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UFO claim over wind farm damage
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 08-01-09 13:15


=== citat start ===

BBC WORLD (Thursday) 122 08 Jan (2009, CET) 11:50/37

UFO claim over wind farm damage

UFO researchers are claiming damage to
a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was
caused by a mystery aircraft.

The turbine at Conisholme lost one 66ft
(20m) blade and had another badly
damaged in the early hours of Sunday.

Local UFO groups said they had lots of
reports of activity in the area and had
teams searching for clues.

Ecotricity, which owns the site, said
while investigations continued they
were not ruling anything out - but the
extent of damage was "unique".

=== citat slut ====

Hmm ...

How was the local weather (that sunday morning) ?

Øh ...

Hændelsen fandt altså sted ...
2009-01-04, Sunday, day no 4 in the year

samt ...

Lincolmshire (i England) befinder sig på position ...

52,55° N
0,22° V

Hmm ... (input memory from last "footstep") ...

8235 news:gi83v9$2f10$1@newsbin.cybercity.dk
8234 news:gi82s9$2eji$1@newsbin.cybercity.dk
> DR1 s119 tir 16 dec (2008, CET) 10:42:31
> 06:39
> Danmark ramt af jordskælv
> Hovedstadsområdet og Nordsjælland
> mærkede klokken 6:20 et jordskælv

Delta =
2009-01-04, day no 004, +4
2008-12-31, day no 366, 0
2008-12-16, day no 351, +15
= 19 days

Compare with ... (last 19-memory) ...

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008, CET 13:35, GMT 11:35
Subject: Gate number 19 found
7928 news:g9gk32$15k4$1@newsbin.cybercity.dk
> > > Kraftigt jordskalv i Sibirien
> > [ ... ]
> > > Irkutsk befinder sig på position ...
> > >
> > > 52,15° N
> > > 104, 20° Ø
[ ... ]
> Dvs. delta =
> 2008-08-27, CET 03:35
> 2008-08-08
> 19 days
> and ...
> Friday 08. aug 2008
> Day no 0 aften the Russian thief came with the death to Georgia
> Day no 19 aften the Thief-alarm began ...
> 7692 news:g5urtt$k9e$1@newsbin.cybercity.dk
> >
> > "Tyven" kom klokken ca. ...
> > The "thief" came around ...
> > (2008-07-20, Sunday, day no 202, CET 02:00, GMT 00:00)
> Altså 19-tallet bliver *gentaget* ialt 2 gange, apropos...
[ ... ]
> Og hvad betyder det så, dette 19-tal ?
[ ... ]
> Delta 19 = Genesis 19( the destruction of Sodoma and Gomorra)...
> ET-Break:
> (2008-09-01, Monday, day no 245, CET 13:29, GMT 11:29)
> - "Fire from the sky."

Hmm ...

Lincolmshire befinder sig på ...

52,55° N
0,22° V

Compare with ...

> > > Irkutsk befinder sig på position ...
> > >
> > > 52,15° N
> > > 104, 20° Ø

Breddegraderne er næsten *identiske* !!!

Og datoen i året 01-04 kunne - symbolst set - godt minde lidt om tallet 104.

Øh ...

Men for en ordens skyld skal jeg lige gøre opmærksom på, at der - teoretisk
set - kan fuskes med hændelsen i Lincolnshire.

Og faktisk er det langt lettere (denne form for fuskeri) end mht.
Fire-from-the-sky, apropos 1. (UFO ?) contact. See links through the

Såfremt hændelsen er autentisk, er det politiske (muligvis *globale*)
budskab givetvis følgende:

"Fire from the sky."

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael, the *fool* of Christ.
Coming up news: Iran hit by a meteor. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34- Jos.10,11)
Last OUTPUT: 8284 news:gk2lb1$jo5$1@newsbin.cybercity.dk
( http://groups.google.dk/group/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ ). File-number: 8285

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