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Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansin~
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 26-07-11 16:34

Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT

"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.

The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various

A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.

Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
tents, 28 times.

Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area

Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
creating parks.

Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.

However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.

15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.


E.Dalgas (27-07-2011)
Fra : E.Dalgas

Dato : 27-07-11 00:21

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:

> Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
> live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various
> pretenses.
> A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
> population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
> demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.
> Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
> since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
> tents, 28 times.
> Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
> Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
> villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area
> flourish.
> Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
> in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
> adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
> creating parks.
> Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
> ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.
> However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
> equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
> one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
> the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
> demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.
> 15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
> the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
> land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOARvsevl4Q

Resolving Conflicts between the Israeli Government and Bedouin Stakeholders
in Kseife and Um Batin


Case Background

The Negev Bedouin community, estimated at 150,000 people, accounts for some
25% of population of the Negev. About half of the population resides in
seven existing towns that were established by the government. The other
half of the population lives in communities spread throughout the Northern
part of the desert. These communities are unrecognized by the government
and therefore receive almost no public services or infrastructure.

At the heart of the conflict are disputes between government officials and
Bedouin citizens over land use and ownership, housing and service delivery,
and community development. More broadly, these disputes center on the
relationoship between the Bedouin minority and the State and the rights and
obligations of citizenship for the more than 200,000 Bedouin Israelis in
the Negev.

Over the past several decades, both the Government and Bedouin communities
have been ineffective in their attempts to resolve these conflicts. Legal
recourse through courts by both government and Bedouin parties has proven
incapable of addressing several thousands disputed land claims in a
systematic fashion. Where judicial victories have been achieved, they have
proven ineffective at changing practical realities. Instead, in an
escalating pattern of unilateral actions, Bedouin occupation of the land is
met by physical demolition and forced relocation, which in turn is met by
rebuilding in even greater numbers. This stalemate has blocked productive
uses of the land, obstructed both local and regional development, and
prevented socio-economic advancement among the Bedouins. Moreover, it has
severely damaged relationships between the Government and its Bedouin
citizens, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension and substantial



Patruljen (26-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 26-07-11 18:03

On 27 Jul., 01:20, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
> > Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> > "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> > Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> > area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> > The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
> > live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various
> > pretenses.
> > A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
> > population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
> > demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.
> > Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
> > since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
> > tents, 28 times.
> > Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
> > Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
> > villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area
> > flourish.
> > Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
> > in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
> > adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
> > creating parks.
> > Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
> > ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.
> > However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
> > equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
> > one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
> > the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
> > demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.
> > 15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
> > the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
> > land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.
> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOARvsevl4Q
> Resolving Conflicts between the Israeli Government and Bedouin Stakeholders
> in Kseife and Um Batin
> http://cbuilding.org/publication/case/resolving-conflicts-between-isr...
> Case Background
> The Negev Bedouin community, estimated at 150,000 people, accounts for some
> 25% of population of the Negev. About half of the population resides in
> seven existing towns that were established by the government. The other
> half of the population lives in communities spread throughout the Northern
> part of the desert. These communities are unrecognized by the government
> and therefore receive almost no public services or infrastructure.
> At the heart of the conflict are disputes between government officials and
> Bedouin citizens over land use and ownership, housing and service delivery,
> and community development. More broadly, these disputes center on the
> relationoship between the Bedouin minority and the State and the rights and
> obligations of citizenship for the more than 200,000 Bedouin Israelis in
> the Negev.
> Over the past several decades, both the Government and Bedouin communities
> have been ineffective in their attempts to resolve these conflicts. Legal
> recourse through courts by both government and Bedouin parties has proven
> incapable of addressing several thousands disputed land claims in a
> systematic fashion. Where judicial victories have been achieved, they have
> proven ineffective at changing practical realities. Instead, in an
> escalating pattern of unilateral actions, Bedouin occupation of the land is
> met by physical demolition and forced relocation, which in turn is met by
> rebuilding in even greater numbers. This stalemate has blocked productive
> uses of the land, obstructed both local and regional development, and
> prevented socio-economic advancement among the Bedouins. Moreover, it has
> severely damaged relationships between the Government and its Bedouin
> citizens, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension and substantial
> mistrust.
> --
> E.D

"For the state of Israel, fundamental questions of security and
stability are at stake in the strategically and symbolically important
southern Negev Desert region"

Vor herre bevars - Nogle beduiner i Negev-ørkenen er en trussel mod
Israels sikkerhed og stabilitet - Israel er verdens 5.største atom-
magt -. Og det æder du virkelig råt for usødet?

