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Worldwide Coal Shortage
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 08-04-08 11:37

Arch Coal CEO Sees Worldwide Coal Shortage.

Global coal supply will fall short by up to 35 million tons in 2008 and the deficit is set to grow
going forward, ensuring that prices remain strong, the CEO of coal miner Arch Coal said on Monday.

"We estimate that global supply of coal will be short between 25 and 35 million tons this year,"
Steve Leer told analysts at an energy conference.
The estimate differs from one given in March, in which Leer said Arch Coal estimated the world would
be between 30 and 40 million tons short of coal this year.

"We will end up using more and more coal going forward," he told analysts at the April 6-10 Howard
Weil Energy Conference in New Orleans.
He said very strong international markets were leading a strong domestic market.

Big Profit Jump Seen.

Arch Coal expects big growth in per-share earnings this year, Leer said.
Earnings per share were seen coming in at $2.00 to $2.50 in 2008, up sharply from $1.21 last year,
Leer said at the presentation.

Nu skal man ikke forveksle 'Coal Shortage' mangel på kul,
med at der ikke er kul i jorden, der må være tale om 'Rate of Extraction'
der ikke kan følge med efterspørgelsen.

Jan Rasmussen

Jan Rasmussen (09-04-2008)
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 09-04-08 10:21

"Jan Rasmussen" <1@1.1> skrev i en meddelelse news:47fb4a68$0$15898$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> http://www.cnbc.com/id/23998647

> Arch Coal CEO Sees Worldwide Coal Shortage.
> Global coal supply will fall short by up to 35 million tons in 2008 and the deficit is set to
> grow.

Nippon Steel to accept BHP Billiton's 200 percent coal price hike.

TOKYO, Apr. 6, 2008 -- Nippon Steel Corp. is expected to agree to a proposed 200 percent increase in
coking coal prices by Anglo-Australian resource company BHP Billiton (NYSE:BHP) Ltd. for fiscal
2008, the Nikkei reported at the weekend, without citing sources.

The hike, the first in three years, will push the price Nippon Steel pays for the material from $98
a ton to around $300 a ton, the business daily said.

Other steelmakers, including JFE Steel Corp., a unit of JFE Holdings Inc. and Sumitomo Metal
Industries Ltd., are expected to agree to the same price hike.

Major miners such as Anglo-Australian giant Rio Tinto Ltd. are also likely to implement similar
price hikes, the report said.

Because Japan imports nearly 7.5 million tons of coking coal each year, the price hike will push up
sector-wide costs by about 1.5 trillion yen. ($1 = 101.48 yen).


Steel is essential to everyday life – cars, trains, buildings, ships, bridges, refrigerators,
medical equipment,
for example, are all made with steel.

Coal is essential for iron and steel production; some 66% of steel production worldwide comes from
iron made in blast furnaces which use coal. World crude steel production was 1129 million tonnes in
2005, using
around 664 million tons of coal.

Jan Rasmussen

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