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Libanon: Bombe sårer FN-soldater
Fra : /john

Dato : 27-07-11 02:40

Ayatollah'erne vil ha' FN ud af Libanon.

"A roadside bomb blew up next to a United Nations convoy carrying French
peacekeepers in south Lebanon"

"political tensions are rising in Lebanon over a U.N.-backed tribunal's
indictment last month of four Hezbollah members in the 2005 assassination of
former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri"

"Iranian-backed Hezbollah is the most powerful political and military force
in Lebanon today and it has refused to hand over the suspects"

"In a similar attack about two months ago, a roadside bomb ripped through a
U.N. convoy carrying Italian peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, wounding


Hvad mon Ayatollah'erne nu har gang i...


@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 12:28

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 03:39:56 +0200, "/john" <nn@ok> wrote:

>Ayatollah'erne vil ha' FN ud af Libanon.
>"A roadside bomb blew up next to a United Nations convoy carrying French
>peacekeepers in south Lebanon"
>"political tensions are rising in Lebanon over a U.N.-backed tribunal's
>indictment last month of four Hezbollah members in the 2005 assassination of
>former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri"
>"Iranian-backed Hezbollah is the most powerful political and military force
>in Lebanon today and it has refused to hand over the suspects"
>"In a similar attack about two months ago, a roadside bomb ripped through a
>U.N. convoy carrying Italian peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, wounding
>Hvad mon Ayatollah'erne nu har gang i...

FN's styrke i Libanon er den rene parade - den blev ellers indsat for
at hindre Hizbolah i at opbygge nye våbenlagre i det sydlige Libanon -

alt tyder på at det ikke fungerer.

Ayatollaherne pønser naturligvis på det samme som Nasser gjorde for
mange år siden -

man skal have FN væk så man kan indlede angreb på Israel -

hvis FN ellers var verdenssamfundets forsøg på at hindre/stoppe
konflikter ville FN's svar naturligvis være at udstationere
tilstækkeligt med mandskab i området til at hindre terroristerne i at
opbygge våbenlagre og udføre terrorhandlinger

Martin Larsen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 27-07-11 12:37

On 27/07/11 13:28, @ wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 03:39:56 +0200, "/john"<nn@ok> wrote:
>> Ayatollah'erne vil ha' FN ud af Libanon.
>> "A roadside bomb blew up next to a United Nations convoy carrying French
>> peacekeepers in south Lebanon"
>> "political tensions are rising in Lebanon over a U.N.-backed tribunal's
>> indictment last month of four Hezbollah members in the 2005 assassination of
>> former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri"
>> "Iranian-backed Hezbollah is the most powerful political and military force
>> in Lebanon today and it has refused to hand over the suspects"
>> "In a similar attack about two months ago, a roadside bomb ripped through a
>> U.N. convoy carrying Italian peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, wounding
>> six":
>> http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_LEBANON_UN_PEACEKEEPERS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-07-26-20-06-33
>> Hvad mon Ayatollah'erne nu har gang i...
> FN's styrke i Libanon er den rene parade - den blev ellers indsat for
> at hindre Hizbolah i at opbygge nye våbenlagre i det sydlige Libanon -
> alt tyder på at det ikke fungerer.

Ja det er da mildt sagt. De har nu raketter der dækker hele Israel.
Det bliver et barsk klask næste gang..


/john (27-07-2011)
Fra : /john

Dato : 27-07-11 12:41

"@" <Snabel@snabel.net> skrev i meddelelsen

> Ayatollaherne pønser naturligvis på det samme som Nasser gjorde for
> mange år siden -
> man skal have FN væk så man kan indlede angreb på Israel -

Det var også min første tanke...

> hvis FN ellers var verdenssamfundets forsøg på at hindre/stoppe
> konflikter ville FN's svar naturligvis være at udstationere
> tilstækkeligt med mandskab i området til at hindre terroristerne i at
> opbygge våbenlagre og udføre terrorhandlinger

Men FNs tinsoldater må jo ingen verdens ting!

Læs blot beretningen om vor egen gæve panser-oberst, der gjorde hvad der
skulle gøres, men dermed gik imod en lodret FN-ordre:

"I'll never forget the Danish tank commander who was sent home from
Yugoslavia in the 1990's by the UN when the UN concluded he was "too
aggressive in returning fire". (I'll never forget that phrase.) His platoon
of white UN tanks was ambushed by Serbs, and the Danes destroyed all of the
Serb tanks, suffering no losses on their part. I realized then that Danes
were different than most Europeans":



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