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Daeth Discreation
Fra : matrix

Dato : 19-07-01 16:55

http://puck.dhs.org presents: Daeth Discreation, an O5 Technique

Groups search result 9 for "death discreation"

From: Claudio Solis (tarant8l@stimpy.liquid.spod.org)
Subject: Death D#creation
Newsgroups: dk.livssyn.newage
Date: 1999/11/15

[Puck]: (fwd) Death Discreation UIII

From: Claudio Solis (view other messages by this author)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:48:21

Path: viper!cyclone.columbus.rr.com!viper.POSTED!tarant8l
From: tarant8l@stimpy.liquid.spod.org (Claudio Solis)
Subject: Death Discreation UIII
Newsgroups: alt.clearing
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Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:22:51 GMT
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In article <37DD6A98.15EF@earthlink.net>,
Petros <xristos@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I like this! This process definitely belongs on a.c.t. too.

<:) serious? <;) then send any elaboration to puck@x-net.com ok?




o5 stands for a technique just a little bit more boosted than palmer's
'avatar' (starsedge should be the website?)
o5 aims at instant physical creations (recreations) how about that?

> Claudio Solis wrote:
> >
> > th Discreation 4:49 UT (GMT) Dies Lunae Sep 9th 1999 Hades M.C. xact
> >
> > Describing discreation of death according to 'o5' training as part of
> > what is going on on http://puck.dhs.org
puck@x-net.com mailing list

> >
> > Lay down in mrtvasana and relax. Describing relaxation would be a separate
> > article or/& tape/mp3 but it is essential to relax, say, the left side of
> > the body, the heart area and any tensions there (since an mu/atlant device
> > is said to be implanted there, figuratively or astrally).
> >
> > /* Imagine a light expanding the brahmarandra (aumakua, kether)
> > i.e lighten your head and proceed to the heart area (uhane,
> > anahata, tiphareth). Discreate any tensions with o5 or by mere
> > intentido. */
> >
> > Then be dead and burried in your tomb (as variant there is ashes or
> > total annihilation, but here I describe the classical mumy or popular
> > deadman stereotype = our favourite dead man or 'how would I like to die'
> > a decent death and burial, that is). Choose your death but try practicing
> > this one since it includes some o5 basics and Franz Bardon/Keith Sherwood
> >
> > As you are becoming your dead body (a corpse in desintegration), sink
> > into the navel area as tinklebell (point of consciousness, tiny babushka,
> > a miniature corpse within a corpse, a tiny ka ba or any simbol you prefer)
> > (you might choose to be ankh later: now be just a point of consciousness
> > exactly in your baricentre). In front of you your ex sexual organ is eaten
> > by time and negligence and above you there is no stomach proper and eek
> > perhaps a spider web ornaments your ribs. Some buddistic death meditation
> > sung to I don't want to be burried in the bat semetary. Below is what
> > remains of your dear legs. No more legs proper. You will walk no more.
> > You are dead. Now
> > feel the full impact and meaning of being dead forever and expand
> > (babushka grows and the little corpse takes gradually the size of the
> > original one as by a computer simulation)/do it with a discrete inbreath/
> > This is as phase 2 in o5 would function. You expand feeling the whole
> > impact of the beta and amplyfy it to the far away limit or to no limit at
> > all. For precise minds (you have none) do expand even further to the
> > oppressing walls of the grave. Remember you are not being burried alive:
> > you are dead indeed! Feel completely and irreversibly dead now forever.
> >
> > Now exit like a point of light (tinklebell) and observe the grave and
> > the body objectively putting no emotion in the view.
> > Label it 'Dead Body' or 'Death' or alike (I cannot choose a label for you)
> > /often a label is already on the grave/
> > and affirm (something like):
> >
> > 'This is not death, this is what I created!'
> >
> > Dismiss the scene and affirm strongly :
> >
> > 'I am immortal! Om Anantaya Namah!'
> >
> > The mantra is an option meaning 'I Hail Infinity'. You can use a strong
> > affirmation here, runes, kaos majik, a Name of God or identification with
> > godlike qualities (such as described by Franz Bardon).

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