Bo Warming (27-07-2011)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 27-07-11 03:54

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:03:17 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 27 Jul., 01:20, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
>> > Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> > "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> > Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> > area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>> > The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
>> > live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various
>> > pretenses.
>> > A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
>> > population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
>> > demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.
>> > Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
>> > since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
>> > tents, 28 times.
>> > Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
>> > Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
>> > villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area
>> > flourish.
>> > Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
>> > in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
>> > adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
>> > creating parks.
>> > Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
>> > ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.
>> > However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
>> > equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
>> > one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
>> > the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
>> > demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.
>> > 15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
>> > the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
>> > land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.
>> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOARvsevl4Q
>> Resolving Conflicts between the Israeli Government and Bedouin Stakeholders
>> in Kseife and Um Batin
>> http://cbuilding.org/publication/case/resolving-conflicts-between-isr...
>> Case Background
>> The Negev Bedouin community, estimated at 150,000 people, accounts for some
>> 25% of population of the Negev. About half of the population resides in
>> seven existing towns that were established by the government. The other
>> half of the population lives in communities spread throughout the Northern
>> part of the desert. These communities are unrecognized by the government
>> and therefore receive almost no public services or infrastructure.
>> At the heart of the conflict are disputes between government officials and
>> Bedouin citizens over land use and ownership, housing and service delivery,
>> and community development. More broadly, these disputes center on the
>> relationoship between the Bedouin minority and the State and the rights and
>> obligations of citizenship for the more than 200,000 Bedouin Israelis in
>> the Negev.
>> Over the past several decades, both the Government and Bedouin communities
>> have been ineffective in their attempts to resolve these conflicts. Legal
>> recourse through courts by both government and Bedouin parties has proven
>> incapable of addressing several thousands disputed land claims in a
>> systematic fashion. Where judicial victories have been achieved, they have
>> proven ineffective at changing practical realities. Instead, in an
>> escalating pattern of unilateral actions, Bedouin occupation of the land is
>> met by physical demolition and forced relocation, which in turn is met by
>> rebuilding in even greater numbers. This stalemate has blocked productive
>> uses of the land, obstructed both local and regional development, and
>> prevented socio-economic advancement among the Bedouins. Moreover, it has
>> severely damaged relationships between the Government and its Bedouin
>> citizens, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension and substantial
>> mistrust.
>> --
>> E.D
>"For the state of Israel, fundamental questions of security and
>stability are at stake in the strategically and symbolically important
>southern Negev Desert region"
>Vor herre bevars - Nogle beduiner i Negev-ørkenen er en trussel mod
>Israels sikkerhed og stabilitet - Israel er verdens 5.største atom-
>magt -. Og det æder du virkelig råt for usødet?

Kameler kan slæbe mange selvmordsbober og beduiner kan tvinges til

E.Dalgas (27-07-2011)
Fra : E.Dalgas

Dato : 27-07-11 16:58

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:03:17 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:

