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Antiterroristic Astrology Manifest
Fra : |ntruder

Dato : 20-09-01 15:52

Transneptuners and Centaurs Report - War Issue featuring QB1
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Astrological Antiterroristic Institute.

Our mission is to prevent terrorism, using astrological
methods while promptly reporting to the appropriate law
enforcement institution as to the time and place of the
likely terrorist attack.

We are painfully aware of the hazards of Veteran's Day,
Nov 11th 2001, and are willing and ready to spot, put
on alert and prevent occasions in which the terrorists
would attack, not only by studying astrological charts
(Such as 1992QB1 Astro*Carto*Graphy), but also by quite
psychological approach to the terrorist's habits or the
lack of.

We will inform the general reader via USENET newsgroups
such as news:alt.astrology.moderated and possibly form
a special moderated newsgroup alt.astrology.antiterrorism
if such need arises.

Astrologers for Antiterrorism

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An Introduction to New Astrology - http://puck.dhs.org/reports

The discovery of centaur Chiron and transneptune cubewano
1992QB1 were the first milestones of two important fields
of research in astrology today: the centaurs and the TNO
transneptune objects. QB1 strangely features on the descendant
of the first WTC map http://puck.dhs.org/reports/wtc
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html for 1996QB1 delineations.
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/qb1 for the WTC 1992QB1 map.

30 centaurs (last discovered 2001PT13) and 400 transneptunes
crave for astrological interpretations. Of course many of this
objects do already have a profile and delineation.
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html http://puck.dhs.org/reports/orbits

Supposed or hypothetical objects like the avestan, dark planets
and uranian begin to emerge and some of the objects like the
avestan retrogrades and uranian Cupido seem to be really discovered.
Thanatos is the darkplanet that appeared to kill JFK and Hendrix,
and which reminded us of it's existance featuring in the WTC maps.
Even forgotten QB1 makes appearance on the descendant of the map.

Ceres has been the first discovered and greatest asteroid for
200 years before Nov 28th 2000 a giant cubewano was spotted,
dubbed 2000WR106 (Varuna). Already in May 2001 a still larger
plutino was observed, with it's orbital elements gradually
determined toward August 2001. The object's name is 2001KX76.
Both Varuna and 2001KX76 have received copious study and delineation
and the articles have been published on TMA, archives and USENET.
http://www.mountainastrologer.com Mary Plumb's message board.
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html news:alt.astrology.pro
http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck http://puck.dhs.org/reports

The site issues a periodical centaurs/TNO report on USENET.
This is the September 15th 2001 issue.


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Reedited from a 1992QB1 text, 1992QB1 was at the descendant
when the WTC was first hit. This is part of the old text.

QB1 on the descendant can act as the 'opponent' or atout XV
the devil. http://ghettobox.dhs.org/reports/matrix.tarot
/* and here is the sad proof, 1992QB1 was exactly on the
descendant when WTC was hit */

QB1 I.C. seems to jam software performance. Even in dream
(night-mara) it acts so.
/* no cyberattacks were _reported_ the last time I checked
the news; however, darkplanet Kerberus conjuncts Jupiter;
an excellent chance even for IRBaboon to hack in through
New Zealand and Canada */

1992 QB1 : Splendid Isolation
/* confirms theomens of a camel crossing the desert
what has one to lose in the desert? burning the oil fields */
To get things done, one acts like a warrior and alone.
/* saturn pluto kamikaze Nov 11th 2001 alert */
Society can and perhaps will help to a level. It indoctrinates
with it's own goals. When you receive many aspects to qb1, you
might instinctively avoid consuming unnecesary and time wasting
company and get things done with, within and for yourself.
/* indoctrination is more than appropriate */
QB1 is not holding aloof using ego energy. It has very little
ego emanation. It is too far to be overconcerned with people.
QB1 might well be one of the keys and doors to nagual.

/* hell and paradise, devahan; if one reaches them
emotionally, perhaps the belief of the kamikaze is strong
enough; in that case `see you in hell' is appropriate;
then again, always consult cc castaneda, not that easy
to reach astral kingdoms; indeed, see also frabato */

If in the period one meets people, even atractive mindbodies
of the opposite sex; one will retain his calm and detachment,
and nevertheless emanate his charm.

The charm in question is unaffordable by those trying to have
The touch one has comes from the lack of ego emanations, not
trying a carismatic ego trip. One does very little, indeed.
Perhaps QB1 is doing nothing.

QB1 on the descendant can act as the 'opponent' or atout XV
the devil. http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8/2000/matrix.tarot
/* and here is the sad proof, 1992QB1 was exactly on the
descendant when WTC was hit */

QB1 I.C. seems to jam software performance. Even in dream
(night-mara) it acts so.
/* no cyberattacks were _reported_ the last time I checked
the news; however, darkplanet Kerberus conjuncts Jupiter;
an excellent chance even for IRBaboon to hack in through
New Zealand and Canada */

||| |:| :|:|:: |||||| :|:::| |||:|: |||::: ::: ||||:| |:|::|

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2012 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for tution, information and further publishing permission.

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,

world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current reports http://puck.dhs.org/reports
Articles: http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html
New planets are coming this way! Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for updates and

http://puck.dhs.org - I Ching Services - http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8

Sun Sep 16 10:51:57 GMT 2001

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Centaurs/TNO Report - (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved
An Astrological Report on the Main Transneptunes, Centaur Objects
and Objects of Interest. Varuna and 2001KX76 inside!

An Introduction and news:alt.astrology.pro Newsgroup Article
http://www.mountainastrologer.com Mary Plumb message board

Transneptune Kaballah for Dexters (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic
http://puck.dhs.org tarant8l@users.tmok.com

It's a bril idea to reintroduce on pucklist the concepts of
fabril and pastoral, as 2012 gets closer and we are losing
polar caps fast.

Fabril is a word came from german blacksmith, the later
frankenstainers, genetical engineers, cosmonatus, Dexters
in their labs, in other words what stood for Uranus a decade

Pastoral is harekrishning, returning to NTR RA naturu,
flowerpowder, the cults of pan and even subgenius, the
pseudo greek web cult you can have fun or be disgusted
with using some web search for subgenius. More or less,
the goth could be stamped under pastoral, too; mhhhm,
lazy thinking. It goes without slaying that Saturn is
patron to this particular group of objects and it's

Saturn in extension, being a gaseous planet, is the symbol
of the more or less gaseous and soupy omniverse from which
planets and stars are born AVE MARIA STELLA MARIS being the
Binah of the A'aTz ChIIM tre of life as available in every
tarot shop.

