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Hyphening problems...
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 28-08-08 09:33

This is written in English, 'cause it's also sent to the Danish and
Norwegian Mac groups...

Saturday I was making a shorter 3 page document in NisusWriter Pro 1.1 -
latest version...

Everything hyphening, spellchecking and thesaurus are all disabled,
because there are no Danish spellchecking and thesaurus for NWP. But to
my surprise NWP did automatically hyphening in some paragraphs but not
in others. some words in some paragraphs, but not with other words....
Also, if i manually made a hyphen in a word fx. the Danish word
"specifik" - means in Danish the same as 'specific' in English. If I


- the auto-hyphening changes it to


- and if I change back to


it again changes to either




Correct Danish hyphen is: spe-ci-fik

- Same strange things happen with other words like "inkompetent"
(incompetent in English) -


Correct Danish hyphen is: in-kom-pe-tent

”urealistisk” (unrealistic in English) -


Correct Danish hyphen is: u-re-a-li-stisk, - u-re-al-istisk or

....etc.etc. - I have to use the line breaks here, else NWP goes in and
changes the ’-’ and put it somewhre else... It seems as if it mostly
happens with words, which are by near the same in Danish and English.

Tuesday I copied the same document into the latest version of Openoffice
- 3.0b2(M26) and MarinerWrite 3,8. - In both spellchecking are is
totally disabled. - But the exact same happened in these two textprocessors.

I've talked to the Nisus crew about this problem. They couldn't give an
exact answer, but they suggested that it cold be a system related
problem, because most textprocessors linked to the built-in dictionary
in Mac oS X 10.4.9 to 10.5.4, which mostly isn't translated to match the
localized use of the system GUI.

So I wonder, if any others have observed something like this, when
writing in non-English languages using the Latin alphabet with different
textprocessors like Nisuswriter Pro/Express, MarinerWrite, OpenOffice
Aqua, NeoOffice, MSWord, AppleWorks 6.x, TextEdit etc.etc..

So if you experience such a behavior, do indeed make a bug report and
pass this on to Apple.

Hardware used:
1, MacPro QuadCore 2,66ghz, 5gb RAM, Apple Pro DK keyboard
System and software:
Mac Os X 10.5.4 DK + Nisuswriter Pro 1.1 DK
Mac OS X 10.4.11 DK + NisusWriter Pro 1.1 US
(DK localization disabled)

2, Quicksilver Dual G4/1,8ghz, 1,5gb RAM, Apple Pro DK keyboard
System and software:
Mac Os X 10.5.4 DK + Nisuswriter Pro 1.1 US
(DK localization disabled)
Mac OS X 10.4.11 DK + NisusWriter Pro 1.1 US
(DK localization disabled)

3, Quicksilver G4/800mhz, 1,25gb RAM, Apple Pro DK keyboard
System and software:
Mac OS X 10.4.11 DK + NisusWriter Pro 1.1 US
(DK localization disabled)

Cheers, Erik Richard
Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<mac-man_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

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