> On 27 Jul., 01:20, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
>>> Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>>> "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>>> Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>>> area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>>> The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
>>> live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various
>>> pretenses.
>>> A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
>>> population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
>>> demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.
>>> Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
>>> since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
>>> tents, 28 times.
>>> Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
>>> Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
>>> villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area
>>> flourish.
>>> Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
>>> in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
>>> adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
>>> creating parks.
>>> Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
>>> ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.
>>> However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
>>> equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
>>> one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
>>> the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
>>> demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.
>>> 15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
>>> the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
>>> land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.
>> Resolving Conflicts between the Israeli Government and Bedouin Stakeholders
>> in Kseife and Um Batin
>> http://cbuilding.org/publication/case/resolving-conflicts-between-isr...
>> Case Background
>> The Negev Bedouin community, estimated at 150,000 people, accounts for some
>> 25% of population of the Negev. About half of the population resides in
>> seven existing towns that were established by the government. The other
>> half of the population lives in communities spread throughout the Northern
>> part of the desert. These communities are unrecognized by the government
>> and therefore receive almost no public services or infrastructure.
>> At the heart of the conflict are disputes between government officials and
>> Bedouin citizens over land use and ownership, housing and service delivery,
>> and community development. More broadly, these disputes center on the
>> relationoship between the Bedouin minority and the State and the rights and
>> obligations of citizenship for the more than 200,000 Bedouin Israelis in
>> the Negev.
>> Over the past several decades, both the Government and Bedouin communities
>> have been ineffective in their attempts to resolve these conflicts. Legal
>> recourse through courts by both government and Bedouin parties has proven
>> incapable of addressing several thousands disputed land claims in a
>> systematic fashion. Where judicial victories have been achieved, they have
>> proven ineffective at changing practical realities. Instead, in an
>> escalating pattern of unilateral actions, Bedouin occupation of the land is
>> met by physical demolition and forced relocation, which in turn is met by
>> rebuilding in even greater numbers. This stalemate has blocked productive
>> uses of the land, obstructed both local and regional development, and
>> prevented socio-economic advancement among the Bedouins. Moreover, it has
>> severely damaged relationships between the Government and its Bedouin
>> citizens, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension and substantial
>> mistrust.
>> --
>> E.D
> "For the state of Israel, fundamental questions of security and
> stability are at stake in the strategically and symbolically important
> southern Negev Desert region"
> Vor herre bevars - Nogle beduiner i Negev-ørkenen er en trussel mod
> Israels sikkerhed og stabilitet - Israel er verdens 5.største atom-
> magt -. Og det æder du virkelig råt for usødet?

Du skriver jo noget ind i den tekst du citere. Der står *intet* om at
beduinerne er et sikkerhedsproblem for Israel. Der står derimod at Negev
ørkenen har en fundamental betydning for Israel, ang sikkerhed og
stabilitet, pga den vigtige strategiske og symbolske betydning Negev
ørkenen har for Israel.



Bo Warming (27-07-2011)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 27-07-11 03:52

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 01:20:48 +0200, "E.Dalgas" <e.b.d@live.dk> wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
>> Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
Hvis ikke beduinerne registreredes da Israel blev selvstændigt så er
de vel statsløse og hører hjemme i en lejr

@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 12:13

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.

igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -

man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -

hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 06:37

On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning

Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?

@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 14:09

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
>> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
>> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
>> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
>> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
>> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
>Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?

er der nogen der forbyder de arabiske lande som fordrev jøder at
modtage palæstinenserne i stedet -

så ville flygtningeproblemet være løst

@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 14:10

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
>> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
>> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
>> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
>> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
>> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
>Er der nogen

nå det kommer nok til at vare længe før den enøjede antisemit kommer
så langt

@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 15:27

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
>> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
>> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
>> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
>> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
>> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
>Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?

til lande hvor jødeforfølgelse ikke er fortid men nutid -

der er slet ingen ende på alt det VÅS du vil lukke ude for at fjene
fokus fra at du ensidigt som den "nyttige" idiot du er render den ene
parts ærinde - oven ikøbet den part som fra starten er skyld i hele
misseren -

og jo der er i runde tal omkring en MIA muhamedanere der hindrer en
sådan tilbageflytning -

bare et eksempel -

i Bagdad var 40% af indbyggerne jøder inden araberne startede krigen i
1948 -

kun "nyttige# idioter kan fremkomme med vås om at disse fordrevne med
afkom blot kan vende tilbage -

fordrivelsen af jøder fra arabisk kontrollerde områder har været meget
mere omfattende end jødisk fordrivelse af arabere -

men det har du sikkert helt bevidst valgt ikke at VILLE vide.

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 08:00

On 27 Jul., 15:09, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> >> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
> >> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
> >> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
> >> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
> >> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
> >> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
> >Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?
> er der nogen der forbyder de arabiske lande som fordrev jøder at
> modtage palæstinenserne i stedet -
> så ville flygtningeproblemet være løst

Det var ikke et svar. Det var blot det, som du kalder udenoms-vås.

@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 15:21

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 07:00:27 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 27 Jul., 15:09, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> >> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> >> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> >> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>> >> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
>> >> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
>> >> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
>> >> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
>> >> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
>> >> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
>> >Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?
>> er der nogen der forbyder de arabiske lande som fordrev jøder at
>> modtage palæstinenserne i stedet -
>> så ville flygtningeproblemet være løst
>Det var ikke et svar. Det var blot det, som du kalder udenoms-vås.

ja jeg lærer hurtigt

"Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?"

