Hej Bubblebee,
Din film hedder Avenging Force og er fra 1986.
Remember the 80s, when movies had cool titles like this?
I (and many fans) consider to this to be Michael Dudikoff's best movie, and my personal favorite of all the ones he's made. AVENGING FORCE features the Dudemeister as former secret agent Matt Hunter, who's best friend (Steve James) is a running for Senate. A white supremacist group called Pentangle doesn't like this and sets out to keep James from winning, ambushing a Mardi Gras parade he's in and killing one of his little boys. Infuriating Dudikoff and James is something you don't want to do, as the bad guys will soon find out. What follows is a pretty standard plot of revenge, but it's handled nicely by director Sam Firstenberg and offers solid action and some unexpected moments along the way. The exciting final reel of the film features Dudikoff and his little sister being hunted in the Louisiana swamps by the Pentangle baddies, a la THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME. Headed by the always-fun to watch John P. Ryan, the group is comprised of some very nasty individuals who delight in hunting the innocent, a sport the group partakes in quite often just for the thrill.
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![](/images/profiles/noicon.gif) | Accepteret svar Fra : michaelholm ![Tre en halv stjerne](/App_Themes/Normal/images/stars/small/star35.gif) | ![Fem stjerner](/App_Themes/Normal/images/stars/big/star50.gif) Modtaget 50 point Dato : 05-01-06 17:16 |
Hej igen,
på dansk hedder den "Jæger uden nåde" og den er med Michael Dudikoff.
Den kan købes på www.videoland.dk på DVD for Kr. 169,50
Med venlig hilsen
Michael Christensen
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![](/images/profiles/StandardIcons/cat2.jpg) | Godkendelse af svar Fra : bublebee ![Tre en halv stjerne](/App_Themes/Normal/images/stars/small/star35.gif) |
Dato : 05-01-06 20:55 |
Tak for svaret michaelholm.
Det var lige præcis den jeg søgte. Det er en ret fed film selvom den er lidt gammel efterhånden....
god weekend
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