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Never Mind - Junk Science and All That
Fra : Rado

Dato : 12-01-08 13:47

Tom Bearden har lige skrevet en sjov artikel hvor han ironiserer over
termodynamikkens finurligheder. Her er et par udvalgte citater:

Of Course "Work" and "Entropy" Are Already Completely Understood

One crackpot has even "defined" work as the change of form of
energy, due to the conservation of energy law itself. This nut insists
that, when work is done, the energy still remains but is just changed
in form, and it may or may not be lost to the system! Why, everyone
knows that energy that does work is always dissipated and totally
leaves the system, and therefore is nonrecoverable by that system!
This crackpot has even stated that there is no "conservation of
work" law, but only a conservation of energy law stating that the
energy can change form but never be lost. This of course is the height
of idiocy! The energy that does the work is lost from the system, of
course - that's what the concept of "production of entropy" is all
about! Never mind that, using this well-known conventional approach,
then the universe is continually losing energy as it (the universe)
performs work! Never mind that the telescopes reveal that the kinetic
energy of the universe is apparently increasing, because the galaxies
are accelerating apart from each other and that acceleration is
increasing! That's obviously just an accident of our telescopes.


The Insane Notion that Conservation of Energy Can Be Violated

One thing that every student in our universities knows full well
is that the conservation of energy law is sacrosanct. Never mind that
the noted mathematician Hilbert mistakenly pointed out in 1917 that
general relativity allows violation of conservation of energy and
conservation of momentum laws. Understandably Hilbert must just have
had a "very bad day". We of course must also completely disregard the
inane comment along the same lines by Logunov and Loskutov. And we
must remain firm in upholding conservation of energy, even though
eminent physicists such as Sir Roger Penrose still erroneously state
its violation due to general relativity and also point out how
physicists go to tortuous length to step around the problem and avoid
it. Everyone knows that such folks as Hilbert and Penrose must have
been - or are - simply lacking in their knowledge and perspective.

The Perpetual Motion Nuts Will Not Give Up

Even though infuriating, it's laughable that this seeming loss of
sanity by the crackpot inventors and perpetual motion nuts continues
to occur, over and over. Fortunately, our watchdog serious Skeptics
continue to castigate such ridiculous non-science, which is more
appropriately called "perpetual motion machines" and "nonsense".
Again, never mind that perpetual motion is Newton's first law of
motion. Everyone knows that, if in deep space if we place an object
into motion, then it will remain in that state of motion indefinitely
(perpetually), unless and until an external force comes along and
interacts to change it, but of course that is just a casual
Never mind that the crackpots stupidly point out that, without
the perpetual motion principle, all motion would be chaotic a priori,
and so our ordered macroscopic world could not even exist because all
macroscopic order would be destroyed. They are simply deluded.
And never mind that a superconducting current evoked in a closed
superconducting loop will slowly decay over an infinite time, and that
its "half value" point is estimated by our solid state physicists in
standard textbooks at some 1023 years. Why, that is many, many orders
of magnitude longer than the accepted present age of the universe,
which is only about 14 billion years! And never mind that eminent
scientists and Nobelists such as Feynman have pointed out that such a
superconducting current just runs forever. Even eminent scientists and
Nobelists have their moments of silliness!



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