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Prepare for Leopard with New Take Control ~
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 18-10-07 13:27


Her er noget, der måske kan være en hjælp ved opgradering fra tidl.
system til Leopard.

Adam Engst og Joe Kissell har været hurtige...

Adam Engst wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Now that Apple has finally let the cat out of the bag by announcing
> that Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard will be available on October 26th, we're
> pleased to announce the immediate availability of our early-bird
> edition of "Take Control of Upgrading to Leopard."
> <http://www.takecontrolbooks.com/leopard-upgrading.html?14@@!
> Written by Joe Kissell (author of our previous "Take Control of
> Upgrading to..." titles), this ebook walks you through the prep steps
> that help guarantee a trouble-free Leopard installation. In
> particular, the early-bird edition helps you evaluate if your current
> Mac will run Leopard well, how to make an appropriate backup in case
> of installation problems, smart ways to clear disk clutter and
> unnecessary files, and whether you should rethink your partitioning
> scheme. It also comes with a free update to the full edition of the
> ebook, which you can download as soon as Apple releases Leopard by
> clicking the starburst on the first page of the ebook. The full
> edition, which is based on countless hours of testing and innumerable
> installations, will offer detailed advice on every aspect of
> installation, based on Joe's meticulous research.
> We're also pleased to announce that you can now pre-order Matt
> Neuburg's "Take Control of Customizing Leopard," which you can
> purchase either by itself or in a discounted bundle (save 25%) with
> "Take Control of Upgrading to Leopard." You'll receive just the
> cover, but by clicking the red starburst on it, you can download the
> full ebook as soon as Apple releases Leopard (and our non-disclosure
> agreement is lifted). In this book, you'll find help with customizing
> Leopard, with a special emphasis on new tweaks to old features and on
> new features, such as Spaces and Time Machine.
> <http://www.takecontrolbooks.com/leopard-customizing.html?14@@!
> For those who want to save even more money on a bunch of Leopard
> titles with only one trip through our cart, you can now purchase our
> "I Love Leopard" bundle (save 30% or $16.50) from the left side of
> either of the "Upgrading" or the "Customizing" Web pages. This bundle
> includes the early-bird edition of "Upgrading," and you'll be
> pre-ordering these "Take Control of... in Leopard" ebooks:
> "Customizing," "Sharing Files," "Fonts," and "Users & Accounts." We
> expect to have these ebooks available on (or shortly after) October
> 26th.
> Take Control began with the excitement of releasing Panther-related
> ebooks at the exact moment Apple released Mac OS X 10.3 Panther in
> 2003, and it has been quite a ride for us since then. Thanks to each
> of you for your support and comments - we couldn't do it without you!
> cheers... -Adam & Tonya Engst
> PS: We've already sent email to owners of previous editions of
> "Upgrading" and "Customizing" who agreed to be contacted, to let them
> know about a 20% discount on each individual title (note that buying
> one of our bundles gives you a better discount than upgrading each
> title individually). If you didn't receive a message, click the Check
> for Updates button on the first page of your ebook to access the 20%
> discount. If you have an old copy of a Panther title and thus no
> button, contact us. (We'll notify owners of previous editions of the
> other Leopard-related ebooks as the full versions of those ebooks are
> actually released.)
> PPS: You received this note because you either subscribed to the Take
> Control Announcements list or selected the "Notify me of new Take
> Control books via email" checkbox when placing an order. If you wish
> to unsubscribe, use the link below.
> --
> Click the link below to manage your subscriptions.
> http://emperor.tidbits.com/webx?unsub@@.3c4b9ed2!u=307415db

Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<mac-man_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

Henrik Münster (19-10-2007)
Fra : Henrik Münster

Dato : 19-10-07 00:07

Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> Her er noget, der måske kan være en hjælp ved opgradering fra tidl.
> system til Leopard.
> Adam Engst og Joe Kissell har været hurtige...

Jeg har købt den. Jeg kunne sikkert godt klare mig uden, men jeg synes
bare, at alt fra holdet bag TidBITS er så fantastisk velskrevet. Jeg vil
derfor gerne støtte dem, så jeg har købt mange af deres e-bøger.
Jeg stødte første gang på Adam C. Engst, da jeg købte mit første
modem i 1996. Der fulgte hans bog Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
(ISKM) med. Det var en fantastisk indføring i internettet, hvor man
lærte historien og idéen bag det hele. Jeg har ikke læst hele bogen, men
næsten. Den var vist på 900 sider, og man skulle over halvvejs, før man
overhovedet prøvede at komme på nettet. Meget har ændret sig siden. Hvem
bruger f.eks. Gopher i dag? Der er såmænd heller ikke mange, der bruger
nyhedsgrupper. Når man taler med folk i almindelighed, møder man aldrig
nogen, der bruger dem.
Henrik Münster

Ukendt (19-10-2007)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 19-10-07 07:56

On 2007-10-19 01:06:43 +0200, news@muenster.dk (Henrik Münster) said:
> Der er såmænd heller ikke mange, der bruger
> nyhedsgrupper. Når man taler med folk i almindelighed, møder man aldrig
> nogen, der bruger dem.

Nyhedsgrupper? Hvad er det?

Med venlig hilsen
Thomas Schreiber

min blog - http://macfly.dk
min photoblog - http://thsch.com

Martin Bredthauer (19-10-2007)
Fra : Martin Bredthauer

Dato : 19-10-07 09:33

Henrik Münster <news@muenster.dk> wrote:

> Den var vist på 900 sider, og man skulle over halvvejs, før man
> overhovedet prøvede at komme på nettet.

Ja, er det ikke noget med at de fleste forfattere i US bliver aflønnet
pr. side de skriver? Mange amerikanske bøger er i hvert fald så "lange i
spyttet" at det vigtige mistes i sumpen af ligegyldigheder.

Ellers er jeg enig i anbefalingen af TidBITS e-bøger de stykker jeg har
læst (om Garageband) har faktisk været kortfattet og brugsorienteret.

Mvh Martin
mailto://spam@talentmedia.dk | AIM://mbredthauer
Hvis det eneste værktøj man har er en hammer, ligner alle problemer søm!

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