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Astrology Now
Fra : |ntruder

Dato : 02-08-01 18:31

August 5th 2001

The Saturn Pluto aspect has been delineated as available from
website http://puck.dhs.org/reports
and Ceres (Moon) Nessus was

exposed in the previous article. What is there in stock for the
modern astrologer to delineate?

Venus surpasses Juno and conjuncts Varuna. One would expect
sugar and spice, and yes we have two types of sugar and a third
spice, too much spice, actually!

When the wife and your lover meet, you don't expect tollerance,
and in fact triangles will fluorish! Pretty hard words will fly
over the planet as triangles clash into physical and legal conflict.

Punitive expeditions will be sent when triangle situations happen
all over this minority struck planet. I am not sure the Kurds will
be quite quiet, to name one actual `minority'. Let us not forget
what we said under Saturn Pluto, a serious and mass murdering
aspect, as concerns bloody mundane astrology.

You would not aspect armies marching with Venus and Juno in the air,
would not you? Too bad, since the Chinese traditionally march with
Venus direct and the greek had NIKH for victorious Venus. We might
not mention the shumeran (now Iraq) goddess and her varying attributes,
but the archetype (_and_ the flying goddess) gave the archetype.

What does Varuna have to do with all this? Nothing. Perhaps he is the
mediator. Perhaps he suffers and translates energy from Juno to Venus.
How is that felt?

Picture a happy family full of immortal love, sitting at the table,
saying the graces and merrily consuming their lunch at Sunday noon
sharp. In that peculiar moment someone rings the bell and lo! It is
an irresistibly beautiful woman with a tiny top and mostly naked.
She already has quite a number of `victims', but by her nature she
cannot resist making another one.

The fish has been the symbol of (evil) yin in old China, and Varuna's
depths are quite capable of launching such a `fish' in August. Lolitas
born or transited these days will really carry half a dozen of hearts
in their pouch.

A good time for Casanovas and perhaps Conans, but with Jupiter's
influence standing by, one should not expect mercy from the magician's
advocate, should he run with the treasury.

What of this lovely houswife? Housewife no more. Forget about
housewifing while you behold her transformation into vamp.

Love shacks are favored, indeed. Children will be beautifully conceived.
A Saturn 180 Pluto kid will of course rule the family with an iron
fist. Girls born will rule the harem, nation and solar systems.

Klaudio Zic

Make love, not horoscopes!

Aug 1st 2001

The Moon is conjunct Ceres and Nessus. A good opportunity to make
the newcomer acquainted with the news, as concerns astronomy and
astrology. We will actually discuss new objects in astrology.

Ceres and the Moon are vaguely conjunct Phi Sagitarii and close
to Nunki, while centaur object Nessus is neatly nested in Corona

Some of the nations blessed by this conjunction are Malasya, Cuba,
Gabon, Cocos Islands and Georgia (in U.S.A.).

In her wavering course, the Moon will deliver when full, bringing
prosperity, fertility, marriages that will prove productive, good
contracts, excellent decisions, demilitarisation, computerisation
and Internet, wise legal decisions (the Gemini judge will have no
mercy). The Aries birth should be carefully generous with money.

Nessus is the centaur of Sir Lancelet of the Lake, the popular
medieval owner of Joyous Guard, queen, witch and king's lover
and horse captain to Gwydion Arthur of Britain. Lancelet is an
Avalon initiate fond of queen kidnapping, a fine felllow, indeed.

Where is Nessus influence seen in this conjunction? It is felt
in courting. The planet will testify a rise in advance, in that
the male will woo the female with confidence (Aries) and the
woman will respond with candor and curiosity.

Pallas is a bit out of hand (in Hercules), so the amazon will
be more approachable, if not tamed. Nessus will tend to abuse
in extreme cases, his influence not being strong on this occasian.
Rape is likely in extremely strict christian areas. Paradoxally
the aroused male will have a problem in his errection. Geminis
will be busy in the money exchange areas and the military.

The centaurs are peculiar objects (dis)connecting the outer
planets. One well known is Chiron. Nessus is one of the `oldest'
discoveries. At the time of Nessus discovery, astrology was
rather poor with centaur objects and transneptunes. Chiron,
Pholus and Nessus were known and used by us few. 1992QB1
(nicked `Smiley') was about the only transneptuner used
in astrology a decade ago. We have now a couple of dozen
centaurs up there and in our wheels, and a set of 400
transneptuners to choose from. The major transneptunes,
one a cubewano, Varuna (2000WR106), the other 2001KX76
are larger than Ceres (or Charon) and where they are not part
of every natal (or horary) chart, they will soon be.
Varuna is not a `new' object any more, since discovered and
delineated last year. 2001KX76 is even larger than Varuna
and is a new discovery. http://puck.dhs.org/2001KX76

Thank you for your attention and enquiery to t8@puck.dhs.org

Enjoy http://puck.dhs.org/reports/current

Klaudio Zic

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,
world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current research http://puck.dhs.org/2001RX76

Wed Aug 01 14:46:18 GMT 2001


http://puck.dhs.org/now contains curent
reports, along with a big map 2.6

Mb for your deep dive!