Uranus goes further to symbolize the evolving of the galaxies
and omniverse, and _should_ prepare the soup by stirring it up
for formative Saturn to play upon.

All this is too symbolical and speculative, but not much
more speculative that most other pseudotheories and systems.
It will perform better than yer windose fer example *)+<:)

Neptune being bindu and ajna, and this holds in O5 practice
and is not a theory at all, opens the gate (the gate is
the odious false top cakra, jail exit) to HGA the guardian
angel, moth, keeper of the gate, Pholus, Sai Baba, ain soph.

2001KX76, Varuna and the rest of the transneptuners and scattered
disk universe streches into enochian realms and further towards
http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8 http://puck.dhs.org/dance/TNO
FIAT LVX and the unfathomed Oort's Cloud. Gods beyond gods,
inside of gods.

The three transneptunian spheres of the standard tree of life
could as well be our little system, the Kuiper Belt and the
Oort Cloud. This holy trinity extending itself beyond Neptune
hands itself neatly to this speculation. After all, the magi
could and did fathom and trevel other universes and beyond
Uranus, even beyond some stars, as documented in the vedas and
Frabato. Pluto DA'aTh would then be a secret passage; though
it was time to reform this tree of new life quite a bit and
quite a time ago 1977 1992.

One possibiity for Dexters is to reintroduce the minor cakras
system and meticulousely attribute minor planets to the minor
circling cakras. This would be the vedic approach.

I'd like Zecharia Sitchin to give us a hand here, since his
ideas are most welcome, applicable and answerful, apart from
being the only solution for the solar sys we knew I know.
An introduction to Enuma Elish and Chinese Nibiru dawns here:
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html http://puck.dhs.org/reports/nibiru

Whatever progress has been made astrologically from 1977 1992
to where we stand (and we stand 2001KX76) now in the year 2001,
it is to be integrated into our occult lore. Yes this new space
rocks and I don't mean Asbolus only or alchemical 2001KX76
have their place in new quaballahs, cabals and balls.

The centaur objects like Pholus, Chariklo, Asbolus, Nessus,
Chiron, 1994TA, 2001QC243 have all the characteristics of archdemons.
This fallen archangels serve as communication network between the
outer gods from Jupiter to Neptune and beyond.

Hope that the inner centaurean SANCTVM integrates this `beyond',
and pardon it's implications. The archdemons will tell me the
court secrets, what of centaurean gossip. Imp-lying the dark
side of the gods is not a new concept by several negative
tree authors and astrologers do have a negative Jupiter on
their own, the soulsnatcher.

On that line, the centaurs, like the I Ching diagrams and the Tarot
would serve as _paths_ among the sephira! Namely ||| goes from
Jupiter to Saturn and one can easely guess the attribution, using:
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/orbits http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8

One could discover that quabalistic astronomy is not far away
from enochian majik! Isn't that gematria a star classification

Stir your lodge with this and cry for dawn! Once upon a time
ago an astronomer did not know why he loses children fast.
Later on we found Uranus afflicted in his 5th house.

Times have changed. In 1992 we had ONE first and unique
transneptune object, the 1992QB1.

Now we have'm 400!

In 1977 we had Chiron as newage cryonic god. We thought he
was unique and all one. Now we handle 30 centaur objects!

What we don't handle yet is a new 5D omniversal simulator,
the 3D astronomical program still troubling the minds of
quite a few genii like Ed Falis. news:alt.astrology.moderated
http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck news:alt.astrology.pro
The wheel chart doesn't cope with new astrology, and the
orbital simulators are so 2D. We need a 3D thing now!

It is a shame how near we stomp to Shumer, but we're improving.
At the risk and discomfort of this tranient planet and it's
ecology http://puck.dhs.org/dance/varuna we set our eyes to
the Kuiper Belt beyonds. How many backdoor Plutos to go?

Klaudio Zic
Puck Occult Mailing List


||| |:| :|:|:: |||||| :|:::| |||:|: |||::: ::: ||||:| |:|::|

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2012 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for tution, information and further publishing permission.

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,

world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current reports http://puck.dhs.org/reports
Articles: http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html
New planets are coming this way! Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for updates and

http://puck.dhs.org - I Ching Services - http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8

Sat Sep 08 10:03:28 GMT 2001

Aug 25th 2001 includes a comment on 2000QC243 from the majikal,
as well as from the astrological standpoint. Here a passage:
<SNIP> A centaur like this is an alien, spirit as visitor in the
material sphere. Spirits in the material world. This centaur
behaves. We had Nessus who behaved ... badly. It is not the
case with this one who can be `polite'. </SNIP>

Aug 13th Update touches upon that 1999XX143, adds notes on
1994TA (Pylenor) and of course includes many new commentaries on
2001KX76 . http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html

The list of astrological objects (to be) studied.
(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org - All Rights Reserved
(The full copyright note features at the bottom of this article.)
http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html

The centaurs in one aspect act as archangels connecting the gods.


CENTAUR OBJECTS (Welcoming newcomers 2000QC243 and 2001KF77)
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/2001PT13 is the new centaur;
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/2001QC243 is delineated in this text.

<CHARIKLO> <!-- Upcoming Asvini or Horse Sacrifice Ritulas -->

Chariklo (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org

Chariklo is the ideal wife you will (never) marry. One has confidence,

the object of his dreams finds him, rather than him going on pursuit,
(this is machism; of course one only stalks, one does not pursue)
and in the neverending aftermath he finds no reason to marry beauty,
(im)perfection, love, orgasm, felicity. But she will call and always
come back. The semen of the man has an astral component tying down
the woman for a decade. Chariklo is more like a charismatic woman,
an innovation in bed, and in that area only. She could be a bore
in other areas. She thinks of the main areas only. Perfume, outing,
dinner, bed, clothing, orgasm, mutual orgasms, sex, pretention.
(Can we accept victory, beauty, glory; our own creations?).

The rainbow, sunset over the sea, a mysterious lady and her yacht,
(Doubt, envy, gossip; as a rock band from the 60/70s (Genesis)
would: `How _dare_ I be so beautiful?' (Genesis, Foxtrot)
(Chasing the Lady, a card game) Everybody wants the archetype but
few dare have it. Who is Pamela Anderson's husband? Why? Him?
the classical doll, blonde with cherry lips, Barbie, Claudia Schiffer
type, free to combine, no bad blood, weak blood?, no coagulation,
divorce, pin-up, love triangle, flirt, deep genetical rejuvination
on planetary scales hidden in superficial movie star trivia, voodoo,
mutual orgasm, intimacy with the genetical mothers of mankind.