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 08:01

On 27 Jul., 15:09, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> >> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
> >> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
> >> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
> >> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
> >> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
> >> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
> >Er der nogen
> nå det kommer nok til at vare længe før den enøjede antisemit kommer
> så langt

Du svarer ikke. Gad vide hvorfor -

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 08:41

On 27 Jul., 16:27, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> >> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
> >> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
> >> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
> >> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
> >> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
> >> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
> >Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?
> til lande hvor jødeforfølgelse ikke er fortid men nutid -
> der er slet ingen ende på alt det VÅS du vil lukke ude for at fjene
> fokus fra at du ensidigt som den "nyttige" idiot du er render den ene
> parts ærinde - oven ikøbet den part som fra starten er skyld i hele
> misseren -

Ligenu er det nok nærmere dig, som gerne vil rykke fokus fra den
påståede sikkerhedsrisiko mod staten Israel, som udgøres af nogle
håndfulde beduiner. Ved at begynde at skrive om ting, der foregik
engang i 1948 :)

Du mener, at det at jøder måtte flygte ud af arabiske lande kan
retfærdiggøre at nogle beduiner udnævnes til at udgøre en
sikkerhedsrisiko og truer Israels stabilitet?

> og jo der er i runde tal omkring en MIA muhamedanere der hindrer en
> sådan tilbageflytning -
> bare et eksempel -
> i Bagdad var 40% af indbyggerne jøder inden araberne startede krigen i
> 1948 -
> kun "nyttige# idioter kan fremkomme med vås om at disse fordrevne med
> afkom blot kan vende tilbage -
> fordrivelsen af jøder fra arabisk kontrollerde områder har været meget
> mere omfattende end jødisk fordrivelse af arabere -


> men det har du sikkert helt bevidst valgt ikke at VILLE vide.

Jeg påstår ingenting. Jeg spørger dig -

De palæstinensiske flygtninge forhindres af den israelske regering
muligheden for at vende tilbage. Det er officiel politik. Kan du
henvise til andre lande, som officielt lovgiver mod tilbagevenden af
jødiske flygtninge?

@ (27-07-2011)
Fra : @

Dato : 27-07-11 16:20

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 07:40:38 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 27 Jul., 16:27, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
>> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
>> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>> >> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
>> >> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
>> >> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
>> >> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
>> >> igen en ganske enøjet fokusering på den ene part i en konflikt -
>> >> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
>> >> ca. 600.000 jøder der efter arabernes angreb på Israel i 1948 blev
>> >> fordrevet fra en lang række arabiske lande -
>> >> hvornår mon patruljen begynder at kræve at disse personer skal have
>> >> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
>> >Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?
>> til lande hvor jødeforfølgelse ikke er fortid men nutid -
>> der er slet ingen ende på alt det VÅS du vil lukke ude for at fjene
>> fokus fra at du ensidigt som den "nyttige" idiot du er render den ene
>> parts ærinde - oven ikøbet den part som fra starten er skyld i hele
>> misseren -
>Ligenu er det nok nærmere dig, som gerne vil rykke fokus fra den
>påståede sikkerhedsrisiko mod staten Israel, som udgøres af nogle
>håndfulde beduiner. Ved at begynde at skrive om ting, der foregik
>engang i 1948 :)
>Du mener, at det at jøder måtte flygte ud af arabiske lande kan
>retfærdiggøre at nogle beduiner udnævnes til at udgøre en
>sikkerhedsrisiko og truer Israels stabilitet?
>> og jo der er i runde tal omkring en MIA muhamedanere der hindrer en
>> sådan tilbageflytning -
>> bare et eksempel -
>> i Bagdad var 40% af indbyggerne jøder inden araberne startede krigen i
>> 1948 -
>> kun "nyttige# idioter kan fremkomme med vås om at disse fordrevne med
>> afkom blot kan vende tilbage -
>> fordrivelsen af jøder fra arabisk kontrollerde områder har været meget
>> mere omfattende end jødisk fordrivelse af arabere -

ja den er der rigelig af

>> men det har du sikkert helt bevidst valgt ikke at VILLE vide.
>Jeg påstår ingenting. Jeg spørger dig -

og jeg er ikke din lærer - tilbage i skolen med dig -

du påstår du gerne vil debattere, det eneste du gør er at spilde
andres til tid fordi du end ikke er i besidelse af den mest almene
viden -

vil du i ramme alvor påstå at du er uvidende om fordrivelsen af jøder
fra en lang række arabiske lande i 1948 -

i bekræftende fald viser dette igen ganske tydeligt at du kun har en
enste ting at gå op - dit altfortærende jødehad

