 | Kommentar Fra : o.v.n.  |
Dato : 07-01-07 13:17 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : timeglas  |
Dato : 07-01-07 13:37 |
hej igen.
Jo men får det i Kbyts/s, men fatter ikke hvad det er i MBit? Havde håbet på et program der siger hvad det svare til i normal forbindelse.
mvh timeglas
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 | Kommentar Fra : miritdk  |
Dato : 07-01-07 13:52 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : miritdk  |
Dato : 07-01-07 13:59 |
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 | Accepteret svar Fra : miritdk  |  Modtaget 110 point Dato : 07-01-07 13:59 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : oz1eqp  |
Dato : 07-01-07 15:24 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : rosekamp  |
Dato : 07-01-07 15:36 |
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.
Traditionally kilo means one thousand exactly. In the communications world engineers call a thousand bits transmitted in a second 1 kilobit per second. Makes sense. Now while 1000 is a nice round number for humans to work with, it isn't for computers. Mathematically speaking humans use decimal or base 10 numbers and computers use binary or base 2. 1024 is 2 to the power of 10 which is a significant binary value and so is represented by kilo in the computer world. Mega is similar except it means one million and in the computer world is 1024 kilo or 1,048,576. Ideally when abbreviations are used, k means 1000 and K means 1024.
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