(The divorce here implies one lives `better' without one's own
incarnated dreams, at least (s)he `thinks' so?
Now why divorce? Chariklo may be like Venus square Neptune. Only
the impossile goal is real. Real life sucks. Her divorce is her
divorce from all boring logick and bondages. Oh bondage, up yours!
There is an ideal man for whom she's ideal. She never finds him
for long. Eternity does not seem ideal.
This major centaur has been treated as a lovely woman `should'
but it was a joke on my part. I never thought it `banal' or
`just pretty'. Pretty people tend to have lot of problems:
nobody seems to like them! Touch this:
A note: a close conjunction of Pluto and Chariklo is how the
ugly (=evil) witch treats Snow White.
A note: Moon Conjunct Chariklo = being restless, but receivng
promising omens as concerns popularity with women.

Astrologer's Dairy - July 27th 2001 - (C) Klaudio Zic - All Rights
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/diary t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org/$

Centaur Chariklo and the Vedic Horse Sacrifice

Chariklo prominent, such as on the descendant, is connected with
horse sacrifice. This mysterious rite in which the `horses were
revived' was performed in Krsna (Krishna's) times, roughly 5000BC.

The centaur is probably a shumeran (sumerian) genetical experiment,
as Zecharia Sitchin would deduce from the reliefs showing beings
with horse legs but human front.

Chiron is not the only centaur, and not even the brightest. The
major centaurs are Nessus, Asbolus, Hylonome, Pholus and so on.

Nessus at the 5th cusp not only designates an active partner,
but a lovable sportsy motivating girl able to extend her lively
intiation in the world of lucid dreaming and second attention!

Nessus at the 3rd cusp favors detective operations. Sherlock
Holmes used to mask himself. Nessus on the 3rd cusp will produce
a deliberate street masquerade. This is the stalker's position.

And finally Rachel Welch who surely enchanted a heart or two,
has 1181 Lilith conjunct Chariklo and Neptune = swimming suits.



Hylonome (C) 2001 Claudio Solis t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

An example of Hylonome is The Sleeping Beauty story, Hylonome
(the beauty) square the Ascendant (body). What happens is that the
needle from a forgotten pandora box finds it's way (fate!) to her
finger. She falls asleep (apparently she was sleepless!) ever
after, untill the redeemer takes personal care of his flock.

Speaking of `wounded healers', Christ's heart and various
pierced hearts (Saturn in Libra) are part of the now perhaps
`obscure' christian (and possibly rosecrucian) symbology.
The finger is the communicator device, the heart is the
ego centre. The vedas have it on the right side of the chest
if it be `spiritual'.

`Sleep' is a powerful voladero command as issued in Carlos
Castaneda film `Dark City'. To sleep is to let'em implant
you a mind that is not yours and a childhod you never had.

This interesting centaur object is a sure door to nagual, the part
of ourselves we can hardly speak of and most of us is never aware
of it. In the moment when we die, the nagual resurfaces.

The nagual, the protector, spiritual forces that guide us when we
relax, reduce the thoughts to the minimum and intend, the guardian
angel, prayer to the guardian angel, better health, finantial help.

Hylonome meets an old love, has sex and is moderately neurotic while
the deity she prayed to grants her a wish, only in most mysterious
and often very delayed and seemingly inconvenient ways. She is not
immediately noticed as deeply feminine, if she's noticed at all.
She will make herself noticed and hated when she decides, herself
having no inhibitions and being prone to show off, rather than hide.

When she does hide, it seems to be forever. She is the one that will
call on the phone. She does not tell you, but she thinks of you.
Hylonome is capable of locking up her emotions in her heart and is
making her final choice as concerns love, whether the only love she
has is possible and most often when not. She does not seem so but is
very emotional. To hide this she acts like a rowdy boy and amazon
woman. But it is just very convicting acting. The core is mellow.

Hylonome needs leadership, she cries, tears rush in floods, more due to
compassion than self-pity, very womanly, deepest maternal, feminine,
tears that purify, salamander's tears, tears of joy, commotion,
committment, tribulations, help comes when in deep, without forcing
issues, like from within, a candid look within one's inner world and
the inner child produces a strong guru, the determination that came
out from suffering.

A Note: In Sri Ramakrsna's horoscope, I feel Hylonome stands for
Sri Kali; see also http://puck.dhs.org/reports/ramakrsna

Notes on Hylonome (July 16th 2001)

It seems it is not good to have a close conjunction with Hylonome,
since it would be liable to tie the unfortunate planet to Hylonome's
dark side. Hylonome conjunct Nessus can give rise to an Erzulie Friede
cult, and the ... mixed results issuing from such an ally, Hylonome
conjunct Varuna is religious fanaticism (Virgin Mary) not without
the bigot's attitude toward one's true religion; it is more likely
that the devil was obliged to go to church, than that he would go
of his own accord; and when there, one strives to obtain favors
on account of his formal presence, rather than virtue, i.e. true
religion. Hylonome conjunct Uranus might be a symptom of abrupt
atheism on the owner's part (especially when Jupiter is afflicted
by Neptune in the natal chart), therefore not losing one's religion,
but the lack of; and moreover this person's political career is

Ascending Hylonome = blues like music.

Hylonome Aug 25th 2001
Ascending it means eternal and transcendental as well as physical
ideal and total love from a sweet little sixteen. But the lolita
lover cannot keep to young company if he wants to be successfuly
serious in his social life. Interactions involve the rise of
astral consciousness, lucid dreaming, bodychanges (ascendant!),
and dwarrows more or less jamming and helping the efforts to
live creating concrete events and presence.






Whoever will study Kahuuna will reckognize something of
Unihipili in holy Pholus traits. Unihipili is the demiurgic
grasshopper, insignificcantly omnimportant and big.
Like a Pholus moth.

