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Fra : TariLiex
Vist : 660 gange
66 point
Dato : 11-07-02 18:12


Er der nogle der kan fortælle mig hvornår skruen blev opfundet, og hvem der måske har opfundet den??

Accepteret svar
Fra : Picasso

Modtaget 76 point
Dato : 11-07-02 18:45

Se følgende link: (http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blscrewdriver.htm)

Screws and Screwsdrivers
By Mary Bellis
Early Screws
The Pythagorean philosopher Archytas of Tarentum (5th century BC) is the alleged inventor of the screw. Screws cam into common use around the 1st century BC. These were the wooden screws that were used in wine presses, olive oil presses and for pressing clothes. Metal screws and nuts only appeared in the 15th century.

The flat-bladed bit for the carpenter's brace (1744) was the precursor to the first simple screwdriver. The handled screwdriver was used by woodworker after 1800 and was lound in the inventories of tool kits from that date on.

A machine to mass produce threaded metal screws for use in woodworking was patented in the United States in 1798 by David Wilkinson.

Phillips Head Screw
The inventor of the Phillips head screw was Henry F. Phillips, a businessman from Portland, Oregon. He invented the new screw to work better with power screwdrivers.
Phillips Screws: Fasteners from Hell
The screw was invented in the early 30’s by Henry F. Phillips, a Portland, Oregon businessman. He knew that car makers needed a screw that could be driven with more torque and that would hold tighter than slotted screws.

Robertson Screw
Square Drive Screws
Turns out square-drive screws were invented in Canada by P. L. Robertson in 1908, 28 years before Henry F. Phillips patented Phillips screws.
Robertson Screw
In 1908, Robertson-Whitehouse invented the square drive screw as the first recess-drive type fastener practical for production usage. In continuous use for almost 90 years, the design is a North American standard, as published in the sixth edition of Industrial Fasteners Institute Metric and Inch Standards.
The socket head screw was invented by P.L. Robertson who opened a factory in Milton in 1908.

Archimedes Screw
Although Archimedes is credited with inventing the screw in the 3rd century BC, his screw was not today's fastener but actually two other screw-type devices.

Archimedes Screw
An archimedes screw is a machine for raising water, invented by the ancient Greek scientist and mathematician Archimedes.

Håber det var svar nok - mvh. Picasso

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : TariLiex

Dato : 11-07-02 19:31

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