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Else YOU would have written: 'What is the ~
Fra : Leonardo Been

Dato : 24-05-08 09:31

The fact THAT I post it, suggests already enough weight - and possible
urgency - of the matter at hand.

If 'good Scientologists' WERE "a far cry from" being like 'good Nazis'
then I would not post what I posted here now, and I also would not
have posted it with the subject title given.

A "respondent" - as expected, also intentionally perverted
the subject title in his response, omitted the essential
word 'good,'

to try and distort and sully, as expected from such a
"respondent" in order to hide and defend something
intensely evil, thus he was motivated to try and disrupt
my communication and my intention, with his "comment."
(see Enclosure)



Again: The fact THAT I post it, suggests already enough weight - and
possible urgency - of the matter at hand.

To explain THAT to you, I have written the Human Rights Issues
and developed Fine Particle Physics. All of which I also have
made freely available, to those who wish to have some education.

The matter is ALSO related to recent posts of mine regarding
the evil condoned and perpetuated by the United Nations Organi-
zation, now in the case of Myanmar-Burma.



I do know by far more than anyone else, about Scientology - and about
life itself you might say, not without truth.

(Such knowledge of life, is prerequisite to detecting and under-
standing those who destroy life, you might be willing to admit
so it is also (a) prerequisite to detecting and penetratingly
understanding Scientology - which is ENTIRELY THE OPPOSITE of
what it shows to the public AND to its members, to be.)

(I refer you to the famous quote by Nazi-great Goebbels, on
showing to the public AND to the members an entirely opposite
motivation and picture, from what ACTUALLY is the reality and
the intentions of the Nazi leadership.)

The remaining "arguments" intended by "respondents," are
too base, too primitive, to excite a desire in me to
treat those - those who wish to make others more stupid,
will always find ways and means to do so.



So it is not without reason nor occasion, that I put out this warning.

I am not without appreciation of your lack of knowledge and lack of
understanding ...else YOU would have written the following, you see:



What I wrote earlier:

What is the difference between a good Scientologist and a good Nazi?


....half a century.




They are both wholly totalitarian, "total control is total sanity and
perfection," and

both believe unconditionally in a demon as "the savior of Mankind,"

both ruthlessly persecute true friends as being "opponents" of a
demon, and

both follow unconditionally a demon:

On Thu, 22 May 2008 21:45:18 +0200, I wrote:

> Source confirmed - Demons: 'Ugliness and Beauty "Are Just A Matter Of
> Consideration" ' - (adds to: l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to
> be "good")
> 22 May 2008
> A decent 'Scientology' "critic," would have responded, with:
> 'Indeed, this is a basic part of the scribbling of Scientology's
> guru:'
> 'Beauty and Ugliness "Are Just A Matter Of Consideration".'
> '
> (Corollary :) 'I am the only decent critic of Scientology.'
> '
> To the educated reader, this is clear proof in itself already, of the
> Demonic nature and character of l. ron hubbard, of the writer of the
> unimaginably
> Ugly body of lies and deceptions called 'Scientology.'
> '
> _______________________________
> I wrote earlier, on 18 May 2008:
> According to demons, 'Ugliness and Beauty "Are Just A Matter Of
> Consideration" '
> The intentional stupidity in this subject,
> of the readers and posters alike,
> exceeds by far their ability to write.
> _________
> adding to:
> l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to be "good"
> 21 April 2008
> 'Scientology's l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' who is - very extensively
> one must admit - pretending to be "good."
> (pretending to be "normal") who made himself look "normal" and
> act "normal" and talk "normal," at
> times, and
> (pretending to be "good") who claimed and pretended to have
> "good intentions," but
> {definition of 'demon'}
> (a demon, meaning, someone) who creates and inflicts very large
> amounts of very intense, crippling,
> often sickening, or even deadly
> - Euphoria Energy,
> - Ugliness Energy,
> - Unawareness Energies,
> - Hate-Pain Energy,
> onto someone's (possibly also your)
> soul and onto someone's (possibly
> also your) body,
> and who creates and projects - very
> forcefully, 'very convincingly' -
> the severest, unimaginable lies,
> basically: REVERSALS of truth - which
> is, stating the very opposite of what
> is
> actually going on or has happened
> or of who actually caused it.
> {'definition of 'demon,' end}
> '
> Thus it is also, that people who are
> demons but whose true nature has
> become VISIBLE, or been made visible,
> are seen as having (and are depicted
> with) lots of Red and Black - meaning
> Hate-Pain Energy (which is Red) and
> Unawareness Energy (which is Black),
> which is what they indeed look like,
> should you be able still, or become
> again able, to see people's soul and
> BEHIND their outer layer of Energies
> and their body.
> '
> '
> '
> Now - surprise, surprise - both the 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafia'
> AND the 'Scientologists' (when they are somewhat advanced in their
> studies)
> do DENY (or else intentionally ignore) any and all such things and
> observations by themselves or by others.
> As I wrote earlier:
> They are STRICTLY, very STRICTLY and forever forbidden, to look
> at him, to see l. ron hubbard as he actually is and looks,
> 'which must never be faced.'
> And they "forbid" each other, from looking at these things,
> ALSO the 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafiosi,' some of whom I
> mentioned by name, in the text below.
> '
> One girl was considered "sick" and "a security risk" in 'Scientology,'
> because she COULD see some (normal, good) Energies emanating from her
> body,
> but these emanate from ANYONE's body, and
> these Energies 'do not ask' anyone's permission, nor "scientific
> proof" as to whether these exist.
> And without these Energies, by the way, your body would be
> as dead as a long-dead corpse.
> Not surprisingly, now, both the 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafia'
> AND the 'Scientologists' do DENY (or else they intentionally
> ignore) any and all such things and observations by themselves or
> by others.
> '
> '
> '
> '
> I wrote earlier:
> 'Pigs,' 'Giraffes' and 'Hyenas' "discussing" 'Submarine and guided
> missile warfare:' The 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafiosi'
> 20 April 2008
> The 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafiosi' - as in 'Animal Farm' - 'Pigs,'
> 'Giraffes' and 'Hyenas,' and an occasional 'bearded or mountain goat'
> are "discussing" the warfare of
> l. ron hubbard, of 'Scientology' against Mankind.
> '
> '
> OF COURSE l. ron hubbard can not say THAT, that
> "he is intending to, and has devised ways and means, by which he
> will try to get everyone dominated by 'Scientology' - by him, and
> willingly and enthusiastically as anyone so hypnotized, does,"
> "so, that everyone only believes and does that, what l. ron
> hubbard says 'is true' and, says 'must be done'."
> '
> '
> INSTEAD, l. ron hubbard says - and HAS TO SAY, to get anyone at
> all to become stupid and blind enough, to believe him and to do
> what he says - he promotes, with big banners - that