If you want the reverse color to appear, just ask!


Astrological Prediction

It is my intention to expose my private viewpoint of astrology
today, perusing three american magazines, the American Astrologer,
Dell Horoscope and the Mountain Astrologer.

Bill Meridian is someone who knows his business. Among rare
articles involving predictions, he is the most competent.
A most interesting article by Ricky Pallsbie deserves our attention.
He postulates planets having a south latitude cannot possibly be
on the northern hemisphere. If so, a seventh house Mars would
in fact be a 6th house Mars and so on. Very interesting, puzzling,
shaking the basis of all we have ever done, since a planet on the
I.C. can have a north latitude. See also news:alt.astrology.moderated

`Latitude' article.

Now about the rest. I have only the latest issues to judge from.
Those are popular magazines, but are also meant for the astrological
elite, I guess. By combining cookbooks and tvevangelistic sentences
containing plain combinations of new age words meaning nothing, it
is possible to write an astrological article, a book perhaps,
without having the aspects to be one. Even a Mercury square Jupiter
astrologer can write a good book. Perhaps at least a good or just
any aspect to Uranus would not be too much to ask so we are among
astrologers, good or bad and not politicians and word jugglers.

One horoscope had the wrong time zone calculated and I guess none
is topocentrically precession corrected. Some extra precision would
do. After all we are using programs nowdays. Speaking about programs
I had an exchange with Alphee Lavoie. His article and column is
about horary astrology and the choice is not to use stars (in this
case Algol), albeit he of course knows the stars do influence. I
find this peculiar and am mentioning it for the sake of diversity.
Alphee Lavoie is the creator of Air Software and I understand he's
working with Bill Meridian. Thirty seven years of experience is
among his impressing qualities.

After some posting on http://www.mountainastrologer.com
we decided

to pause untill NASA finds an object larger than Pluto. Varuna
seems to stir some curiosity, but of course not so among professionals.

Jesse Ventura has been mercilessly delineated in this ng and available
via http://puck.dhs.org/reports/ventura
sorry I find funny the way

we try to fit Moon, ascendant and sunsign tropical astrology to fit
our ideas. My sympathy goes to William Schrieb this time. William's
site is http://www.starry-eyed.net

More articles like Bruce Scofield's archeoastrological column for us
who like to travel in time. Most welcome his mention of the author
who shook the planet with Nibiru. We are facing a new era after 2012
and this article could be the most important of the moment. Dell
Horoscope, again.

Out of Bounds Planets is a welcome touch to any horoscope, but King
Birendra and prince Dipendra had major problems with primary directions
including Saturn Pluto at the time of the kill. The whole report with
some 30 Mb of maps (as ever) here: http://puck.dhs.org/reports/nepal

The centaurs are not featuring in the reports, sometimes we see
Chiron, but Chiron is not the major centaur and cannot justly
represent the two dozen male and female centaur objects in astrology.
Pholus, Nessus, Hylonome, Chariklo, Asbolus and the rest still roam
wild and unknown out of the astrological highways, as it seems.
After so many years that we put the centaurs in every horoscope,
one would expect some interest and reckognition. Perhaps the centauri
don't speak the popular language.

2001KX76 and Varuna are still at the gates of popular astrology.
The transneptune objects (400 of them) seem to have the interest
of siberian astrologers. The objects are larger than Ceres. Varuna,
then 2000WR106 has received delineation last year. The object as
we spoke was not telling me clear and understandable (pragmatical)
causes for it's existance, but it did define his mission in
connection to the ecological manipulation of our planet's waters
(milk including). 2001KX76 defined itself as alchemical from the
first. The object is `new' and we are stil delineating it for
your benefit and general (well, not _that_ general an) use.

The basis for astrological prediction is the direction, primary,
Naibod or the popular Solar Arc. I see too little of that in the
magazines. The programs like Solar Fire go unused.

Alan Oken has a point and gave us an excellent information about
the present Saturn Pluto opposition. http://www.thewisdomschool.org

Even less optimism in my own Saturn Pluto report on the message
board of http://www.mountainastrologer.com
where I describe the

morbid and deathly side of the aspect. One cannot have flowery
words for a holocaust.

Make love, not horoscopes!

Klaudio Zic

(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,
world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current research http://puck.dhs.org/2001RX76

Thu Aug 02 08:05:00 GMT 2001


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