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Predictive Astrology
Fra : matrix

Dato : 06-09-01 16:12

Predictive astrology http://puck.dhs.org/reports
Klaudio Zic ananta@spunge.org news:alt.astrology.pro

{ When _exactly_ will your truelove knock on your door? }

PREDICTIONS handsfree astrology predicting computerless
in seconds the year of the event; transits to the minute
of the actual event, such as in cases of `improbable'
pregnancy, using shumeran calculus. http://puck.dhs.org/reports
http://puck.dhs.org/aca/alumni http://puck.dhs.org/aca/catedre

{ Do I follow my instincts? }

CENTAURS bid you to follow your instinct and be Tarzan in
the jungle, instead of a `civilized' weakling. Pholus (CIA),
Nessus (kidnapping), Asbolus (majik), Chiron (cryonics),
Hylonome (gothic), Chariklo (supermodel); complexively
some 30 centaurs add to your chart delineation.

{ What is my mission on this planet? }

Heavy and distant TRANSNEPTUNE giants 2001KX76 and Varuna
might teach you a lesson on planetar alchemy and ecology!

{ Decomposing astrological aspects? }

Dissolve annoying transits using O5 and SnowCrash (TM)
techniques. Learn by e-mail. http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck

{ Secret sexual talents? }

CASSINI LILITH is not an official object in this century;
though it's orbital elements have been published by serious
researchers. This paradoxal object speaks of atavistic sex
life, shumeran genius, forgoten atlant majik, pandestruction
and your own personal power.

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The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2012 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for tution, information and further publishing permission.
(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,
world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current research http://puck.dhs.org/2001RX76
Articles: http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck
New planets are coming this way! Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for updates and news.
http://puck.dhs.org - I Ching Services - http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8

Thu Sep 06 08:30:57 GMT 2001

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