> "he is going to make the world 'without criminality and
> war, where decent people have rights and where the able can
> prosper'," [sic!] and
> THEREFORE "everyone must ONLY believe and do what l. ron hubbard
> says 'is true' and says 'must be done'."
> '
> '
> And then he throws some morsels at the crowd, to make them
> feel good and find out something they did not know,
> so that he then can convince that crowd (or 'hoi
> polloi,' in British high society slang, meaning
> 'the many' - from Greek 'hoi polloi')
> so he can convince 'the many,' that
> "it is true what he promises...."
> '
> '
> This does not tell you about the ('submarine and
> guided missile') SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL warfare
> that l. ron hubbard has designed and teaches
> 'Scientologists' without that THEY know what it is
> about or how it actually works
> - they are STRICTLY, very STRICTLY and forever
> forbidden, to look at him, to see l. ron
> hubbard as he actually is and looks, 'which
> must never be faced' -
> in order for him to 'conquer Earth,' which is as he
> "sees" it,
> and indeed, the 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafiosi' do
> not want to know anything about that very intensely
> evil SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL warfare,
> the Earth being rather flat from the vantage
> point of 'Pigs,' of 'Giraffes' and 'Hyenas,' and
> of an occasional goat with a beard, and even for
> a mountain goat,
> and they, especially the 'hyenas,' 'goats' and
> 'pigs' - being lower by the ground - WANT TO
> KEEP IT SO, lest they themselves are seen or
> treated as what they are.
> '
> I wrote earlier:
> Most Vital Information - but do the 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafiosi'
> take it up? No... they, as l. ron hubbard, PREVENT people from seeing
> each other
> 19 Apr 2008
> In their OWN terminology they are "bat-shit crazy" - truth being
> absolute - but they are convinced, that "they are the only ones who are
> 'sane'."
> In this, they are similar to the 'Scientologists,' who are convinced
> with equal fervor - despite the fact that truth is absolute - (they
> nevertheless are convinced) that "they are the only ones who are
> 'sane'."
> Like that, nothing gets ever solved, and only fighting ensues.
>> '
>> Of course both are quite right in their opinions:
>> Both are indeed very much and very forcefully out of their right
>> minds
>> - in case they had any left - to begin with.
>> Now the question arises, what developed first, in them,
>> their right or their left brain
>> - and further it remains to be answered by the other half,
>> which half, no matter how reduced in connection to the
>> first half, still provides their verbal skills.
>> '
>> It reminds me somewhat of Eastern and Western "science" of
>> medicine - they BOTH are convinced, each of the other, that
>> the other side is "bat-shit crazy" and also "very harmful,"
>> if only by neglect of "proper medicine."
>> BOTH sides are quite correct in their opinion about
>> the other's "science of medicine"
>> - if judged already by the amount of
>> people that are sick -
>> but NEITHER understands enough and both PREVENT
>> themselves from understanding enough, to see the
>> obvious and INTENTIONAL lack of "science" on BOTH
>> sides.
>> '
>> BOTH are half correct, "but one is, of course, 'more
>> correct about the other half, than the other half itself
>> is':"
>> Proverbially wrong with them, is that they can not
>> see the wooden beam stuck in their own eye, even
>> piercing into their brain - and, less proverbially -
>> NOR can they identify the wood-species of the beam
>> that penetrates into the brain and sticks out of the
>> eye of their opponent.
>> '
>> After this literary excursion, we go back to the harsh facts of
>> life - as far as understanding (and making understood, and
>> thereby obliterating) the evil of 'Scientology' is concerned:
>> While the death threats by various 'Scientology'-"critics"
>> -'mafiosi' at my person, are mainly hoping to destroy me
>> and thus to stop any necessity on their part of looking at
>> others as they are, and being looked at as they are them-
>> selves,
>> it is so, that the 'Scientology'-mafia, did (and does)
>> enlist and fire up Criminal Minds who physically brought
>> that about as well, and they were supported, very actively
>> AIDED by the 'Scientology'-"critics"-mafia such as Tilman
>> Hausherr and David Bird and Martin Hunt and Frederic Rice
>> and the like, and more veiled, by Arnie Lerma and such,
>> very happy instruments in the 'Operation Freakout' against
>> me, which it took me several years and the help of others,
>> to recover from to the extent, that I am able to
>> expose their active hostility to life, and to make it
>> understood:
>> They - BOTH SIDES - are dedicated to hiding and