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org
Humpty Dumpty sat on the Wall, tao unaware of yinyang,
King in disguise, the lover who is never there, futurity,
movie stars, fledglings first hunt, photographers, incognito,
flower power, punk, dungeonmaster, headless headcutter, molotov,
master spy, a companion in every adventure and prank, indomable
spirit of improvisation, labrador retriever, fellow castaway(s),
mortar and pestle in musical use, the original shamanistic use
of musical instruments, a balalayka, la purpurina de la eternidad,
`on the halberds, moths, moths', a moth as omen and guardian of
eternity (there is also a `real' moth named Pholus), a barbagianni,
the night ascent of the portentous and fabled istrian white owl,
the pitch of the tibetan pot shaped `bell', slightly modulated sound,
prolonged signal produced by circling one's finger on a wet
glass border, long whistle, the circle that produces the
sinusoid, spiritual persistence, young spirit sing your song,
Corto Maltese, playful orgy, Ball of the Vampyres, grimoires,
Journey to Ixtlan, disembodied demon, traveling the unknown,
Fondamenta Ca'Bala (Dorsoduro, Venexia), Agrippa, always two:
master and young padawan, as in pairs as if walking together
barn owls and night owls red flesh opressing, The Captain of
Your Heart, only when you leave I need to love you, dropping
and finding an object, finding a peculiar object with some
definite singificance and importance and spiritual value,
a simple object carying spiritual value and on a mission,
the circular persistance of events producing continuity,
the repetition of interpretation creating this world,
just like this, Hadit, unseen teacher, dream instructor,
shape shifter, hammock, the sound leading to second attention,
guiding sound leading to meditation detachment and the stopping
of internal dialogue, monotonous ritual humming as in tibet,
suddently becoming aware of something, cosmopolitan, Comte
Saint Germain, as of this world, IPSISSIMVS, shaking but not
breaking the egg, off I go!, truelove, love in death and after
death, wearable computing, some like it hot, free money,
Kevin the Bard, Merlin of Britain, testament, it's better to
travel, Parzeval, a mystic present from a seaman, Abramelin,
(possibly) the angel driving Adam out of Eden, a new love,
reboot, fresh start, Pao Hsue (Fu Hsi), phallic cult, dancing
with myself, dancing for the crowd, longevity, sleepless and
kicking, the ascent, darshan, supernatural waters rise, a
staircase to heaven, an umbrella, the best student is one
whom you see at best every couple of years, Pholus is silent!,
a wide range of musical scales played on a guitar; like a
long orbit, perhaps coming back, the fate (=orbit) is not
'well' defined here, the better for stalkers, a pigeon on
the window; nazgul = a hairy pterodactile with giant bat
face - flies in company - the chinese called them `thunders'
|:: we call them devils; traveling baladeer, hebrew balalayka,
the strumming vibrations that produce the illusion of
continuity like the musical warp and woof of the physical
world of first attention, a candle ritual, decomposition
of the malice caused by a displaced BU48 aspect.
(a variety of much longer delineations available for Pholus and



1994TA (Pylenor) The Centaur of the Immortals
(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org
Some wines have the color of blood.

Finding power points (earth's dragon vein crossings),
receiving the earth's energy flowing through one's legs upwards,
a miracle curer, a born healer, zen archer, untrained in
shooting and yet hits the centre, clairvoyant, skrying in astral,
Babaji 1008, power places, synagogue, rules bridges, wells,
ballads, marrying a water spirit, saving a bee from the river
flow, archeoastrology, a seagull diving for fish, the mold of
man, the white crane, dating guitarists or being one, HIKL ADNI.
H=5 I=10 K=20 L=30 65 A=1 D=4 N=50 I=10 HIKL a temple ADNI the Lord
I am (& The body is) the temple of the Lord. 6 + 5 = 11 Hikl Adonay

http://puck.dhs.org/aca/alumni/belas http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html
Mercury conjunct Pylenor in Cancer (both tropical and sidereal)
is a cancer curer, self taught doctor. The conjunction studied
happens in the 10th house and Mercury rules the ascendant.
Natural healers tend to have Pylenor ascending. A lenghty
article about Pylenor is available via webpage
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html Please use groups.google.com
search or archive search for vintage articles, I might not be
aware of all of the reports that at the time were all too
experi-mental to form a delineating body and `purport'.
Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for directions as to who where, since
authors and talents (July 2001) seem to pop out from `nowhere'
at this moment and to include/sort/name them all is...

Pylenor triggering Varuna is most exceptional in that it
involves the whole of the e-motional Self and beyond. Shy
showdown? Immortal mission? Forever and beyond? The horary
chart I've made for out-of-town-out-of-time Saint Germain
shows Pylenor M.C. I guess he spat blood in the morning after
just a jerk of it, bad teeth, dancing on Saturn's grave.
Astrology is not for astrologers. Luckily. Eternaly.
And blood is the fifth element, it's carrier, bedsides sperm.

A Nazgul hit by an elf arrow. It is interesting that
elf-arrow is spelled lancelet in pictish or at least
in the Avalon tradition, according to Marion Bradley's
sources (`The Mists of Avalon'). Pylenor M.C. and conjunct
Beta Persei (Perseus, a white winged horse) or CAPVT ALGOL
symbolizes such final release from the most fatal (ego)
enemy. Much as described in I Ching :|:|:: (where the bow
is :|: lunar and the arrow shot is |:: for vector and |:|
as solar or phallic significator), where the predator is the
6th line. Legolas hits such a dark Enemy as recounted by Tolkien.
A nazgul is a sort of astral pterodactile devil (in chinese it
is `the thunder' |:: ), rather close to the Dark Court Throne
and secrets. Jung would tame it and psychoanalyze with it, but
Tolkien shoots at it. Stukas in action, no doubt, at the time.
See also http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html for Pylenor delineations.
Note that a nazgul is practically immortal so we have the negative
of Saint Germain here. Pylenor has a strong impact on both the
Ascendant and M.C. At the ascendant it heals, at the M.C. it
shoots to kill (or at least immortality is tested). Doubt tests
the old. The eternal trees live forever by being swathed form
the place where they belong.

From an article dated Aug 4th 2001:

An Astrological Case of Centaur Pylenor and Uranus
(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic http://puck.dhs.org

A Davison relationship chart shoving 1994TA (proposed name Pylenor
by Juan Antonio Revilla) and Uranus in close conjunction gives the
following result.

The conjunction happens in the house of sex and orgasm, the 8th house.
This house also rules operations, extreme outflows of energy, in this
case exhaustion. The pair had lot of sex where the male exhausted
himself, to the point he had no sperm, or more precisely, what came
out was a liquid with some blood.

Now centaur Pylenor does have a connection with blood, indeed, be
it named so or elsewise 1994TA. Blood and sperm are the fifth element
meaning `god' or akasa.

