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Hvordan fobi mod urin er opstået
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 08-02-08 19:05

Hvordan fobi mod urin er opstået

Da stenaldermænd begyndte at flytte sammen i byer, har man ofte bemærket
naboers urinlugt og da denne er skabt til at frastøde som
territorialafmærkning er det blevet et statussymbol, især for kvinder, at
være ydmyg og lugtløs.

De der ikke levede op til forskruede psykotiske idealer, lagt for had .

Da folk elsker at hade afvigende mindretal, har man når lyst til mobning
blev stærk, gjort de , der var mindst lugtffri, til en udstødt gruppe.

Intolerancen svarer helt til den, der rettedes mod jøder og bøsser engang.

Early man has been as hostile against minorities as Europeans has been
lately againt Jews and Homosexuals and if somebody happened to be slightly
smelling of urine, it was called a hygienic problem.

This is a gigantic lie , since no epidemic has ever been caused by urine.

The problem is used as a kind of torture against old age pensioners with an
incontinence problem.

They are made to feel shame, and when in institution, and they need to go to
toilet during the night, the professionals are not always in a hurry
leaving their coffee and helping them

2 year ago an old lady died after having been tied to the toilet and

A widespread problem is people falling at the floor in the dark when going
to toilet during the night. Often bones are broken when such fall, and the
old person dies soon.

My parents died after an hour and after 2 months, respectively, when having
falled this way.

Therefore I suggested in an article in Danish Weekly Journal of Medicine
that a beaker/container with a lid is placed close to the bed and into this
is urinating taking place, and next day somebody pours the content of the
beaker into the toilet or garden.

EU and USA are backwards compared to China that has special cloths for kids
that cannot take off pants themselves when goint to latrine

The cloth has slit under the crotch, and when the child spreads its legs, no
soiling of the cloths takes place, while the excrements pass through the

I experiment with similar (but improvised) arrangements in my garden during
the summer, and I find out where no smell is registered by anybody, say in
the shadow of trees.

I believe that being against nudity is a harmful mental disease, and one of
the reasons to take this position is, that several diseases , .g. cronic
diarrea, would not exist, if we were as clever as the animals

A psychosis worse than most phobias and paranoia is being spread by the
Western advertisement and intolerance - the Chinese therefore are adopting
Western diapers , which are hostile to the kids, and are abandoning their
clever kindergarden-uniforms, that have a slit to make it easy for the child
to avoid soiling their cloths, when urinating. og producing faeces.

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