>> protecting Criminal Minds, and
>> to vilifying the most decent and caring and
>> beautiful.
>> '
>> The 'Scientology'-"critics"-mafia 'is such a sham'
>> (to use their own words), that they largely have
>> hidden and keep hidden what is actually going on in
>> Scientology,
>> BY the very instrument of PRETENDING TO be the ones,
>> who DO EXPOSE IT,
>> PRETENDING "Liberty, Equality, etc.,"
>> but with death threats and other forms of
>> ex-communication (libel), against anyone who
>> actually does speak out and DOES write the
>> truth about what IS going on,
>> in and with 'Scientology,'
>> that IS vital and necessary, to exposing - and
>> that WILL dismantle, 'Scientology.'
>> Much like I do it also in other areas of
>> life, with 'Zero Tolerance for Evil
>> Impulses,' and vast amounts of care
>> and truth, defended by my extraordinary
>> beauty.
>> '
>> '
>> '
>> Written previously by me:
>> '
>> How to get out of - , and 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafiosi' have THE
>> SAME GOAL as l. ron hubbard: To prevent people from seeing each other
>> (rev 2 - 18 Apr 2008)
>> ...And (their goal is by consequence, to prevent people) from talking
>> to each other.
>> '
>> The way to get (and to stay) out of 'Scientology,' is to face l. ron
>> hubbard
>> - his Hate-Pain- , Ugliness-, Euphoria- and Unawareness-Energies
>> (perception-difficulties, memory-lapses, and inflicted or
>> lingering body-sensations) and his vampiring on the Energy of
>> your soul and of your body (tiredness, loss of abilities and
>> loss of joy for life and for being alive) -
>> his - or the same, from those belonging to his group, his
>> 'soul-mates' you might say -
>> which, admittedly, is not the easiest to face, but which is why you
>> should.
>> '
>> You might also want to find a past-life-regression therapist - maybe
>> one who is covered by your health insurance, and - who IS willing to
>> let you look at l. ron hubbard
>> - and at what he inflicted on your soul, and also on your body,
>> that means, his Implants, in particular,
>> like being tortured to death not only physically (your body),
>> but also spiritually tortured to death, in the past, by him or
>> his group members,
>> and at the various false accusations that they make and made,
>> to divert the blame for those actions onto decent people, or
>> even onto their victims themselves -
>> which, admittedly, is not the easiest to face, but which is
>> why you should,
>> rather than taking anti-depression pills, and
>> rather than taking head-ache pills or open heart surgery or suffering
>> Alzheimer, etc.,
>> or just being a coward - which you probably have chosen to be -
>> who then proceeds (proceeded) to destroy his very best friends,
>> IN ORDER NOT TO face the Extreme Ugliness, Euphoria, Hate
>> and infliction of Unconsciousness, by l. ron hubbard and his
>> 'soul mates in evil.'
>> '
>> In any case and all cases, it is of course a better solution, to face
>> l. ron hubbard and his 'soul mates.'
>> '
>> '
>> '
>> The keywords are: Face l. ron hubbard, and his group of hidden evil
>> against Mankind.
>> Face the hidden evil from and past and present infliction by l.
>> ron hubbard - his Hate-Pain- , Ugliness-, Euphoria- and
>> Unawareness-feelings, -perceptions, -memories -body-sensations)
>> and his and his group-members vampiring on you for your soul's or
>> your body's Energies.
>> '
>> '
>> In any case:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 'Scientology-"critics"-'mafia' individuals have THE SAME GOAL as
>> > l. ron hubbard: To prevent people from seeing each other
>> >
>> > 17 April 2008
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > 'Scientology "critics" mafia individuals have THE SAME GOAL as
>> > l. ron hubbard:
>> >
>> > To spread (their own) version of lies about life and about people, IN
>> >
>> > The version of l. ron hubbard, is, that people are spirits,
>> > but, that they must be wholly controlled in their activities
>> > and in their perceptions, and must therefore never contact
>> > their OWN feelings,
>> >
>> > but work, work, work, so as to prevent them from looking
>> > at him - at how he is and how his intentions are
>> > actually,
>> >
>> > and (work, work, work, they, 'Scientologists,' must) to
>> > target as an "enemy,"
>> >
>> > anyone who DOES see him and his intentions
>> >
>> > (to target these "enemies" in various camouflaging
>> > words, wordings cloaked as "Ethics,"
>> >
>> > with words that, however, all mean and intend the
>> > same:
>> >
>> > to hide from the 'Scientologist' victims, that they
>> > MUST BE FORCED into Blindness),
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > AND to prevent them from finding out how perception works,
>> >
>> > while still teaching drills and "knowledge" on how to control
