be a movie someday. However everyone who could do it (for
the most part) is too busy working on the show. Right now, there is
absolutely no movie in the works.
Harry Shearer
E-mail message (09/10/99)

Harry Shearer: "You can quote me to the effect that no one at Fox or
Gracie Films has mentioned this project to me."
Matt Groening
Starburst (#253, September 1999)

Matt Groening: It's really hard to do more than one show. That's why there
hasn't been a Simpsons movie, because we're working so hard on making shows
as good as possible.
Bill Oakley
San Diego ComicCon (08/14/99)

Bill: I saw that IMDB posting about it, it's erroneous. I'm also familiar
with the story posted at alt.tv.simpsons of the mysterious film canisters,
that's a hoax. The reasons there will be no movie: Way too busy doing the
tv show, though there are enough people around that used to work on the
show that can do it. It would take too long to animate a movie, and anyway,
ninety minutes of Simpsons might be more than a audience can handle.
Simpson scenes aren't very long, a whole movies worth of this might be more
than a audience can sit through, I don't think that most people can handle
almost two hours of animation.
Matt Groening
Wizard Magazine (#96, August 1999)

"Simpsons creator Matt Groening has admitted both he and Fox are interested
in a feature film on America's favorite dysfunctional family, but no
further progress has been made."
Matt Groening
Collecting Simpsons! (07/22/99)

Question: Mike [Scully] and Matt ... Mike Judge and Greg Daniels -- couple
sessions ago -- said that the success of "South Park" led them to rethink
doing a "King of the Hill" movie. And one of the things that Mike said was
he can't imagine why you haven't done a "Simpsons" movie to this point.
What are your thoughts on that?

Groening: You know, in part it's because we're working so hard on "The
Simpsons," there's not a lot of hours left over in the day to do a movie.
And we really do care -- I can speak for Mike on this -- everybody who
works on the show cares about it so much that we don't want to let the show
itself slip, and there's not a lot of extra troops out there to make the
show really good and also do a movie. I'm sure there will be a movie one of
these days. We just haven't figured out a way of doing it yet.
Mike Scully
Daily TV (05/20/99)

John Newlin: "Matt" wants to know if you have any plans to do a Simpsons

Mike Scully: I think it'll probably happen eventually. It comes up every
once in a while. It's hard for us to do it right now because of the demands
of doing the show. We don't wanna just slap it together just because we
know people will come, we want to make sure it's done with the same quality
standard as the show. We don't want people feeling ripped off. Neither do
we want to taint the memory of the series, so some day it will probably
happen, but probably after the series goes off the air.
Matt Groening
Fox Chat (04/06/99)

MattWood: Is there going to be a "Simpsons" feature film?

Matt Groening: We have had some early, maybe, kinda, sorta, preliminary
discussions of doing a "Simpsons" movie.

Matt Groening: I imagine there would be a "Simpsons" movie one of these
Matt Groening
Fresh Air (03/19/99)

Matt Groening: I'd love to do it. I'd love to do a movie, but it ain't
gonna happen. There's too much money grubbing involved.
Matt Groening
Mother Jones (March-April 1999)

Matt Groening: We're talking now about doing a "Simpsons" movie; if deals
can be made, then maybe we'll do a movie. I've got a few ideas for what to
do. I said, see if you can make the deals first, then I'll bother to pursue
it. I don't know if we'll tie it into the show. We might tie it in to the
end of the series. Every year, I think we've got two more years, then we
win another Emmy, and I think we've got another year to coast before they
cancel us.
Mike Scully
Ultimate TV (01/24/99)

UltimateTV: Is there a full-length "Simpsons" film on the horizon?

Mike Scully: I would love it. There are a lot of financial particulars to
be worked out among a lot of parties that I'm not part of. But outside of
financial, one of the reasons we haven't done one yet is we don't want to
just slap it together and throw it out there because we know the audience
will come. We really want it to be good and to maintain the series' high
quality standards. We wouldn't want a bad movie to taint the memory of the
series; we don't want people to feel ripped off. And while we're doing the
show, it would be very hard to find the time to do the movie.
Yeardley Smith
Lycos Chat (11/17/98)

Homerjmg: I've heard rumors of a Simpsons movie in year 2000....is this
rumor true...and if so, is Mr. Burns gonna die like I've heard?

