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Unexplained 12,000 Year old Underground Ci~
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 13-03-11 06:57

Ikke ligefrem breaking news, men jeg kendte ikke til Göbekli Tepe.

Six miles from Urfa, an ancient city in southeastern Turkey, Klaus
Schmidt has made one of the most startling archaeological discoveries of
our time: massive carved stones about 11,000 years old, crafted and
arranged by prehistoric people who apparently had not yet developed
metal tools or even pottery.

Göbekli Tepe is regarded as an archaeological discovery of
the greatest importance since it profoundly changes our understanding
of a crucial stage in the development of human societies.
It seems that the erection of monumental complexes was within the capacities
of hunter-gatherers and not only of sedentary farming communities as had
been previously assumed.

Jan Rasmussen

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