Andreas Lorensen wrote:
> Er der en der kan forklare hvad de forskellige kollonner i mplayer
> outputtet betyder?
Spørgsmålet er besvaret i mplayers FAQ[1]:
Q: What is the meaning of the numbers on the status line?
A: Example: A: 2.1 V: 2.2 A-V: -0.167 ct: 0.042 57/57 41% 0% 2.6% 0 4 49%
A: 2.1
audio position in seconds
V: 2.2
video position in seconds
A-V: -0.167
audio-video difference in seconds (delay)
ct: 0.042
total A-V sync correction done
frames played/decoded (counting from last seek)
video codec CPU usage in percent (for slice rendering and direct rendering
this includes video_out)
video_out CPU usage
audio codec CPU usage in percent
frames dropped to maintain A-V sync
current level of image postprocessing (when using -autoq)
current cache size used (around 50% is normal)
playback speed as a factor of original speed
Most of them are for debug purposes, use the -quiet option to make them
disappear. You might notice that video_out CPU usage is zero (0%) for some
files. This is because it is called directly from the codec and thus cannot
be measured separately. If you wish to know the video_out speed, compare
the difference when playing the file with -vo null and your usual video
output driver.
> En god stream outputter sådan her:
> A: 8.0 V: 8.0 A-V: 0.006 ct: 1.165 234/234 2% 0% 4.3% 0 0
> A: 8.0 V: 8.0 A-V: -0.037 ct: 1.162 235/235 2% 0% 4.3% 0 0
> A: 8.1 V: 8.1 A-V: 0.031 ct: 1.165 236/236 2% 0% 4.3% 0 0
> En dårlig outputter det her:
> A: 58.5 V: 58.8 A-V: -0.214 ct:-27.045 1227/1227 2% 0% 2.3% 2 0
> A: 58.6 V: 58.8 A-V: -0.217 ct:-27.067 1228/1228 2% 0% 2.3% 2 0
> A: 58.6 V: 58.8 A-V: -0.216 ct:-27.088 1229/1229 2% 0% 2.3% 2 0
I den dårlige stream er lyd og billede ikke synkront. Det kan skyldes et
væld af forskellige ting, lige fra buggy codecs til mangel på bandwidth.
Anders Ossowicki
My quantum yoyo has no need for your silly gravity!
(It's bound by string theory)