The case is an unusual one in that the testicle went in malfunction
and grew in size. The male was able to cure himself mentally and
never knew for quite some time after the unpleasent event what
actually took place.

Usually of superb stamina, he was apparently underfed and the events
combined to fatal exhaustion on his part.

This peculiar case is here to show a sample of the use of centaurs in
modern astrology. The major centaur objects are Chariklo, Hylonome,
Chiron, Pholus, Asbolus and Nessus. The manure was enriched this year
by two new centaurs, adding up new mystery and joy to the ever growing
numbers of interesting objects in astrology.


(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,

world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current research http://puck.dhs.org/2001RX76


Sat Aug 04 14:35:01 GMT 2001

A note on 1994TA. The I.C. position of this centaur is peculiarly
It gives a feeling of one's fate, weights the events of one's life and
love, tests the choices and regrets; makes you especially sensible to
the area you live in or was born, ties you to the ground and suggests
malancholy but no regrets persist for long in one's mind. The `old
boys' might invite you for a special outing, but 1994TA prefers



(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org
I Ching master, magus, druid-warrior (like Gwydion-Mordred).
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck
Asbolus is a positive significator of the magus. It possesses all
the hermitlike, concentration and extra power characteristics that
make a born magus. Expect it M.C. when dealing with magicians,
even in a horary chart! http://puck.dhs.org/aca/alumni/franz
(A rather lenghty delineation available).
A note: Crowley dies on Dec 1st 1947 with an asbolus Venus 2'
opposition. The magus is perplexed as faced with Netzach sphere?
A note: Asbolus opposing Venus hates and craves for beauty and is
afraid of beautiful women, sex, orgasm, life in general, and will
treat life, joy and love rough when being unable to avoid them.
A note: the year Eliphas Levi (1810-1875) was born, Asbolus and
Pholus were conjunct at 19 Cancer.



(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org
Nessus has been known as the errection centaur. It acts in directions,

returns, transits, is powerful as pepper, adding spice to your
analysis, or, better: LIFE! We all love the tragical bravado
of Lancelet of the Lake. There is positive snatching of the bride.
The Necromancer, Casanova (but see also 2001KX76 repots, such as
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/casanova), haunting beauty, without lust
result, errection planet, sexual prankster, kidnapper (of the virgin),

Lencelet (queen's champion and horse captain), sudden kundalini
refugee, Anakin's fear, Nessus connects tonal and nagual, Agent Smith
(Matrix the movie), the piss of life, Mescalito (peyotle), Niniane of
Avalon, Ceridwen, Heru Ra Ha (the new AEon), black lodges, refined,
brutal, in sincere pain, nosferatu, gothic, venetian night vampire,
statement if intentido for the benefit of one's finantial situation,
the proper tonal, the conscience one is perfect, effective and able,
Nessus I.C.=music, the Moon conjunct Nessus denotes a miracle maker.
(A note: Olymp od the DarkPlanets is not so wildly errect as Nessus).
(Further annotation: HPMHC conjunct Nessus in 8th perfect sex).



This centaur is excellent for personal power, worth, self promotion,
great success on global scale, money matters, even guru matters.

Studied paired with Uranus for the period of their conjunction.

A note: When Perdurabo (Aleister H.Crowley) joined the Order of
the Golden Dawn, on November 18th, 1898, Asbolus (the magus centaur)
was trine 1998QM107, Mercury and Saturn. While the Tarot card
for Mercury is called Magus, and Saturn is the Devil, let it be
noted that Crowley has a natal Mercury Saturn square (black majik).
1998QM107 (continued) A note (July 21st 2001) Crowley inherited?
and cashed a sum of 40000 Pounds (at that time!) for the entrance
ticket. Self promotion, indeed! *)+<;)

A note: Pylenor conjunct 1998QM107 is a picture of the lover boy
surrounded by many pretty girls competing for his attention.
That is, your ideal mate is shared, if not owned, by a harem of
supermodels. You don't stand much chance in any competition.
Indeed, the owner of this aspect has no chance in such a competition,
to the detriment and unjust suffering of every being the unlucky
owner will stumble upon since the lack of an event. In other words
more simple, the sexual frustration will tend to dominate the person
and deal in unfair ways with every more or less lucky person such
an owner is liable to meet everafter. This impotent `revenge' becomes
one's lifetime. The mission is to spoil and ruin hapiness in others
ever after in such a way as socially `permittable' and under the
mask of being a good and pious fellow. The inquisition at it's worst.



At the elected vedic moment when King Birendra rises to the throne
of Nepal, Venus is conjunct this centaur.
Venusian matters apparently brought up the event of the massacre.
Nepal faces at least two years of danger and is liable to be overtaken

by India. Possible maoist conspiration.
1998SG35 conjunct Jupiter in the 7th house is most unfortunate for
the marriage and partner's health.
This centaur seems to be a malefic. http://puck.dhs.org/reports/nepal

http://puck.dhs.org/dance/nepal http://puck.dhs.org/2001KX76

A note: Mercury (rules 11th) trine (a few minutes orb) 1998SG35
M.C. means a portentous travel with an old friend.





In President George Bush's horoscope, this centaur is nadiring with
Spica Virginis, bringing a subtle reformation in the realm and empire.

National security and the Navy are boosted with a lucky TF35
centaur conjunct Spica Virginis at the nadir of the natal horoscope.
The President will take care of the religious sentiment at home,
as well as worldwide. The yacht is there for use, adding
charm to his DIVIDE ET IMPERA mission. http://puck.dhs.org/bush
(Yes but what do we need the Navy for? Ah, war.)
Feeling lucky? *<:) this centaur is probably responsable at this point

it makes you feel being lucky (haha! What an original way of
it!) it is your lucky centaur! Check it's position, _now_!

The feel of a turn of the tide and reassurement comes after a crisis
deep doubts that get to the core of one's being
rotten doubts give birth to new confidence!

Spiritual influence:
There is a _definite_ spiritual decision (intentido)
behind the event, and it comes from strong
and established spiritual areas.
The centaur seems transparent but good.

TF35 9th cusp = music




influences Internet activities. Makes for fast global progress.
Money transfer, bank accounts, moneygram, fast money transfer,
international cheque, money order, early morning business.
IN VINO VERITAS Dionysian (in) activiti self-includes all
communication. Drunk with the elixir of interplanetar communication.
Divinatory influence. A lenghty report in the archives. 1977.
(I never added any observations here. Perhaps some suggestion?).
Self exposing oneself (overexposure) on Internet (especially
when M.C.). http://puck.dhs.org/2001KX76/claudio.solis.html
Sherlock Holmes invented his own profession and suited is perfectly.
Internet activities allow for some screen name and image.



