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En ny elektronisk gadget til båden? Godt N~
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 29-12-09 10:46

I dagens "news-høst" fra den engelsksprogede nyhedsgruppe, faldt jeg
over følgende indlæg, som vel er lige på grænsen af at være en
kommerciel meddelelse ... Men, anyway, jeg vover det ene øje:

Det er en forlængelse af debatten om de nye muligheder den moderne
teknologi giver os sejlere. I nedenstående indlæg orienteres om en ny
produktidé, som gør det muligt at bruge sin iPhone som en AIS-modtager.
Selvom en
mobiltelefon langtfra er det optimale navigationsudstyr om bord på en
båd, er det alligevel en interessant mulighed ... om ikke andet som en
overkommelig investering i en back up løsning ...

Lad mig benytte lejligheden til at ønske Jer alle et Godt Nytår med
mange dejlige timer på vandet.

Mange hilsener
Flemming Torp

Her er ordlyden af det engelske indlæg:

"gCaptain.com wrote:
> n August of 2008 gCaptain forum member New3M made a brilliant
> suggestion for gCaptain to develop software for the iPhone. We loved
> the idea but wanted to make sure any software carrying the gCaptain
> name was of high quality and of use to mariners.
> Fast forward to the summer of this year and the crew here at gCaptain
> decided that the best way to move forward on a high quality
> application was to make the development of the app a team effort. With
> this in mind we teamed up with the professional maritime data
> providers at MIS Development and the programing team at Refresh Media
> to create gTrax, Vessel Tracking For The iPhone.
> What is gTrax?
> gTrax harnesses MIS's network of redundant secure, Automatic
> Information System (AIS), antennas to gather information directly from
> commercial ships and boats underway in the harbor. Once processed
> through MIS's server the information is pushed out to your iPhone and
> the location of each ship is plotted on the app's built in google map.
> The vessel's location is just the start. Each ship is color coded
> according to it's speed and oriented by course giving you an accurate
> "heads-up" view of the marine traffic around you. Clicking on the
> vessel brings additional information including the ship's destination,
> job function, navigational status and more.
> Advanced sorting capabilities allow you to sort by the vessel's name
> and function. For example, if you want to find the exact location of a
> ferry, you can select to view only "Passenger" vessels. If you know
> the name of a specific ferry simply type it in and the map will
> automatically center on the boat's current location.
> You can sort ships by type including:
> - Cargo of Tanker (Large Commercials Ships)
> - Passenger (Ferry's & Cruise Ships)
> - Law Enforcement (Coast Guard & Police)
> - Oil Spill Response
> - Fishing Boats
> - Plus 14 other categories.
> In addition the app tracks Super-yachts, Sailing Ships and Pleasure
> Boats equipped with AIS-B transmitters.
> Read More.
> http://gcaptain.com/maritime/blog/announcing-gtrax-vessel-tracking/
> iTunes Store Link:
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gtrax/id329054062?mt=8
> MAriner Forum Discussion:
> http://bit.ly/8RWHEM "

Harding E. Larsen (30-12-2009)
Fra : Harding E. Larsen

Dato : 30-12-09 01:38

Hej Flemming,

Emnet omtalte jeg i strengen "Internet ombord" den 13/12.
Ja det er en interessant udvikling.

Mvh og godt nytår

On 29 Dec., 10:46, "Flemming Torp" <fletopkanelbolle2rp.danmark>
> I dagens "news-høst" fra den engelsksprogede nyhedsgruppe, faldt jeg
> over følgende indlæg, som vel er lige på grænsen af at være en
> kommerciel meddelelse ... Men, anyway, jeg vover det ene øje:
> Det er en forlængelse af debatten om de nye muligheder den moderne
> teknologi giver os sejlere. I nedenstående indlæg orienteres om en ny
> produktidé, som gør det muligt at bruge sin iPhone som en AIS-modtager.
> Selvom en
> mobiltelefon langtfra er det optimale navigationsudstyr om bord på en
> båd, er det alligevel en interessant mulighed ... om ikke andet som en
> overkommelig investering i en back up løsning ...
> Lad mig benytte lejligheden til at ønske Jer alle et Godt Nytår med
> mange dejlige timer på vandet.
> Mange hilsener
> Flemming Torp
> Her er ordlyden af det engelske indlæg:
>  "gCaptain.com wrote:
> > n August of 2008 gCaptain forum member New3M made a brilliant
> > suggestion for gCaptain to develop software for the iPhone. We loved
> > the idea but wanted to make sure any software carrying the gCaptain
> > name was of high quality and of use to mariners.
> > Fast forward to the summer of this year and the crew here at gCaptain
> > decided that the best way to move forward on a high quality
> > application was to make the development of the app a team effort. With
> > this in mind we teamed up with the professional maritime data
> > providers at MIS Development and the programing team at Refresh Media
> > to create gTrax, Vessel Tracking For The iPhone.
> > What is gTrax?
> > gTrax harnesses MIS's network of redundant secure, Automatic
> > Information System (AIS), antennas to gather information directly from
> > commercial ships and boats underway in the harbor. Once processed
> > through MIS's server the information is pushed out to your iPhone and
> > the location of each ship is plotted on the app's built in google map.
> > The vessel's location is just the start. Each ship is color coded
> > according to it's speed and oriented by course giving you an accurate
> > "heads-up" view of the marine traffic around you. Clicking on the
> > vessel brings additional information including the ship's destination,
> > job function, navigational status and more.
> > Advanced sorting capabilities allow you to sort by the vessel's name
> > and function. For example, if you want to find the exact location of a
> > ferry, you can select to view only "Passenger" vessels. If you know
> > the name of a specific ferry simply type it in and the map will
> > automatically center on the boat's current location.
> > You can sort ships by type including:
> > - Cargo of Tanker (Large Commercials Ships)
> > - Passenger (Ferry's & Cruise Ships)
> > - Law Enforcement (Coast Guard & Police)
> > - Oil Spill Response
> > - Fishing Boats
> > - Plus 14 other categories.
> > In addition the app tracks Super-yachts, Sailing Ships and Pleasure
> > Boats equipped with AIS-B transmitters.
> > Read More.
> >http://gcaptain.com/maritime/blog/announcing-gtrax-vessel-tracking/
> > iTunes Store Link:
> >http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gtrax/id329054062?mt=8
> > MAriner Forum Discussion:
> >http://bit.ly/8RWHEM"- Skjul tekst i anførselstegn -
> - Vis tekst i anførselstegn -