>> > the perception and the feelings of others, and,
>> >
>> > to do drills, and teach doctrines that aim to diminish
>> > own perception and feeling, as a "normal" and "desirable"
>> > 'SOCIAL' "ability."
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > The result is intended (intentional), and that is, that
>> >
>> > good people are branded as and treated as "evil," and that
>> >
>> > evil people are branded and treated as "the best"
>> >
>> > - REGARDLESS OF and dismissing or ignoring entirely, ANY
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > That is the hallmark of 'no conscience,'
>> >
>> > which is the hallmark of Criminal Minds,
>> >
>> > which is the hallmark of all 'Scientology' 'OSA'
>> > personnel and
>> >
>> > which - 'no conscience' - is also the hallmark (you
>> > guessed it) of the 'Scientology-"critics"-'mafia'
>> > individuals
>> >
>> > (many of whom have exposed themselves as such, in
>> > the
>> > course of time - see also enclosed, 'Who are the
>> > 'Scientology' "critics" 'mafia' - (Version
>> > 1.0.1)').
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > The 'Scientology "critics" mafia individuals have THE SAME GOAL as
>> > l. ron hubbard:
>> >
>> > To influence and block the perception of others, by preventing
>> > or destroying anyone mentioning, let alone looking at
>> >
>> > the actual intentions of self and others,
>> >
>> > and by denying and destroying any knowledge of how
>> > perception works, and by denying spiritual life, and
>> >
>> > so also THEY work and aim
>> >
>> > to prevent themselves and others from being seen as they are: to
>> > prevent people from seeing each other.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Here too: The result is intended (intentional), it is, that good
>> > people are branded and treated as "evil," and that evil people are
>> > branded and treated as "the best."
>> >
>> > And also, regardless of any and all evidence to the contrary.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Their PURPOSE - that of the 'Scientology-"critics"-mafia AND that of
>> > l. ron hubbard - is, to prevent people from seeing each other.
>> >
>> > ('qed' - the proof is complete)
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > THIS - forcefully preventing people from seeing and stating the
>> > intentions of others - IS HOW THEY (both sides) DO PREVENT,
>> >
>> > and have prevented since fifty years,
>> >
>> >
>> > Endless, endless web sites full of data and 'Scientology
>> > kills,' but never a handling.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > I repeat: FORCEFULLY PREVENTING people from seeing and stating the
>> > intentions of others - IS HOW THEY (both sides) DO PREVENT,
>> > and have prevented since fifty years,
>> >
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > _______________
>> > I wrote earlier:
>> >
>> >
>> > Who are the 'Scientology' "critics" 'mafia' - (Version 1.0.1)
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > You can easily detect them: Generally, they want that I do not
>> > communicate to others.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Specifically, the most active ones
>> >
>> > - in order to try and destroy or stop or prevent my
>> > communication of true facts, to others - (the most active of
>> > the "critics"-'mafia')
>> >
>> > do fabricate and/or spread lies about me, in degrees of violent evil
>> >
>> > - of a nature and persistence and JOY of evil,* that only the
>> > vilest criminal would be capable of.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Again specifically, the less active ones of the "critics"-mafia, do
>> > not prevent or oppose their "critics"-'mafia'-"friends" in their
>> > efforts to try to prevent and destroy my communication of true and
>> > most valuable, vital and very on-topic facts to others.
>> >
>> > They would not mind encouraging MY WRITING FICTION, and also they, do
>> > try to represent my communication (of true - but to criminals highly
>> > unpleasant - facts and conclusions) "as if I write fiction."
>> >
>> > At the same time, it is their PRETENDING "not to block and not
>> > to destroy my communication to others,"
>> >
>> > and "not ridiculing (destroying the feelings and urge of)
>> > others communicating to me."
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Once more specifically, with similar motives as the previous type of
>> >
>> > individual according to whom "vital facts and conclusions must
>> > be seen as fiction" - such a type of the
>> >
>> > "critics" 'mafia' "friends," they SIMPLY AND TOTALLY IGNORE any most
>> > valuable and highly applicable facts communicated by me to others,
>> > that apply VERY MUCH to their subject.
>> >
>> > Any communication of mine, so they feel, 'makes them seem like
>> > a Salieri, being inferior or small, not genuine and fake in