Studied paired with Neptune for the time of period of their

Madness sold and made an official legend. Politicians talking
bullshit, marijuana, green grass of home, the press as source
of desinformation and schizofrenia and drug addiction.

Private hell, rather confortable, preparing to go nuts,
musical divergence, the leader quits the band.



UG5 triggering Sun (in direction, return, ?transit) triggers
an exeptionally refreshing, replenishing, renewing, reolding
resituation fully involving one's person, Self, eternity.
It might even be the King of Love, not so obvious, of course.



<Aug 13th 2001>
1999XX143 is `la femme fatale', chasing the lady; stalking
one's true love; a love that never dies; mutual orgasm;
easy lover; strong on the descendant; being invisible;
detective work; as already said: <<
This mocking bird says, I am here, and I'll be back, but you don't
know what part in the play is mine. (07/14/2001) >>
Exactly. You don't know it, but someone important in your
life has been stalking you lately. As aforesaid, this centaur
leads to water (sea) in this or that way. It is most sublimely
and primitively tied to sex, fish and true (and also tainted)
love. True but tainted, if you know what I mean. Ah, and this
centaur makes you feel so close to yourself that you almost
touch the meaning of being really allone and perhaps the
distant echo of what an-other being might be. Who am I?
Who is she. Who are we, really? The one with the goal, the
one with the mask. It might as well be that 1999XX143 has much
to do with masks, actors, stalking, playing one's part,
giving an image of (false) being self assured. All1?
</Aug 13th 2001>

OLD LOVE, something you can't get out of your mind, since it
old flavor, perfect; perfect still, not yet decadent?
is a noumen, a strong mental construction, like THE GRANDMOTHER
ARCHETYPE, the beloved granny and the true love may and might
not have something in common, still we are talking centaurs
with their subconscious machinery!
It is obvious that your `old love' is everything but perfect;
but objectiveness has nothing to do with mad love and you tend
to pardon the unpardonable, a known trick of mother nature.
What you love is your special idea of true love, she might as
well be a vampire in real life. We don't know yet if this centaur
is a female. Whatever it is, it makes you _act_ towards a final
step, is prone to pardoning (a famous technique is to pardon it
all and sleep in peace).

When XX143 is on the 5th cusp: she's the one!
Important business, urgent business, monetary transactions,
something is cooking, busy very early morning, some sort of
initiation, ripe assuming of responsabilities, taking care
of oneself and nurturing (nuorishing) others who $upport.

1999XX143 - Rejection by those You Depend on - (c)/o
Peter Sedgwick

Balance of individuality within domestic environment.
Doing it for family to the extreme.

Positive: Feeling accepted by family and close friends.

Negative: Portraying black sheep image. Isolated and
sullen at home.

The Above Note is (C) Peter Sedgwick - All Rights Reserved


This passage is strikingly enlightening.

In a geodesic chart calculation, I came across this centaur
on the I.C. where one is not accepted by his parents,
city, church?, family,( perhaps only the
late grandmother was kind but then, onewas a kid;
later on and in puberty and ) in this moment one is not accepted by
family, local media and local (I.C.) stuff at large.

One is definitively a black sheep, isolated and sullen
at home.

1999XX143 (continued)
(This position cooperates with Varuna I.C., Nessus M.C.).
/* Artificial cities, lagoons */ (footnote) good dangerous and
old flavor, perfect; perfect still, not yet decadent?
Along with Varuna-Neptune-Pholus, this centaur seems responsable
for the water industry. Artificial lakes, water pumps, the care
over little artificial watery paradises might be the domain of
this centaur. (6/6/2001 annotation).
A special refosco wine, since Pylenor is the wine, XX is flavor.
Water is one of wine's ingredients.
This centaur appears prominent here and there like an extra spice
or catalyzator, intriguing and clowning with astrological analysis.
This mocking bird says, I am here, and I'll be back, but you don't
know what part in the play is mine. (07/14/2001)
The feel is that XX is something of important in every chart!?

Commentary added on Aug 25th:

A dubious guru, forced upon guru, tvevangelism, promising quick
enlightment, a purse full of gold and the hand of Helen of Troy.


Currently conjuncts Regulus as in the past years.
It is an omen of a king.

unstudied, unknown effect (Might be nobody studies it.)

prompts to fortunate (instanter) moving house.
(That was observed at the ascendant. I am not aware of any
study of this object.)

orbit studied (available in simscan format).
Centaur astrologers loved it. Wild one.

some probing



2000SN331 (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org
has been reported to be in connection with energies closely
resembling those obtained when thinking in association with
Santa Claus. The reward centaur has come. It may have to do
with the appropriate timing for an appropriate karmic reward.
The sower reaps!

It is definitively a wish-come-true centaur!
Innocent White Xmas, presents, betrothals come under the
regency of this peculiar object. Even when the present is
sort of modest, it is accepted with joy and gives great

The place in the house is the hearth, the stove, the kitchen
and all the way down the chimney. It seems associations with
the chimney are the strong one here.

This centaur is moreover associated with true love, care,
beauty, cosmetics, visage, modest maquilage, silk, white
things, snow, familiar situations, good associations,
orientation, fealty, a good marriage arrangement, and therefore
the family.

The centaurs energies are similar to what we used to call
darkplanet Vestalis.


1996AR20, 1996AS20

Centaur Object 2000QC243 in Astrology and Magick
(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic http://puck.dhs.org t8@puck.dhs.org

<2000QC243> http://puck.dhs.org/reports For the Magician

_ _ _
_ _ _

Protection is the main possession; closing off friends with
a lattice window. [T'ai Hsuean Ch'ing]


Snow White and the seven Dwarfs.

Lolita. The young beloved. Flowery ways.

La Gioconda.

Places that excite. Fringe. Heavenly glory.

Beauty. Immaculate. Female salamander. Fealty.

Fashion. Dream Catcher. Shaven. White shoes. Toothpaste.

Burried treasure revealed. Walking dwarf. Hike. Pedestrian.

The glowing astral treasury of the dwarfs. Jewelry.

Snowcrash. Sunnya sunnyata. White flowers. Snow. A bra.

