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Betraying Myanmar's people: Cowards like K~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 16-05-08 09:49

Cowards face not the vile and malicious Hu Jintao and his pet states
of evil to people - such a Myanmar's "government"

16 May 2008
{HRI note 20080516-V1.0}

(view Summary
by skipping

(suitable for foreign
language students)


Government is just government, it is caring for people, and there is
no 'other' system of government.


While there is no "other system of government," there IS Hu Jintao's
JOY of oppressing and dominating and lying to and hiding from people.

This I have explained to you very extensively and very precisely
in many HRI's.


Now what is China's Hu Jintao (or Russia's Putin) going to do, when
you "invade" Myanmar (Burma) to help the people there, and leave
again (as you did in Indonesia's tsunami disaster, too)

- is he, Hu Jintao going to throw Atom bombs at you, or telling the
world "how evil you are," and, that "you are hurting your friendly
relations with China,"




You are such abominably, stupidly cowards,

drenched - almost drowned - by Criminal heads of state in THEIR
medieval, Dark Age ideas of "politics"

(of 'playing territory and domination' - an extremely
Insane, highly Criminal activity and concept)

but THAT does not handle Hu Jintao nor any other Criminal Mind.


What ONLY DOES handle a Criminal Mind, is refusing at ALL times and
constantly, (you must refuse ALWAYS) what he wants. (see enclosed




Now... what do YOU want, that I do, when YOU are the cyclone victim,
in Myanmar?

Should I tell you:

'Sorry, I will let you suffer or die, because I am such a
terrible coward, and China's Hu Jintao does not like me or
anyone, to help you

- because you happen to live in one of his pet states of total



You are however such FANTASTIC, such intensely stupid, despicable

- when you (or Mr. Admiral Keating *) are allowing suffering
that you (or he) can INSTANTLY relieve, with the flick of a
wrist, practically, BUT WHICH YOU DO (which he does) NOT,

"because the vilest Criminal Mind, Hu Jintao, wants you (wants
Keating* and Rice** and Bush) NOT to stand up to his, China's
Hu Jintao's evil nature and character."




Of course, ALL Criminal Minds want that you are a Coward, *(3) that
'you (and they) do NOT stand up to but do COMPLY WITH THEIR EVIL'

which evil of theirs to people, they then present to you as 'the
reverse of what it is,' calling it "law, police, sovereignty, etc."


because these Criminal Minds give the OPPOSITE names or
words, to what you actually do observe is there:

"Do no evil" - well, they just call it "law, and
lawful police actions" "that are necessary to protect
all people and to ensure stability" - and then they
demand that you comply with that, "because it is not
evil but good."





Now what is China's Hu Jintao going to do, when you "invade" Myanmar (Burma) to help the people there, and leave again - as you did in
Indonesia's and India's tsunami-disaster areas:

Is he, Hu Jintao, going to throw Atom bombs at you, or will he
tell the world "how evil you are for helping people in great

and will he say, that "you are hurting your friendly relations
with China"


He, Hu Jintao, certainly would LIKE to, but very certainly
he can not do so at all...



You are such abominably, STUPIDLY,* NAIVE 'Keatings'* and 'Rices'**
- excuse me - you are such abominably, stupidly, naive COWARDS, is
what I mean, of course...


(*) Coward "good Timothy" Keating: "I will never, never even DROP
(from the air) any food or other help (for the victims in Myanmar)
WITHOUT the express permission of the [utterly Insane, violently
malicious] 'leadership' of Myanmar." *(1)

That's Mr. Admiral Keating's "definition" of "being good," who is
"fully trusted by George Bush," and who is as naively "supported"
by Condoleeza Rice. *(2)


(**) Coward "naive Condoleeza" Rice: 'We will wait with transferring
our help from our ships to the people of Myanmar, till the
Myanmar "government" "sees this as a humanitarian cause and not
as political."

"Naive Condoleeza" further: "We never give up hope, in this profession, even after decades of continuous failure" ["we will not go and look what we actually did wrongly AND WILL NEVER REMEDY that, nor study the Human Rights Issues, by which these things ARE solved."]


(1) 'Admiral Timothy Keating "pleads" with Myanmar's military junta "government"
CBS News video clip for instance at Yahoo! : javascript:void(window.open('http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/ynews?ch=4226714&cl=7836369&lang=en','playerWindow','width=793,height=608,scrollbars=no'));

(2) http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/main500251.shtml?channel=/sections/world/videoplayer202.shtml
"Rice Heads To The Middle East"s - Play Video -
'Condoleeza Rice believes Middle East peace is possible.
She talks to Maggie Rodriguez about her trip and also about
China and Myanmar relief efforts.'