>> > many of their claims and efforts.'
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > So you will find my extremely valuable and extremely applicable facts
>> > 'MAFIA,' not even by linking to it.
>> >
>> > Nor will you ever find my most valuable work,
>> >
>> > regarding and vital to the causes they CLAIM so loudly to fight
>> > for,
>> >
>> > mentioned in their discussions.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > THAT is really a 'dead give-away,' the surest evidence of their
>> > being fake:
>> >
>> > WHAT DO THEY NOT DO - that would be expected however,
>> > according to the purposes they want to be admired for and
>> > that they get supported by you for:
>> >
>> > Why is Seinfeld NOT on the street demonstrating
>> > against 'Scientology?'
>> >
>> > Why is Amnesty International NOT demonstrating
>> > against the concentration camps in China?
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > They are a very strange, evil lot, the 'Scientology' "critics"
>> > 'mafia'
>> > - characterized best by Arnie Lerma's enforcement of evil,** that
>> >
>> > as
>> > these 'fight for your cause'." **
>> >
>> > By definition, however, the vilest criminals, like Frederic
>> > Rice for instance, DO act AGAINST your cause - always, no
>> > matter what they are engaged in "to assist you."
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Of course, it is exactly the same if not much worse, in
>> > 'Scientology,'
>> > where
>> >
>> > (should you be even vaguely aware of him, of)
>> >
>> > l. ron hubbard, as long as he 'fights for your cause'."
>> >
>> > And so, Solicitor Mr. Stephen Bird, "fighting for the
>> > Greenfields School" near East Grinstead, Sussex, UK, is
>> > really getting all the children there
>> >
>> > indoctrinated, that 'the most evil individual known on
>> > Earth, l. ron hubbard, "is the best educator and best
>> > friend children can have"...'
>> >
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Thus the 'Scientology'-"critics"-'mafia,' is (that clique, that is)
>> > immersed in the same ideology and intentions as 'Scientology'
>> > itself, in the Energy of l. ron hubbard, (or the Energy of 'Satan'
>> > if you like to call him that, and not without reason):
>> >
>> >
>> > to persistently oppose any sane and factual and vital data
>> > about people and about life.
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > Now you know, why these oppose me and try to destroy, to block and to
>> > deny my communication to others.
>> >
>> > KNT hrp&p
>> >
>> > _________
>> > Footnotes:
>> >
>> > * 'Describe your JOY of being, somehow, as Evil, as mean,
>> > as repulsive, as treacherous, as deceptive and destructive, as
>> > l. ron hubbard ('Scientology')' - (Version 4)
>> > (13 April 2008)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/2415b12e1225ca42
>> >
>> > ** 'The Criminal Lerma Doctrine'
>> > (13 February 2004)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.true-crime/msg/c2462cde24bf644a
>> >
>> > '
>> >
>> > _______________
>> > More References:
>> >
>> > (just a random pick, a few days in February 2004, gives)
>> >
>> > 'Know More About 'Scientology' Than 'Scientologists' Themselves
>> > - The Bliss Of Being Made Blind To Evil Forever'
>> > (23 February 2004 - Version 1.31 beta on 24 Mar 2004)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/us.taxes/msg/4fb4cce0cffa353b
>> >
>> > 'Criminal Minds attack the most expert exposure of 'Scientology'
>> > - and so do Destructive Cowards'
>> > (19 February 2004 - Version 2.0 on 21 Feb 2004)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.true-crime/msg/6dff08d455e70809
>> >
>> > 'ALL 'Scientology "O.T." ' And ALL 'freezone' "Upper Level Data"
>> > Are Completely False'
>> > (15 February 2004)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.religion/msg/896eecc8039150e8
>> >
>> > 'Deeply Black PR - How l. ron hubbard Sucks Away Your Life
>> > Energy
>> > - (one of the many ways 'Scientologists' are trained to use)'
>> > (14 February 2004)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.religion.wicca/msg/458fcc4d4fb5b20a
>> >
>> > 'ALL The 'Experts' Are Entirely Too Cowardly To Face The Extreme
>> > Ugliness And Viciously Deceptive Nature Of l. ron hubbard'
>> > (13 February 2004)
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.true-crime/msg/99d9e32eaf186984
>> >
>> >
>> >

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Copyright conditions as usual ('learnware')


On Fri, 23 May 2008 15:42:02 -0400, Ray O'Hara wrote:

> "Leonardo Been" <leonardo_been@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:pan.2008.
> > What is the difference between a good Scientologist and a good Nazi?
> >
> > '
> >
> > ...half a century.
> scientology is weird but it is a far cry from the nazies.

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