Influence depending on Venus position where Lucifer or vesperine
is less fortunate but nevertheless charming and seducing.
_ ,

Andy Warhol. Copying a key. This boots are made for walking.

A majikal futurity. White feathers. Three graces. XAPIC

To get off the bus for no reason. Leaving the collective ways
inspired by a natural self research.

Separation from the collective. The invention of rooms.

Protecting jealously one's own place under the Sun or
under the Moon. Not unlike Phaethon.

Your way is opened like a shiny road leading through a dreamforest.

Aug 25th 2001 the following objects stand close by RA or otherwise
follow (astronomical Pisces mostly):

2000QC243 2000DG8 Hygiea OO67 SG35 2001OG108 (apollo), PF30

http://puck.dhs.org/reports exciting

Other possible meanings:

Materialized picture of the realized Self.
Undine Ariel marries.
White wine. Enoteca. Eneti. Heneti. Vinegia. Venexia. Venedig. Venice.

"Skimming by like eyes of the past"
Some talismanic aspects of chaos magick.
Ariel's seagull.
Zephyr + Chloris => Flora
Cassini Lilith opposing Uranus
Nesting in the wrong and vulnerable place
Nesting again
New home
Innocent arrogance
Air raid
A traveling sufi
NEMO (N=50 H=5 M=40 V=6) The Magistar Templi
therefore sahasrara or voladero mind hub
see also Matrix the Movie matrixthemovie.com
A rune in the form of the letter R
Bird Constellation
The Head of the Phoenix
Alien Girl
Chinese Phoenix
The Initiate
Closed Nautilus
103 418 403=13X31 350 871 31 103X7
Primordial Point
Let go of both variants
Dragon's Neck constellation

2001KX76 conjunct 2000QC243 in the 9th house is Swami
Maheshwarananda. Romana Marolt who owns this conjunction
in the house of her guru used also to be his barber:)

A centaur like this is an alien, spirit as visitor in the
material sphere. Spirits in the material world. This centaur
behaves. We had Nessus who behaved ... badly. It is not the
case with this one who can be `polite'.

Yet it is nevertheless a straying archangel into the worlds
of enochiana and hidden courts of the astral kingdoms.

Let us not forget the word: astrology is about astral kingdoms.



(End of centaurs.)

TNO Transneptune Objects (SDO, Cubewano, Plutino)

the scattered disk objects:

1996TL66 (#15874)
provoking rain when on the 9th cusp (rain on my window) with
Mars I.C. Sat Jun 16 10:44:53 GMT 2001 45N20 14E27 (qualche
minuto prima, comunque).
When I.C. the phone is occupied, a welcome delay. With Mercury
on the descendant I'm finally able to leave the message to the
telephone secretary.

has been accused of being responsable for the birth of the mafia
March 30th 1282, due to a precise square with Varuna at the time.
(A Note:) Squares to Varuna look omnious. Dipendra has a Pholus
Varuna case. http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html and further data on
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/nepal give adetailed account on the
Nepal tragedy 2001 (royal massacre).
A note for UNIX hackers: a simple yet powerful mini installation
of an on-top-of-DOS C-shell happens with Moon Spica ascending
and opposing (!alternative) 1999TD10 on the descendant.
/* some minutes from this record a shell from Vashon Is., WA
arrives by mail */ Neptune I.C. Hylonome rising


<1999CY118 and 1999CZ118>

a brief as follows:

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org
1999CY118 and 1999CZ118 SDO Scattered Disk Objects (according to latest

MPC Harvard update) have been found on the 9th Regiomontanus cusp in
delicate dreaming situations. Thus I appoint them patrons of lucid

</1999CY118 and 1999CZ118>

Along with Hylonome, GQ21 is the door to nagual, or our hidden self.

1999RZ215, 1999RD215

This centaur is a standard part of my reseach, however, it gave me
no material for a delineation as yet.

2000EE173, 2000PF30,

It's peculiar orbit has been studied on pucklist
http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck (search for cr105)

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org
is being researched in conjencure with dreams. Myself I have a natal
close conjunction with Sun.

Cubewano objects


2000WR106 Varuna (#20000) http://puck.dhs.org/varuna
This object is the center of my studies (we even share our birthdays)
and has received copious delineation.

Varuna invisibly influences the ecology of fluids on our planet.
It rules the West, and thus the descendant (alterego) Libra and
the 7th house. Varuna protects Mauritius, Seychelles and Madagascar.

Varuna can be connected with healthy milk and genetically manipulated
milk, and thus with the future of our race on this planet and other
planets in the previous phases of our development as race and the
next step happening right now.

Varuna is a cascade, nirvana is samsara, the flow resumes, the
cascade goes uphill, the sap is sucked up the body of the plant
due to osmosis, the eternal trees are swathed from the place
where they belong, reversing the flow of the river is Oberon
Five SnowCrash technique. The event is decided before it was
decreed. There is nothing but `now'. Nirvana is a cascade.
http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html http://puck.dhs.org/varuna

Transneptunes and Music - (C) Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved
Website: http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html Tution: t8@puck.dhs.org

As concerns music, our friends Varuna and big brother 2000KX76
have a rather diffeent taste, that one musician will be able to
define and satisfy.

Varuna likes mad music like `The lunatic is on the grass' by that
early Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon). Speaking about the moon,
when in conjunction with Venus http://puck.dhs.org/now , Varuna
acts like a negative (mad, treacherous) lunar overtone; inspiring
`la donna e mobile' arias, not just the barber singing in Sevilla,
but also the woman performing real adultery for money, a Venus
square Neptune classic with extra madness and passion, angel's
trumpets (introduction) and ... devils' trombones (coda).

Slightly less demoniac 2001KX76 tends to calm Tiphareth (ajna cakra)
or the solar centre of the invisible body. Golden vibrations shine
in our Heart. The travelling bard is crafty Kevin, Merlin of Britain,
the wrecked slave of Morgan la Fay; the poor creature disincarnates
in much older merlin Taliesin and the cry of the bards reach our
senseis after the initial struggle between the stormy sea and
incestuous shores at Tintagel.

news:alt.astrology.moderated http://www.mountainastrologer.com


(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,

world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current research http://puck.dhs.org/2001RX76


Sun Aug 12 10:37:06 GMT 2001

1992QB1 (#15760)
has received delineation in the past years, during my darkplanets
research. I have found mostly magickal characteristics in the object,
now dwarfed by other transneptuners, but being historically the first
studied TNO. For lovers QB1 on the 5th cusp is a good omen in any
horoscope. Magick and love are the same.