address_is@invalid.i~ (07-02-2010)
Fra : address_is@invalid.i~

Dato : 07-02-10 12:49

Denne app dækker dog tilsyneladende ikke ret meget af verden.

Jeg bruger selv en lignende app ved navn Ship Finder. Ved at vælge feks
et svensk feed i settings får man et overblik over danske farvande.

"Flemming Torp" <fletopkanelbolle2rp.danmark> wrote:
> I dagens "news-høst" fra den engelsksprogede nyhedsgruppe, faldt jeg
> over følgende indlæg, som vel er lige på grænsen af at være en
> kommerciel meddelelse ... Men, anyway, jeg vover det ene øje:
> Det er en forlængelse af debatten om de nye muligheder den moderne
> teknologi giver os sejlere. I nedenstående indlæg orienteres om en ny
> produktidé, som gør det muligt at bruge sin iPhone som en
> AIS-modtager.
> Selvom en
> mobiltelefon langtfra er det optimale navigationsudstyr om bord på en
> båd, er det alligevel en interessant mulighed ... om ikke andet som en
> overkommelig investering i en back up løsning ...
> Lad mig benytte lejligheden til at ønske Jer alle et Godt Nytår med
> mange dejlige timer på vandet.
> Mange hilsener
> Flemming Torp
> Her er ordlyden af det engelske indlæg:
> "gCaptain.com wrote:
> > n August of 2008 gCaptain forum member New3M made a brilliant
> > suggestion for gCaptain to develop software for the iPhone. We loved
> > the idea but wanted to make sure any software carrying the gCaptain
> > name was of high quality and of use to mariners.
> > Fast forward to the summer of this year and the crew here at
> > gCaptain
> > decided that the best way to move forward on a high quality
> > application was to make the development of the app a team effort.
> > With
> > this in mind we teamed up with the professional maritime data
> > providers at MIS Development and the programing team at Refresh
> > Media
> > to create gTrax, Vessel Tracking For The iPhone.
> > What is gTrax?
> > gTrax harnesses MIS's network of redundant secure, Automatic
> > Information System (AIS), antennas to gather information directly
> > from
> > commercial ships and boats underway in the harbor. Once processed
> > through MIS's server the information is pushed out to your iPhone
> > and
> > the location of each ship is plotted on the app's built in google
> > map.
> > The vessel's location is just the start. Each ship is color coded
> > according to it's speed and oriented by course giving you an
> > accurate
> > "heads-up" view of the marine traffic around you. Clicking on the
> > vessel brings additional information including the ship's
> > destination,
> > job function, navigational status and more.
> > Advanced sorting capabilities allow you to sort by the vessel's name
> > and function. For example, if you want to find the exact location of
> > a
> > ferry, you can select to view only "Passenger" vessels. If you know
> > the name of a specific ferry simply type it in and the map will
> > automatically center on the boat's current location.
> > You can sort ships by type including:
> > - Cargo of Tanker (Large Commercials Ships)
> > - Passenger (Ferry's & Cruise Ships)
> > - Law Enforcement (Coast Guard & Police)
> > - Oil Spill Response
> > - Fishing Boats
> > - Plus 14 other categories.
> > In addition the app tracks Super-yachts, Sailing Ships and Pleasure
> > Boats equipped with AIS-B transmitters.
> > Read More.
> > http://gcaptain.com/maritime/blog/announcing-gtrax-vessel-tracking/
> > iTunes Store Link:
> > http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gtrax/id329054062?mt=8
> > MAriner Forum Discussion:
> > http://bit.ly/8RWHEM "

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