>De palæstinensiske flygtninge forhindres af den israelske regering
>muligheden for at vende tilbage. Det er officiel politik. Kan du
>henvise til andre lande, som officielt lovgiver mod tilbagevenden af
>jødiske flygtninge?

og hvad har det så med sagen at gøre -

alt dit udenomsvås ændrer ikke på at arabere startede krig i 1948

ejheller på at i 1948 blev jøder fordrevet fra masser af arabiske

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 09:52

On 27 Jul., 17:20, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 07:40:38 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >On 27 Jul., 16:27, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> >> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:37:26 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >> >On 27 Jul., 13:13, "@" <Sna...@snabel.net> wrote:
> >> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
> >> >> <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> >> >> >Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >> >> >"The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >> >> >Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >> >> >area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> >> >> igen en ganske en jet fokusering p den ene part i en konflikt -
> >> >> man vil aldrig nogen sinde se patruljen skrive noget som helst om de
> >> >> ca. 600.000 j der der efter arabernes angreb p Israel i 1948 blev
> >> >> fordrevet fra en lang r kke arabiske lande -
> >> >> hvorn r mon patruljen begynder at kr ve at disse personer skal have
> >> >> enten deres ejendomme tilbage - eller have erstatning
> >> >Er der nogen som forbyder dem at flytte tilbage?
> >> til lande hvor j deforf lgelse ikke er fortid men nutid -
> >> der er slet ingen ende p alt det V S du vil lukke ude for at fjene
> >> fokus fra at du ensidigt som den "nyttige" idiot du er render den ene
> >> parts rinde - oven ik bet den part som fra starten er skyld i hele
> >> misseren -
> >Ligenu er det nok n rmere dig, som gerne vil rykke fokus fra den
> >p st ede sikkerhedsrisiko mod staten Israel, som udg res af nogle
> >h ndfulde beduiner. Ved at begynde at skrive om ting, der foregik
> >engang i 1948 :)
> >Du mener, at det at j der m tte flygte ud af arabiske lande kan
> >retf rdigg re at nogle beduiner udn vnes til at udg re en
> >sikkerhedsrisiko og truer Israels stabilitet?
> >> og jo der er i runde tal omkring en MIA muhamedanere der hindrer en
> >> s dan tilbageflytning -
> >> bare et eksempel -
> >> i Bagdad var 40% af indbyggerne j der inden araberne startede krigen i
> >> 1948 -
> >> kun "nyttige# idioter kan fremkomme med v s om at disse fordrevne med
> >> afkom blot kan vende tilbage -
> >> fordrivelsen af j der fra arabisk kontrollerde omr der har v ret meget
> >> mere omfattende end j disk fordrivelse af arabere -
> >Dokumentation?
> ja den er der rigelig af

Nå - ja. Så kan det næppe være svært at dokumentere dit udsagn?

> >> men det har du sikkert helt bevidst valgt ikke at VILLE vide.
> >Jeg p st r ingenting. Jeg sp rger dig -
> og jeg er ikke din l rer - tilbage i skolen med dig -
> du p st r du gerne vil debattere, det eneste du g r er at spilde
> andres til tid fordi du end ikke er i besidelse af den mest almene
> viden  -

Det er almen viden at de arabiske lande nægter jøder at rejse tilbage
til de lande de flygtede fra?

> vil du i ramme alvor p st at du er uvidende om fordrivelsen af j der
> fra en lang r kke arabiske lande i 1948 -

Nej. Det er ikke det jeg retter spørgsmål til - er det.

> i bekr ftende fald viser dette igen ganske tydeligt at du kun har en
> enste ting at g op  - dit altfort rende j dehad

Lol -
Du har det nok ikke så let i disse debatter.