Yeardley Smith: Oh boy, you've heard a lot more than I have! I've been
hearing rumors of a movie forever but I haven't heard anything quite so
David Silverman
3RRR Radio, Melbourne (08/19/98)

James Young: In relation to The Simpsons; I'm just surprised they haven't
done a movie or something, given that's something people tend to do.

David Silverman: I'm often asked that. In the past the reason why we hadn't
done the movie... Fox wanted a movie I think within the third season. The
difficulty is, who would do it? I mean, when the entire episode, when one
season takes 18 months, and people are having hiatus at different points in
the schedule; it's hard to set aside time to do the movie or find people to
do the film; because we didn't really have the people to do it, per se.
Since then, possibly you could do a film, because enough people have left
the show that they could form a troupe and...even I could direct it, now
that I'm not involved with the show directly. But that was one of the
difficulties of having a motion picture made.
Mike Scully
Cult TV (January 1998)

Cult TV: Along with the standard spin-off merchandise tat, there's also the
as-yet-unanswered issue of The Simpsons movie...

Mike Scully:"It gets talked about a lot," Scully says candidly."We simply
haven't come up with the right way to do it, and we certainly don't want to
just slap it together, and throw it out there, because we know it will
probably be very successful and so, if we do it, we have to make sure that
it's really, really good. If we did a bad job, it would taint people's
memories of the TV show."

"It would have to be animated. I don't see how we could ever do a
movie as funny as the animated series. The animation allows so many creative
liberties that you just wouldn't be able to acheive with live-action. I
it would be impossible for a set of actors to portray these characters. The
audience likes to see them the way they are, and if you tried to turn, say,
John Goodman into Homer, then it ultimately has to be disappointing to
including John Goodman. Obviously, he could never live up to Homer."
Mike Scully
Mania Magazine (11/14/97)

Scully does see a Simpsons film as a real possibility "somewhere down the
line. We want to make sure we do it right. We don't want to take people's
money. If you do a bad job on the movie, we'll taint the memory of the
series. It's also a matter of money. It would be far more expensive to do
than the weekly show, in terms of the quality of the animation. But I'd
love to see it. If we find the right idea, I think we'll do it."
Fox's Official Fan Reply Letter
Fox (Fall 1997)

Question: Will there be a "Simpsons" movie?

Answer: There is no time to focus on a movie because everyone works so hard
on the series. But we hope to make one...one of these days!
Matt Groening
Loaded Magazine (August 1996)

Loaded: What about making a full length feature film?

Matt Groening: Yeah, someday, but anything involving signing a new contract
with The Simpsons means that people involved with producing the show come
out of nowhere and it's hard to read the contracts after the aliva is wiped
off because everyone's drooling for the immense amount of money they think
they're entitled to. I imagine it's highly unlikely we'll ever do one. It's
a shame because there should have been two or three movies by now.
Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein
Collecting Simpsons!/Syracuse newspapers (1996)

Q: Let me ask you about that. Has there been any talk of doing a movie?

Bill Oakley: It's a topic to the extent you've heard it. We always hear
occasional talk. People always ask us, "When is there going to be a
Simpsons movie?" We would love to do it, I just don't know when.

Josh Weinstein: There is definitely an agreement among parties that it
would be good to do a Simpsons movie. I believe, the second that one of our
Simpsons writers sat down and wrote one, I wouldn't be surprised if they
made it. It's just that everyone who is a good writer for the Simpsons is
busy working 16 hours a day right now writing the episodes. So maybe either
after we're cancelled or after more people have sort of become alumni of
the show, there'll be time to consider that.

Q: Could they ever do a live-action Simpsons movie?

