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Gemme gif som vector
Fra : k_m_s
Vist : 713 gange
100 point
Dato : 25-07-12 08:08


Hvordan får jeg gemt et gif billede som vector grafik så jeg kan skalere i det?

Har prøvet at paste som nyt lag ind på vector baggrund uden held.

Jeg kan ikke vælge paste som vector lag.

Paint shop pro 9


Fra : bevi54

Dato : 25-07-12 09:14

Kan gemmes som Preset Shapes

Eller gemme vektor tegningerne til senere brug gøres flg.:
I Lag Palleten klikkes baggrunden fra.

Det er nu kun vektorlaget som er aktivt.

Du gemmer nu billedet som normalt, men husk at gemme det som en ”Windows Meta File”. Det er et udbredt format som gemmer vektor billeder. Det vil sige at næsten alle programmer kan importere disse filer.

Fandt yderligere disse oplysninger omkring vector.

the image. Each object in a vector image is stored as a separate item with
information about its position in the image, its size, colour, and attributes.
This makes vector images suitable for logos, fonts, and line drawings.
Examples of Vector file formats include: CDR; CGM; CMX; DRW; DXF; EMF;
EPS; GEM; HGL; PCT; PIC; WMF; and WPG. All of these vector formats
can be read by Paint Shop Pro. Further information about these formats can
be found in the Paint Shop Pro Help system.
An image in vector format is resolution-independent. It can be resized without
losing any detail because it is stored as a set of instructions, not a collection
of pixels. Therefore, each time you display an image, you actually recreate it
from the instructions.
In its strictest definition, a vector format can only contain vector information,
but in practice, many vector formats allow the inclusion of non-vector data
such as a raster image or raster text.

Meta formats do exactly that and explicitly allow more than just vector
information. For example, a Windows Metafile (EMF or WMF) could contain
a raster image, some text and vector annotations to the image.

In previous versions of Paint Shop Pro, any vector images read into PSP were
essentially rasterised. If you then tried to resave these images in a vector or meta file
format, the data within was actually raster data only. The raster data was wrapped inside
a vector file format purely so that it could be read into different vector packages. Paint

Best results have been gained with the Metafile
formats (EMF and WMF).

Accepteret svar
Fra : JegErHer

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 25-07-12 10:41


Vector Magic Precision Bitmap To Vector Conversion Online

Bliver aldrig helt det samme, for der skal hentes information som ikke findes i Billedet.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : k_m_s

Dato : 27-07-12 08:17

Tak for svaret JegErHer.

Godt program

Fra : JegErHer

Dato : 27-07-12 08:54

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