> >De pal stinensiske flygtninge forhindres af den israelske regering
> >muligheden for at vende tilbage. Det er officiel politik. Kan du
> >henvise til andre lande, som officielt lovgiver mod tilbagevenden af
> >j diske flygtninge?
> og hvad har det s med sagen at g re -

Det er jo en betydelig forskel - når jeg spørger dig hvorvidt de kan
rejse tilbage eller ej.

Men du kan ikke besvare spørgsmålet - kan du. Er det egentlig ikke
bare lettere at erkende den ting, fremfor at begive dig ud i 5 km.

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 10:21

On 27 Jul., 17:58, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:03:17 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
> > On 27 Jul., 01:20, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
> >>> Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >>> "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >>> Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >>> area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> >>> The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
> >>> live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various
> >>> pretenses.
> >>> A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
> >>> population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
> >>> demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.
> >>> Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
> >>> since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
> >>> tents, 28 times.
> >>> Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
> >>> Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
> >>> villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area
> >>> flourish.
> >>> Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
> >>> in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
> >>> adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
> >>> creating parks.
> >>> Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
> >>> ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.
> >>> However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
> >>> equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
> >>> one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
> >>> the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
> >>> demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.
> >>> 15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
> >>> the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
> >>> land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.
> >>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOARvsevl4Q
> >> Resolving Conflicts between the Israeli Government and Bedouin Stakeholders
> >> in Kseife and Um Batin
> >>http://cbuilding.org/publication/case/resolving-conflicts-between-isr....
> >> Case Background
> >> The Negev Bedouin community, estimated at 150,000 people, accounts for some
> >> 25% of population of the Negev. About half of the population resides in
> >> seven existing towns that were established by the government. The other
> >> half of the population lives in communities spread throughout the Northern
> >> part of the desert. These communities are unrecognized by the government
> >> and therefore receive almost no public services or infrastructure.
> >> At the heart of the conflict are disputes between government officials and
> >> Bedouin citizens over land use and ownership, housing and service delivery,
> >> and community development. More broadly, these disputes center on the
> >> relationoship between the Bedouin minority and the State and the rights and
> >> obligations of citizenship for the more than 200,000 Bedouin Israelis in
> >> the Negev.
> >> Over the past several decades, both the Government and Bedouin communities
> >> have been ineffective in their attempts to resolve these conflicts. Legal
> >> recourse through courts by both government and Bedouin parties has proven
> >> incapable of addressing several thousands disputed land claims in a
> >> systematic fashion. Where judicial victories have been achieved, they have
> >> proven ineffective at changing practical realities. Instead, in an
> >> escalating pattern of unilateral actions, Bedouin occupation of the land is
> >> met by physical demolition and forced relocation, which in turn is met by
> >> rebuilding in even greater numbers. This stalemate has blocked productive
> >> uses of the land, obstructed both local and regional development, and
> >> prevented socio-economic advancement among the Bedouins. Moreover, it has
> >> severely damaged relationships between the Government and its Bedouin
> >> citizens, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension and substantial
> >> mistrust.
> >> --
> >> E.D
> > "For the state of Israel, fundamental questions of security and
> > stability are at stake in the strategically and symbolically important
> > southern Negev Desert region"
> > Vor herre bevars - Nogle beduiner i Negev-�rkenen er en trussel mod
> > Israels sikkerhed og stabilitet - Israel er verdens 5.st�rste atom-
> > magt -. Og det �der du virkelig r�t for us�det?
> Du skriver jo noget ind i den tekst du citere. Der st�r *intet* om at
> beduinerne er et sikkerhedsproblem for Israel. Der st�r derimod at Negev
> �rkenen har en fundamental betydning for Israel, ang sikkerhed og
> stabilitet, pga den vigtige strategiske og symbolske betydning Negev
> �rkenen har for Israel.

Og den er øjensynligt mere - sikker - uden beduiner. Det er tydeligvis
det tingene drejer sig om.

Hvor længe har der været beduiner i Negev-ørkenen?