I wrote earlier:

(posted with Subject: (rev 3.0) Enforcing the First Law of
Human Rights, ALSO applies to George 'Washington' Bush:
Never do, what Hu Jintao wants, AND make his blackmail and
motives public - {HRI note 20080323-V3.0} )

Criminal Heads of State ARE a blackmailing, extorting 'mafia'

23 March 2008
{HRI note 20080323-V3.0}

(Version 3.0
on 25 Mar 2008)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(View Summary
by skipping


"If you defend yourself against us, we will be MORE evil to you."

That's how a Criminal Mind and any slave master thinks.

"Slaves must NOT hear nor talk about democracy nor about having
human rights,"

"else they would become free."

"People are either masters,"

"having to control and master others,"

"or they are slaves,"

"having to be mastered and be controlled."


That's how Criminal Minds really feel and really think and really act.


That's how Hu Jintao thinks and lives, as well as the previous slave
masters of China, Jiang Zemin, and Mao Zedong thin and feel and live.

It's how the Chinese "government" thinks and acts - as you saw
now once again even in your own newspaper.


That's also how Putin thinks and feels and lives, that's how Castro
and Chavez think and live, that's how the dictators in Iran and in
Syria, live. And that's how all the other dictators - kept in place
and supported BY Putin and Hu Jintao - think and feel and act.


You ALSO have to enforce the First Law of Human Rights (FLOHR) onto
them, of course.

In the particular case, you, and that ALSO means president George
'Washington' Bush, DO apply it as follows:

Never do, what Hu Jintao, the intensely evil "leader" of China,
does want and does intend and does secretly do.

More, in:

'Criminal Heads of State ARE a blackmailing, extorting 'mafia' '
{HRI 20080323-V5.1}
(23 March 2008 - Version 5.1 on 27 Mar 2008)




(I quote from FLOHR)

The First Law of Human Rights (FLOHR)

1 June 2006
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.2}

(Version 3.1.2
on 31 Dec 2007)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(View Summary
by skipping


Do not envy wicked individuals,
do not desire their company;

for their hearts
plot violence,
and their lips talk
about making trouble.

King Solomon
Proverbs 24:1



The First Law of Human Rights:

Do not do what a Criminal Mind wants.



You can put this in slightly different words and emotions:

Avoid doing what a Criminal Mind wants.

Never do that, what Criminal Minds want of you.

Refuse to do what a Criminal Mind wants.


If you are attacked by a Criminal Mind,
NEVER do what he or she wants, already
from the very beginning:

ALL their requests or demands are ONLY
to bring you into a position where
you can be more easily or more severely

They have no conscience AND they
ENJOY to harm you.

You can't and must not reason with
them - they want the opposite of


This applies at any level, whether you are the
president of a country, or simply a pedestrian
in the street,

also at your work place, your school,
in your family, or when you are just
standing or sitting in (the train of)
the subway, the underground, or the metro:



with all your Energy, that means - and
do not give any of your Energy to, do
not give any agreement to, but block

any approach of a Criminal Mind towards you,

because that stops or blocks their evil
impulse. *(0)


On the other hand, the action of YOU
approaching THEM,

IF you are strong and perceptive
enough and in a position or in
circumstances where you can defend
yourself and bystanders, then

YOU approaching THEM, knowing and perceiving
they ARE Criminal Minds, *(0)

and not approaching because THEY want
you to approach or when THEY trick you
into approaching, but,

you are OPPOSING what they would want
or are likely to want,

it is a complete disagreement with

which radiates at them, that they will
have no chance with you - and so your
doing that,

will also block their evil impulses for that time.


ALL communications from a Criminal Mind, are attacks on you

- no matter how "friendly" and "helpful" they are,

- no matter how "reasonable" their requests or demands are:

Any and all, even the tiniest communication from a Criminal
Mind, IS an attack on you and on others.

That is due to their nature, due to the extent of the
damage inflicted irreparably on their soul.

Treat their communications like that, and you will do well and
protect others - which is in accordance with 'Your Role on
Earth.' *(17)

DON'T and you will fail and succumb, and others in your
care, will too.




Quoted from:

'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.1.2 on 31 Dec 2007)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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