1992QB1 and WTC Sep 11th 2001

These are some of my old notes on the first discovered
transneptune 1992QB1 that was exactly descending, while
squaring Jupiter, opposing Mercury and making a trine
with Pluto in the WTC 1 chart.

http://puck.dhs.org/reports/qb1 /wtc /nyse /bush

Data for 1992 QB1 June 25th 2000

longitude 12.13 ARIES
latitude 00N26
The 13th degree of Aries is not a very fortunate one.
In I Ching it signifies death, wars and a dangerous
indian summer 2000. 8/8/2000 is dangerous for south
Europe, as I have already posted to the appropriate
usenet groups. The sabian symbol speaks of an unex-
ploded bomb revealing an unsuccessful social protest.
Quite appropriate, as we are dealing with Mars Saturn
aspects in this case.

a note:
vertex desc is ptc0 (a tyrant against you); perhaps qb1
in 7th is a tyranosaurus symptom?

A note on QB1 in synastry

QB1 in exact conjunction with your natal descendant in a
Davison Relationship (timespace midpoint) chart points to
a degree of fatality in a relationship, even if the two of
you are not together at all, or have split a long time ago.


Pholus conjunct qb1 0ø3' orb. Warrior. Guerilla leader.

1996QB1 articles retrieavable using http://groups.google.com
See also http://puck.dhs.org/reports/genova /ixc /new.amsterdam
See also http://puck.dhs.org/reports/wtc /nyse /bush /america

1996TO66 (#19308)
This object has been the largest TNO (besides Pluto/Charon) for a
long time, before Varuna took over Nov 28th 2000.
Malice, evil, demon, whispering false ally, the messanger of the
central demon, evil forces at work, astral attack. Ecompassing?!


1998WH24 (#19521)
I connected this object (since I have a native Vesta conjunction)
with neditation, eclipses, akasa and agni hotra. Still I have not
found an independent WH24 characteristis. Perhaps it's a fertilizer
and catalyst. Of course I'm still looking... It seems there is a
siberian or russian text on the medical application of WH24, still
untranslated, though.

2000WR106Varuna (#20000)
This object is the center of my studies (we even share our birthdays)
and has received copious delineation.

Varuna invisibly influences the ecology of fluids on our planet.
It rules the West, and thus the descendant (alterego) Libra and
the 7th house. Varuna protects Mauritius, Seychelles and Madagascar.

Varuna can be connected with healthy milk and genetically manipulated
milk, and thus with the future of our race on this planet and other
planets in the previous phases of our development as race and the
next step happening right now.


Copyright (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic http://puck.dhs.org

The Varuna articles, logo, SimScans (TM) and delineations
are (C) Copyright 2001 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for information and eventual further publishing permission.


Wed Jun 06 21:25:20 GMT 2001

the plutinos 1993SB (#15788)

In the vast outer space there are icy rocks called variousely
scattered disk objects, cubewanos and plutinos. It happens that
at this moment Sep 11th 2001 the largest minor planet or asteroid
we know is called 2001KX76, larger than Charon, Varuna and Ceres.


To dream dead involves a total transformation. Perhaps we could
call it the NIGREDO phase in alchemy. And 2001KX76 is sure about
to bring alchemy. Your double looks at you. Load us up!

Updated Aug 13th 2001 <snip>
life, basic errors as well; the position of 2001KX76 might as well
describe your O5 guru, or anyone who SPEEDS UP YOUR INNER ALCHEMY!

Inexhaustable << L'art pour l'art >> INDEFICIENTER
Resourceful, completing the alchemical Great Work

The Astrology of 2001KX76 for the Year 2001

The Major Astronomical Discovery Speaks

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,

world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current research http://puck.dhs.org/2001RX76

Articles: http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html
New planets are coming this way! Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for updates and

2001KX76 is a recently discovered object larger than Varuna, Charon
and Ceres. It has been presented as cubewano (after 1992QB1, the
first transneptune ever discovered), but seems to be a plutino
object. However, due to his size, it attracted the major interest
of astrologers and mediums. Objects larger than Pluto are liable
to be found during this extensive NASA scanning of the transneptune
area. I will not discuss the details here, and only briefly touch
2001KX76 mission for the 2001. Enjoy http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html

Due to it's connection with the first decan of Sagittarius, 2001KX76
has come to bring peace to the earth and amongst the peoples of the
earth and that is the mission of the primary (2001 speaking) spirit
(ual influence) acting at the beginning and end of 2001. Ideals
which aim at the true peace of mankind are led and strenghtened
by 2001KX76 in this period. The true adept will receive inspiration
to influence world peace via the akasa, as soon as 2001KX76 manifests
unto him in the high mental.

The following and pleasant mission is to bring good luck to everybody.
The gifts bestowed by Divine Providence in this period are charged
with godlike qualities. Peculiary lucky those under the strong
influence of the 5th degree of Sagittarius. This good luck includes
love, gambling, and general good luck (the interpretation of the
influence varries according to the natal or horary horoscope).
Whoever receives bliss tends to share and extend blessings, a
typical of Sagittarius and Tarot card `Art of Theurgy' XIV.
This is also where 2001KX76 works on alchemical VITRIOL 726 formula.
Namely, 2001KX76 is primarly an alchemical planet, as already confirmed

by various horoscopes and private conversation and invocation.
`He who limits himself shall be free'. The planet and degree
sweetly restrain CORNVCOPIA so bliss does not go to one's head.
In other words, there is no use perpetuating that lottery routine
after a big gain, at least not in the same fashion in the years
to come (then again, ... give it a try!).

This planet we live on might lack morality.
2001Kx76 is here to provide it.
This is it's third mission this year. The lack of morality
is due to poor introspection, thus the kids are turned to
dubious outer values ending up in satanistic kitsch, rave,
drug abuse and the alike `normal' phase and generation.
Communication converging to banal, introspection is introduced
as inspiration, an `inner' impulse to still one's mind and
play detective in the dark corners. One stops avoiding his/her/
its own mind. You don't know it, sags and whoever, but that
comes from 2001KX76. Introspection yields special powers, on
the contrary, deconcentration (distrazioni.it) lacks even fun.

New methods of visual communication will have success and here's
where the patron of communicational alchemy comes to his final
mission for this year. Sagittarius has always been the fastest
method of communication and fire stands for LVX, television at
distance at the tip of o

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