Patruljen (27-07-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 27-07-11 11:27

On 27 Jul., 17:58, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:03:17 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
> > On 27 Jul., 01:20, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:34:23 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
> >>> Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:35PM GMT
> >>> "The fate of Palestine's Bedouins is no different than the rest of
> >>> Palestinians. In the southern Naqab desert, Bedouin tribes roamed the
> >>> area since a long time ago, long before Israelis.
> >>> The story of the Bedouin tribe of al-turi in the araqeeb is another
> >>> live example of a people under threat of expulsion under various
> >>> pretenses.
> >>> A mere five miles to the north of Be'er Al Sabe'e, the araqeeb had a
> >>> population of about 500, but on July 27, of 2010, the village was
> >>> demolished under orders of the Israel Land Administration.
> >>> Following the destruction residents immediately began to rebuild, but
> >>> since last year, Israeli bulldozers had demolished the makeshift
> >>> tents, 28 times.
> >>> Arab MK Talab el Sane'e says that there is a systematic targeting of
> >>> Arabs and Arab land in the Naqab carried by Israel, and while Arab
> >>> villages are under threat, some 130 Jewish settlements in the area
> >>> flourish.
> >>> Despite a strong solidarity movement and a number advocacy campaigns
> >>> in favor of the Araqeeb village, Israel's land administration is
> >>> adamant on emptying the land from its indigenous people in favor of
> >>> creating parks.
> >>> Israel maintains that the Araqeeb Bedouins failed to produce proof of
> >>> ownership of the land, and accuses them of illegally cultivating it.
> >>> However the Bedouins and members of the solidarity movement are
> >>> equally adamant about rebuilding the village.This week, to mark the
> >>> one year anniversary of the first mass demolition, volunteers joined
> >>> the people of Araqeeb in building homes and planting olive trees to
> >>> demonstrate their resolve to hold on to their land.
> >>> 15 villages await the same fate of this razed village of araqeeb, but
> >>> the Bedouins vow to resist Israel's attempts to expell them from their
> >>> land and warn that Israel's actions amount to ethnic cleansing.
> >>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOARvsevl4Q
> >> Resolving Conflicts between the Israeli Government and Bedouin Stakeholders
> >> in Kseife and Um Batin
> >>http://cbuilding.org/publication/case/resolving-conflicts-between-isr....
> >> Case Background
> >> The Negev Bedouin community, estimated at 150,000 people, accounts for some
> >> 25% of population of the Negev. About half of the population resides in
> >> seven existing towns that were established by the government. The other
> >> half of the population lives in communities spread throughout the Northern
> >> part of the desert. These communities are unrecognized by the government
> >> and therefore receive almost no public services or infrastructure.
> >> At the heart of the conflict are disputes between government officials and
> >> Bedouin citizens over land use and ownership, housing and service delivery,
> >> and community development. More broadly, these disputes center on the
> >> relationoship between the Bedouin minority and the State and the rights and
> >> obligations of citizenship for the more than 200,000 Bedouin Israelis in
> >> the Negev.
> >> Over the past several decades, both the Government and Bedouin communities
> >> have been ineffective in their attempts to resolve these conflicts. Legal
> >> recourse through courts by both government and Bedouin parties has proven
> >> incapable of addressing several thousands disputed land claims in a
> >> systematic fashion. Where judicial victories have been achieved, they have
> >> proven ineffective at changing practical realities. Instead, in an
> >> escalating pattern of unilateral actions, Bedouin occupation of the land is
> >> met by physical demolition and forced relocation, which in turn is met by
> >> rebuilding in even greater numbers. This stalemate has blocked productive
> >> uses of the land, obstructed both local and regional development, and
> >> prevented socio-economic advancement among the Bedouins. Moreover, it has
> >> severely damaged relationships between the Government and its Bedouin
> >> citizens, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension and substantial
> >> mistrust.
> >> --
> >> E.D
> > "For the state of Israel, fundamental questions of security and
> > stability are at stake in the strategically and symbolically important
> > southern Negev Desert region"
> > Vor herre bevars - Nogle beduiner i Negev-ørkenen er en trussel mod
> > Israels sikkerhed og stabilitet - Israel er verdens 5.største atom-
> > magt -. Og det æder du virkelig råt for usødet?
> Du skriver jo noget ind i den tekst du citere. Der står *intet* om at
> beduinerne er et sikkerhedsproblem for Israel. Der står derimod at Negev
> ørkenen har en fundamental betydning for Israel, ang sikkerhed og
> stabilitet, pga den vigtige strategiske og symbolske betydning Negev
> ørkenen har for Israel.
> --
> E.D

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