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Unlock Mobiltelefon
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James Bond Metoden!!
MikSutter har modtaget -10 point for dette tip
Fra : MikSutter
Vist : 920 gange

Dato : 27-10-02 14:05

Hejza. Her er en lille smart ting du kan gøre med din telefon...

Turning on Car Kit and Head Set Menus (Cannot be turned off)
To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the "3" and "4". After a short time there is "Headset" on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!
To enable the carkit-function you have to short-circuit the "4" and "5". After a short time, "Car" is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!!
If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact ("3", "6" and "9") the Nokia Software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this, just active the "auto call receive" function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to "mute" Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere under a table in this room and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to the words these people are talking about!

Revealing the Headphone and Car-Kit menus
Please note that if you do these next tricks, the new menus can't be erased without retoring the factory default settings. To do these tricks you need to short-circuit the pins on the bottom of the phone next to where you plug in you charger.

Jeg vil gerne have at vide om der er en der gider at oversætte det og så sende det til mic.str@12move.dk eller bare skrive tilbage til denne post i oversat version.... PS. Hvad betyder Short-circuit...

Tak Hilsen MikSutter


Fra : ram2

Dato : 27-10-02 15:14


Fra : croaks

Dato : 27-10-02 19:45


Fra : netper

Dato : 27-10-02 20:32


Fra : svanevig

Dato : 31-10-02 16:32


Fra : Harlekin

Dato : 29-10-02 18:43

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