Bill Oakley: It's certainly possible. But it might be kind of a
disappointment, like "The Flintstones" movie. I think everyone was hoping,
wow, it's going to be so exciting to see Fred in real life, and then it
wasn't. So it might be better to keep it in animated form.
Matt Groening
Flux (09/30/95)

Flux: One final question: Has there ever been serious consideration given
to a Simpsons movie?

Matt Groening: There has been, but I doubt it will happen. I would love it.
I'm ready to do it any time but no one can agree on how to divide up the
obscene profits so there won't be any profits. [laughs]
David Mirkin
CJAD (09/08/95)

CJAD: We're going through a period right now where a lot of stuff taken
from television is finding its way on the large screen. Do you ever foresee
a Simpsons movie, either animated or live action? They did it with The

David Mirkin: They did it with The Flintstones. Well, there's always a lot
of pressure on us to do a Simpsons feature. That pressure is constant. It's
the same problem with the talent pool. We're all busy. There are very few
people who can write The Simpsons. That can animate The Simpsons. We're all
busy doing the show. So I don't think you are going to necessarily see a
movie until the show is done it's production and some people are freed up
to do it, that could actually do a good job, because we are very quality
conscious. You know, we're trying to do very high quality work in
everything that's associated with the show. That's all part of what Jim
Brooks cares about. I care about. It's important to us. But the one think I
can guarantee, is that eventually there will be a Simpsons movie. And there
will be a Simpsons Broadway play. And there will be Simpsons Ice Capades
shows because I can guarantee that 20th Century Fox will wring every dime
out of the franchise sooner or later.
Matt Groening
Simpsons Illustrated (Summer 1993)

Simpsons Illustrated: What's coming up?

Matt Groening: Simpsons Comics & Stories was a smash, so Steve and Cindy
Vance, Bill Morrison, and I are scheming to figure out how to do comic
books on a regular schedule. Any interest out there for a Radioactive Man
comic book? The next Life in Hell book will be Binky's Guide to Love, a
sequel to Love Is Hell, and someday I'd like to animate the rabbits and
Akbar & Jeff for TV. A book called Bart's Guide to Life will also be coming
out next fall, and maybe someday we'll do a Simpsons movie. Any more


Alan Denton
Greg Galon
Bruce Gomes, Sr.
Dave Hall
Clint Haller
Rowdy Harmon
Dean Humphries
Brendan Keane
Jukka Keskiaho
Jake Lennington
Diana Morris
Rebecca Openshaw
Jonathan Rhoades
William Stilwell
Dave Sweatt
Brian Tees
Sean Walsh
Eric Wirtanen
Last updated 1 November 2001

Portuguese translation available at

Jouni Paakkinen

Mathias Enevoldsen (22-11-2001)
Fra : Mathias Enevoldsen

Dato : 22-11-01 14:31

"Jacob" <unknown@stofanet.dk> wrote in message

> > Jeg var lige ved at få min øl galt i halsen da jeg så ZULU her den anden
> > dag - I raketfart sagde den kære Vigga blandt andet at en "Simpsons, the
> > Movie" var under produktion...

> > Kan nogen af/be-kræfte denne simpsons-påstand??

> Kort fortalt er der tale om rygter, men det kan ikke afvises at der en
> i fremtiden kommer en film.

Jeg følger skam med i diverse NG og har læst alt det du skriver om - det
undrer mig bare at Vigga smider alment kendte rygte ud på bordet som var det

> Jeg fandt nedstående "Simpsons Movie Rumors" på news:alt.tv.simpsons som
> også kan findes her http://www.snpp.com/news/movie.html
> Hvis du er Simpsons fan kan jeg henvise til news:dk.medier.tv den 18. nov.
> hvor JSMadsen har startet en tråd omkring en god artikel i NY Times

Been there, done that.... men tak for svaret!


Jacob (22-11-2001)
Fra : Jacob

Dato : 22-11-01 14:37

> > Kan nogen af/be-kræfte denne simpsons-påstand??
> >
> > --
> > /mathias

Fandt også lige denne http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/301984p1.html
(spekulationer om Simpsons Movie)


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